scholarly journals Annual yield and botanical composition of four dryland grass species with or without nitrogen over six years

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
Marcus Talamini Junior ◽  
Shirin Sharifiamina ◽  
Elsa Axelle David ◽  
Annamaria Mills ◽  
Derrick Jan Moot

Nitrogen (N) and water availability affect pasture production and persistence. Yield and botanical composition of four monocultures of brome (BR), cocksfoot (CF), perennial ryegrass (RG) and tall fescue (TF) were evaluated with (+N) or without (-N) N at Ashley Dene farm, Canterbury, over six growth seasons from establishment in 2014/15 (Year 1) to 2019/20 (Year 6). Total annual yields ranged from 2.04 (RG-N; Year 1) to 12.7 t DM/ha/yr (CF+N; Year 3). Yields differed among species in Years 1, 3, 4 and 6 when TF pastures had the lowest production. There was no difference in DM production from BR, CF and RG pastures. Additionally, +N pastures produced ~55% more yield than –N pastures in Years 3 and 5 when spring/summer rainfall was adequate to maintain growth. Sown grasses accounted for >89% of total DM yield in Years 1 and 2 but the proportion of total annual DM production from sown species declined from Year 3. By Year 6, sown species accounted for 48±3.3 (TF) to 64±3.3% (BR, CF and RG) of total annual DM production. Generally, TF failed to perform in this dryland environment. In contrast, the production and persistence of the other three species were not different when subjected to water deficits alone.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
Tom Maxwell ◽  
Grant Edwards ◽  
Katherine Tozer ◽  
Gerald Cosgrove

Persistence is an important component of perennial pasture-grass productivity. Defining traits that affect persistence is essential for improving pasture longevity through plant breeding and for identifying persistence traits that should be included in cultivar ranking indices. Compared with conventional longitudinal studies, where a single sowing is monitored over time, repeated annual sowings allow the effects on persistence of sowing year and the ensuing interactions between environment and age of pasture to be identified. An experiment was commenced in 2015 under sheep grazing in Canterbury and in 2016 under cattle grazing in Waikato, where eight cultivars of perennial ryegrass representing different ploidy, flowering date, and cultivar age (release date), and one cultivar each of tall fescue and cocksfoot were sown in four randomised complete blocks in autumn each year. This paper reports interim data on spring and autumn pasture yield, composition, and density of 3-year-old, 2-year-old and 1-year-old pastures exposed to the same environmental conditions within the same, single year. There were significant effects on yield, botanical composition, basal cover and tiller density due to cultivar, pasture age, and their interaction. When the confounding effect of year-to-year variation was removed by comparing each age cohort in the same year, the underlying differences among grass species and cultivars, and ages of pasture, is starting to reveal the nature of this influence on pasture persistence.

1982 ◽  
Vol 99 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-161 ◽  
D. A. Davies ◽  
T. E. H. Morgan

SUMMARYHerbage characteristics of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and timothy (Phleum pratense L.) pastures were obtained whilst rotationally grazed by ewes and their single lambs at a fixed stocking rate of 25/ha on an upland site (305 m O.D.) in mid-Wales. Drymatter production of cocksfoot averaged 32·1 kg/ha/day over the 3-year duration of the trial (1975·7) and was 13·3 kg/ha/day lower than that of the other three grass species. This resulted in a 8 kg/ha/day reduction in dry-matter intake on cocksfoot; this was significantly lower (P < 0·05) than that achieved on the other grasses, which were similar to one another around 36 kg/ha/day.In vitro digestibility of the herbage ranked in the order perennial ryegrass > timothy = cocksfoot > tall fescue. Intake of digestible organic matter (DOMI) was lower on cocksfoot than on perennial ryegrass and timothy. Differences were also detected in crude protein, water-soluble carbohydrates and sodium composition between species.Dry-matter intake was positively correlated with herbage growth rates (r = 0·95, P < 0·001) but not to digestibility of herbage on offer (r = 0·18). Both ewe and lamb live-weight gains were positively related to intake of dry matter and DOMI.Reference is made to comparative yield data between the grasses obtained under cutting trials. In the 2nd and 3rd harvest years (1967–1967) growth rates in the grazing experiment were 76, 61, 81 and 80% of the 66·2, 66·7, 67·8 and 65·0 kg D.M./ha/day obtained under a cutting regime on perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, tall fescue and timothy swards respectively. This illustrates the danger involved in assessing the potential of grasses based on such information.The results are discussed in relation to the value of the species for use under grazing in the uplands.

