scholarly journals Reclamation Tax Calculation at Revenue Service, Regional Financial and Asset Management (Dppkad) Pariaman City(Perhitungan Pajak Reklamepada Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelola Keuangan Dan Aset Daerah (Dppkad) Kota Pariaman)

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-46
Zefriyenni ◽  
Yogi Wiyandra ◽  
Firna Yenila

Billboard tax calculations conducted by the Revenue, Financial and Asset Management Agency (DPPKA) Kab. Dharmasraya still uses a manual system so that performance is not optimal. The research conducted aims to optimize the calculation of advertisement tax and provide fast service time for ad users and taxpayers. With this research, it is expected to be able to assist the DPPKA in calculating the advertisement tax effectively and efficiently. The research methods used are field research, library research and laboratories. So that a new system analysis is produced by using tools such as Use Case Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Activity Diagrams and Deployment Diagrams.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Rhesa Elian Nugroho

<p>Penyelenggaraan sebuah event dari pengelola atau <em>event organizer</em> terkadang mengalami kendala dalam melakukan promosi dan mengumpulkan cukup banyak peserta disisi lain masyarakat juga perlu untuk mengetahui informasi lengkap mengenai event yang akan diselenggarakan. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut maka perlu dirancang sebuah sistem informasi untuk mempermudah <em>event organizer</em> dan para peserta tersebut.</p><p>Tahap perancangan sistem ini meliputi pembuatan deskripsi <em>use case</em> diagram, <em>activity</em> diagram, <em>sequence</em> diagram, <em>class</em> diagram dan perancagan database. Implementasi dari sistem ini menggunakan Framework Laravel berbasis bahasa pemograman PHP.</p><p>Hasil dari penelitian ini telah dibuat aplikasi event registration and ticketing dengan fitur pengguna yang bertindak sebagai <em>event organizer</em> dalam aplikasi ini dapat melakukan unggah informasi dan promosi <em>event</em> yang akan diselenggarakan serta melakukan penjualan tiket elektronik. Sedangkan pengguna yang bertindak sebagai member dapat melakukan pembelian tiket pada aplikasi ini sehingga lebih mudah tanpa harus datang ke loket tiket.<em> </em></p><p>_____________________________________________________</p><p><em>Organizing an event from the event organizer sometimes constraints in doing promotions and amassed quite a number of participants on the other hand the community also need to know details of upcoming events is held. To fullfil this things it is necessary an information system designed to facilitate the event organizer and the participants.</em></p><p><em>This system design phase includes the creation of descriptions use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams and database designs. Implementation of this system using Laravel-based Framework PHP programming language. </em></p><p><em>Users who act as event organizer in this application can do post some information and promotional event which will be held as well as conducting electronic ticket sales. While users who act as members can purchase tickets on this application so much easier without having to come to the ticket counter.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Andiani Andiani ◽  
M. Farhan Zidni L.

Pinang is a digital application-based BRI Agro product that runs on the Android operating system, wherewith this application customers can apply for loans without collateral digitally, anywhere, and anytime. Of course, we need a system that can help the process of managing data from Pinang customers, starting from adding company cooperation with the Pinang application to maintaining and monitoring the system. So a Pinang dashboard information system is needed that can assist in the operation of the Pinang application that is capable of managing data, monitoring, and maintenance if there are problems in the Pinang application borrowing process. The Pinang dashboard can make it easier to manage, monitor, and provide information related to the Pinang application, including customer status, whitelist, repayment, disbursement, outstanding, ID card approval, and report withdrawal. The areca dashboard is built using the waterfall method, this method in its design uses UML diagrams, use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, and entity-relationship diagrams (ERD). The implementation of making Pinang dashboards uses the Golang programming language, Node Js, React Js, keycloak, and the PostgreSQL database. With the Pinang Dashboard, it is hoped that it can facilitate the operational team in maintaining the Pinang application and building a system that can manage, monitor, and provide information related to the Pinang application.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 061
Wahyuni Yahyan

Padang Baiturrahmah University Library provides a variety of books, articles and journals that can be read and borrowed by students, faculty, staff, public and employees. The problem that arises is the library can only be visited at certain hours. The research method used is the field research, library research and laboratory research, so dihasilkanlah a new system analysis using tools such as milk (Flow of Information Systems), DFD (Data Flow Diagram), ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram), and Context Diagrams With this tool will be produced several inter-related files in a database management. The new system is expected to improve the quality of information and the work of libraries in the future and be able to reduce and overcome existing problems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-15
Muhamad Roofiq

