scholarly journals Modeling and Analysis of the Noise Performance of the Capacitive Sensing Circuit with a Differential Transformer

Micromachines ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 325 ◽  
Yafei Xie ◽  
Ji Fan ◽  
Chun Zhao ◽  
Shitao Yan ◽  
Chenyuan Hu ◽  

Capacitive sensing is a key technique to measure the test mass movement with a high resolution for space-borne gravitational wave detectors, such as Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) and TianQin. The capacitance resolution requirement of TianQin is higher than that of LISA, as the arm length of TianQin is about 15 times shorter. In this paper, the transfer function and capacitance measurement noise of the circuit are modeled and analyzed. Figure-of-merits, including the product of the inductance L and the quality factor Q of the transformer, are proposed to optimize the transformer and the capacitance measurement resolution of the circuit. The LQ product improvement and the resonant frequency augmentation are the key factors to enhance the capacitance measurement resolution. We fabricated a transformer with a high LQ product over a wide frequency band. The evaluation showed that the transformer can generate a capacitance resolution of 0.11 aF/Hz1/2 at a resonant frequency of 200 kHz, and the amplitude of the injection wave would be 0.6 V. This result supports the potential application of the proposed transformer in space-borne gravitational wave detection and demonstrates that it could relieve the stringent requirements for other parameters in the TianQin mission.

2009 ◽  
Vol 15 (7) ◽  
pp. 973-979 ◽  
In-Hyouk Song ◽  
Yves-Alain Peter ◽  
Michel Meunier

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (04) ◽  
pp. 1940003 ◽  
Tomofumi Shimoda ◽  
Satoru Takano ◽  
Ching Pin Ooi ◽  
Naoki Aritomi ◽  
Yuta Michimura ◽  

Expanding the observational frequency of gravitational waves is important for the future of astronomy. Torsion-Bar Antenna (TOBA) is a mid-frequency and low-frequency gravitational wave detector using a torsion pendulum. The low resonant frequency of the rotational mode of the torsion pendulum enables ground-based observations. The overview of TOBA, including the past and present status of the prototype development, is summarized in this paper.

Sensors ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (10) ◽  
pp. 2221 ◽  
Tomás Gómez Álvarez-Arenas ◽  
Jorge Camacho

An ultrasonic, resonant, pulse-echo, and air-coupled nondestructive testing (NDT) technique is presented. It is intended for components, with regular geometries where it is possible to excite resonant modes, made of materials that have a high acoustic impedance (Z) and low attenuation coefficient (α). Under these conditions, these resonances will present a very large quality factor (Q) and decay time (τ). This feature is used to avoid the dead zone, produced by the echo coming from the first wall, by receiving the resonant echo from the whole specimen over a longer period of time. This echo is analyzed in the frequency domain to determine specimen resonant frequency, which can be further used to determine either velocity or thickness. Using wideband air-coupled transducers, we tested the technique on plates (steel, aluminum, and silicone rubber) by exciting the mode of the first thickness. As expected, the higher the Z and the lower the α, the better the technique performed. Sensitivity to deviations of the angle of incidence away from normal (±2°) and the possibility to generate shear waves were also studied. Then, it was tested on steel cylindrical pipes that had different wall thicknesses and diameters. Finally, the use of this technique to generate C-Scan images of steel plates with different thicknesses was demonstrated.

2016 ◽  
Vol 134 ◽  
pp. 208-216 ◽  
Dehong Xia ◽  
Binfan Jiang ◽  
Yulei Xie

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (S261) ◽  
pp. 240-248 ◽  
Peter L. Bender

