scholarly journals Gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) yang diberikan air perasan jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia)

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Suhaidir Laomo ◽  
Lily L. Loho ◽  
Carla F. Kairupan

Abstract: Lime squash is often used as a herbal remedy for gastritis, even though it is acidic. It contains citric acid and vitamin C which in certain doses can be irritant to the stomach. Nevertheless, lime squash also contains antioxidants such as limonene, flavonoids, and vitamin C, that play certain roles in improving the protection of the stomach and the ability of cell regeneration, and as anti-inflammatory agents. This study aimed to reveal the histopathological features of the gaster of Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) treated with lime squash. This was an experimental laboratory study using 15 adult Wistar rats divided into three groups (five rats in each group). Group A (negative control) was given no treatment; group B and C were treated with lime squash 0.5 and 1.56 ml/day, respectively. Lime squash was given in a single dose for seven consecutive days. Rats were terminated on day eight. The results revealed that the gaster of Wistar rats in group A were similar to that of the normal gaster, while group B and C showed no signs of inflammation and the gastric gland cells appeared enlarged and dense. Conclusion: Histopathological features of the gaster of Wistar rats, treated with either low or high dose (three-fold) lime squash, showed no signs of abnormalities such as inflammation, however, there were enlarged glandular cells which might be related to increased gastric mucosal defence.Keywords: lime, gastric histopathological features, inflammatory cells, gastric glands Abstrak: Air perasan jeruk nipis sering digunakan sebagai obat herbal terhadap gastritis, meskipun bersifat asam. Air perasan jeruk nipis mengandung asam sitrat yang pada dosis tertentu menjadi bahan iritan terhadap lambung. Namun demikian, kandungan antioksidan seperti limonene, flavonoid dan vitamin C berperan dalam meningkatkan proteksi lambung dan kemampuan regenerasi sel, serta sebagai anti inflamasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus wistar yang diberikan air perasan jeruk nipis. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental menggunakan 15 ekor tikus Wistar yang dibagi dalam tiga kelompok (lima ekor tikus tiap kelompok). Kelompok A (kontrol negatif) tidak diberi perlakuan; kelompok B dan C masing-masing diberi air perasan jeruk nipis 0,5 ml/hari dan 1,56 ml/hari dosis tunggal selama tujuh hari, Semua tikus diterminasi pada hari ke-8. Hasil yang didapatkan pada gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus wistar yaitu: kelompok A sesuai dengan gambaran lambung normal; kelompok B dan C tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda peradangan namun sel-sel kelenjar lambung tampak membesar dan padat. Simpulan: Gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus wistar yang diberi air perasan jeruk nipis, baik dosis rendah maupun tinggi (tiga kali lipat) tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda kelainan seperti peradangan, melainkan tampak terjadi pembesaran sel-sel kelenjar lambung yang mungkin berhubungan dengan peningkatan pertahanan mukosa lambung. Kata kunci: jeruk nipis, gambaran histopatologik lambung, sel radang, kelenjar lambung

