scholarly journals Economic component in the field of livestock as a factor of formation of sustainable development in the context of rural areas

2020 ◽  
pp. 91-99
V. Moskalenko ◽  
V.P. Kolosha

The article deals with the problems of the influence of the livestock sector on the formation of sustainable development of rural areas. It is emphasized that currently global problems have formed in the world, namely: differentiation in living standards between developed countries and ‘third world’ countries, significant differentiation of income levels among most countries, environmental pollution, limited and reduced easily accessible natural resources, degradation of agricultural lands. Today, the principles of sustainable development are recognized as strategic directions for the development of the sector by the world’s leading countries. In the process of research, dialectical methods of cognition of processes and phenomena, monographic method (analysis of views on the concept of sustainable development), abstract-logical (theoretical generalizations and formulation of conclusions) were used. The article addresses the problems of the influence of the livestock sector on the formation of sustainable development of rural areas. A brief overview of approaches and principles for the interpretation of the concept of ‘sustainable development’ was conducted. It is noted that the current situation in rural areas is critical in terms of, first of all, social and environmental problems. The livestock sector should become one of the elements of their solution. It is noted that its development allows not only to diversify production, but also to improve the social situation and solve certain environmental problems. The authors give their own definition of rural development as a development that provides an increase in the level and quality of life of rural residents with the provision of their social needs and the ability to pass on the natural biodiversity of the respective areas to future generations. It is emphasized that this definition combines economic, social and environmental development.The key principles of the state policy in development of rural territories on the principles of susta­inable development with allocation of its constituent elements are formulated. Measures for sustainable development of rural areas through the support of the livestock sector as one of the components of agricultural production are proposed. It is noted that intensive production is possible today, provided that the optimal ratio of the structure of land use and the presence of the livestock sector in the structure of production is maintained.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-126
Марина Орап

У  статті  висвітлено  методологічні  та  практичні  засади  вивчення  онтогенезу  соціального  інтелекту. Складність вивчення даного соціально-психологічного феномену пов’язана із дотичністю його  до багатьох явищ, які описують умови успішності соціальної взаємодії особистості. Проаналізовано наявні  теоретичні   підходи   до   визначення   змісту   та   структури  соціального  інтелекту,   до   взаємозв’язку  останнього  з  іншими  видами  інтелекту.  Визначено,  що  дослідження  соціального  інтелекту  молодших  школярів слід здійснювати на основі розуміння останнього як здатності, що виникає на базі комплексу  інтелектуальних,   особистісних,   комунікативних   і   поведінкових   рис,   що   зумовлюють   прогнозування  розвитку  міжособистісних  ситуацій,  інтерпретацію  інформації  і  поведінки,  готовність  до  соціальної  взаємодії і прийняття рішень. Здійснене пілотажне емпіричне дослідження прогностичних можливостей  дітей  молодшого  шкільного  віку  продемонструвало  наявні  позитивні  кореляційні  зв’язки  між  рівнем  розвитку здатності до передбачення найбільш адекватного сценарію розвитку подій у соціальній ситуації  та рівнем розвитку мовленнєвого досвіду. Найбільш тісний взаємозв’язок виявлено між рівнем розвитку  здатності  передбачати  адекватну  вербальну  відповідь  у  ситуації  комунікації  та  рівнем  розвитку  мовленнєвої компетентності та мовленнєвої діяльності дітей молодшого шкільного віку. Таким чином,  були зроблені попередні висновки про наявність взаємозв’язку між мовленнєвим досвідом та прогностичним  можливостями у складі соціального інтелекту дитини молодшого шкільного віку The  article  outlines  the  methodological  and  practical  principles  of  studying  the  ontogenesis  of  social  intelligence. The complexity of studying this socio-psychological phenomenon is associated with its attractiveness to  many  phenomena  that  describe  the  conditions  for  the  successful  social  interaction.  The  existing  theoretical  approaches to the definition of the content and structure of social intelligence, to the interrelationship of it with  other types of intelligence are analyzed. It is determined that research of social intelligence of junior pupils should  be carried out on the basis of the understanding of this kind of intelligencer as an ability that based on a complex of  intellectual, personal, communicative and behavioral features. This complex predetermines the forecasting of the  development  of  interpersonal  situations,  the  interpretation  of  information  and  behavior,  readiness  for  social  interaction  and  decision-making.  The  research  of  the  prognostic  possibilities  of  primary  school  children  demonstrated the positive correlation between the level of development of the ability to predict the most adequate  scenario of the development of events in the social situation and the level of development of speech experience. The  closest relationship is found between the level of development of the ability to provide an adequate verbal response  in the context of communication and the level of development of speech competence and speech activity of children  of junior school age. Thus, was done a conclusion about the existence of a relationship between speech experience  and prognostic possibilities in the social intellect of a child of junior school age.   