2018 ◽  
pp. 169-176
Thomas M R Maxwell ◽  
Grant R Edwards ◽  
Gerald P Cosgrove

A long-term pasture persistence trial, consisting of repeated annual sowings, commenced in Canterbury in 2015 and is planned to continue until 2024. Preliminary results of the first 3 years sowings are reported. Each annual sowing used the same randomised block design of eight perennial ryegrass cultivars, one tall fescue and one cocksfoot cultivar, replicated four times. Grasses were drilled into a cultivated seedbed in autumn, with white clover broadcast-sown, then rolled with a Cambridge roller. Except for one 3-week spell in spring and in autumn to accumulate herbage to measure DM yield, botanical composition, morphology and sward density, plots were continuously stocked with sheep to maintain a 3-8 cm sward height from late-August to late-May. Results from the first 12 months following each of the three annual sowings (2015, 2016 and 2017) indicate establishment year had a greater influence on DM yield, botanical composition, grass leaf and stem proportions, and basal cover than did grass species or cultivar. Accumulating data from successive annual sowings and continued monitoring of each will help identify the long-term effect and difference between establishment years, as well as grass persistence traits for inclusion in the Forage Value Index ranking of perennial ryegrass cultivars.

2013 ◽  
Vol 64 (7) ◽  
pp. 673 ◽  
G. N. Ward ◽  
S. G. Clark ◽  
G. A. Kearney ◽  
M. R. McCaskill ◽  
M. C. Raeside ◽  

Improved dryland pastures for sheep and beef cattle production in south-western Victoria are typically based on summer-dormant cultivars of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) or phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L.). These are highly productive in spring but exhibit low accumulation rates over summer–autumn. Summer-active perennial pasture species could potentially alleviate this summer–autumn feed gap. Three pasture systems that used different pastures on each of the three landscape classes (crest, slope, and valley floor) were compared over 4 years. The perennial ryegrass system (henceforth Ryegrass) had a different ryegrass cultivar on each landscape class. The Triple system used lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) (crest), perennial ryegrass (slope), and summer-active tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb) Darbysh.) (valley floor). The Novel system used chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) (crest), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) or hybrid ryegrass (L. × boucheanum Kunth.) (slope), and kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. ex Chiov.) (valley floor). The pastures were grazed by either one (in the case of the Novel system) or three (in the case of the Ryegrass and Triple systems) animal systems that varied over the life of the experiment. Total annual herbage accumulation of the Ryegrass and Triple systems did not differ. The Novel system consistently had lower total annual dry matter accumulation than the other two systems. Lucerne pastures generally had the highest accumulation rates over summer, followed by the chicory pastures. The kikuyu pastures responded well to summer rainfall but otherwise had similar accumulation rates to the perennial ryegrass and tall fescue pastures over summer. Tall fescue pastures grew well in autumn following wet summers. In spring the perennial ryegrass pastures based on Fitzroy or Avalon were highly productive but seldom grew faster than other pastures. The results support the hypothesis that incorporating deep-rooted, summer-active perennial species will increase pasture production over summer–autumn compared with conventional pasture systems but not at the expense of winter–spring production.

