scholarly journals Keseimbangan Pertumbuhan Spiritual dan Intelektual: Teladan Yesus dan Paulus bagi Hamba Tuhan Masa Kini

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-141
Haryadi Baskoro ◽  
Hendro Hariyanto Siburian

Ketidakseimbangan antara spiritualitas dan intelektualitas terbukti sering mengganggu pertumbuhan pelayanan hamba-hamba Tuhan. Bahkan ketidakseimbangan itu bisa menjerumuskan hamba Tuhan dalam kesesatan dan kejatuhan.  Melalui studi Alkitab (eksegesa) dan penelitian kualitatif, peneliti mencoba memahami keteladanan Yesus dan Paulus sebagai model pertumbuhan yang seimbang antara spiritualitas dan intelektualitas.            Dari pembahasan ditemukan kebenaran penting bahwa Yesus dan Paulus adalah figur-figur pelayan yang melayani dengan kompetensi ganda: spiritual dan intelektual. Kompetensi ganda itu dikembangkan dalam rangka menunaikan tugas pelayanan. Pengembangan kompetensi ganda itu berdasarkan Alkitab, Firman Tuhan. Mengacu pada Yesus dan Paulus, hamba Tuhan masa kini juga harus bertumbuh seimbang dalam kompetensi ganda itu. Keseimbangan antara spiritualitas dan intelektualitas menjadikan hamba Tuhan lebih sehat secara rohani, terjaga dari kesesatan, kritis dan cerdas, namun tetap menyala-nyala di dalam Roh Kudus. Kompetensi ganda akan memampukan hamba Tuhan masa kini melakukan pelayanan-pelayanan besar. Dan ketika keberhasilan itu diperoleh, kompetensi ganda itu akan menjaga agar hamba Tuhan tidak terjatuh.  Kata kunci: spiritualitas, intelektualitas, keseimbangan, pelayanan, Alkitabiah.                The imbalance between spirituality and intellect has often been shown to disrupt the growth of the ministry of God's servants. Even that imbalance can plunge the servant of God in error and fall. Through Bible study (exegesis) and qualitative research, researchers try to understand Jesus and Paul as models of balanced growth between spirituality and intellect.               From the discussion I discovered the important truth, that Jesus and Paul are servant figures who serve with multiple competencies: spiritual and intellectual. Double competency was developed in order to fulfill service duties. The development of multiple competencies is based on the Bible, God's Word. Referring to Jesus and Paul, God's servants today must also grow in balance in that dual competence. The balance between spirituality and intellect makes the Lord's servant have spiritual health, maintained from heresy, critical and intelligent, but still on fire in the Holy Spirit. Multiple competencies will enable God's servants today to carry out great services. And when the success is obtained, that dual competence will keep the servants of God from falling. Key words: spirituality, intelect, balance, service, Biblical.

1986 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-10
N. F. S. Grundtvig

Created in the Image of Goda little-known account of Grundtvig from 1814The creation of man in the image of God means according to Grundtvig that man is created with the purpose of resembling the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Man is therefore tripartite, comprising body, soul and spirit, equipped to feel, imagine, and apprehend. As Father, God cannot be truly imagined, since our images are limited by time and space. When man nevertheless sets out to imagine God, it is as Creator, according to the Bible as “the living word” – as the Son. The Holy Spirit then becomes the power that unites the Father and the Son. Grundtvig believes that man must be created with free will, “for otherwise there was something that did not obey Him”, that is, God - namely the human will.However, Grundtvig does not envisage the newly-created man as a perfect image of God, but rather as a healthy new-born baby is “fully-developed” - with the potential to become the perfect image of God. The Fall breaks off this development, occurring as it did because man abused his reason by doubting the truth of God’s word: “of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it,” for “thou shalt surely die.” Instead man believed the devil’s words, which were lies, and let his reason serve his desire. If we doubt that we participate in this sin, we will be convinced “when we realise how little abhorrence we have of such a fall.” This was pride, and this was how we lost our immediate communion with God.This account is found in the first volume of Grundtvig’s second World Chronicle, published in 1814. Only the one volume was published; it has never been reprinted, and is therefore little-known.