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Juwita P. S. Baharuddin

Abstract: Background: Vitamin C is one of the chemicals which are acidic and therefore is able to irritate the stomach lining if consumed in excessive amount. Objective: To reveal the histopathological features of the stomach of wistar rats supplemented with high doses of vitamin C. Method: Experimental study employing eight wistar rats divided into three groups. Rats in group A were fed with regular pellets for 12 days. Rats in group B were fed with regular pellets and were supplemented with vitamin C at 6 mg/day for 12 days. Rats in group C were fed with regular pellets and were supplemented with vitamin C at 8 mg/day for 12 day. Results: Rats in group A showed normal stomach features. Rats in group B revealed PMN inflammatory cells and hiperemy on the mucosal lining, submucosa, and muscularis mucosae. Moreover, edema on the mucosal lining was also seen in the rats in this group. Similar histopathological features were also demonstrated by the rats in group C. In this group the number of PMNs and hiperemy was greater than that of group B; in addition, cell regeneration was also seen in this group. Conclusion: Supplementation of high doses of vitamin C at 6 mg/kg and 8 mg/kg of body weight per day for 12 days may lead to changes in histopathological features of the stomach of wistar rats. Keywords: acute gastritis, vitamin C.     Abstrak: Latar Belakang: vitamin C merupakan salah satu bahan kimia yang bersifat asam, sehingga apabila dikonsumsi berlebihan dapat mengiritasi lambung. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologi lambung tikus wistar yang diberikan  vitamin C dosis tinggi. Metode: Penelitian eksperimental dengan 8 ekor tikus wistar dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok. Kelompok A diberikan pelet biasa selama 12 hari. Kelompok B diberikan pelet biasa dan vitamin C 6 mg/hari selama 12 hari. Kelompok C diberikan pelet biasa dan vitamin C 8 mg/hari selama 12 hari. Hasil: Pada kelompok A didapatkan gambaran lambung yang normal.  Kelompok B terlihat sel-sel radang PMN dan hiperemi pada lapisan  mukosa, sub mukosa dan muskularis, pada kelompok ini juga terlihat edema pada lapisan mukosa. Kelompok C terlihat pada lapisan mukosa, submukosa dan muskularis adanya sel-sel radang PMN dan hiperemi yang lebih banyak dibandingkan kelompok B, selain itu juga terlihat regenerasi sel. Kesimpulan: Pemberian vitamin C dosis tinggi yaitu 6 mg/hari dan 8 mg/hari selama 12 hari dapat mengakibatkan perubahan gambaran histopatologi lambung. Kata Kunci: Gastritis akut, vitamin C.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Pamela K. Sari ◽  
Poppy M. Lintong ◽  
Lily L. Loho