1989 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 301 ◽  
WD Bellotti ◽  
GJ Blair

'Demeter' tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and 'Victorian' perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) were sown separately into a white clover (Trifolium repens L.) dominant pasture in June 1981. Eight sowing methods were compared to assess the ability of perennial grasses to establish from direct drill sowing methods relative to conventional seedbed and aerial sowing methods. Within direct drill treatments, two drill implements were factorially combined with three herbicide treatments. Pasture production and botanical composition were sampled over a 27 month period following sowing. After a dry summer, 22 months after sowing, sown grasses dominated pasture composition (69-94% of total dry matter yield) in the high yielding treatments. At this time, the successful direct drill treatments were similar in yield to the conventional seedbed treatment. Within direct drill treatments, sowing implement had little effect on yield and composition, whereas herbicide application markedly increased sown grass yield. Pre-sowing blanket application of herbicide in the triple disc treatment increased tall fescue yield from 82 to 1504 kg ha-1 and perennial ryegrass yield from 98 to 807 kg ha-1. An inverse relationship was described between dry matter present at sowing and eventual yield of sown grasses. These perennial grasses can be successfully established by using direct drill sowing methods provided resident vegetation is adequately suppressed.

T.J. Fraser ◽  
R.A. Moss ◽  
M.J. Daly ◽  
T.L. Knight

The effects of two contrasting forage supply options on forage and sheep production were evaluated on unirrigated farmlet systems at Winchmore, Mid-Canterbury. One option was based on perennial ryegrass pastures (Control), and the other (Improved) on hybrid ryegrass, tall fescue, and chicory pastures. All pasture types grew at similar low rates during winter but chicory grew more rapidly than the grasses during the summer droughts. The Control conserved more but required less conserved feed than the Improved system. Both had a feed deficit which averaged 23 and 42 kg DM/ewe respectively over the 2 years. The lambs on the Improved pastures grew more rapidly than the Controls throughout, exceeding the rate of the Controls by 142 and 165 g/head/day post-weaning in years 1 and 2 respectively. This resulted in considerably more lambs reaching target drafting weights on the Improved system, 92 vs. 53 and 97 vs. 58%, in years 1 and 2 respectively. This increased the income from lambs by $104 and $94/ ha in these years. Ewe liveweights were similar during pregnancy but differed during lactation and post-weaning at the end of which, ewes on Improved pastures were 6 and 4 kg heavier than the Controls in years 1 and 2 respectively. They consequently produced fleeces that were 10 and 12% heavier. The superior animal performance associated with the Improved system reflects higher pasture quality due to less endophyte and dead matter, and an increase in the proportion of the more nutritious components, legumes and chicory. Keywords: dryland, lamb production, pasture production, pasture quality, pasture species

J.H. Niezen ◽  
W.A.G. Charleston ◽  
J. Hodgson ◽  
T.S. Waghorn

Parasite epidemiology and lamb growth were investigated in a study involving four single-species swards (browntop, Yorkshire fog, perennial ryegrass and tall fescue). Lambs were set-stocked from December (weaning) to early June on 1 ha paddocks grazed to a constant height of approximately 5 cm by varying stock numbers (average 35 lambs/ha). Lambs were weighed and faecal sampled fortnightly and were either "suppression -drenched" fortnightly with ivermectin or "trigger- drenched" when any group mean egg count reached 1500 epg, at which time all groups were drenched. "Trigger-drenched" groups were treated on 4 occasions. At the end of the trial, suppressively drenched lambs on ryegrass were significantly heavier than those on the other grasses (P

2007 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 159 ◽  
A. R. Lawson ◽  
K. B. Kelly

