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2022 ◽  
Eugenia Hernandez-Ruiz ◽  
Ruowen Qi ◽  
Emily Welsh ◽  
Madelyn Wampler ◽  
Liesel Bradshaw

Abstract Despite abundant research and clinical evidence of the effectiveness of music interventions for people in the autism spectrum, understanding of music processing in this community is limited. We explored whether research evidence of differences in music processing within the autistic community is available. We developed a scoping review to search for literature with the terms “music”, “processing,” and “autism” (and variants). We searched PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, PsycInfo, Academic Search Complete, ERIC, and Music Index databases for a total of 10,857 articles, with 5,236 duplicates. The remaining 5,621 titles and abstracts were screened for eligibility by a team of four undergraduate and graduate students and the PI. Seventy-five studies were included for data extraction. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics regarding author, study, stimulus, and participant information, and a thematic analysis of outcome and findings. Our findings are preliminary given the emerging nature of the literature, the use of mostly non-musical auditory stimuli, passive listening experiences, and underreported demographics. However, the literature shows some evidence of differences in music processing for autistic individuals, including reduced habituation to non-musical and musical stimuli; truncated, delayed, or divergent developmental trajectories; and possible compensatory higher-order mechanisms that yield similar behavioral responses even in the presence of divergent neural correlates. Music therapists are encouraged to adopt a developmental perspective, not only of general skills, but specifically of music skill development in this community, and to extrapolate these findings with caution, given the current limitations in the evidence.

Daniel Alejandro Barbudo ◽  
Alfredo Zapata González ◽  
William René Reyes Cabrera

La presente revisión sistemática tuvo como objetivo identificar las competencias digitales que se han evaluado en los estudiantes de educación secundaria que emplean las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación como herramientas de apoyo en sus deberes escolares y relaciones personales. La planeación del estudio se fundamentó a través de la estrategia PEO (participantes, exposición y observación); la búsqueda de información se realizó a través de las bases de datos Scopus, ERIC y Academic Search Complete y se seleccionaron 48 artículos con base a los criterios de inclusión. Como resultado, se identificó que las actividades más evaluadas fueron el uso de la tecnología y el manejo de información, debido a que son las que el estudiante realiza de forma constante. Se concluye que es necesario valorar las competencias digitales de manera integrada en los estudiantes para contemplarlos como individuos integralmente competentes tanto en la educación como en la sociedad.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. e38616
Ana Beatriz Rizzo Zanardo ◽  
Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura ◽  
Rita de Cassia Consule
De Se ◽  

A saúde mental representa parte essencial da vida das pessoas, podendo resultar no aumento da desigualdade de renda e de vulnerabilidade social. Assim, as relações entre saúde/doença mental e vulnerabilidade social incitam uma série de reflexões e de contextualizações para sua maior compreensão. Esta scoping review apresenta como objetivo mapear as produções científicas sobre as vulnerabilidades das pessoas com transtornos mentais em suas diferentes relações sociais. Divide-se em cinco etapas, com buscas nas bases de dados: MEDLINE via Pubmed; SCOPUS e Academic Search Premier, e busca nas referências dos artigos encontrados, a fim de responder à questão de pesquisa: “Como ocorre à vulnerabilidade das pessoas com transtorno mental em suas diferentes relações sociais?”. Foram encontrados 211 artigos e após as exclusões de estudos não pertinentes, foram incluídos 31 artigos. Os artigos foram organizados em 3 (três) categorias: 1 – a vulnerabilidade das pessoas com transtornos mentais e os serviços de saúde; 2 – a vulnerabilidade das pessoas com transtornos mentais e os determinantes sociais; e 3 – a vulnerabilidade das pessoas com transtornos mentais e a violência/vitimização. Dessa forma, sugere-se o desenvolvimento de mais estudos sobre a temática, assim como a reavaliação das políticas públicas voltadas às pessoas com transtornos mentais, no intuito de se tornarem mais eficazes, tanto na garantia dos direitos desse grupo como na manutenção de sua saúde mental.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (17) ◽  
pp. e55101724200
Tassiana Meireles ◽  
Elizabeth Bernardino ◽  
Fabieli Borges ◽  
Olívia Luciana dos Santos Silva ◽  
Camila Rorato ◽  

O estudo aborda a transferência de pacientes entre setores e na alta hospitalar, visando a identificação de protocolos e instrumentos utilizados no momento de transição, que assegurem a continuidade ao cuidado do paciente. Objetivo: Analisar as ferramentas de transferências utilizadas pela enfermagem que contribuem para a continuidade do cuidado. Metodologia: A revisão seguiu seis etapas: definição da questão de pesquisa, delimitação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão/amostragem ou busca dos dados, coleta dos dados, análise dos dados/análise dos achados, interpretação dos resultados e síntese da revisão. A busca foi realizada nas bases: Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde, Academic Search Premier e PubMed. Aplicou-se a mesma estratégia de busca em todas elas e dois filtros: textos completos e publicados de 2016 a 2021. Resultados: A busca identificou 479 artigos, os quais foram analisados pelo fluxograma PRISMA. Os 8 artigos selecionados ressaltaram o papel do enfermeiro como planejador da alta e/ou transferência do paciente além de que as ferramentas mais comuns que proporcionam segurança e fortalecem o processo de comunicação entre profissionais são baseadas em formulários e a comunicação verbal. Considerações finais: Identificou-se que as ferramentas e estratégias mais utilizadas são a transmissão verbal, os checklists e formulários além de alguns sistemas informatizados que estão sendo desenvolvidos e ganham mais relevância na atualidade. Evidenciou-se a enfermagem com um papel protagonista no tema, o que fortalece a identidade e visibilidade profissional.

