scholarly journals Penerapan Algoritma Naïve Bayes Classifier Untuk Meningkatkan Keamanan Data Dari Website Phising

Respati ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Agus Fatkhurohman ◽  
Eli Pujastuti

INTISARIPerkembangan zaman di era modern ini sudah memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0, dimana segala aspek sudah bergantung pada sebuah teknologi. Dimana bentuk teknologi ini sudah bergerak secara otomatis dan saling terhubung dengan jaringan internet. Teknologi yang digunakan sudah bergerak otomatis dan sudah banyak yang menggunakan sebuah system cerdas. Berbicara mengenai jaringan internet dan system cerdas, maka keterkaitan dengan sebuah data yang digunakan akan semakin besar bahkan bisa sampai tergolong data dengan kategori big data. Yang mana tempat penyimpanan data juga harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan datanya. Selain dengan kebutuhan data yang semakin besar di era revolusi industry ini yang selalu dikaitkan dengan jaringan internet maka keamanan sebuah data juga perlu dipertanyakan. Secara tidak langsung keamanan data juga bisa menjadi masalah besar. Dengan jaringan internet setiap orang di setiap dunia bisa mengakses sebuah data yang terkoneksi dengan jaringan internet. Tidak asing lagi sekarang sudah banyak kasus pencurian data karena terhubung dengan jaringan internet. Kasus pencurian data ini sering memanfaatkan website sebagai sarana untuk mencuri datanya yang sering disebut dengan istilah website phising. Phishing masih menjadi vektor serangan teratas yang memberi akses ke penyerang untuk membuka informasi pribadi seperti kredensial login dan nomor kartu kredit. Pada 2017 lalu, Indonesia menempati urutan ke-9 jumlah serangan phising yakni satu phishing insiden per 2.380 email. Laporan terbaru F5 yang bertajuk menyebutkan, insiden penipuan (fraud) pada Oktober, November, dan Desember melonjak 50% dari rata-rata tahunan. Berpura-pura menjadi seseorang atau entitas yang terkenal adalah taktik utama. Sebanyak 71% serangan phishing pada periode 1 september – 31 Oktober 2018 menggunakan modus mengaku dari perusahaan terkenal, khususnya di industri teknologi.Kata kunci :  jaringan, internet, sistem cerdas, website phising, serangan. ABSTRACT                    The development of the era in this modern era has entered the era of industrial revolution 4.0, where all aspects have depended on a technology. Where this form of technology has moved automatically and interconnected with internet networks. The technology used has moved automatically and many have used an intelligent system. Talking about the internet network and intelligent systems, the linkages with the data used will be even greater and can even be classified as data with the big data category. Which is where the data storage must also be adjusted to the data requirements. In addition to the increasing data requirements in the industrial revolution era which are always associated with the internet network, the security of a data also needs to be questioned. Indirectly data security can also be a big problem. With the internet network everyone in every world can access a data that is connected to the internet network. No stranger now there are many cases of data theft because it is connected to the internet network. This data theft case often uses websites as a means to steal data which is often referred to as phishing websites.                    Phishing is still the top attack vector that gives attackers access to private information such as login credentials and credit card numbers. In 2017, Indonesia ranked 9th in the number of phishing attacks, one phishing incident per 2,380 emails. The latest F5 report entitled, fraud in October, November and December increased by 50% from the annual average. Pretending to be someone or a famous entity is the main tactic. As many as 71% of phishing attacks in the period 1 September - 31 October 2018 use the mode claimed to be from a well-known company, especially in the technology industry.Kata kunci : network, internet, intelligents systems, website phishing, attack.

