scholarly journals Development of Silica Nanoparticle Supported Imprinted Polymers for Selective Lysozyme Recognition

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 3287
Anika Kotyrba ◽  
Mehmet Dinc ◽  
Boris Mizaikoff

Protein imprinted MIPs show notable potential for applications in many analytical areas such as clinical analysis, medical diagnostics and environmental monitoring, but also in drug delivery scenarios. In this study, we present various modifications of two different synthesis routes to create imprinted core-shell particles serving as a synthetic recognition material for the protein hen egg white (HEW) lysozyme. HEW lysozyme is used as food additive E 1105 for preservation due to its antibacterial effects. For facilitating quality and regulatory control analysis in food matrices, it is necessary to apply suitable isolation methods as potentially provided by molecularly imprinted materials. The highest binding capacity achieved herein was 58.82 mg/g with imprinting factors ranging up to 2.74, rendering these materials exceptionally suitable for selectively isolating HEW lysozyme.

Tara A Shrout

Titin is the largest known protein in the human body, and forms the backbone of all striated muscle sarcomeres. The elastic nature of titin is an important component of muscle compliance and functionality. A significant amount of energy is expended to synthesize titin, thus we postulate that titin gene expression is under strict regulatory control in order to conserve cellular resources. In general, gene expression is mediated in part by post-transcriptional control elements located within the 5’ and 3’ untranslated regions (UTRs) of mature mRNA. The 3’UTR in particular contains structural features that affect binding capacity to other RNA components, such as MicroRNA, which control mRNA localization, translation, and degradation. The degree and significance of the regulatory effects mediated by two determined variants of titin’s 3’ UTR were evaluated in Neonatal Rat Ventricular Myocyte and Human Embryonic Kidney cell lines. Recombinant plasmids to transfect these cells lines were engineered by insertion of the variant titin 3’UTR 431- and 1047-base pairs sequences into luciferase reporter vectors. Expression due to an unaltered reporter vector served as the control. Quantitative changes in luciferase activity due to the recombinants proportionally represented the effect titin’s respective 3’UTR conferred on downstream post-transcriptional expression relative to the control. The effect due to titin’s shorter 3’UTR sequence was inconclusive; however, results illustrated that titin’s longer 3’UTR sequence caused a 35 percent decrease in protein expression. Secondary structural analysis of the two sequences revealed differential folding patterns that affect the stability and degree of MicroRNA-binding within titin’s variant 3’UTR sequences.

1990 ◽  
Vol 271 (2) ◽  
pp. 523-528 ◽  
B Boyer ◽  
R Odessey

The potential for branched-chain 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase complex (BCOADC) activity to be controlled by feedback inhibition was investigated by calculating the Elasticity Coefficients for several feedback inhibitors. We suggest that feedback inhibition is a quantitatively important regulatory mechanism by which branched-chain 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase activity is regulated. The potential for control of enzyme activity is greater for NADH than for the acyl-CoA products, and suggests that factors that alter the redox potential may physiologically regulate BCOADC activity through a feedback inhibitory mechanism in vivo. Local pH may also be an important regulatory control factor.

2009 ◽  
Vol 2009 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Rita De Santis ◽  
Claudio Albertoni ◽  
Antonio Rosi ◽  
Barbara Leoni ◽  
Fiorella Petronzelli ◽  

Avidin is a glycoprotein from hen egg white that binds biotin with very high affinity. Here we describe OXavidin, a product containing aldehyde groups, obtained by ligand-assisted sugar oxidation of avidin by sodium periodate. OXavidin chemically reacts with cellular and tissue proteins through Schiff's base formation thus residing in tissues for weeks while preserving the biotin binding capacity. The long tissue residence of OXavidin as well as that of OXavidin/biotinylated agent complex occurs in normal and neoplastic tissues and immunohistochemistry shows a strong and homogenous stromal localization. Once localized in tissue/tumor, OXavidin becomes an “artificial receptor” for intravenous injected biotin allowing tumor targeting with biotinylated therapeutics like radioisotopes or toxins. Moreover, present data also suggest that OXavidin might be useful for the homing of biotinylated cells. Overall, OXavidin exhibits a remarkable potential for many different therapeutic applications.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-92
Mykola Gubin ◽  
Vasil Olkhovsky ◽  
Edgar Grygorian