Kairos ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-91
Stanko Jambrek

In order to have a fruitful understanding of the nature of the Church, the Bible uses a variety of pictures, which when taken together form Church models by which believers live and act by. We have reviewed Church models in three categories: the first category is taken by Church models which are formed today by our everyday life; the second one are Church models which have been created by man throughout history; and third, the Church models which have a foundation in the Word of God. Church models formed by everyday life and man-made Church models can be used as negative examples of models to be changed and avoided, especially models of the Church as an institution and as a denomination. The Bible shows a particular reality and nature of the Church by using numerous different pictures from everyday life. These include pictures from the ownership system; the picture of the way the human body works; pictures from premarital, marital, and family life; pictures from architecture, agriculture, cattle breeding, fishery, and citizenship and patriotism. Each of the used pictures communicates one or more God’s truths in a way that is experientially very close and familiar to the listeners and readers. These pictures reflect life and point towards life. The 21st century Christianity needs to adopt and apply Biblical pictures of Church which, when taken together, form the Biblical Church model. As we establish this model, we need to focus on God and His purposes and plans for a specific time, place, and culture. Our communication with God needs to be completely open, and the Church needs to be prepared to follow God’s plans and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Biblical Church model contains God’s (immutable) and human (mutable) elements. God is immutable, which is why anything that is permanent and immutable in Church comes from God, and what can and needs to be changed is anything that came from people. The human elements need to be aligned with God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, so that the Church would be able to obey God’s will fruitfully.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-202
Jean Paath ◽  
Yuniria Zega ◽  
Ferdinan Pasaribu

ABSTRAK Pernikahan adalah suatu kemitraan yang permanen yang dibuat dengan komitmen di antara seorang wanita dan pria. Ada dalam Alkitab, ”Dan sesudah itu Ia berkata, Itu sebabnya laki-laki meninggalkan ibu bapaknya dan bersatu dengan istrinya, maka keduanya menjadi satu. Jadi mereka bukan lagi dua orang, tetapi satu. Itu sebabnya apa yang sudah disatukan oleh Allah tidak boleh diceraikan oleh manusia”. Tujuan dalam tulisan ini tentang supremasi pernikahan Kristen pada Abad XXI agar semua yang percaya tidak menganggap remeh tentang pernikahan. Agar orang percaya tidak menyepelekan pernikahan kudus yang sudah di persatukan oleh adalah dan tidak merusak rencana Allah dalam hidup mereka. Asumsi dalam penelitian ini adalah Alkitab adalah firman Allah yang tidak bersalah karena diinspirasikan oleh Roh Kudus kepada para penulis. Firman Allah menjadi dasar dalam memperbaiki pernikahan pada Abad XXI. Untuk menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif bibliologis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode inilah yang dianggap paling sesuai oleh peneliti karena metode deskriptif memberikan gambaran lengkap dan natural akan suatu peristiwa dan fenomena yang terjadi. ABSTRACT Marriage is a permanent partnership made with a commitment between a woman and a man. It's in the Bible, "And after that He said, That's why a man leaves his father's mother and unites with his wife, then the two become one. So they are no longer two people, but one. That is why what has been united by God must not be divorced by humans ". The purpose in this paper is the supremacy of Christian marriage in the XXI Century so that all believers do not underestimate marriage. So that believers do not underestimate the holy marriage that has been united by is and does not damage God's plan in their lives. The assumption in this study is that the Bible is the innocent word of God because it was inspired by the Holy Spirit to the writers. God's Word became the basis for fixing marriages in the XXI Century. To solve this problem, researchers used a descriptive bibliological method with a qualitative approach. This method is considered the most appropriate by researchers because descriptive methods provide a complete and natural picture of events and phenomena that occur.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Yonatan Alex Arifianto