Abstract: Androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS) are synthetic derivatives of the male hormone endogenous testosterone that stimulates anabolic (protein synthesis) and androgenic effects (masculinization). Long-term usage of AAS can result in liver damage. However, physiological concentrations of testosterone can stimulate protein synthesis which lead to an increase in muscle size, body mass, and endurance. This study aimed to determine the histopathology of liver and skeletal muscles of wistar rats that were given low dose and high dose injection of AAS. Subjects were 21 wistar rats divided into 7 groups. Group A was given standard pellets for 56 days (negative control), terminated on days 29,43, and 57. Group B was treated with low-dose AAS injection and standard pellets for 28 days, terminated on day 29. Group C was treated with low-dose AAS injection and standard pellets for 42 days, terminated on day 43. Group D was treated with low-dose AAS injection and standard pellets for 56 days, terminated on day 57. Group E was treated with high-dose AAS injection and standard pellets for 28 days, terminated on day 29. Group F was treated with high-dose AAS injection and standard pellets for 42 days, terminated on day 43. Group G was treated with high-dose AAS injection and standard pellets for 56 days, terminated on day 57. The results showed that the histopathology of liver and muscles in group A was still normal. In group B, the architecture of liver was still normal with a few inflammatory cells around the Kiernan triangle while in muscle the ratio of myofibril diameter was 1.28:1. In group C and group D, there were widening of the hepatic artery, bile duct, and portal vein containing blood fibrin, and inflammatory cells around the Kiernan triangle. The ratio of myofibril diameter was 1.43:1 in group C and 2.14:1 in group D. In group E, F and G, there were micro-vesicular fatty cells in the peripheral part of the liver meanwhile the myofibril diameter ratio of the muscles in group E was 1.43:1, group F 2.1:1, and group G 2.28:1. Conclusion: Administration of AAS injection of low dose and high dose for less than 4 weeks could result in inflammation, dilation of the portal vein, hepatic artery and bile duct meanwhile administration of AAS for over 4 weeks could ressult in focal fatty liver (steatosis). The administration of AAS injection of low dose and high dose for 4,6 and 8 weeks reslutid in enlargement of skeletal muscle (muscle hypertrophy).Keywords: androgenic-anabolic steroids, liver, skeletal muscleAbstrak: Anabolik Androgenik Steroid (AAS) adalah derivat sintetis dari hormon sex testosteron endogen pria, yang merangsang efek anabolik (sintesis protein) dan androgenik (maskulinisasi). Penggunaan AAS jangka panjang dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya kerusakan hati namun secara fisiologi testosteron dapat menstimulasi sintesis protein sehinggaberdampak pada peningkatan ukuran otot, massa tubuh dan ketahanan tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologi hati dan otot rangka wistar yang diberikan AAS injeksi dosis rendah dan dosis tinggi. Subjek penelitian 21 ekor wistar yang dibagi menjadi 7 kelompok. Kelompok A diberi pelet standar selama 56 hari (kontrol negatif), terminasi pada hari ke-29, 43, dan 57. Kelompok B diberi perlakuan AAS injeksi dosis rendah dan pelet standar selama 28 hari, terminasi hari ke-29. Kelompok C diberi AAS injeksi dosis rendah dan pelet standar selama 42 hari, terminasi hari ke-43. Kelompok D diberi AAS injeksi dosis rendah dan pelet standar selama 56 hari, terminasi hari ke-57. Kelompok E diberi perlakuan AAS injeksi dosis tinggi dan diberi pelet standar selama 28 hari, terminasi hari ke-29. Kelompok F diberi perlakuan AAS injeksi dosis tinggi dan diberi pelet standar selama 42 hari, terminasi hari ke-43. Kelompok G diberi perlakuan AAS injeksi dosis tinggi dan diberi pelet standar selama 56 hari, terminasi hari ke-57. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada kelompok A didapatkan gambaran histopatologi hati normal sedangkan pada otot tidak terdapat perubahan. Pada kelompok B didapatkan arsitektur hati masih normal dengan sedikit sel radang disekitar segitiga Kiernan sedangkan pada otot terlihat diameter miofibril ratio 1,28:1. Pada kelompok C dan D terlihat pelebaran arteri hepatika, duktus biliaris, dan vena porta yang berisi fibrin darah, serta sel-sel radang di sekitar segitiga Kiernan. Pada kelompok C diameter miofibril ratio 1,43;1 dan pada kelompok D 2,14:1. Pada kelompok E, F dan G terdapat sel-sel perlemakan mikrovesikuler di perifer sedangkan pada otot diameter miofibril ratio kelompok E 1,43:1, kelompok F 2,1:1, dan kelompok G 2,28:1. Simpulan: Pada pemberian AAS injeksi dosis rendah dan dosis tinggi kurang dari 4 minggu terjadi peradangan hati, pelebaran vena porta, arteri hepatika dan duktus biliaris sedangkan lebih dari 4 minggu terdapat perlemakan (steatosis) fokal hati. Pemberian AAS injeksi dosis rendah dan tinggi dalam waktu 4,6 dan 8 minggu menunjukkan pembesaran otot rangka (hipertrofi otot).Kata kunci: AAS, hati, otot rangka

O. D. Omotoso ◽  
S. A. Adelakun ◽  
O. O. Oyewo ◽  
B. T. Adediran

Background: Cadmium is a human carcinogen element and one of the most toxic pollutants in the environment. Present study aims at histomorphological study of some of the effects of Moringa oleifera oil and cashew (Anarcardium occidentale) nuts oil on Cadmium-induced liver damage in wistar rats. Methods: Thirty-five Wistar rats (80-180 g) were randomly selected and divided into seven groups of five rats each after acclimatization for two weeks. Group A which served as control received phosphate buffer, Group B received Cadmium only (3.5 mg/kg body weight). Group C received Vitamin C and Vitamin E; Group D received Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Cadmium. Group E received Cadmium and Moringa oleifera oil, Group F received Cadmium and Cashew nut oil and Group G received Cadmium (3.5 mg/kg body weight) and Moringa oleifera oil and Cashew (Anarcardium occidentale) nut oil. Results: Histological examination revealed normal histo-architecture of the liver, the central vein and the hepatocytes were seen clearly and there was orderly arrangement of the hepatocytes in Group A (control group). In group B, there was enlarged portal vein and there was distorted arrangement of the hepatocytes. In group C, the hepatocytes and the central vein were seen. In group D, the central vein and hepatocytes were seen though not orderly arranged. In groups E, F and G, there was restoration of the hepatocytes and the central vein was seen. Conclusion: This therefore suggests that Moringa oleifera oil and Cashew (Anarcardium occidentale) nut oil have ameliorative effects which led to the restoration of the damaged and distorted hepatocytes.