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Ayman K. Abdelgadir ◽  
Omer A. Abu Elzein ◽  
Faris Hameed

Sustainable development and sustainable housing indicators are a response to the trend of adopting sustainable development objectives, adopted by most countries, especially developed and less developed countries. It is difficult to implement indicators developed for a developing country context in other contexts with different social, economic and environmental conditions. Social sustainability is the most important priority regarding evaluating the housing development projects in the developed and less developed countries. Economic conditions is linked in many aspects to the social sustainability indicators. Environmental indicators are important, but the less developed countries in general has a very low environmental foot prints, this is because the industry sector is usually week comparing to the developed countries. This paper reviews the sustainable housing indicators, with a focus on United Nations reports and indicators developed for contexts similar to study area, without ignoring the most reputable indicators developed for developing countries context. The research came with a set of indicators reflects the social priorities of the new housing development in Sudan. A questionnaire participants decided the relative important of each indicator and also the importance of the parameters of each indicator. Developing a set of social priorities for Sudan will give extra efficiency in promoting and assessing sustainability in the study area. Description of the questionnaire results which reflects the national social sustainable housing development priorities are discussed. The researches came with a set of recommendations to enhance the social aspects for new housing development projects in Sudan. Using this set of priorities and recommendations will give extra efficiency in promoting and assessing sustainability in the study area.

2020 ◽  
pp. 138-148
A.S. Ihnatchenko ◽  
B.L. Kovalov ◽  
S.M. Fedyna ◽  
A.G. Popova

The paper analyzes the meaning and essence of the term «environmental (green) investment». Summarizing the existing interpretations of the term «environmental (green) investment», the authors propose their own definition of environmental investment. The author’s interpretation of the term «environmental (green) investment» takes into account the social, economic and environmental spheres of sustainable development. The dominant author's interpretation of the term «environmental (green) investment» is investing in the greening of financial structures. The article summarizes and systematizes the classification of environmental (green) investments, which can be divided according to the scope of investment objects, the regional characteristics of the subjects of environmental investment, the term and method of investment. The authors have made recommendations for improving the environmental efficiency of the green economy in Ukraine.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 303
Prof. Vladimir Gorbanyov

<p><em>The report “Our Common Future” gives a definition of sustainable development. </em></p><p><em>In principle, the idea of sustainable development is extremely humane and noble, and it has no alternative. But at the same time this idea in the modern world looks very unrealistic. This is more a slogan than a scientific concept. Sustainable development of our planet is a global process, it is an ideal, because our planet is a single balanced geoecological system. However, today theoretically sustainable development can be achieved only in a small number of highly developed post-industrial countries. In developing countries, unfortunately, there can be no question of sustainable development. In other words, at the global level, it is not possible to achieve sustainable development in the near future.</em></p><p><em>There can be no sustainable development in a single country. But this does not mean that all countries without exception do not need to implement environmental protection activity. On the contrary, it is necessary to carry out such activities everywhere. But this will not be sustainable development, this will be local measures for the rational use of nature. But all these measures are of a local nature, they will not become global, which means that this will not be a sustainable development.</em></p><p><em>However, the term “sustainable development” has gained wide popularity, is humane in nature, so it may remain, but we should remember that this is just a conditional term, and in fact it is a rational use of nature on a local level.</em></p><p><em>Examples of sustainable development strategies and projects in a number of countries are given. It is shown that most of these projects are in essence projects on rational nature use in individual regions. The other part which concerns global problems, can be implemented only by developed countries, they also cannot be sustainable development projects.</em></p>