Immaturity in taking an attitude and acting as they should be following the way and order of God's Word can be called a worldly man who has the impact of jealousy, strife, so as to give rise to worldly people who do not know the truth. The natural man will also represent who the believer is. Spiritual maturity that involves God's role in the work of the Holy Spirit will continue to renew the mind and passion to continue fellowship with God. Likewise, what happens for humans who are in Jesus Christ will become a person in His image and become a blessing to others. With descriptive qualitative research methods, the author can describe the classification of the worldly man which refers to the immature in Christ, whose food is still limited to milk, and has an attitude of envy, strife and lives in a worldly manner. In addition, a spiritual person is described by the indicators: leaving childishness, accepting solid food and becoming a peacemaker, so that he can continue to grow, have a changed consciousness in all good things. In the end, the spiritual man can be a blessing and give good fruit to the lives of others. Abstrak Ketidakdewasaan dalam mengambil sikap dan bertindak sebagaimana seharusnya mengikuti cara dan tatanan Firman Tuhan dapat disebut sebagai manusia duniawi yang memiliki dampak iri hati, perselisihan sehingga memunculkan manusia duniawi yang tidak mengenal kebenaran. Manusia duniawi itu juga akan mepresentasikan siapa pribadi orang percaya. Kedewasaan rohani yang melibatkan peran Tuhan dalam karya Roh Kudus akan terus memperbaharui pikiran dan gairah untuk terus bersekutu dengan Tuhan. Demikianlah juga yang terjadi bagi manusia yang ada dalam Yesus Kristus akan menjadi pribadi yang serupa dengan gambarNya dan menjadi berkat bagi sesama. Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, penulis dapat mendeskripsikan klasifikasi manusia duniawi yang mengacu pada belum dewasa dalam Kristus, yang makanannya masih sebatas susu, serta memiliki sikap iri hati, perselisihan dan hidup secara duniawi. Selain itu, dideskripsikan manusia rohani dengan indikator: meninggalkan sifat kanak-kanak, menerima makanan keras dan menjadi pembawa damai, sehingga dapat terus bertumbuh, memiliki kesadaran berubah dalam segala hal yang baik. Pada akhirnya manusia rohani dapat menjadi berkat dan memberikan buah yang baik bagi kehidupan orang lain.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-95
Yosia Belo

Abstract: This research is a literature study of the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5: 22-23. By using a qualitative approach, the results are found that the fruits of the Spirit should be owned by every student who has studied Christian Religious Education. Therefore it is a sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit in each of their lives and at the same time shows the change or transformation brought about by the Bible study they learned in the Christian Religious Education class. Keywords: Spirit Fruit, Galatians, Christian Religious Education   Abstraksi: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka terhadap buah-buah Roh dalam Galatia 5:22-23. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, maka ditemukan hasil bahwa buah-buah Roh sudah seharusnya dimiliki oleh setiap peserta didik yang telah belajar Pendidikan Agama Kristen. Oleh karena itu sebagai tanda kehadiran Roh Kudus dalam setiap kehidupan mereka dan sekaligus menunjukkan perubahan atau transformasi yang ditimbulkan oleh pelajaran Alkitab yang mereka pelajari dalam kelas Pendidikan Agama Kristen. Kata Kunci: Buah Roh, Galatia, Pendidikan Agama Kristen

1961 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-59
William G. Young

One of the greatest needs of our day and generation is for an approach to the question of the inspiration and authority of the Bible which will be sufficiently clear and embracing in its statement of the truth to be a means, both of assurance to all who seek to find God's Word for their daily spiritual food in the Bible, and of reconciliation to those who have approached the problem from varying angles in their search for a satisfying solution, and who, instead of welcoming one another's insights, treat one another with hostility and contempt. Fifty years ago Fundamentalists and Liberals looked at one another across a vast chasm of bitterness and difference: that chasm has persisted to the present day, but in many ways it is not so wide or so deep as it was—and neo-Calvinism has interposed a third approach. Is it too much to hope that the time should now have come when each of these groups will be ready to confess the defectiveness of its own understanding, and the extremes to which it has at times gone in overemphasising one side of the truth; and that each will seek that fuller understanding which an appreciation of the contributions of the others can bring? The barriers between the theologians of these three schools are in some ways more difficult to overcome than those between Christian denominations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-174
Deiby Ketlin Najoan