A. J. Ajibade ◽  
A. E. Okeleye ◽  
I. A. Ogunmola

Cobalt induces hypoxia in the brain which leads to oxygen deprivation resulting in cognitive disturbance and decreased motor control. This study evaluated the effect of Moringa oleifera extract on the cobalt chloride-induced cerebral cortex of adult male wistar rats.  40 male wistar rats weighing (90 ± 120g) were used for the study and they were divided into 5 groups with each group containing 8 rats. Group A served as control which received distilled water, Group B was treated orally with Cobalt chloride at dose 45 mg/kg, Group C received cobalt chloride 45 mg/kg + low dose of Moringa oleifera extract 250 mg/kg for 52 days, Group D treated with cobalt chloride 45 mg/kg + high dose of Moringa oleifera extract 500 mg/kg and Group E treated with 500 mg/kg Moringa oleifera extract only and rats were sacrificed on the 53rd day by cervical dislocation. The brain of each rat was removed and weighed before half was fixed in formol calcium for histological analysis and the second half was used for oxidative stress parameters. The mean body weight of the wistar rats in group C and E increased significantly (P <0.05) while it decreased significantly (P <0.05) in group D. The biochemical analysis shows a significant increase (P<0.05) in the level of MDA in group B and a significant decrease (P<0.05) in group E. additionally, NO level shows a significant increase (P<0.05) in group B compared with control. SDH activity decreased significantly in group C, D, and E. Microscopic examination of the cerebral cortex in group B, C and D showed degenerative changes compared with normal histological features in A and E. The study concluded that cobalt chloride induced cerebral cortical damage while administration of Moringa oleifera extract attenuated the toxic effect of cobalt chloride in wistar rats.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Anthonio B. Lengkong

Abstract: The plant Selaginella doederleinii is a herbal plant. Its phytochemical content including saponin, flavonoid and alkaloid can function as hepatoprotector. The objective of this study was to reveal the histopathological features of wistar rats induced with CCl4 and administered with water extract of the leaves of Selaginella doederleinii. This study was an experimental research employing 16 wistar rats. The rats were divided into 5 groups. Group A was the control group, whereas the other groups were treated with CCl4 for five days. The differences between these groups were as follows; after treatment with CCl4, rats in group B were terminated, rats in group C were fed with regular pellets, rats in group D were administered with water extract of the leaves of Selaginella doederleinii of 1.6 cc/day, and rats in group E were administered with water extract of  the leaves of Selaginella doederleinii of 3.2 cc/day. Results showed that the histological features of the liver of rats administered with water extract of  the leaves of Selaginella doederleinii for three days after treated with CCl4 exhibit numerous regeneration of liver cells. However, if the administration was prolonged for six days then fatty liver was observed. To conclude, Selaginella doederleinii can improve the histopathological features of the liver of rats induced with CCl4, however if the administration was prolonged then liver damage may occur. Keywords: Selaginella doederleinii, CCl4, histopathological features of the liver of wistar rats.   Abstrak: Tanaman cakar ayam merupakan sediaan herbal. Kandungan yang terdapat didalamnya seperti saponin, flavonoid dan alkaloid berfungsi sebagai hepatoprotektor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran histopatologik hati tikus wistar yang diinduksi CCl4 dan diberi air rebusan tanaman cakar ayam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang menggunakan 16 ekor tikus wistar sebagai sampel. Tikus wistar dibagi dalam 5 kelompok. Kelompok A merupakan kelompok kontrol, sedangkan kelompok lainnya diberi CCl4 selama 5 hari. Perbedaan antara keempat kelompok lainnya yaitu setelah pemberian CCl4 kelompok B langsung diterminasi, kelompok C diberi pakan standart, kelompok D diberi tanaman cakar ayam dosis 1,6 cc/hari, dan kelompok E diberi tanaman cakar ayam dosis 3,2 cc/hari. Kelompok C, D, dan E dilakukan 2 kali terminasi yaitu hari ke-3 dan ke-6. Setelah perlakuan, terminasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran makroskopis dan mikroskopis hati tikus wistar. Dari hasil pengamatan yang dilakukan, gambaran hati tikus yang diberi air rebusan tanaman cakar ayam selama 3 hari setelah induksi CCl4 menunjukkan banyak regenerasi sel hati, tetapi pada pemberian selama 6 hari gambaran yang terlihat adalah perlemakan hati. Pemberian air rebusan tanaman cakar ayam dapat memperbaiki gambaran histopatologik hati yang diinduksi CCl4dan dalam jangka waktu lebih panjang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan hati. Kata kunci: Tanaman cakar ayam, CCl4, gambaran histopatologik hati tikus wistar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 370-375
Shazia Parveen Channar ◽  
Nasreen Qazi ◽  
Sajjad Ali Almani ◽  
Sehar Gul Memon ◽  
Mansoor Mukhtar Qazi ◽  