Respati ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Agus Fatkhurohman ◽  
Eli Pujastuti

 INTISARIPerkembangan zaman di era modern ini sudah memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0, dimana segala aspek sudah bergantung pada sebuah teknologi. Dimana bentuk teknologi ini sudah bergerak secara otomatis dan saling terhubung dengan jaringan internet. Teknologi yang digunakan sudah bergerak otomatis dan sudah banyak yang menggunakan sebuah system cerdas. Berbicara mengenai jaringan internet dan system cerdas, maka keterkaitan dengan sebuah data yang digunakan akan semakin besar bahkan bisa sampai tergolong data dengan kategori big data. Yang mana tempat penyimpanan data juga harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan datanya. Selain dengan kebutuhan data yang semakin besar di era revolusi industry ini yang selalu dikaitkan dengan jaringan internet maka keamanan sebuah data juga perlu dipertanyakan. Secara tidak langsung keamanan data juga bisa menjadi masalah besar. Dengan jaringan internet setiap orang di setiap dunia bisa mengakses sebuah data yang terkoneksi dengan jaringan internet. Tidak asing lagi sekarang sudah banyak kasus pencurian data karena terhubung dengan jaringan internet. Kasus pencurian data ini sering memanfaatkan website sebagai sarana untuk mencuri datanya yang sering disebut dengan istilah website phising. Phishing masih menjadi vektor serangan teratas yang memberi akses ke penyerang untuk membuka informasi pribadi seperti kredensial login dan nomor kartu kredit. Pada 2017 lalu, Indonesia menempati urutan ke-9 jumlah serangan phising yakni satu phishing insiden per 2.380 email. Laporan terbaru F5 yang bertajuk menyebutkan, insiden penipuan (fraud) pada Oktober, November, dan Desember melonjak 50% dari rata-rata tahunan. Berpura-pura menjadi seseorang atau entitas yang terkenal adalah taktik utama. Sebanyak 71% serangan phishing pada periode 1 september – 31 Oktober 2018 menggunakan modus mengaku dari perusahaan terkenal, khususnya di industri teknologi.Kata kunci :  jaringan, internet, sistem cerdas, website phising, serangan. ABSTRACT        The development of the era in this modern era has entered the era of industrial revolution 4.0, where all aspects have depended on a technology. Where this form of technology has moved automatically and interconnected with internet networks. The technology used has moved automatically and many have used an intelligent system. Talking about the internet network and intelligent systems, the linkages with the data used will be even greater and can even be classified as data with the big data category. Which is where the data storage must also be adjusted to the data requirements. In addition to the increasing data requirements in the industrial revolution era which are always associated with the internet network, the security of a data also needs to be questioned. Indirectly data security can also be a big problem. With the internet network everyone in every world can access a data that is connected to the internet network. No stranger now there are many cases of data theft because it is connected to the internet network. This data theft case often uses websites as a means to steal data which is often referred to as phishing websites.        Phishing is still the top attack vector that gives attackers access to private information such as login credentials and credit card numbers. In 2017, Indonesia ranked 9th in the number of phishing attacks, one phishing incident per 2,380 emails. The latest F5 report entitled, fraud in October, November and December increased by 50% from the annual average. Pretending to be someone or a famous entity is the main tactic. As many as 71% of phishing attacks in the period 1 September - 31 October 2018 use the mode claimed to be from a well-known company, especially in the technology industry.Keywords: network, internet, intelligents systems, website phishing, attack.

Nikhil K ◽  
Dr. Rajesh D S ◽  
Dhanush Raghavan

Phishing is one kind of cyber-attack , it is a most dangerous and common attack to retrieve personal information, account details, credit card credentials, organizational details or password of a client to conduct transactions. Phishing websites seem to like the relevant ones and it is difficult to differentiate among those websites. It is one of the most threatening that every individuals and organization faced. URLs are known as web sites are by which users locate information on the internet. The review creates warning of phishing attacks, detection of phishing attacks and motivate the practice of phishing prevention among the readers. With the huge number of phishing emails or messages received now days, companies or individuals are not able to find all of them.