FORENSIС MEDICAL EXAMINATION IN NON-FATAL LARYNGEAL TRAUMA Olkhovsky V.O., Gubin M.V., Grygorian E.K.  Victims with non-fatal laryngeal trauma become the object of forensic medical evaluation of the severity of bodily injuries in alive persons, carried out during pre-judicial and judicial investigation. The purpose of the study was to provide morphological and clinical analysis and characteristics of bodily injuries in cases of blunt laryngeal trauma in forensic medical examination of alive persons, to determine ways to improve the effectiveness of forensic medical diagnosis of the specified injury. Subjects and Methods. The study involved morphological and clinical analysis of 47 forensic medical expert conclusions in the leading forensic medical examination institution of Kharkiv region. Results. Frequency and types of blunt traumas of the larynx at examination of alive persons were determined. Specific features of forensic medical expert evaluation of bodily injuries severity in alive persons with blunt traumas of larynx were determined. Severe bodily injuries were defined in 3 cases (6.4 % of cases) of laryngeal traumas with the development of mechanical asphyxia. Moderate bodily injuries were determined by experts in 9 cases (19.1 % of cases) of blunt traumas of the larynx, accompanied by fractures of its cartilage; in 4 persons (8.5 % of cases) of blunt traumas of the larynx, accompanied by hematoma, edema of soft tissues of the larynx; in one case of blunt laryngeal trauma with acute edema, its second-degree stenosis. Mild bodily injuries which caused short-term disorder in 25 persons (53.2 % of cases) and mild bodily injuries which caused slight transitory effects in 4 persons (21.1 % of cases) were determined by experts in forensic medical examination of blunt laryngeal trauma with the development of acute posttraumatic laryngitis. The study implied elaboration of methods and an algorithm for improvement of forensic medical diagnostics in this type of injuries. Conclusions. Medico-legal diagnosis of blunt laryngeal trauma can be associated with underestimation and overestimation of the severity of bodily injuries by experts, which requires further research in the field of establishing unbiased expert diagnostic criteria for assessing such injuries. Keywords: criteria of diagnosis, forensic medical examination, expert conclusion, laryngeal trauma.   Резюме СУДОВО-МЕДИЧНА ЕКСПЕРТИЗА У ВИПАДКАХ НЕЛЕТАЛЬНИХ ТРАВМ ГОРТАНІ Ольховський В.О., Губін М.В., Григорян Е.К. Постраждалі з нелетальними травмами гортані, стають об'єктом судово-медичної оцінки тяжкості тілесних ушкоджень у живих осіб, яка проводиться під час досудового та судового слідства. Мета роботи: морфо-клінічний аналіз та характеристика тілесних ушкоджень при тупій травмі гортані, під час судово-медичної експертизи живих осіб для визначення шляхів підвищення ефективності судово-медичної діагностики зазначеної травми. Суб'єкт і методи. Проведено морфо-клінічний аналіз 47 висновків експерта провідної судово-медичної експертної установи Харківського регіону. Результати дослідження. Визначено частоту і типи тупої травми гортані при експертизі живих осіб. Встановлено особливості судово-медичної експертизи при визначенні ступеня тяжкості тілесних ушкоджень у живих осіб з тупою травмою гортані. Тяжкі тілесні ушкодження встановлені експертами в 3 випадках (6,4% спостережень) травм гортані з розвитком механічної асфіксії. Ушкодження середньої тяжкості встановлені експертами в 9 випадках (19,1% спостережень) тупих травм гортані, що супроводжувалися переломами її хрящів; у 4 випадках (8,5% спостережень), що супроводжувались гематомою, набряком м'яких тканин гортані; в одному випадку тупої травми гортані з гострим набряком, її стенозом II ступеня. Легкі тілесні ушкодження, що спричинили короткочасний розлад здоров'я в 25 випадках (53,2% спостережень ) та що викликали незначні транзиторні ефекти в 4 випадках (21,1% спостережень) встановлені експертами  при експертизі тупих травм гортані з розвитком гострих посттравматичних ларингітів. Визначено шляхи та алгоритм вдосконалення судово-медичної експертної діагностики цієї травми. Висновки. При судово-медичній діагностиці тупої травми гортані, мають місце випадки недооцінки та переоцінки тяжкості тілесних ушкоджень експертами, що вимагає проведення подальших наукових досліджень у напрямку встановлення чітких експертних діагностичних критеріїв оцінки таких травм.  Ключові слова: критерії діагностики, судово-медична експертиза, висновок експерта, травми гортані.   Резюме. СУДЕБНО-МЕДИЦИНСКАЯ ЭКСПЕРТИЗА В СЛУЧАЯХ НЕЛЕТАЛЬНИХ ТРАВМ ГОРТАНИ Ольховский В.А., Губин Н.В., Григорян Е.К. Пострадавшие с нелетальными травмами гортани, становятся объектом судебно-медицинской оценки тяжести телесных повреждений у живых лиц, которая проводится в ходе досудебного и судебного следствия. Цель работы: морфо-клинический анализ и характеристика телесных повреждений при тупой травме гортани, во время судебно-медицинской экспертизы живых лиц для определения путей повышения эффективности судебно-медицинской диагностики указанной травмы. Субъект и методы. Проведен морфо-клинический анализ 47 заключений экспертов ведущего судебно-медицинского экспертного учреждения Харьковского региона. Результати исследования. Определены частота и виды тупой травмы гортани при экспертизе живых лиц. Установлены особенности судебно-медицинской экспертизы при определении степени тяжести телесных повреждений у живых лиц с тупыми травмами гортани. Тяжкие телесные повреждения установлены экспертами в 3 случаях (6,4% наблюдений) травм гортани с развитием механической асфиксии. Повреждения средней тяжести установлены экспертами в 9 случаях (19,1% наблюдений) тупых травм гортани, сопровождавшихся переломами ее хрящей; в 4 случаях (8,5% наблюдений),  сопровождавшихся гематомой, отеком мягких тканей гортани; в одном случае тупой травмы гортани с острым ее отеком, стенозом II степени. Легкие телесные повреждения, повлекшие  кратковременное расстройство здоровья в 25 случаях (53,2% наблюдений) и которые вызвали незначительные транзиторные эффекты в 4 случаях (21,1% наблюдений) установлены экспертами при экспертизе тупых травм гортани с развитием острых посттравматических ларингитов. Определены пути и алгоритм совершенствования судебно-медицинской экспертизы данной травмы. Выводы. При судебно-медицинской диагностике тупой травмы гортани, имеют место случаи недооценки и переоценки тяжести телесных повреждений экспертами, что требует проведения дальнейших научных исследований в направлении установления четких экспертных диагностических критериев оценки таких травм.   Ключевые слова: критерии диагностики, судебно-медицинская экспертиза, заключение эксперта, травмы гортани.