Background: Malathion, a widely used insecticide readily absorbed through skin and seriously affects different tissues and organs of the body. The main objective of this study was to compare the histomorphometric alterations resulting from hazardous effects of different doses of Malathion on hepatic tissue of male albino Wistar rats. Material and Methods: This animal experimental study was conducted at the Department of Anatomy and Postgraduate Research Laboratory at the Isra University, Hyderabad, Sindh Pakistan from February to July 2019. Thirty male albino Wistar rats between 250-300 grams weight were distributed equally into group A (control), group B (low-dose Malathion group; 27mg/kg 1/50 of LD50), and group C (high-dose Malathion group; 50mg/kg). Bodyweight of all rats was taken twice, before and after the experiment. The liver was dissected out, washed and weighed. Histopathological examination was done under the light microscope. Grading was done for severity in histopathological changes in each group. Data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Post-hoc Tukey test for comparison with the level of significance set at P-value ≤ .05. Results: Statistically significant (P < .05) decline in body weight was observed in groups B and C in comparison with group A. The relative weight of the liver was increased significantly (P < .05) in the experimental groups, when compared with the control group. Mild-to-moderate histopathological changes were observed in the low-dose Malathion group (Group B) while moderate-to-severe histopathological changes were demonstrated in the high-dose group (Group C). Conclusions: Malathion is a potent toxic pesticide and its exposure can exhibit damage to the hepatic tissues in a dose-dependent manner.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Satriani Syahrin ◽  
Carla Kairupan ◽  
Lily Loho