2021 ◽  
Herme Fellipo Bordoni Caldeira ◽  
Jânio Luiz Correia Júnior ◽  
Hamilton Felipe de Andrade Santos ◽  
Ricardo de Freitas Dias

Introdução: A fase da adolescência é um período[JLCJ1] de mutações e descobertas onde consiste em uma transição de criança a fase adulta, circunscrita pela Organização mundial da saúde período entre os 10 aos 19 anos de vida, fase em que o comportamento desses adolescentes sofre influência direta da sociedade. O Interpersonal Behavior Questionnaire-IBQ é uma forma de avaliar autonomia, competência e relacionamento de estudantes durante a aula de educação física e a influência dos professores no comportamento dos alunos. O instrumento é composto por 24 itens que utilizam respostas do tipo likert escalonadas de 1 (discordo fortemente) a 7 (concordo fortemente). Objetivo: Avaliar a confiabilidade do questionário Interpersonal Behavior Questionnaire. Materiais e métodos: A busca bibliográfica foi realizada nas seguintes bases de dados: BVS, EMBASE, LILACS, PubMed, PyscINFO, SciELO, Academic Search Premier, Cinahl, Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source, MEDLINE and SPORTDiscus, a partir da estratégia de busca: [TIAB] “The Interpersonal Behaviours Questionnaire” OR “Interpersonal Behaviours Questionnaire” [TIAB] OR IBQ [TIAB] OR “The IBQ” [TIAB] e Central and Scopus, TITLE-ABS-KEY “The Interpersonal Behaviours Questionnaire” OR “Interpersonal Behaviours Questionnaire” TITLE-ABS-KEY OR IBQ TITLE-ABS-KEY OR “The IBQ” TITLE-ABS-KEY. Foram incluídos: estudos de validade e/ou confiabilidade do IBQ[JLCJ2]; artigo original de pesquisa desenvolvida com seres humanos; indexado nas bases utilizadas. Os revisores foram cegos e independentes durante as fases de seleção[JLCJ3] por títulos/resumos e leitura do artigo na íntegra. Resultados: Foram encontrados 1473 artigos nas bases de dados selecionadas, destes, 996 (duplicados) foram excluídos. A triagem do título/resumo e a leitura do texto completo incluíram 477 e 9 artigos, respectivamente, com discordância de 0.4% entre os avaliadores. Considerações finais: Com o seguimento das próximas etapas do presente estudo, avaliaremos a confiabilidade do Interpersonal Behavior Questionnaire.

2021 ◽  
Emma Kellie Frost ◽  
Rebecca Bosward ◽  
Yves Saint James Aquino ◽  
Annette Braunack-Mayer ◽  
Stacy M Carter

Abstract Background: In recent years, innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to the development of new healthcare AI (HCAI) technologies. Whilst some of these technologies show promise for improving the patient experience, ethicists have warned that AI can introduce and exacerbate harms and wrongs in healthcare. It is important that HCAI reflects the values that are important to people. However, involving patients and publics in substantive conversations about AI ethics remains challenging due to relatively limited awareness of HCAI technologies. This scoping review aims to map how the existing literature on publics’ attitudes toward HCAI addresses key issues in AI ethics and governance.Methods: We developed a search query to conduct a comprehensive search of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, and Academic Search Complete from January 2010 onwards. We will include primary research studies which document publics’ or patients’ attitudes toward HCAI. A coding framework has been designed and will be used capture qualitative and quantitative data from the articles. Two reviewers will code a proportion of the included articles and any discrepancies will be discussed amongst the team, with changes made to the coding framework accordingly. Final results will be reported quantitatively and qualitatively, examining how each AI ethics issue has been addressed by the included studies.Discussion: If HCAI is to be implemented ethically and legitimately, publics and patients must be included in important conversations about HCAI ethics. This review will explore how ethical issues are addressed in literature examining publics and patients’ attitudes toward HCAI. We aim to describe how publics and patients have been successfully consulted on HCAI ethics, and to identify any areas of HCAI ethics where more work is needed to include publics and patients in research and discussions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 13734
Charlotte S. Diepolder ◽  
Holger Weitzel ◽  
Johannes Huwer

