scholarly journals Transforming Ocean Conservation: Applying the Genetic Rescue Toolkit

Genes ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 209 ◽  
Ben J. Novak ◽  
Devaughn Fraser ◽  
Thomas H. Maloney

Although oceans provide critical ecosystem services and support the most abundant populations on earth, the extent of damage impacting oceans and the diversity of strategies to protect them is disconcertingly, and disproportionately, understudied. While conventional modes of conservation have made strides in mitigating impacts of human activities on ocean ecosystems, those strategies alone cannot completely stem the tide of mounting threats. Biotechnology and genomic research should be harnessed and developed within conservation frameworks to foster the persistence of viable ocean ecosystems. This document distills the results of a targeted survey, the Ocean Genomics Horizon Scan, which assessed opportunities to bring novel genetic rescue tools to marine conservation. From this Horizon Scan, we have identified how novel approaches from synthetic biology and genomics can alleviate major marine threats. While ethical frameworks for biotechnological interventions are necessary for effective and responsible practice, here we primarily assessed technological and social factors directly affecting technical development and deployment of biotechnology interventions for marine conservation. Genetic insight can greatly enhance established conservation methods, but the severity of many threats may demand genomic intervention. While intervention is controversial, for many marine areas the cost of inaction is too high to allow controversy to be a barrier to conserving viable ecosystems. Here, we offer a set of recommendations for engagement and program development to deploy genetic rescue safely and responsibly.

2018 ◽  
pp. 38-51
Aparna Purushothaman ◽  
Lone Dirckinck Holmfeld ◽  
Moly Kuruvilla

Internet literacy is crucial to become information literate and for lifelong learning for today's citizens. However, there is an identified gendered digital divide in Internet usage, as the major proportion of unconnected citizens, especially in the developing economies in asian countries are women. The problems of the gender digital divide are not just limited to connectivity and infrastructural issues, literacy and the cost of access, which are often discussed in the literature. The authors identify some of the second order factors that are often overlooked and arise out of cognitive, psychological and social factors leading to the digital divide. The paper also discusses possible measures that could be taken up to address the second order gender digital divide.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Liem Gai Sin ◽  
A.A. Gde Satia Utama ◽  
Shweta Pandey ◽  
Rudresh Pandey ◽  
Yalla Satya Sai Venkata Sri Harsha ◽  

Consumer behavior is the study of consumers and the processes they use to choose, apply and dispose of products and services, including consumers’ emotional and behavioral responses. IKEA is a multinational home furnishings company founded in 1943 in Sweden that has grown rapidly. They manage to produce their products and services more widespread not only based on price but create a unique shopping experience. This study aims to examine the factors that affect consumer behavior in IKEA. Various factors like social factors, wide products assortment, price and others are investigated to analyze consumer behavior of IKEA’s customers. Likert Scale was used to get the final results from the questionnaire filled out by the respondents. The questionnaires were distributed to 250 respondents who use IKEA products. The Likert scale will be used to measure a person's perception and attitude or opinion. The results showed that they chose IKEA due to the cost-advantages and wide products assortment as there has uniqueness over IKEA and cannot be compared with other retailers.

2018 ◽  

A new paper in Marine Policy discusses the importance of effective metaphors for marine conservation and policy. Metaphors are figures of speech that describe something in terms more familiar to listeners, e.g., “a blanket of snow”. Good metaphors help shape understanding of something and can mobilize appropriate action. Poorly-chosen metaphors are, at best, ineffective at mobilizing support for the intended cause, and, at worst, counterproductive because they lead to oppositional behaviors or decrease the credibility of the messenger. To be a good metaphor for marine conservation or management (or any other purpose really), a metaphor must be mapped onto something that is: 1) familiar, 2) appropriately evocative/relatable for a particular culture, and 3) scientifically accurate. Appropriate metaphors are especially important in marine conservation and management because the oceans seem remote to many people, and the scale and scope of threats to ocean ecosystems can be difficult to understand and relate to.