The development of technology makes the cellphone no longer functions as a means of communication but its features are increasingly enriched, making it more functional. The purpose of writing this research is to design a mobile application for prayer information to make it easier for Muslims to get information about the procedures for implementing obligatory prayers, especially for the learning process of prayer in children often encounter obstacles such as limited info, media and high mobility, therefore sometimes we need media learning that can be taken anywhere - like the prayer guide application on this handphone. This application can display the prayer menu that contains mandatory prayer guidelines, prayer details that contain images of prayer movements along with lafadz and their sounds. This application modeling uses UML (Unified Modeling Language), which includes Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, and Activity Diagrams. By making this application with the Fisher Yates Shuffle algorithm is expected to help the process of learning prayer for children, easily which can be used anytime and anywhere. As for the future development, it is expected to be able to make the sunnah prayer menu, adding a short letter in the quran.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Sitti Aisa

<pre><em><span>The continued development and widespread use of current technology</span></em></pre><pre><em><span> so that accessing and managing data from a personal computer to </span></em></pre><pre><em><span>make private users become inflexible due to the personal computer</span></em></pre><pre><em><span> requires a power source directly and storage areas are static, </span></em></pre><pre><em><span>therefore, the author plans to implement a service private </span></em></pre><pre><em><span>cloud that uses raspberry pi as a server and will be tested by the test</span></em></pre><pre><em><span> Blackbox. Our research by collecting data that we did put a literature</span></em></pre><pre><em><span> study, experiments, and observations. The design method using UML</span></em></pre><pre><em><span> use case diagrams, class diagrams, activity diagrams and sequence </span></em></pre><pre><em><span>diagrams. This application is built using Django, Python, Raspberry Pi, MySQL. Hopefully the benefit of this implementation can help a person in terms of managing data from a wide variety of resources (resource) quickly and anywhere.</span></em></pre>

Dwi Hastuti

Letter is one of the communication media has an important role. Besides having the function of a messenger, the letter also become one of the important documents for an organization. Because all forms of official communication must be submitted by mail. Engineering Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University  is one of the leading  universities in South Kalimantan. As a university, its driven by an organization to which the letter became one of the important means of communication. But along the way with the increasing number of letters and the development of the organization, it raises some issues that occur, like mail numbering dan searching. By taking advantage of information systems, author tries to do a study to resolve those problems. In this study the authors use an object-oriented approach a method of designing systems with tools such as use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, and class diagrams. In addition, the authors use a prototyping approach to software development methods. To Support this research data is needed to determine the solution of the problem. Sources of primary data obtained from direct observation (observation) and interviews, while the secondary data obtained from the documents that exist in them.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 171
Norhikmah Norhikmah

Didalam perguruan tinggi pihak akademik memiliki kewajiban untuk menunjuk seorang dosen untuk menjadi dosen wali dari beberapa mahasiswa, dosen wali diperuntukan untuk memberikan nasehat dan saran selama proses kegiatan akademik mahasiswa perwalian, selama menjadi dosen wali mengalami kendala dalam berkomunikasi dengan mahasiswa dikarenakan didalam aplikasi dosen wali yang digunakan sekarang belum ada fitur chatting untuk berkomunikasi antara dosen wali dengan mahasiswa perwalian, maka dari itu dibutuhkan sistem monitoring dosen wali dengan menggunakan Signal R, dan perancangan sistem menggunakan UML yaitu usecase, activity diagram, dan class diagram. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah model rancangan sistem monitoring dosen wali dengan menggunakan ASP.Net Signal R yang dapat memberikan kemudahan kepada mahasiswa dalam berkonsultasi kepada dosen, sehingga dosen dapat mengetahui rekam jejak konsultasi mahasiswa, dan permasalahan akademik yang dihadapi mahasiswa perwaliannya dengan menambahkan fitur chatting didalam aplikasi dosen wali, fitur chatting tersebut bertujuan untuk merekam jejak / monitoring/ komunikasi antara dosen wali dengan mahasiswa yang dimana rekam jejak konsultasi mahasiswa tersebut disimpan secara realtime.In college academic authorities have an obligation to appoint a lecturer to become a lecturer guardians of some students, faculty trustee intended to provide advice and suggestions during the academic activities of students guardianship, long a guardian lecturers have problems in communicating with the students because in the application lecturers guardian yet their use chat feature to communicate between faculty trustee with the students, and therefore required faculty trustee monitoring system using Signal R, and system design using UML is use case, activity diagrams, and class diagrams. Results from this study is a model faculty trustee monitoring system design using ASP.Net Signal R to provide convenience to the student in consultation to teachers, so teachers can know the track record of consulting students, and academic problems faced by students ward by adding a chat feature inside application faculty trustee, the chat feature is intended to record trace / monitoring / communication between faculty trustee with a college student consultation where the track record is stored in realtime.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-279
Herdiesel Santoso ◽  
Minarwati Minarwati ◽  
Kholidun Kholidun