2007 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 213-224
Indrė Gražulevičiūtė-Vileniškė ◽  
Vilma Karvelytė-Balbierienė

Rural areas cover the largest part of the territory of Lithuania as well as that of the whole Europe. Rural settlements are also the most abundant category in the settlement system of the country. Therefore, their social, economic, and cultural viability- as well as ecologic sustainability playan important role striving towards the goals of sustainable development. During the last years projects promoting various aspects of sustainability are implemented not only in large cities and towns, but also in smaller municipalities, nevertheless many rural settlements still are not influenced by these trends. The tendency of decrease of the population of the country, emigration, migration of young and qualified persons to larger cities and towns, poverty and unemployment cause the threat to the most fragile elements of the rural settlement system, such as steadings, manor residencies and ethnographic village settlements. In order to stop these processes it is necessary to search for means to sustain the social and economic viability of rural settlements. During the last decade significant role of cultural heritage in implementing strategies of sustainable development was universally recognized. It is acknowledged that sustainable preservation, maintenance, and use of cultural heritage, especially immovable, positively influence the social, economic, cultural and even environmental dimensions of sustainable development. Sustainable development opportunities provided by immovable cultural heritage are essential for small rural settlements which are not distinguished by important natural resources or favorable location. In this instance social and cultural viability is as much essential for preservation of immovable cultural heritage of these settlements, as immovable cultural heritage is essential for sustention of their social and economic viability. Nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo įtaka darniam kaimo gyvenamųjų vietovių vystymuisi Santrauka Didžiąją Lietuvos, kaip ir visos Europos, teritorijos dalį sudaro kaimo vietovės, o didžiąją dalį gyvenamųjų vietovių – kaimo gyvenamosios vietovės, taigi jų socialinis, eko nominis ir kultūrinis gyvybingumas bei eko loginis tvarumas atlieka lemiamą vaidmenį siekiant šalies darnaus vystymosi tikslų. Pastaraisiais metais darnų vystymąsi skatinantys projektai jau įgyvendinami ne tik didžiuosiuose Lietuvos miestuose, bet ir mažesnėse savivaldybėse, tačiau daugelio kaimo gyvenamųjų vietovių šis procesas kol kas nepaliečia. Bendro šalies gyventojų skaičiaus mažėjimo tendencija, emigracija, jaunų ir kvalifikuo tų žmonių migracija į didžiuosius šalies miestus, skurdas ir nedarbo grėsmė kelia sunykimo grėsmę patiems jautriausiems ir kultūriniu požiūriu vertingiausiems šalies kaimo gyvenamųjų vietovių sistemos elementams, tokiems kaip vienkieminės sodybos, buvusių dvarų ir palivarkų sodybos ar etnografinės kaimų gyvenvietės. Siekiant sustabdyti šiuos neigiamus socialinius, eko nominius bei kultūriniu procesus, būtina ieškoti būdų, kaip užtikrinti kaimo gyvenamųjų vietovių socialinį bei eko nominį gyvybingumą. Pastaraisiais metais pasaulyje vis aiškiau suvokiamas kultūros paveldo vaidmuo darnaus vystymosi kontekste. Visuotinai pripažįstama, jog kultūros paveldo, ypač nekilnojamojo, apsauga, priežiūra bei naudojimas turi teigiamos įtakos darniam vystymuisi socialinėje, eko nominėje, kultūrinėje ir kt. dimensijose. Nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo teikiamos darnaus vystymosi galimybės itin reikšmingos nedidelėms, išskirtinių gamtinių išteklių neturinčioms bei patogia geografine padėtimi nepasižyminčioms kaimo gyvenamosioms vietovėms. Jų socialinis ir eko nominis gyvybingumas kultūros paveldui išsaugoti yra toks pats svarbus, kaip ir kultūros paveldas socialinio ir eko nominio šių gyvenamųjų vietovių gyvybingumo palaikymu.