2013 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 649-657 ◽  
Ramy Arnaout ◽  
Thomas P Buck ◽  
Paulvalery Roulette ◽  
Vikas P Sukhatme

BACKGROUND Adverse outcomes associated with prescription drug use are common and costly. Many adverse outcomes can be avoided through pharmacogenomics: choosing and dosing of existing drugs according to a person's genomic variants. Finding and validating associations between outcomes and genomic variants and developing guidelines for avoiding drug-related adverse outcomes will require further research; however, no data-driven estimates yet exist for the time or money required for completing this research. METHODS We identified examples of associations between adverse outcomes and genomic variants. We used these examples to estimate the time and money required to identify and confirm other associations, including the cost of failures, and to develop and validate pharmacogenomic dosing guidelines for them. We built a Monte Carlo model to estimate the time and financial costs required to cut the overall rate of drug-related adverse outcomes by meaningful amounts. We analyzed the model's predictions for a broad range of assumptions. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Our model projected that the development of guidelines capable of cutting overall drug-related adverse outcomes by 25%–50% with current approaches will require investment of single-digit billions of dollars and take 20 years. The model forecasts a pump-priming phase of 5–7 years, which would require expenditures of hundreds of millions of dollars, with little apparent return on investment. The single most important parameter was the extent to which genomic variants cause adverse outcomes. The size of the labor force was not a limiting factor. A “50 000 Pharmacogenomes Project” could speed progress. Our approach provides a template for other areas of genomic research.

2018 ◽  
Vol 61 ◽  
Marta Joanna Monder

Wybrane problemy i kierunki współczesnej hodowli róż Róża, to jeden z najważniejszych rodzajów roślin ozdobnych, istotny użytkowo, kulturowo i gospodarczo. Uprawiany od tysiącleci, podlega zmianom wskutek stosowania coraz nowszych narzędzi hodowli, umożliwiających sprostanie wymagającym oczekiwaniom odbiorców nowych odmian. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie podstawowych problemów i zagadnień hodowli róż w kontekście dotychczasowych osiągnięć i wiedzy, oraz perspektyw na przyszłość. Systematyka i taksonomia róż jest skomplikowana, a ich klasyfikacja ogrodnicza często odbiega od filogenetycznych powiązań. Hodowla róż wiąże się z wieloma problemami natury biologicznej. Implementacja nowoczesnych technik molekularnych, w tym genetycznych i genomicznych, ułatwiłaby stworzenie bazy i perspektyw dla programów hodowlanych, pomimo iż, komercyjni hodowcy przeważnie biorą pod uwagę jedynie cechy morfologiczne. W hodowli róż jednym z pierwszych przełomów było pojawienie się w Europie w XVIII i XIX w. gatunków azjatyckich i włączenie ich do hodowli, a jednym z ostatnich – uzyskanie pierwszych transgenicznych niebieskich kwiatów róż kumulujących delfinidynę w wakuolach komórek płatków. Obecnie w hodowli róż dominuje kontynuacja wyznaczonych wcześniej kierunków, uzyskanie odmian odpornych na choroby, warunki klimatyczne, z możliwością obniżenia kosztów pielęgnacji oraz zastosowania proekologicznych metod uprawy, żywotnych i intensywnie rosnących, powtarzających kwitnienie, o kwiatach pachnących, w klasycznych formach i barwach, lub przeciwnie – w zaskakujących kolorach i kształtach. Selected problems and directions of modern rose breeding Rose is the most important genus of ornamental plants, significant for use, culture and economy. It has been cultivated for millennia and is changing as a result of the new breeding tools, which are able to meet the most demanding needs of the recipients of new cultivars. The aim of this paper was to present the basic problems and issues of rose breeding in the context of up-to-date achievements and knowledge as well as prospects for the future. The systematics and taxonomy of roses is complex and their gardening classification often differs from the genetic connections. Rose cultivation is associated with many biological problems. The advancement in genetic and genomic research would facilitate the creation of a ground for breeding programs, although breeders usually take into account their morphological features only. One of the earliest breakthroughs in the breeding of roses was the emergence of Asian species in Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and their incorporation into breeding, and one of the last ones – obtaining the first transgenic blue roses accumulating delphinidin in petals. At present, continuation of previously defined directions dominates, i.e., achieving varieties resistant to diseases, climatic conditions, with possibilities of reducing the cost of care and use of pro-ecological cultivation methods, vigorous and intensely growing, repeatedly blooming, with fragrant flowers, in classic forms and colors, or the contrary – in surprising colors and shapes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (18) ◽  
pp. 24-30
Rajaprasad SVS