Mahmut Sami Ozturk

The purpose of this chapter is to investigate the role of audit activities and auditors in Industry 4.0. The preferred methodological approach in the study is a general analysis of auditing in Industry 4.0 in the form of a literature review. According to the purpose of the study, the effect and role of auditing big data, the internet of things, the cloud, artificial intelligence, and other components in Industry 4.0 are investigated. Furthermore, auditing activities that can be implemented in Industry 4.0 are presented as suggestions in the study. The study explains the role of auditing as a whole in Industry 4.0 as a consequence of examining audit activities for each component in Industry 4.0.

Mahmut Sami Ozturk

The purpose of this chapter is to investigate the role of audit activities and auditors in Industry 4.0. The preferred methodological approach in the study is a general analysis of auditing in Industry 4.0 in the form of a literature review. According to the purpose of the study, the effect and role of auditing big data, the internet of things, the cloud, artificial intelligence, and other components in Industry 4.0 are investigated. Furthermore, auditing activities that can be implemented in Industry 4.0 are presented as suggestions in the study. The study explains the role of auditing as a whole in Industry 4.0 as a consequence of examining audit activities for each component in Industry 4.0.

Aghnia Nadhira Aliya Putri ◽  
N. Nurlaela Arief ◽  
Aurik Gustomo

In the Era of Industry 4.0, technology has a significant impact on how people live and work. The pharmaceutical sector is likely to face an "innovator dilemma" when dealing with the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Pharmaceutical employees should prepare to adopt technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, Robotic, 3-D printing (Baines et al., 2018). Even in the industry based on technology, companies' performance does not rely solely on technological expertise. Technology is not the most significant barrier to adopting the 4.0 Era, but organizational culture and employee readiness are the biggest challenges (Vuong et al., 2019). To survive in Industrial Era 4.0, having sufficient knowledge of technology's changes and speed is essential. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that specific low-skilled jobs will be eliminated (Dirican, 2015). Supposedly, the development of technology does not replace workers but instead increases efficiency in work. Note that the future workforce has a critical role to play in the success of factory innovation. Transformation in era 4.0 requires workforces to have good competence. Keywords: Competency, Sub-Competencies, Pharma 4.0, Delphi Study

Eva Inaiyah Agustin ◽  
Riky Tri Yunardi ◽  
Winarno Winarno

Background: During the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the Internet of Things (IoT) is the main pillar of people and machines connected to each other. It can be an intelligent system when combined with a robot. This is what underlies the importance of robotics and IoT training, especially to be introduced early on. Purpose: This activity aimed to improve students' knowledge and skills in technology. The target of this activity is high school students in Jombang City. Methods: It starts from the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages. Auditory, visual and kinesthetic techniques are used in this activity, which is in the form of interesting learning media such as power points, videos, as well as demonstrations and practices. Data collection techniques such as questionnaires, pre-test, and post-test, and running tests were carried out to measure the level of skills, knowledge, and satisfaction of participants. Results: A total of 85% of participants did not know about IOT and 83% of the participants already know what the robot. But only 17% ever make robots. Conclusion:  After this activity the participants' understanding increased by 20%. Their skills also increased as evidenced by the participants programming themselves so that the robot can run well on the track.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (41) ◽  
pp. 157-181
Luca Belli

