scholarly journals Assessment of high yielding local Pakistani bread wheat genotypes for improved chapati making quality

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 1
Jabeen Farheen ◽  
Farzana Nasir Naqvi

The experiment was conducted to classify the maximum glutenin protein possessed Pakistani bread wheat genotype for superlative chapati making quality by ten yield-related parameters. The studied germplasm was acquired from NARC, Pakistan, and planted in randomized-complete-block-design with four replicates at the screen house of the Genetics Department. Data were assessed via Duncan’s test, correlation analysis, SDS-PAGE, and cluster analysis. Duncan’s test conceded that Pirsabak-85 had the highest plant height, flag leaf area, biomass, grain yield plantˉ1, harvest index, and protein content. While, the correlation studies showed that plant height, tillers plantˉ1 (r = 0.649), fertile tillers plantˉ1 (r = 0.713),biomass (r = 0.861), spike length (LS), thousand-grain weight and harvest index had a positive higher significant association with grain yield plantˉ1. The SDS-PAGE analysis resolved 30 diverse high and low molecular weight bands, ranging from 200 kDa to 28 kDa glutenin subunits. Among genotypes, Pirsabak-85 showed maximum protein content and 10 Glu-1 scores. The dendrogram analysis revealed that Pirsabak-85 associated with cluster-II, which was a major and most diverged cluster. The Pirsabak-85 can be utilized to enhance bread wheat production and better chapati making quality

2000 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-256
O. Bilgin ◽  
A. Y. Bilgin ◽  
T. Gençtan ◽  

Received: 14 February, 2000; accepted: 29 August, 2000 In this research, three bread wheat varieties were sown at six different plant densities in the experimental field of Tekirda đ Agricultural Faculty according to a split-plot randomised block design. A range of characters such as number of tillers per plant, number of spikes per plant, grain weight of tillers per plant, plant height, harvest index, plant yield and grain yield per hectare were investigated. The results of variance analysis showed that the effects of sowing rate and variety and their interaction on number of tillers per plant, plant height and grain yield per hectare were all significant. In addition, the effect of plant density on grain weight per tillers, grain yield per plant and number of spikes per plant was significant, whereas the effect of variety was only significant on harvest index. It was found that the number of fertile tillers per plant was the most suitable character as a selection criterion for improving grain yield in the Thrace Region. According to path analysis the direct and indirect effects of the measured characters on grain yield per plant and grain yield per hectare showed that the number of spikes per plant, harvest index, grain weight of tillers per plant and plant height had a direct positive effect on grain yield per plant. However, the number of spikes per plant and the number of tillers per plant had a negative effect on grain yield per hectare, while the harvest index and grain yield per plant had a positive direct effect.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (2) ◽  
pp. 9131-9141
Zine El Abidine Fellahi ◽  
Abderrahmane Hannachi ◽  
Hamenna Bouzerzour

This study aimed at evaluating the expected gains from selection obtained based upon direct, indirect, and index-based selection in a set of 599 bread wheat lines. The experiment was carried out at the experimental field of INRAA institute, Setif research unit (Algeria), in a Federer augmented block design including three controls. A wide range of genetic variability was observed among lines for the eleven traits assessed. The results indicated that index-based selection and selection based on grain yield expressed higher expected genetic gain than direct and indirect mono-trait-based selection. The best 15 selected lines exhibited higher grain yield than the control varieties, and they were clustered in three groups that contrasted mainly for the flag-leaf area, thousand-kernel weight, biomass, and harvest index. The index-based selection appears as a useful tool for the rapid selection of early filial generations, enriching selected breeding materials with desirable alleles and reducing the number of years required to combine these traits in elite varieties.

Gheith El-Sayed ◽  
Ola El-Badry ◽  

To evaluate the effect of nitrogen, zinc and iron as soil application on yield and yield component of wheat, the present study was conducted at Agricultural and Experimental Research Station at Giza, Faculty of Agriculture Cairo University, Egypt during 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons. The experimental design was split-plot in randomized complete block design with three replications. Results showed that positive significant effect on plant height, number of spike/m2, spike length; number of grain per spike, grain yield per unit area in both seasons and grain protein content in one season were achieved by application of N and the micronutrients. Whoever, the highest significant in the above mentioned characters was obtained either by application the highest N levels (100kg N /fed.) or in addition to mixture of Zn and Fe. The interaction between the studied factors had significant effect on plant height and grain yield in both seasons as well as on grain protein content in the second season, where the highest values of these parameters were recorded by application of 100kg N/fed., Zn and Fe in mixture.