AbstractThe gravitational wave detectors that are operating now are looking for several kinds of gravitational wave signals at frequencies of tens of Hertz to kilohertz. One of these is mergers of roughly 10 M⊙ BH binaries. Sometime between now and about 8 years from now, it is likely that signals of this kind will be observed. The result will be strong tests of the dynamical predictions of general relativity in the high field regime. However, observations at frequencies below 1 Hz will have to wait until the launch of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), hopefully only a few years later. LISA will have 3 main objectives, all involving massive BHs. The first is observations of mergers of pairs of intermediate mass (100 to 105M⊙) and higher mass BHs at redshifts out to roughly z=10. This will provide new information on the initial formation and growth of BHs such as those found in most galaxies, and the relation between BH growth and the evolution of galactic structure. The second objective is observations of roughly 10 M⊙ BHs, neutron stars, and white dwarfs spiraling into much more massive BHs in galactic nuclei. Such events will provide detailed information on the populations of such compact objects in the regions around galactic centers. And the third objective is the use of the first two types of observations for testing general relativity even more strongly than ground based detectors will. As an example, an extreme mass ratio event such as a 10 M⊙ BH spiraling into a galactic center BH can give roughly 105 observable cycles during about the last year before merger, with a mean relative velocity of 1/3 to 1/2 the speed of light, and the frequencies of periapsis precession and Lense-Thirring precession will be high. The LISA Pathfinder mission to prepare for LISA is scheduled for launch in 2011.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (14) ◽  
pp. 1630001 ◽  
Wei-Tou Ni

Gravitational Wave (GW) detection in space is aimed at low frequency band (100[Formula: see text]nHz–100[Formula: see text]mHz) and middle frequency band (100[Formula: see text]mHz–10[Formula: see text]Hz). The science goals are the detection of GWs from (i) Supermassive Black Holes; (ii) Extreme-Mass-Ratio Black Hole Inspirals; (iii) Intermediate-Mass Black Holes; (iv) Galactic Compact Binaries and (v) Relic GW Background. In this paper, we present an overview on the sensitivity, orbit design, basic orbit configuration, angular resolution, orbit optimization, deployment, time-delay interferometry (TDI) and payload concept of the current proposed GW detectors in space under study. The detector proposals under study have arm length ranging from 1000[Formula: see text]km to [Formula: see text][Formula: see text]km (8.6[Formula: see text]AU) including (a) Solar orbiting detectors — (ASTROD Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity using Optical Devices (ASTROD-GW) optimized for GW detection), Big Bang Observer (BBO), DECi-hertz Interferometer GW Observatory (DECIGO), evolved LISA (e-LISA), Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), other LISA-type detectors such as ALIA, TAIJI etc. (in Earthlike solar orbits), and Super-ASTROD (in Jupiterlike solar orbits); and (b) Earth orbiting detectors — ASTROD-EM/LAGRANGE, GADFLI/GEOGRAWI/g-LISA, OMEGA and TIANQIN.

Nalluri Siddaiah ◽  
D.V. Rama Koti Reddy ◽  
Y. Bhavani Sankar ◽  
R. Anil Kumar ◽  
Hossein Pakdast

Cantilever sensors have been the growing attention in last decades and their use as a mass detector. This work presents design, modeling and analysis of Triple coupled cantilever(TCC) sensor using MEMS simulation software Comsol Multiphysics with critical  dimensions of 100μm length,20μm width and 2μm thickness. Simulations were performed based on finite element modeling techniques, where different resonant frequencies were observed for different modes of operation. It is also observed that the resonant frequency of the sensor decreases as some mass is applied on one particular cantilever. The various parameters greatly affecting the performance of TCC such as resonant frequency, dimensions, material and pressure or force applied on it.we also observed that while adding some mass on any one lateral cantilever, the resonant frequency of that respective mode reduced.

2020 ◽  
Vol 494 (2) ◽  
pp. 1956-1970 ◽  
Suvodip Mukherjee ◽  
Benjamin D Wandelt ◽  
Joseph Silk

ABSTRACT The cross-correlation of gravitational wave strain with upcoming galaxy surveys probes theories of gravity in a new way. This method enables testing the theory of gravity by combining the effects from both gravitational lensing of gravitational waves and the propagation of gravitational waves in space–time. We find that within 10 yr the combination of the Advanced LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) and VIRGO (Virgo interferometer) detector networks with planned galaxy surveys should detect weak gravitational lensing of gravitational waves in the low-redshift Universe (z < 0.5). With the next-generation gravitational wave experiments such as Voyager, LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna), Cosmic Explorer, and the Einstein Telescope, we can extend this test of the theory of gravity to larger redshifts by exploiting the synergies between electromagnetic wave and gravitational wave probes.