Teaching about the Holy Spirit is an important theme in the teaching curriculum for the formation of adult members of the church. Paul's letter to the Ephesians emphasized the importance of living under the leading of the Holy Spirit. The church must carry out the teaching of the Holy Spirit in the formation of the members of the congregation, so that the congregation has a correct understanding. Through a literature study approach related to the study of the Ephesians, it was found that the teaching of the Holy Spirit in Ephesians is the Holy Spirit as a seal, believers are sealed with the Holy Spirit when they believe which signifies that believers belong to God. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee that believers will receive what He has promised. Believers are the abode of the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit indwells believers. The Holy Spirit empowers believers by His Spirit within. Believers should not grieve the Holy Spirit, but believers are commanded to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who guides believers in prayer. The Bible study in Ephesians about the Holy Spirit can be a reference for the church to implement a curriculum for teaching about the Holy Spirit for the formation of adult members of the congregation. The teachings of the Bible in the letter of Ephesians are the basis for the importance of teaching the Holy Spirit to adult members of the church.Pengajaran mengenai Roh Kudus merupakan tema penting dalam kurikulum pengajaran bagi pembinaan warga jemaat dewasa di gereja. Surat Paulus kepada jemaat di Efesus menekankan pentingnya hidup dalam pimpinan Roh Kudus. Gereja harus melaksanakan pengajaran mengenai Roh Kudus dalam pembinaan warga jemaat, supaya jemaat memiliki pemahaman yang benar. Melalui pendekatan studi literatur terkait dengan kajian surat Efesus, ditemukan bahwa pengajaran Roh Kudus dalam surat Efesus ialah Roh Kudus sebagai meterai, orang percaya dimeteraikan dengan Roh Kudus sewaktu percaya yang menandakan bahwa orang percaya adalah milik Allah. Roh Kudus menjadi jaminan bahwa orang percaya akan menerima apa yang telah dijanjikan-Nya. Orang percaya adalah tempat kediaman Roh Kudus, karena Roh Kudus yang mendiami orang percaya. Roh Kudus memberi kekuatan kepada orang percaya oleh Roh-Nya di dalam batin. Orang percaya tidak boleh mendukakan Roh Kudus, melainkan orang percaya diperintahkan untuk terus menerus dipenuhi oleh Roh Kudus. Roh Kuduslah yang menuntun orang percaya dalam berdoa. Kajian Alkitab dalam surat Efesus mengenai Roh Kudus dapat menjadi acuan bagi gereja untuk pelaksanaan kurikulum pengajaran tentang Roh Kudus bagi pembinaan warga jemaat dewasa. Ajaran alkitab dalam surat Efesus menjadi landasan tentang pentingnya pengajaran Roh Kudus bagi jemaat dewasa di gereja.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Andrianus Nababan

AbstrackThe Christian religious education teacher is an educator who provides knowledge about Christianity based on the Bible, centered on Jesus Christ, and relied on the Holy Spirit. Christian Religious Education teachers must be able to offer their bodies in Romans 12:1-3. The understanding of offering the body include: 1)the Christian religious education teacher always i approaches the loving and generous God 2)give advice by encouraging, directing convey the truth of God's Words. 3). renewal of the mind by distinguishing which is good and pleasing to God. Thus, each Christian religious education teacher can understand that a true educator must surrender his/her body as a true offering according to will of God.Key word: Christian education teacher; Offering the body Romans 12:1-3.ABSTRAKGuru Pendidikan Agama Kristen merupakan seorang pendidik yang memberikan ilmu pengetahuan tentang agama Kristen yang berdasarkan Alkitab, berpusat pada Yesus Kristus, dan bergantung pada Roh Kudus kepada peserta didik dalam kegiatan belajarmengajar. Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen harus mampu mempersembahkan tubuhnya dalam Roma 12:1-3 sebagai ibadah sejati. Pemahaman mempersembahkan tubuh yaitu 1)guru Pendidikan agama Kristen senantiasa menghampiri Allah yang penuh kasih dan kemurahan 2)memberikan nasihat dengan mendorong, mengarahkan dan berdasarkan kebenaran Firman Tuhan. 3)pembaharuan budi dengan membedakan mana yang baik dan yang berkenan kepada Allah. Demikian Guru Pendidikan Agama kristen mampu memahami mempersembahkan tubuh menyangkut kehendak Allah sebagai pendidik yang sejati.Kata Kunci: Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen; Mempersembahkan tubuh.

David. T. Williams

The emergence of the Charismatic movement has generated a new awareness and interest in the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, but has also brought a realisation that there is a still-neglected Person of the Trinity, the Father. Part of the reason for this lies in the historical development in the doctrine of the Trinity, which led to a belief that external actions of God are not differentiated between the Persons, and also in the fact that the Father only generally acts in the world by Son and Spirit, so has no clear role. It seems natural to attribute creation to the Father, but even here, the Bible sees the Son as the actual creator. Nevertheless, the Father can be seen as the source of the concepts and means behind the material; interestingly there are hints of this in classical Greek thought and other faiths. This is ongoing, perhaps particularly in the evolutionary process of the world. Thus, paralleling the incarnation, the Father is present in the material universe, as its ethos. He can also be seen to be affected by creation, sharing in its nature in his kenōsis, and in its suffering. Creation then inspires a sense of wonder not only from its existence, extent and nature, but from its interactions and underlying concepts; this is worship of the Father. Sin is then when this is overlooked, or when actions disrupt it; these are an offence to the Father.

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