scholarly journals Pengaruh Stres Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-83
Nadia Antonita Christy ◽  
Sholihati Amalia

Every employee must have experienced job stress. Work stress can give positive effect but if excessive it will cause negative impact especially is on employee performance. Therefore work stress must be prevented and handled. Excessive job stress is also experienced by employees of production department at PT Catur Kartika Jaya which is engaged in making mosquito nets. Therefore this research was made to find out how the job stress faced by employees of the production of PT Catur Kartika Jaya and its influence on the performance of these employees. The results obtained through this study is that there is a strong and significant negative influence on work stress on the performance of production employee in PT Catur Kartika Jaya. Therefore, the authors suggest the company to do socialization about work stress management and various activities outside the work that can rest and refresh the soul and body.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Nadia Antonita Christy ◽  
Sholihati Amalia

Every employee must have experienced job stress. Work stress can give positive effect but if excessive it will cause negative impact especially is on employee performance. Therefore work stress must be prevented and handled. Excessive job stress is also experienced by employees of production department at PT Catur Kartika Jaya which is engaged in making mosquito nets. Therefore this research was made to find out how the job stress faced by employees of the production of PT Catur Kartika Jaya and its influence on the performance of these employees. The results obtained through this study is that there is a strong and significant negative influence on work stress on the performance of production employee in PT Catur Kartika Jaya. Therefore, the authors suggest the company to do socialization about work stress management and various activities outside the work that can rest and refresh the soul and body. Setiap karyawan pasti pernah mengalami stres kerja. Stress kerja bisa memberi efek positif namun jika berlebihan maka akan menimbulkan dampak negatif terutama pada kinerja karyawan. Oleh karena itu stres kerja harus dicegah dan ditangani. Tekanan kerja yang berlebihan juga dialami oleh karyawan departemen produksi di PT Catur Kartika Jaya yang bergerak dalam pembuatan kelambu. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tekanan kerja yang dihadapi karyawan produksi PT Catur Kartika Jaya dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja karyawan tersebut. Hasil yang diperoleh melalui penelitian ini adalah ada pengaruh negatif yang signifikan dan signifikan terhadap stres kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai produksi di PT Catur Kartika Jaya. Oleh karena itu, penulis menyarankan perusahaan untuk melakukan sosialisasi tentang manajemen stres kerja dan berbagai kegiatan di luar pekerjaan yang dapat beristirahat dan menyegarkan jiwa dan raga.

2019 ◽  
melda salsabillah

The current performance of the organization is very low, so many employees cannot complete their work on time. stress and job satisfaction become very influential on employee performance. The purpose of this article is to determine work stress, and job satisfaction with the current performance of employees. The results of this article are: (1) Job Stress and job satisfaction directly have a significant effect on employee performance; (2) Job Stress negatively affects employee performance, which means that the higher the level of work stress the employee will have a negative impact in improving employee performance at this time; (3) Job satisfaction has a positive effect on employee performance meaning that the higher the level of job satisfaction will have a positive impact in improving employee performance. (4) employee performance (work performance) affects employees because it can measure the ability of employees

2019 ◽  
melda salsabillah

The current performance of the organization is very low, so many employees cannot complete their work on time. stress and job satisfaction become very influential on employee performance. The purpose of this article is to determine work stress, and job satisfaction with the current performance of employees. The results of this article are: (1) Job Stress and job satisfaction directly have a significant effect on employee performance; (2) Job Stress negatively affects employee performance, which means that the higher the level of work stress the employee will have a negative impact in improving employee performance at this time; (3) Job satisfaction has a positive effect on employee performance meaning that the higher the level of job satisfaction will have a positive impact in improving employee performance. (4) employee performance (work performance) affects employees because it can measure the ability of employees

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Andita Puspitasari ◽  
Setyo Adjie ◽  
Siti Chamidah

This study aims to determine the effect of work conflict, work stress and work motivation on employee performance in advanced Hardware in Madiun. The hypothesis proposed in this study is; (1) It is suspected that Work Conflict has positive and significant effect on Employee Performance in Advanced Hardware Madiun, (2) Suspected Work Stress has a negative and significant effect on Employee Performance in Advanced Hardware Madiun, (3) Suspected Work Motivation has positive and significant effect on Employee Performance Advanced Hardware Madiun and (4) Allegedly Work Conflict, Job Stress, Work Motivation have positive and significant influence together on Employee Performance in Advanced Hardware Madiun. The population in this study were 64 employees at the Advanced Hardware Madiun Electronics Section. The sample used is Saturated Sampling means that all members of the population used as samples from this study were all employees of Advanced Hardware Madiun Electronics Section, totaling 64 employees. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS. The results showed that; (1) Work Conflict has a positive effect (2,830) and significant effect on Employee Performance in Advanced Hardware Madiun, (2) Job Stress has a positive effect (2,513) and significant effect on Employee Performance in Advanced Hardware Madiun, (3) Work Motivation has a positive effect (2,152) and significant Employees at Advanced Hardware Madiun, and (4) Work Conflict, Job Stress, and Work Motivation have a positive effect of 5.164 and significant jointly on Employee Performance at Advanced Hardware Madiun.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 405-412
Novita Wahyu Setyawati ◽  
Nur Ade Aryani ◽  
Endah Prawesti Ningrum