1998 ◽  
Vol 201 (5) ◽  
pp. 701-715 ◽  
H Bennet-Clark ◽  
D Young

Male Cystosoma saundersii have a distended thin-walled abdomen which is driven by the paired tymbals during sound production. The insect extends the abdomen from a rest length of 32-34 mm to a length of 39-42 mm while singing. This is accomplished through specialised apodemes at the anterior ends of abdominal segments 4-7, which cause each of these intersegmental membranes to unfold by approximately 2 mm. <P> The calling song frequency is approximately 850 Hz. The song pulses have a bimodal envelope and a duration of approximately 25 ms; they are produced by the asynchronous but overlapping action of the paired tymbals. The quality factor Q of the decay of the song pulses is approximately 17. <P> The abdomen was driven experimentally by an internal sound source attached to a hole in the front of the abdomen. This allowed the sound-radiating regions to be mapped. The loudest sound-radiating areas are on both sides of tergites 3-5, approximately 10 mm from the ventral surface. A subsidiary sound-radiating region is found mid-ventrally on sternites 4-6. Sound is radiated in the same phase from all these regions. As the abdomen was extended experimentally from its resting length to its maximum length, the amplitude of the radiated sound doubled and the Q of the resonance increased from 4 to 9. This resonance and effect are similar at both tergite 4 and sternite 5. <P> Increasing the effective volume of the abdominal air sac reduced its resonant frequency. The resonant frequency was proportional to 1/(check)(total volume), suggesting that the air sac volume was the major compliant element in the resonant system. Increasing the mass of tergite 4 and sternites 4-6 also reduced the resonant frequency of the abdomen. By extrapolation, it was shown that the effective mass of tergites 3-5 was between 13 and 30 mg and that the resonant frequency was proportional to 1/(check)(total mass), suggesting that the masses of the tergal sound-radiating areas were major elements in the resonant system. <P> The tymbal ribs buckle in sequence from posterior (rib 1) to anterior, producing a series of sound pulses. The frequency of the pulse decreases with the buckling of successive ribs: rib 1 produces approximately 1050 Hz, rib 2 approximately 870 Hz and rib 3 approximately 830 Hz. The sound pulse produced as the tymbal buckles outwards is between 1.6 and 1.9 kHz. Simultaneous recordings from close to the tymbal and from tergite 4 suggest that the song pulse is initiated by the pulses produced by ribs 2 and 3 of the leading tymbal and sustained by the pulses from ribs 2 and 3 of the second tymbal. <P> An earlier model suggested that the reactive elements of the abdominal resonance were the compliance of the abdominal air sac volume and the mass of the abdomen undergoing lengthwise telescoping. The present work confirms these suggestions for the role of the air sac but ascribes the mass element to the in-out vibrations of the lateral regions of tergites 3-5 and the central part of sternites 4-6.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Haibo Xu ◽  
Yi Jia ◽  
Lisandro Cunci

This paper presents a concept for a passive wireless DNA sensing platform that exploits a multidisciplinary area, synthesizing the conventional DNA capacitive sensing mechanism and the surface-based conformational characterization throughout DNA immobilization and hybridization. The resonant frequency shift, caused by the change of capacitance throughout DNA immobilization and hybridization and occurring on top of an interdigital capacitor, is monitored by means of an impedance analyzer. 32 samples were measured throughout the experiment and the average capacitance measurements represented a variety of surface charges resulting from DNA molecule immobilization and hybridization. The capacitance changed from 11.58 pF to 114.5 pF when specific ssDNA was attached to electrodes and then increased to 218.6 pF once complementary strand DNA was introduced and hybridized with existing DNA chains. In addition, using impedance analyzer measurements, the resonant frequency decreased from 2.01 MHz to 1.97 MHz in the presence of ssDNA and decreased further down to 0.95 MHz after the complementary strand DNA was deposited.

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