Babburi Dinesh ◽  
Gaibriyal M. Lal ◽  
L. Bhanuprasad

A set of twenty four rice genotypes including one check variety were grown to estimate study genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance, correlation and path coefficient for 13 quantitative characters, observation recorded to study the genetic variability parameters, correlation coefficient and path coefficient for yield and its attributing traits. High to moderate estimates of GCV and PCV were recorded for test weight followed by spikelets per panicle, grain yield per plant, flag leaf width, flag leaf length, tillers per hill, biological yield and panicles per hill. Grain yield indicated significant positive correlation with plant height followed by tillers per hill, panicles per hill, biological yield and harvest index in terms of phenotypic correlation coefficient whereas in terms of genotypic coefficient it showed positive and significant correlation with plant height, tillers per hill, panicles per hill, biological yield and harvest index. Path coefficient analysis showed positive significant direct effects on grain yield per hill were exhibited by plant height, tillers per hill and harvest index at genotypic level whereas it showed positive and significant direct effect for tillers per hill, flag leaf width, biological yield and harvest index at phenotypic level. Thus, these traits are identified as the efficient and potential for indirect selection for the improvement of rice productivity in the present experimental materials.

2007 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-45
Khaleda Akter ◽  
S. H. Habib ◽  
M. K. Bashar ◽  
A. M. Nurunnabi

Thirty advanced breeding lines of deep-water rice were evaluated during T. Aman season (rainfed ecosystem) with a view to finding out variability and genetic association for grain yield and its component characters. All the tested characters showed significant variation. The highest genetic variability was obtained in filled grains/panicle followed by plant height. Panicles/plant, filled grains/panicle and grain yield had high genetic coefficient of variation and heritability in broad sense coupled with high genetic advance in percentage of mean. Panicle length, panicles/plant, plant height, filled grains/panicle and harvest index showed significant positive association with grain yield. Path coefficient analysis also revealed maximum positive and direct contribution of filled grain to grain yield followed by panicles/plant, 1000-grain weight and flag leaf area. Moreover, plant height had the highest indirect effect on grain yield through filled grains/panicle. Flag leaf area, harvest index and panicle length also had higher positive indirect effect on grain yield through filled grains/panicle.DOI:

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 135-139
Ravi Kumar ◽  
Anant Kumar ◽  
Joginder Singh

Genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance and correlation coefficients were studied in 104 genotypes of wheat genotypes for yield and yield contributing traits. Both GCV and PCV were found to be moderate for flag leaf area, biological yield per plant, grain yield per plant and ash content. The days to ear emergence, days to maturity, plant height, harvest index and 1000-grain weight low GCV and PCV values were observed. Number of productive tillers per plant and spike length recorded moderate value of PCV and low value of GCV. High estimate of heritability in narrow sense was recorded for number of productive tillers per plant, biological yield per plant, harvest index and grain yield per plant, while it was moderate for days to ear emergence, days to maturity, plant height, flag leaf area, spike length, grains per spike and low heritability were recorded for 1000-grain weight. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance in per cent of mean was recorded for biological yield per plant and grain yield per plant. Grain yield per plant exhibited highly significant and positive association with 1000-grain weight, harvest index, biological yield per plant, grains per spike, number of productive tillers per plant and days to maturity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 350-357
Pradeep Kumar ◽  
Gyanendra Singh ◽  
Sarvan Kumar ◽  
Anuj Kumar ◽  
Ashish Ojha

Genetic analysis was carried out in 55 genotypes (10 parents and 45 F1s) through diallel mating design excluding reciprocals in bread wheat. Analysis of variance showed appreciable variability among the breeding material for almost all the traits under study. The highest value of phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) was found for flag leaf area (PCV=18.82, GCV=17.74), biological yield (PCV=12.98, GCV=11.70), grain yield (PCV=11.90, GCV=10.39) and harvest index (PCV=10.39, GCV=10.05). Highest heritability with highest genetic advance was estimated for flag leaf area (h2=52.24, GA=34.64), biological yield (h2=15.04, GA=21.71), harvest index (h2=18.19, GA=20.01), peduncle length (h2=31.72, GA=15.96) and spikelets per spike (h2=34.92, GA=12.96), therefore selection will be effective based on these traits. Grain yield was found significantly correlated (at <1% level of significance) with productive tillers (gr=0.3283**, pr=0.4347**), spike length (gr=0.1959**, pr=0.2203**), spikelets per spike (gr=0.4342**, pr=0.3813**), grains per spike (gr=0.7188**, pr=0.4918**), biological yield (gr=0.6101**, pr=0.6616**), harvest index (gr=0.3518**, pr=0.3227**) and thousand grain weight (gr=0.5232**, pr=0.3673**). Similarly path coefficient analysis estimates for biological yield (g=1.0524, p=1.0554), harvesting index (g=0.8862, p=0.8291), thousand grain weight (g=0.0588, p=0.0269), grains per spike (g=0.0496, p=0.0074), spike length (g=0.0209, p=0.0289), days to maturity (g=0.0142, p=0.0127), productive tillers (g=0.0186, p=0.0147), peduncle length (g=0.0123, p=0.0157), days to 50% flowering (g=0.0093, p=0.0072) and plant height (g=0.0042, p=0.0020) showed high positive direct effects on grain yield indicating that due importance should be given to these traits during selection for high yield.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-11
Sandeep Kumar ◽  
Pradeep Kumar ◽  
Vichitra Kumar Arya ◽  
Ravi Kumar ◽  
S. A. Kerkhi