Abstract.The aim of this study is to build an e-commerce website in umat bookstore to expand marketing and manage product management. The stages of system development follow the SDLC model, namely analysis, design, implementation and evaluation. Initial system analysis uses the PIECES framework. Documentation results from the system weakness analysis stage are used for recommendations on system requirements and what functionality a new system will perform. After the analysis phase is complete, the proposed system requirements are translated into system design. The design phase uses the United Modeling Language (UML) which consists of use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams. The data modeling phase consists of two stages, namely, designing a database conceptual model and physical database design. Interface design includes backend design and frontend. The next step is the implementation of the program design phase translated into codes using a programming language. At this stage system testing is also carried out. Evaluation results show that the functions of e-commerce webs can run well and help umat bookstore provide fast, accurate and relevant information so as to increase the effectiveness of product promotions.Abstrak.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun web e-commerce di toko buku umat untuk memperluas pemasaran dan melakukan manajemen produk. Tahapan pengembangan sistem mengikuti model SDLC, yaitu analisis, desain, impelementasi dan evaluasi. Analisis sistem awal menggunakan kerangka PIECE. Hasil dokumentai dari tahap analisis kelemahan sistem digunakan untuk rekomendasi kebutuhan sistem dan fungsionalitas apa saja yang akan dilakukan sistem baru. Setelah tahap analisis selesai, usulan kebutuhan sistem diterjemahkan menjadi desain sistem. Tahapan desain menggunakan United Modelling Language (UML) yang terdiri dari use case diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram dan class diagram. Tahap pemodelan data terdiri dari dua tahap yaitu, perancangan model konseptual database dan perancangan fisik database. Desain antarmuka meliputi desain halaman administrator dan desain halaman depan. Tahap selanjutnya adalah implementasi dari fase desain program diterjemahkan ke dalam kode-kode dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman. Pada tahapan ini juga dilakukan pengujian sistem. Hasil evaluasi menunjukan fungsi-fungsi web e-commerce dapat berjalan dengan baik dan membantu toko buku umat menyediakan informasi yang cepat, akurat dan relevan sehingga meningkatkan efektivitas promosi produk.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 247-257
Muhammad Nasir ◽  
Imam Solikin

Raffamart Store is one of the trading business that sells various clothes. This store has not provided product sales service via internet or e-commerce (Electronic Commerce). In the process of selling ordering products as well as transactions, customers must come directly to the store. Customers can not place product orders due to system limitations owned by Raffamart stores. Therefore, a web-based sales system (e-commerce) is needed to assist the store in promoting the product. System development method used is waterfall method. The tools used to illustrate the system model are use case diagrams, activity diagrams and class diagrams. This website was developed using macromedia dreamweaver, programming language PHP and MySQL as database. With this web-based system, of course, will facilitate the processing of product data for sale and also help in terms of product marketing, because any information provided to customers can be faster.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Yudho Yudhanto ◽  
Dimas Sadewo Jumpa Nova ◽  
Winita Sulandari

<p><em>Field of information technology is one of the major role holder still lives today. With the technology more easily obtain the information society.</em></p><p><em>System and Application D3TIUNS created using waterfall method, D3TIUNS web based applications created using programming language PHP with CodeIgniter Framework. And Android-based applications D3TI created using the Java programming language with Android Studio tool with the programming language php, java and using CodeIgniter Framework.</em></p><p><em>The design used in the making of this application include: table of functional requirements, use case diagram, ERD, activity diagrams, Sequence diagrams and interface design. For application testing using methods blackbox. The results of this thesis is the creation of information system D3 Informatics Engineering UNS web-based and application-based android D3TI</em></p>

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