Abstract The inherent benefits of an accident prevention program are generally known only after an accident has occurred. The purpose of implementation of the program is to minimize the number of accidents and cost of damages. Allocation of resources to implement accident prevention program is vital because it is difficult to estimate the extent of damage caused by an accident. Accurate fatal accident predictions can provide a meaningful data that can be used to implement accident prevention program in order to minimize the cost of accidents. This paper forecast the fatal accidents of factories in India by using Auto-Regressive Integrating Moving Average Method (ARIMA) model. Accident data for the available period 1980 to 2013 was collected from the Labour bureau, Government of India to analyze the long term forecasts. Different diagnostic tests are applied in order to check the adequacy of the fitted models. The results show that ARIMA (0, 0, 1) is suitable model for prediction of fatal injuries. The number of fatal accidents is forecasted for the period 2014 to 2019. These results suggest that the policy makers and the Indian labour ministry must focus attention toward increasing fatal accidents and try to find out the reasons. It is also an opportunity for the policy makers to develop policies which may help in minimizing the number fatal accidents.

2017 ◽  
Anne C Pisor ◽  
Martin Surbeck

Primate individuals use a variety of strategies in intergroup encounters, from aggression to tolerance; however, despite the prevalence of tolerance in humans, recent focus on the evolution of intergroup contest has come at the cost of characterizing the role of tolerance in human sociality. Can we use the selection pressures hypothesized to favor tolerance in intergroup encounters in the non-great ape primates to explain the prevalence and plasticity of tolerance in humans and our closest living relatives? In the present paper, we review these candidate ecological and social factors and conclude that additional selection pressures are required to explain the prevalence of tolerance in human intergroup encounters; we nominate the need to access non-local resources in the human foraging ecology as a candidate pressure. To better evaluate existing hypotheses, additional, targeted data are needed to document the prevalence and plasticity of tolerance during intergroup encounters in some great ape species.

2020 ◽  
pp. 153-158
Е.А. Тихонов ◽  
И.В. Григорьев ◽  
В.И. Базыкин ◽  
А.А. Шубин

В представленной работе рассматриваются технические аспекты совершенствования конструкции садкового модуля для промышленного выращивания рыбы. Цель работы: уменьшение затрат на систему удержания положения садкового модуля на водоеме. Задача, которую необходимо решить для достижения данной цели заключается в разработке новой системы удержания садков с учетом их взаимодействия в едином модуле. Для решения данной задачи использован патентный поиск и анализ сильных и слабых сторон известных технических решений садков и их систем. Проанализированы недостатки так называемой «норвежской системы» удержания садковых модулей. Разработана система удержания садкового модуля, в которой не подразумевается использование круглозвенных цепей, а натяжение системы обеспечивается балансирами. Кроме того, в методику расчета введен учет вертикальной составляющей при расчете реакции опоры якоря, что позволило боле точно рассчитать необходимую массу якорей с учетом уменьшения силы трения и архимедовой силы. This paper discusses the technical aspects of improving the design of the cage module for industrial fish farming. Objective: to reduce the cost of the system for holding the position of the cage module on the reservoir. The task that needs to be solved to achieve this goal is to develop a new system for holding cages, taking into account their interaction in a single module. To solve this problem, we used patent search and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of known technical solutions of cages and their systems. The disadvantages of the so-called "Norwegian system" for holding cage modules are analyzed. A system for holding the cage module has been developed, which does not imply the use of round-link chains, and the tension of the system is provided by balancers. In addition, the calculation method takes into account the vertical component when calculating the reaction of the anchor support, which made it possible to more accurately calculate the required mass of anchors, taking into account the reduction of the friction force and Archimedean force.

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