A field experiment was established in northern Victoria in the autumn of 1999 to quantify the effects of renovating a 15-year-old, irrigated perennial pasture with a high paspalum content. The treatments were: (i) control, the existing pasture; (ii) oversown, the existing pasture grazed, topped and direct drilled; and (iii) resown, the existing pasture sprayed, cultivated and a new pasture sown. The grass species used in both renovation treatments were perennial ryegrass, Italian ryegrass and tall fescue. The treatments were grazed by dairy cows. The botanical composition, tiller density and plant frequency are reported in this paper. Oversowing with either perennial or Italian ryegrass increased the sown grass content by an average of 4–8% DM, and by up to 20% DM during winter and spring, but did not affect the average white clover, volunteer species or dead contents. Oversowing did not affect the sown grass or paspalum tiller densities but annual oversowing with either perennial or Italian ryegrass increased the ryegrass plant frequency and, in 2 of the 4 years, reduced the white clover growing point density. Resowing increased (P < 0.05) the content of sown grasses (by 12% DM for perennial ryegrass and by 20% DM for tall fescue) and white clover (by 8% DM) and decreased (P < 0.05) the content of volunteer species (by 18% DM) and, in years 1 and 2, dead material. The plant frequency of tall fescue increased over time (from 75 to 83% of quadrats), whereas that of perennial ryegrass declined (from 87 to 72% of quadrats). This resulted in the resown tall fescue having a lower (P < 0.05) white clover content and growing point density in years 3 and 4, and a tendency for a lower volunteer species content and tiller density in year 4, than the resown perennial ryegrass. Tall fescue is thus better able to resist the invasion of summer-active species and is less likely to require either oversowing or resowing than perennial ryegrass-based pastures. These results suggest that tall fescue should be considered as an alternative to perennial ryegrass when sowing pastures. The use of nitrogen did not improve the sown grass content, tiller density or plant frequency and will not therefore overcome problems resulting from a low ryegrass content.

Plants ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
pp. 227 ◽  
Perera ◽  
Cullen ◽  

Heat and drought are two major limiting factors for perennial pasture production in south eastern Australia. Although previous studies have focused on the effects of prolonged heat and drought stresses on pasture growth and physiology, the effects of short term recurring combined heat and drought stresses and the recovery from them have not been studied in detail. A controlled environment experiment was conducted to investigate the growth and physiological responses of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) plants exposed to two consecutive seven day heat (control = 25/15 °C day/night; moderate = 30/20 °C day/night and severe = 35/30 °C day/night) and/or drought stresses each followed by a seven day recovery period. During the first moderate and severe heat and drought treatments, maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm), cell membrane permeability and relative leaf water content decreased in chicory and tall fescue compared to perennial ryegrass and cocksfoot. However, during the second moderate heat and drought treatment, all species showed less reduction in the same parameters suggesting that these species acclimated to consecutive moderate heat and drought stresses. Chicory was the only species that was not affected by the second severe heat and drought stress while physiological parameters of all grass species were reduced closer to minimum values. Irrigation mitigated the negative effects of heat stress by cooling the canopies 1–3 °C below air temperatures with the most cooling observed in chicory. All the species exposed to moderate heat and drought were fully recovered and those exposed to severe heat and drought recovered partially at the end of the experiment. These findings suggest that chicory may be a potential species for areas subject to frequent heat and drought stress.

2007 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 259-262
K.N. Tozer ◽  
S. Ates ◽  
N.R. Mapp ◽  
M.C. Smith ◽  
R.J. Lucas ◽  

Pasture growth, botanical composition and sheep grazing preference were measured over 20 months in tall fescue (cultivar Advance), without endophyte (Nil) or infected with AR542 (MaxPTM) endophyte, and clover pastures sown into a dryland soil, Canterbury, New Zealand. Pastures were rotationally grazed with sheep, with grazing preference for the two endophyte treatments measured in late autumn and early spring. Annual dry matter production from April 2004 to April 2005 was not significantly different between AR542 (6293 kg DM/ha) and Nil (5864 kg DM/ha) tall fescue. The number of tall fescue plants/m2 and their basal diameter was greater for AR542 (35 plants/m2, 7.5 cm diameter) than Nil endophyte tall fescue (28 plants/m2, 6.8 cm diameter). AR542 endophyte tall fescue pastures had fewer weeds, mainly annual grasses, than Nil endophyte pastures throughout the trial. Grazing preference, measured by the number of sheep grazing each plot, and decline in pasture height did not differ between Nil and AR542 tall fescue. Keywords: tall fescue, novel endophyte, AR542, botanical composition, weed, grazing preference

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