Abstract: Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a traditional plant, which is known to treat liver disease. The effect of moringa is related to the antioxidant activity of its compounds such as quercetin and flavonoid silymarin which are useful as liver protector. Carbon tetraclorida is a hepatotoxic substance that is usually used as an inducer of liver damage in studies related to hepatoprotector activity of a substance. This study aimed to describe liver histopathological features of Wistar rats fed with moringa leaf extract after CCl4 induction. This was an experimental study using 24 Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) which were divided into 4 groups. Group A, the negative control, was terminated at day 6th, and the other groups (B, C, and D) were induced with CCl4 0.05 cc/day for 5 days. After CCl4 induction, group B were terminated at day 6th; group C was treated with moringa leaf extract 100 mg/day for 5 days and was terminated at day 11th; group D received no treatment for 5 days and was terminated at day 11th. The results showed that groups induced with CCl4 for 5 days showed the presence of inflammatory cells and fatty cells. The groups treated with moringa leaf extract 100mg/day for 5 days after CCl4 induction 0.05 cc/day exhibited regeneration of liver cells in nearly all lobules. Conclusion: Administration of moringa leaf extract of 100mg/day could accelerate liver cell regeneration of Wistar rats after induction of CCl4 0.05cc/day.Keywords: moringa leaf extract, carbon tetrachloride, histopathologogical image of liverAbstrak: Kelor merupakan tanaman tradisional yang diketahui dapat mengobati penyakit hati. Khasiat obat tanaman kelor dihubungkan dengan kandungan senyawa kimia quercetin dan silymarin golongan flavonoid dengan aktivitas antioksidan yang dapat melindungi dan mengobati kerusakan hati. Karbon tetraklorida merupakan zat hepatotoksik yang lazim dipakai sebagai penginduksi kerusakan hati dalam pengujian aktivitas hepatoprotektor suatu zat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologik hati tikus wistar yang diberi ekstrak daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) setelah diinduksi CCl4. Jenis penelitian ini ialah eksperimental menggunakan 24 ekor tikus Wistar spesies Rattus norvegicus yang dibagi dalam 4 kelompok. Kelompok A merupakan kelompok kontrol negatif, diterminasi pada hari ke-6; kelompok B,C, dan D (kelompok perlakuan) diberi CCl4 dengan dosis 0,05 cc/hari selama 5 hari. Setelah pemberian CCl4, kelompok B langsung diterminasi pada hari ke-6; kelompok C diberi ekstrak daun kelor 100 mg/hari selama 5 hari, diterminasi pada hari ke-11; kelompok D tidak diberi perlakuan selama 5 hari, diterminasi pada hari ke-11. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok tikus yang diinduksi CCl4 selama 5 hari secara histopatologik memperlihatkan sel-sel radang dan perlemakan sel. Kelompok tikus yang diberi ekstrak daun kelor 100 mg/hari selama 5 hari setelah diinduksi CCl4 0,05 cc/hari menunjukkan regenerasi sel hati, hampir di seluruh lobuli hati. Simpulan: Pemberian ekstrak daun kelor 100 mg/hari setelah induksi CCl4 0,05 cc/hari dapat mempercepat regenerasi sel hati tikus Wistar yang mengalami cedera akibat CCl4.Kata kunci: ekstrak daun kelor, karbon tetraklorida, gambaran histopatologik hati

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Aisyah N. Shafira ◽  
Carla F. Kairupan ◽  
Meilany F. Durry

Abstract: Empirically, sweet condensed milk is often consumed by gastritis patients with acute gastritis to relieve the symptoms of epigastric pain. Its amphoteric acidity (pH 6,5 - 6,7), sweet taste, nutritional and oligosaccharides contents are some factors that are predicted to influence the relieve of epigastric pain. Acute gastritis can be induced by NSAIDs, such as mefenamic acid. This study aimed to reveal the histopathological features of the gaster of Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) induced with mefenamic acid and fed with sweet condensed milk. This was laboratory experimental study using 21 Wistar rats. Rats were divided into three groups (seven rats in each group). Group A was the negative control, group B was induced with mefenamic acid 23,25 mg/day for seven days, and group C were induced with mefenamic acid 23,25 mg/day and administered with sweet condensed milk 0,8 ml/day simultaneously for seven days. All rats were terminated on day 8. The results showed that histopathological features of the gaster of Wistar rats had less inflammatory cells and more regenerated cells than that of rats in group B. Conclusion: Histopathological features of gaster of Wistar rats induced with mefenamic acid and treated with sweet condensed milk showed milder signs of acute gastritis and better cell regeneration than that of Wistar rat not treated with sweet condensed milk.Keywords: Sweet Condensed Milk, Acute Gastritis, Histopathological Abstrak: Berdasarkan pengalaman empiris, susu kental manis sering dikonsumsi oleh penderita gastritis akut untuk meredakan keluhan nyeri epigastrium pasien. Sifat amfoter (pH 6,5 – 6,7), rasa manis, kandungan nutrisi, dan oligosakarida susu merupakan faktor-faktor yang diduga berpengaruh terhadap perbaikan keluhan tersebut. Penyakit gastritis akut dapat diinduksi dengan obat AINS, salah satunya asam mefenamat. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus wistar (Rattus norvegicus) yang diinduksi asam mefenamat dan diberi susu kental manis. Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan subyek 21 ekor tikus wistar yang dibagi dalam tiga kelompok (tujuh ekor tikus setiap kelompok). Kelompok A tidak diberi perlakuan, kelompok B diberi asam mefenamat 23,25 mg/tikus/hari selama tujuh hari, dan kelompok C diberi asam mefenamat 23,25 mg/tikus/hari dan susu kental manis 0,8 ml/tikus/hari secara bersamaan selama tujuh hari. Semua tikus diterminasi pada hari ke-8. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus wistar berupa infiltrat sel-sel radang yang lebih sedikit serta sel-sel regenerasi yang lebih aktif dan banyak pada kelompok C jika dibandingkan dengan yang terlihat pada kelompok B. Simpulan: Gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus wistar yang diinduksi asam mefenamat dan diberi susu kental manis menunjukkan tanda-tanda gastritis akut yang lebih ringan dan regenerasi sel yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan yang terlihat pada lambung tikus wistar yang diinduksi asam mefenamat tetapi tidak diberi susu kental manis. Kata kunci: Susu Kental Manis, Gastritis Akut, Histopatologik