The present study was conducted to estimate the gentic components and regression analysis for grain yield and various morphological traits in bread wheat involving 10 parents and their 45 F1s (half diallel) during 2012- 13 and 2013-14. Significant additive (D) and dominance (H1) variance for the traits indicated that expression of these traits is control by both additive and dominance gene action. Average degree of dominance (H1/D)1/2 were more than unity for the traits (peduncle length, flag leaf area, productive tillers, biological yield, grain yield, harvest index) indicating the preponderance of over dominance gene action. The estimates of h2 were positive and significant for days to ear emergence, peduncle length, productive tillers, biological yield and grain yield indicated dominance of genetic components in F1s. Positive and significant values of F were estimated for days to ear emergence, days to 50% flowering, spike length, flag leaf area and grain yield in F1s indicating the preponderance of dominance and positive genes in the parents involved. The theoretical value (0.25) of (H2/4H1) for all the traits indicated asymmetrical distribution of positive and negative genes. The proportion of dominant and recessive alleles indicated presence of dominant alleles in the parents. The traits showing more than 30% narrow sanse heritability could be rewarding for further improvement in grain yield in bread wheat. Regression analysis indicated that the traits (days to ear emergence, days to 50% flowering, peduncle length, flag leaf area, productive tillers, harvest index, biological yield and grain yield) control by over dominance type of gene action. The parent RAJ 4246 contained maximum dominant genes for days to ear emergence and days to 50% flowering; HD 2733 for spike length and flag leaf area and HD 2824 for productive tillers, biological yield and grain yield used as donors in multiple traits breeding programme to develop high yielding wheat genotypes.

2016 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 581-590
KS Rahman ◽  
SK Paul ◽  
MAR Sarkar

An experiment was conducted at the research field of Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during June to December 2012 to investigate the effect of age of tiller seedlings, number of tiller seedlings hill-1 and application of urea super granules (USG) on the yield and yield contributing characters of transplant Aman rice (cv. BRRI dhan52). The experiment consisted of two ages of tiller seedlings viz. 25 and 35-days old, three levels of tiller seedlings hill-1 viz. 1, 3 and 5 seedlings hill-1 and three levels of USG viz. 0, 1.8 (55 kg N ha-1) and 2.7g USG (80 kg N ha-1) four hill-1 in every alternate row. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (Factorial) with three replications. The highest plant height, number of effective tillers hill-1, number of total tillers hill-1, number of total spikelets panicle-1, number of grains panicle-1, grain yield and harvest index were found in 1.8 g USG applied @ one granule 4-hill-1. The highest number of sterile spikelets panicle-1 was found in control treatment and the lowest in 1.8 g USG. The highest number of effective tillers hill-1, number of total spikelets panicle-1 and grain yield ha-1 was found when 5 tiller seedlings were transplanted hill-1 combined with 1.8 g USG. Application of urea super granules 1.8 g (55 kg N ha-1) at 10 days after transplanting @ one granule 4-hill-1 in every alternate row with 25 day old tiller seedlings using 5 tiller seedlings hill-1 was found beneficial for grain yield of transplant Aman rice. Tiller separation could be an alternative source of seedling during seedling scarcity.Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 40(4): 581-590, December 2015

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Zine El Abidine Fellahi ◽  
Abderrahmane Hannachi ◽  
Hamenna Bouzerzour ◽  
Ammar Boutekrabt

Nine bread wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) genotypes were crossed in a line × tester mating design. The 20 F1's and their parents were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Field Crop Institute-Agricultural Experimental Station of Setif (Algeria) during the 2011/2012 cropping season. The results indicated that sufficient genetic variability was observed for all characters studied. A899 × Rmada, A899 × Wifak, and A1135 × Wifak hybrids had greater grain yield mean than the parents. A901line and the tester Wifak were good combiners for the number of grains per spike. MD is a good combiner for 1000-kernel weight and number of fertile tillers. HD1220is a good general combiner to reduce plant height; Rmada is a good general combiner to shorten the duration of the vegetative growth period. A901 × Wifak is a best specific combiner to reduce plant height, to increase 1000-kernel weight and number of grains per spike. AA × MD is a best specific combiner to reduce duration of the vegetative period, plant height and to increase the number of kernels per spike. A899 × Wifak showed the highest heterosis for grain yield, accompanied with positive heterosis for the number of fertile tillers and spike length, and negative heterosis for 1000-kernel weight and the number of days to heading.σgca2/σsca2,  (σD2/σA2)1/2low ratios and low to intermediate estimates of h2nssupported the involvement of both additive and nonadditive gene effects. The preponderance of non-additive type of gene actions clearly indicated that selection of superior plants should be postponed to later generation.

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