1990 ◽  
Vol 270 (2) ◽  
pp. 409-412 ◽  
A Koman ◽  
O Durieu-Trautmann ◽  
P O Couraud ◽  
A D Strosberg ◽  
B B Weksler

Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is known to have regulatory control of a large number of cellular components, including various receptors. We show that muscarinic acetylcholine receptors of the m2 subtype on CCL 137 human fibroblasts in culture are affected by PDGF treatment. A time-dependent down-regulation is observed in steady-state RNA levels, followed by a decrease in ligand-binding capacity. Minimum RNA levels are attained at 11 h; minimum binding capacity is observed after 24 h of treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first example of negative gene control by PDGF.

Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas

Miniaturization is a rapidly growing field, with great potential for many applications, from cell and clinical analysis, medical diagnostics, food and water safety, and environmental monitoring. Working on the microscale offers significant advantages, such as shorter time, reduced sample requirement, higher resolution and sensitivity. There are important research efforts devoted to the development of separation and analytical techniques that can be employed on the microscale. Dielectrophoresis (DEP) is the motion of particles due to polarization effects when exposed to nonuniform electric fields; this electrokinetic transport mechanism has a great potential for the manipulation of a wide array of particles. DEP offers great flexibility, since it can be carried out employing DC and AC electric fields, and neutral and charged particles can be manipulated. Insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP) is novel technique where insulating structures, instead of electrodes, are used to create nonuniform electric fields. This presentation is focused on the use of AC-iDEP and DC-iDEP for the manipulation, concentration y separation of different types of particles. Experimental and modeling results obtained with COMSOL will be presented and discussed, demonstrating the versatility and great potential of iDEP as a microscale technique for effective and highly controlled particle manipulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Alla Shevtsova ◽  
Iuliia Gordiienko ◽  
Viktoriia Tkachenko ◽  
Galyna Ushakova

Albumin is one of the most abundant proteins in the body of mammals: about 40% of its pool is located in the intravascular space and the remainder is found in the interstitial space. The content of this multifunctional protein in blood is about 60-65% of total plasma proteins. A decrease in its synthesis or changes of functional activity can destabilize oncotic blood pressure, cause a violation of transporting hormones, fatty acids, metals, and drugs. Albumin properties change under ischemic attacks associated with oxidative stress, production of reactive oxygen species, and acidosis. Under these conditions, ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) is generated that has a reduced metal-binding capacity, especially for transition metals, such as copper, nickel, and cobalt. The method of determining the cobalt-binding capability of HSA was initially proposed to evaluate IMA level and then licensed as an ACB test for routine clinical analysis for myocardial ischemia. Subsequent studies have shown the viability of the ACB test in diagnosing other diseases associated with the development of oxidative stress. This review examines recent data on IMA generation mechanisms, describes principles, advantages, and limitations of methods for evaluation of IMA levels, and provides detailed analysis of its use in diagnostic and monitoring therapeutic efficacy in different diseases.

2015 ◽  
Vol 66 ◽  
pp. 153-166 ◽  
Ane Loft Mollerup ◽  
Peter Steen Mikkelsen ◽  
Dines Thornberg ◽  
Gürkan Sin

Cancers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 3029
Monika Łęcka ◽  
Artur Słomka ◽  
Katarzyna Albrecht ◽  
Ewa Żekanowska ◽  
Michał Romiszewski ◽  

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate non-transferrin-bound iron (NTBI) and labile plasma iron (LPI) levels and other parameters of iron metabolism in children undergoing therapy for acute leukemia or after hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT), in the context of iron overload. Patients: A total number of 85 children were prospectively included into four groups: controls, acute leukemia de novo, acute leukemia after intensive treatment, and after HCT. Methods: The following iron metabolism parameters were analyzed: (1) parameters measuring functional and storage iron pools: NTBI, LPI, iron, transferrin, total iron-binding capacity, ferritin, ferritin heavy and light chains; (2) proteins regulating iron absorption and its release from tissue stores: hepcidin, soluble hemojuvelin, soluble ferroportin-1; (3) proteins regulating the erythropoietic activity of bone marrow: erythroferrone, erythropoietin, soluble transferrin receptor. Results: Intensive treatment of leukemia in children was associated with the presence of serum NTBI and LPI, which was the highest in the HCT group followed by the acute leukemia after treatment and de novo groups. In patients after HCT, the most significant changes were found in NTBI, LPI, iron, ferritin, hepcidin, and ferroportin-1 levels. Conclusions: The occurrence of NTBI and LPI in the circulation and the intensification of disturbances in iron metabolism were associated with the intensity of the anti-leukemic treatment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 1429-1461 ◽  
Xiaona Li ◽  
Jianwen Liang ◽  
Xiaofei Yang ◽  
Keegan R. Adair ◽  
Changhong Wang ◽  

This review focuses on fundamental understanding, various synthesis routes, chemical/electrochemical stability of halide-based lithium superionic conductors, and their potential applications in energy storage as well as related challenges.

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