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Raend Sembiring ◽  
Carla Kairupan ◽  
Lily L. Loho

Abstract: Inflammation of the stomach can be caused by various factors, including the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs such as mefenamic acid. Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) merr) is a herbal remedy used to treat gastritis. Pineapple contains several nutrients such as vitamin C and bromelain enzyme that are efficacious as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. This study aimed to determine histopathological features of the gastric of wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) given pineapple juice after induction of mefenamic acid. This was an experimental study using 20 wistar rats divided into four groups; each group consisted of five rats. Group I (negative control) was given no treatment. Group II was induced with mefenamic acid 23.25 mg/day single dose for seven days. Group III was induced with mefenamic acid 23.25 mg/day single dose for seven days then was given no treatment during the next seven days. Group IV was induced with mefenamic acid 23.25 mg/day single dose for seven days then was administered with pineapple juice over the next seven days. Rats in group I and II were terminated on day-8 while those in groups III and IV were terminated on day-15. The results showed that the gastric tissue of rats in group IV had less inflammatory cells but more regenerating cells than those in group II and III. Conclusion: Histopathological features of the gaster of wistar rats treated with pineapple juice after the induction of mefenamic acid showed milder signs of acute gastritis and more prominent of cell regeneration/tissue recovery than those given no pineapple juice.Keywords: gastritis, mefenamic acid, pineapple Abstrak: Peradangan lambung dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, diantaranya penggunaan obat golongan anti-inflamasi non steroidal (AINS) seperti asam mefenamat. Buah nanas (Ananas comosus (L.) merr) merupakan salah satu obat herbal yang digunakan untuk mengatasi gastritis. Buah nanas mengandung beberapa bahan nutrisi seperti enzim bromelain dan vitamin C yang berkhasiat sebagai anti inflamasi dan antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) yang diberikan sari buah nanas setelah induksi asam mefenamat. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental menggunakan subyek 20 ekor tikus wistar yang dibagi dalam empat kelompok; setiap kelompok terdiri atas lima ekor tikus. Kelompok I (kontrol negatif) tidak diberi perlakuan. Kelompok II diberikan asam mefenamat 23.25 mg/hari dosis tunggal selama tujuh hari. Kelompok III diberikan asam mefenamat 23.25 mg/hari dosis tunggal selama tujuh hari dan tidak diberikan perlakuan selama tujuh hari berikutnya. Kelompok IV diberikan asam mefenamat 23.25 mg/hari dosis tunggal selama tujuh hari dan diberikan sari buah nanas selama tujuh hari berikutnya. Tikus pada kelompok I dan II diterminasi pada hari ke-8 dan kelompok III dan IV pada hari ke-15. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus wistar berupa infiltrasi sel-sel radang yang lebih sedikit serta sel-sel regenerasi yang lebih aktif dan banyak pada kelompok IV jika dibandingkan kelompok II dan III. Simpulan: Gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus wistar yang diinduksi sari buah nanas setelah diberi asam mefenamat menunjukkan tanda-tanda gastritis akut yang lebih ringan dan regenerasi sel/pemulihan jaringan yang lebih menonjol dibandingkan dengan yang tidak diberi sari buah nanas. Kata kunci: gastritis, asam mefenamat, nanas

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