This study aims to determine the effect of work stress and work discipline on employee performance at Manggarai Station, South Jakarta. The type of research used is probability sampling with a quantitative approach. The sample used in this study used a simple random sampling technique. The data obtained are primary data from the results of respondents' answers to questionnaires distributed by 115 respondents and processed using the SPPS (Statistic Product and Service Solution) software program 17. In the f test the variable Job Stress and Work Discipline together (simultaneous) affect the Employee Performance. The results of the study show that in the t test (partial) the Job Stress variable negatively affects Employee Performance and Work Discipline variables have a positive effect on Employee Performance. Keywords: work stress, work discipline, employee performance

2019 ◽  
melda salsabillah

The current performance of the organization is very low, so many employees cannot complete their work on time. stress and job satisfaction become very influential on employee performance. The purpose of this article is to determine work stress, and job satisfaction with the current performance of employees. The results of this article are: (1) Job Stress and job satisfaction directly have a significant effect on employee performance; (2) Job Stress negatively affects employee performance, which means that the higher the level of work stress the employee will have a negative impact in improving employee performance at this time; (3) Job satisfaction has a positive effect on employee performance meaning that the higher the level of job satisfaction will have a positive impact in improving employee performance. (4) employee performance (work performance) affects employees because it can measure the ability of employees.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 7370
Ni Made Sapta Resita Putri ◽  
Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda

Organizational goals can be achieved with the company's HR performance. Poor performance will have an impact on the company's image and certainly slow down the process in achieving organizational goals. This study was conducted to determine the effect of workload and work environment on employee performance and the role of work stress as mediating variables. This study took 42 employees as respondents using a questionnaire, with a saturated sampling method. Path analysis was used. The results of the study indicate that workload has a negative effect on employee performance. Work environment has a positive effect on employee performance. Job stress has a negative influence on employee performance. This study also found that work stress mediates the effect of workload and work environment on employee performance. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that further research is able to examine the performance of employees with respondents and more complex research locations. The results of this study are also expected to be used as a reference and consideration for companies in decision making related to employee performance. Keywords: employee performance , workload, work environment ,  work stress  

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Taufiq Annas ◽  
Susi Nurhayati

Tingkat  stres kerja berlebihan  dapat berdampak  negatif  terhadap  prestasi  kerja karyawan  PT. KAI yang pada akhirnya dapat merugikan perusahaan. Apalagi jika stres kerja tersebut berada dalam taraf tinggi tentu akan  memberikan  dampak  negatif.  Tujuan  penelitian  ini adalah  mengetahui  hubungan  antara  stress kerja dengan kepuasan kerja pada masinis PT Kereta Api Indonesia di UPT Crew Semarang Poncol. Jenis  penelitian  adalah  korelasi  dengan  pendekatan  cross  sectional.  Populasi  dalam  penelitian  ini adalah seluruh masinis PT Kereta Api Indonesia UPT Crew Semarang Poncol sejumlah 223 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling dengan jumlah 143 orang. Hasil  penelitian  didapatkan  bahwa  tingkat  stres kerja yang dialami  oleh responden  sebagian  besar adalah tinggi yaitu sebanyak  67,1%. Kepuasan  kerja responden  sebagian  besar dalam kategori  tidak puas yaitu sebanyak 78 orang (54,5%). Ada hubungan antara tingkat stress dengan kepuasan kerja pada masinis PT Kereta Api Indonesia di UPT Crew Semarang Poncol.Berdasarkan  hasil tersebut  PTKAI diharapkan dapat menambah jumlah masinis dengan pola shift kerja yang longgar sehingga masinis memiliki waktu isirahat yang cukup untuk mengurangi stress akibat jadwal kerja yang padat. Kata kunci : Stres Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja. STRESS LEVEL RELATIONSHIP WITH JOB SATISFACTIONAT INDONESIAN PT TRAIN ENGINEERING AT UPT CREW SEMARANG PONCOL Excessive work stress levels can have a negative impact on employee performance at PT. KAI which in the end can harm the company. Moreover, if the work stress is at a high level, it will certainly have a negative impact. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction at PT Kereta Api Indonesia machinists at UPT Crew Semarang Poncol. This type of research is correlation with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all engineers of PT Kereta Api Indonesia UPT Crew Semarang Poncol totaling 223 people. The sampling technique used is accidental sampling with a total of 143 people. The results showed that the level of work stress experienced by most of the respondents was high as much as 67.1%. Most of the respondents' job satisfaction was in the dissatisfied category as many as 78 people (54.5%). There is a relationship between stress levels and job satisfaction at PT Kereta Api Indonesia's machinists at UPT Crew Semarang Poncol. Based on these results PTKAI is expected to increase the number of drivers with a loose work shift pattern so that the machinists have sufficient rest time to reduce stress due to a busy work schedule. . Keywords: Job Stress, Job Satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-98
Gusti Ayu Ambarawati ◽  
Okta Eka Putra ◽  
Ayu Raditya Kencana Dewi