Nolan Hemmatazad

Broadly speaking, social computing encapsulates the idea of making technologies more aware of, and more in alignment with, the social needs of their users. This allows for the introduction of new modes of communication and collaboration among users, the ability to establish and grow communities of various constitutions, as well as for more dynamic and large scale content creation, dissemination, and evaluation. This chapter serves the ternary purpose of establishing a broad definition of social computing as it stands today and as it is expected to evolve in the near future, providing an overview of the practical applications of social computing, and examining the present and historic research themes that have made an impression on social computing as an area of academic intrigue. The chapter is intended to be accessible to casual readers, practitioners, and academicians alike, with little technical depth and broad focus throughout, for the purpose of establishing an initial acquaintance with the field.

Nolan Hemmatazad

Broadly speaking, social computing encapsulates the idea of making technologies more aware of, and more in alignment with, the social needs of their users. This allows for the introduction of new modes of communication and collaboration among users, the ability to establish and grow communities of various constitutions, as well as for more dynamic and large-scale content creation, dissemination, and evaluation. This chapter serves the ternary purpose of establishing a broad definition of social computing as it stands today and as it is expected to evolve in the near future, providing an overview of the practical applications of social computing, and examining the present and historic research themes that have made an impression on social computing as an area of academic intrigue. The chapter is intended to be accessible to casual readers, practitioners, and academicians alike, with little technical depth and broad focus throughout, for the purpose of establishing an initial acquaintance with the field.

Monica Thiel

Purpose – Beginning with a multitude of differing definitions and theories of CSR and sustainability, an analysis of the effects and impacts of the social domain to remain an untapped resource to strengthen and merge the practice of sustainable development. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – Utilizing a systematic review of literature between 1977 and 2013 about CSR and sustainability definitions and theories to reveal knowledge fragmentation in the use of the social domain and its implications within sustainable development. Findings – Identifies the gaps of the social domain in sustainable development and raises awareness to advance sustainable development beyond current sustainable development strategies, initiatives and practices. The pertinent publications from the inclusion and exclusion criteria in the systematic literature review were analyzed to determine how the social domain is used and interpreted in CSR and sustainability. Based upon the findings, four themes represent the social domain as socio-economics, stakeholders, societal well-being and social sustainability with suggestions for further research. Research limitations/implications – The systematic literature review searched one academic search engine and focussed on journals and books written in English. Originality/value – The contribution of the paper highlights, first, how an underdeveloped social domain can contribute toward multiple meanings of sustainable development and the social domain’s untapped capacity to develop a clearer standard definition of sustainable development and second, the potential to advance competitive advantage for corporations and governments.

1977 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 126-135 ◽  
Joseph M. Kaufert

A number of recent studies have challenged the concept of an ethnic grou as an absolute category and emphasised that ethnic identity is influenced by the context of the social situation in which the behaviour occurs.2 Analyst of migrant communities in both West Africa and the Copperbelt have documented the existence of situational ethnicity as a phenomenon in which individual or group identity is defined in terms of categories which vary in their level of inclusiveness. Situational factors have increasingly come to be viewed as influencing the individual's definition of his rôle as a member of more inclusive groups which allows him to relate to a more culturally heterogeneous community in terms of common elements of identity.3 Studies concentrating upon the political significance of ethnic identity in public interactions have also stressed that situational factors may play a more important role than cultural similarity in developing more inclusive identity groupings.4 Finally, analysts dealing with the problems of multiple ethnic loyalties have stressed that individuals and groups have an array of alternate identities from which to choose. They will adopt — or be perceived by others as maintaining — different ethnic identities in different situations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 14005
Valentina Rodionova ◽  
Lyudmila Shvatchkina ◽  
Galina Mogilevskaya ◽  
Vyacheslav Bilovus ◽  
Valentina Ivashova

The article presents the results of a study of the process of preserving the socio-cultural traditions of rural areas in the social practices of young people. The relevance of issues of social reproduction of traditional culture in the actions of the younger generation is important for the preservation of the identity of local and regional communities. It is a kind of counterbalance to blurring the boundaries of belonging to a social, national, and confessional group. Maintaining adherence to traditional values, lifestyle and the choice of rural settlements by young people for living, it ultimately opposes the processes of rural areas depopulation and ensures their sustainable development.

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