The importance of the transformation to a sustainable economy for the protection from global crises such as climate change is widely recognized. Sustainable entrepreneurs are considered to play a key role in this transformation process as they create innovative market solutions with ecological, social, and economic value. So far, there is no consensus on competences students need to solve sustainability challenges as sustainable entrepreneurs. The aim of this article is to identify competence frameworks that enable competence-oriented education of future sustainable entrepreneurs. An academic search engine and a bibliographic database were screened for documents written in English and published between January 2010 and November 2020 to identify the existing competence frameworks discussed in the current literature in the field of Sustainable Entrepreneurial Education (SEE). The review process led to a set of 65 empirical and nonempirical works on SEE. A computer-assisted qualitative data analysis was used for this review. The data analysis showed an increasing number of SEE articles published over the last decade mostly in scientific journals (69.2%). Fifty-six (86.2%) of publications related to tertiary education. The data analysis revealed three stand-alone competence frameworks for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (SE). The frameworks show an overlap in content but differences in terms of construction, validation, complexity. All competence frameworks were developed for use in higher education institutions, which necessitates adaptation for use in other educational institutions. The analysis of 28 SEE interventions identified in the literature provides information on the reception of the frameworks for competence-based teaching and assessment.

Graham McDonald ◽  
Craig Macdonald ◽  
Iadh Ounis

AbstractProviding users with relevant search results has been the primary focus of information retrieval research. However, focusing on relevance alone can lead to undesirable side effects. For example, small differences between the relevance scores of documents that are ranked by relevance alone can result in large differences in the exposure that the authors of relevant documents receive, i.e., the likelihood that the documents will be seen by searchers. Therefore, developing fair ranking techniques to try to ensure that search results are not dominated, for example, by certain information sources is of growing interest, to mitigate against such biases. In this work, we argue that generating fair rankings can be cast as a search results diversification problem across a number of assumed fairness groups, where groups can represent the demographics or other characteristics of information sources. In the context of academic search, as in the TREC Fair Ranking Track, which aims to be fair to unknown groups of authors, we evaluate three well-known search results diversification approaches from the literature to generate rankings that are fair to multiple assumed fairness groups, e.g. early-career researchers vs. highly-experienced authors. Our experiments on the 2019 and 2020 TREC datasets show that explicit search results diversification is a viable approach for generating effective rankings that are fair to information sources. In particular, we show that building on xQuAD diversification as a fairness component can result in a significant ($$p<0.05$$ p < 0.05 ) increase (up to  50% in our experiments) in the fairness of exposure that authors from unknown protected groups receive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (F) ◽  
pp. 699-706
Cecep Eli Kosasih ◽  
Tetti Solehati ◽  
Yanny Trisyani

BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 virus has become a terrible thing and is a serious threat to health globally which spreads very fast throughout the world with the number of cases increasing sharply and causing high mortality rates. This disease has become an international public health emergency. AIM: This study aimed to systematically investigate the effectiveness of quarantine against the spread of disease due to the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). METHODS: Searching for articles was using electronic databases in English such as CINAHL (EBSCO), Science Direct, ProQuest, Scopus, Springer Link, PubMed, Willey Online Library, Clinical key, Academic Search Complete, MEDLINE, Taylor and Francis Online, Cambridge Core, and sage journals to review the literature published between 2019 and 2020. RESULTS: Seven quarantine intervention programs were demonstrated to prevent and reduce the spread of COVID-19. The most common interventions were divided into four types of programs, namely: (1) Quarantine program: “Susceptible Exposed Infectious Recovered,” (2) quarantine programs: Mitigation, quarantine program: Public health intervention, (3) quarantine programs based on laboratories, and (4) quarantine programs on cruise ships. CONCLUSION: Successful interventions were characterized by a combination of multi-sectorial collaboration, community involvement, community-based service delivery, and broader programs both in scope and compliance. This program has proven to be beneficial in preventing or reducing the spread of COVID-19. Suggestion: The government can use these programs to prevent and reduce the spread of disease caused by COVID-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 852-852
H Wayne Nelson ◽  
F Ellen Netting ◽  
Mary W Carter ◽  
Bo Kyum Yang

Abstract This study explores strategies used by the nation’s Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman Programs (LTCOP) to perform their grass roots, investigatory, sentinel defense advocacy during the near total COVID LTC lock out from March 13th 2020 through September 17th, when the “ban” was conditionally lifted. Our layered systematic searches by title, subject, and total text for unrestricted allusions to the LTCOP used the multi-disciplinary database Academic Search Ultimate that includes mass media. Selection criteria included print and broadcast news. Search keywords were “ombudsman” singly and with 10 other terms. This was augmented by reviewing the National LTC Ombudsman Resource Center (NORC) clearinghouse information website and by interviewing NORC staff. Resulting (172) media entries (92% print) were manually coded independently by a team of five, and iteratively reconciled according to a simple flat frame format to identify key words and associated themes. Four main LTCOP lock out strategies emerged: (1) virtual resident interventions (via phone, Skype, Zoom, in-facility allies); (2) public outreach (services provided, sharing COVID data and best practices, social isolation threats and mitigation efforts [window visits], need for volunteers); (3) systems advocacy (state/federal; CMS, legislative and other testimony about social isolation, CARES Act check problems, visitation issues; and (4) partnering with others (multi-agency planning groups, task forces, Zoom town halls, interstate information sharing). NORC interviews revealed that older LTCOP volunteers are seizing the COVID lock-out to retire undermining an already short-staffed network—so calls for volunteers were evident in about 25% of all stories regardless of any other focus.

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