ABSTRAK Pengelolaan sampah di Kota Bandung dikelola dengan membuat beberapa tempat penampungan sementara (TPS) dan tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA).  Dari sekian banyak TPS yang dinilai kinerjanya menurun adalah TPS Gedebage. Penelitian ini adalah hasil pengembangan dari  pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan untuk menanggulangi tingkat stress kinerja petugas lapangan pengangkut sampah. Adapun jenis penelitian adalah kuantitatif, dengan menelaah peran pelatihan penanggulangan stres kerja pada peningkatan kinerja petugas lapangan di TPA Gedebage, Bandung. Kumpulan Subyek penelitian yang ditelaah adalah petugas kebersihan lapangan di Kelurahan Cisaranteun Kidul, dengan menggunakan teknik sampel sampling jenuh diperoleh sebanyak 37 orang sampel. Dalam menganalisis data yang diperoleh, dibutuhkan data yang mempunyai tingkat akurasi yang baik dan dapat dipercaya agar hasil penelitian mampu mengambarkan kondisi yang sebenarnya terjadi pada objek penelitian, adapun penelaahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik deskriptif dan verifikatif. Temuan dalam penelaahan yaitu pelatihan penanggulangan stres kerja yang diikuti oleh petugas lapangan angkutan sampah Perusahaan Daerah (PD) Kebersihan Kota Bandung UPT Gedebage dapat dinyatakan menurunkan tingkat stress kerja. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian secara parsial menunjukan bahwa pelatihan penanggulangan stress kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja petugas pada bagian pengangkutan sampah (pengemudi Triseda) yang bertugas di Kelurahan Cisaranteun Kidul, Bandung. Kata kunci: pelatihan, stress kerja, kinerja pegawai.   ABSTRACT Waste management in the city of Bandung is managed by making several temporary shelters (TPS) and final disposal sites (TPA). One of the polling stations whose performance has decreased is the Gedebage TPS. This exploration is the consequence of the advancement of community service which is carried out to overcome the stress level of the performance of the waste transporter field officers. To complete this research, the method used is a quantitative method, where the object to be studied is the role of work stress management training in improving the performance of field officers at Gedebage TPA, Bandung. The populace that will be utilized in this review is the waste transportation officer (Triseda driver) on duty in Cisaranteun Kidul Village, using a saturated sampling technique, 37 samples were obtained. In analyzing the data obtained, it takes data that has a good level of accuracy and can be trusted so that the research results are able to depict the real conditions that happen in the object of research, while the data analysis techniques in this study are descriptive and verification analysis. The findings in this study are that the training for dealing with work stress, which was attended by field officers of the Regional Cleanliness Company (PD) of Bandung City, UPT Gedebage, can be stated to reduce the level of work stress. Based on the results of the partial study, it showed that the training to overcome work stress had a significant effect on the performance of officers in the waste transportation section (Triseda drivers) who served in Cisaranteun Kidul Village, Bandung. Keywords: training, job stress, employee performance.

2020 ◽  
Frencus Samosir ◽  
Maria Magdalena

The purpose of this study to determine and analyze the influence of job stress and job satisfaction partially and simultaneously to the performance of employees of PT. Primatama Mulia Jaya IV Koto Kecamatan Kinali Kab. Pasaman Barat. The research method used is quantitative descriptive. The sampling technique used is accidental sampling method so that from the population is taken as many as 73 respondents, the data collection method used is by using survey or observation, questionnaire and literature study. Data analysis techniques used were classical assumptions, multiple linear regression, t test, F test and detemination coefficients. Based on multiple regression analysis, work stress variable and job satisfaction on employee performance in get Y = 18,776 + 0,510 X1 + 0,156 X2 + e. From the t test conducted got job stress and job satisfaction have a significant and positive effect on employee performance of PT. Primatama Mulia Jaya IV Koto Kecamatan Kinali Kab. Pasaman Barat From the results of F test proved that the variable of work stress and job satisfaction simultaneously have a significant and positive effect on the performance of employees of PT. Primatama Mulia Jaya IV Koto Kecamatan Kinali Kab. Pasaman Barat, while the result of coefficient of determination obtained ability of independent variable explain dependent variable equal to 36,9% rest 63,1% explained by other variable not used in this research.

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