A Internet das Coisas (IoT, na sigla em inglês) é um fenômeno anunciado por seus proponentes como uma verdadeira propulsora da próxima revolução industrial, capaz de gerar ganhos consideráveis em termos de eficiência e crescimento.  Porém, juntos com as vantagens que a IoT pode determinar, parece necessário avaliar as consequências que tal fenômeno é susceptível de desencadear sobre o pleno gozo dos Direitos Humanos e Fundamentais. O objetivo deste artigo é, portanto, investigar brevemente quais evoluções tecnológicas estão conduzindo - e sendo possibilitadas - pela IoT, qual pode ser o impacto da IoT sobre os direitos dos indivíduos. O artigo analisa elementos que poderiam permitir aos poderes públicos e às empresas de enfrentar os desafios da IoT favorecendo, de maneira sinérgica, o desenvolvimento de sistemas de IoT responsáveis, em conformidade aos Princípios Orientadores das Nações Unidas sobre Empresas e Direitos Humanos. Primeiramente, este artigo analisará o fenômeno da IoT, enfatizando a íntima ligação entre os fenômenos da IoT, Big Data e Inteligência Artificial. A segunda seção examinará brevemente o impacto que os fenômenos acima mencionados podem ter no pleno gozo dos Direitos Humanos e Fundamentais, fornecendo alguns exemplos concretos. A seção final fornecerá algumas sugestões sobre como Estados e empresas podem implementar os Princípios de forma eficaz. ------------ The Internet of Things (IoT) is a phenomenon announced by its proponents as a true propellant of the next industrial revolution, able to generate considerable gains in terms of efficiency and growth. However, together with the benefits that the IoT can unleash, it seems necessary to evaluate the consequences that such phenomenon can deploy on the full enjoyment of Fundamental Huma Rights. The purpose of this article is, therefore, to briefly investigate what technological evolutions are driving – and being enabled by – the IoT, what could be the impact of the IoT on individuals’ rights. The article analyses what elements could allow public and private stakeholder to face the challenges of the IoT, while facilitating, in synergy, the development of responsible IoT systems, in compliance with United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. First, this paper will analyse the IoT phenomenon, stressing the intimate link between the IoT and the Big Data and Artificial Intelligence phenomena. The second section will briefly scrutinise the impact that the aforementioned phenomena may have on the full enjoyment of Fundamental Human Rights, providing some concrete examples. The concluding section will provide some suggestions on how states and businesses can implement the Principles effectively.  

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the emerging fields which has been developing day by day since 1990 but still having issues like security, privacy, data theft and server requirements to deal with big data. Quantum computing solves most of the problems in IoT but it is still under research stage and can take about a decade or two to get publically available for public use. In this paper, we begin with general introduction on IoT and Quantum Computing and continue on with problems that can be faced during integration of IoT and Quantum Computing. After that, we will also point out the solution to encounter these integration issues in context of efficiency and cost. Finally, we point out the benefits of integration of both fields to existing IoT network architecture.

Andreas Sebayang ◽  
Indrastanti Ratna Widiasari

Technology and internet networks are two things that are always related, because in today's era the internet has become a much-needed medium for learning, communicating, exchanging data, and even playing. With the activity of using the internet network, a problem will arise, namely network security. Network security is a very important aspect as a defense in a network, to minimize the risk of data theft and unwanted access in an internet network. The purpose of this study is to implement the control and security of internet use in an agency with minimal costs. namely using the Linux operating system Ubuntu Server 18.04, Proxy Server, and Snort. The result of the system that has been created has a function to perform caching so that it can save bandwidth and can function as filtering content to minimize unwanted things on the network. In addition, the system created is very helpful for network admins to monitor the network in real-time, even can also enforce rules to protect the network.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
pp. 20-24 ◽  
Cleiton R. Mendes ◽  
Rapfael Y. Osaki ◽  
Cesar Da Costa

Recent technological developments have altered the working conditions in manufacturing industries. Currently, the term Industry 4.0 is used to describe the fourth industrial revolution that has enabled the digitization of the value chain. This revolution has also enabled the connection of production sites via intelligent information systems, which means that machines can communicate with other machines and products. In addition, more accurate data can be delivered, and information can be processed in real time. However, history says that technological development takes time. The complete adoption and realization of the potential of Industry 4.0 will likely require about 20 years. Our discussion in this paper is based on a particular example of an automation integration platform. To understand the potential of big data and the Internet of Things in manufacturing companies, we investigated the production process of an auto parts company. Currently, data is collected manually and automatically. Other types of data are automatically recorded by an information system. Depending on where in the production process the data is collected, the data are logged and processed using different systems.

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