Organizational Reengineering for Relief Agencies based on BPR Methodology

2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (SE) ◽  
pp. 613-622 ◽  
Seyede Hadis Hojati ◽  
Mohammad Mahdi Paydar ◽  
Hamid Mashreghi

Nowadays, organizations conduct change projects based on reengineering processes because business processes reengineering (BPR) methodologies implement process-oriented approach. By this view governmental organizational also utilizes such methodology. One of the main practical issues of such implementation is about using BPR methodology in relief organization. On the other hand, Iran has been faced with an increase of accidents in various forms. Thus having more efficiency in relief agencies to deal with these accidents and maintain readiness in the face of threats is essential. Relief agencies should be covered by the Unexpected Disasters Center in order to carry out their missions and duties perfectly. Therefore, familiarity with the tasks of each group is inevitable. Given the foregoing, the main objective of this study is to investigate how we can develop a reengineering project based on BPR approaches in Iran relief agencies. By this we propose a new model for reengineering which has the main capabilities of general models in BPR methodology. In addition, we show the prerequisites of implementing new model in Iran Unexpected Disasters Center.

Imbizo ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Naomi Epongse Nkealah ◽  
Olutoba Gboyega Oluwasuji

Ideas of nationalisms as masculine projects dominate literary texts by African male writers. The texts mirror the ways in which gender differentiation sanctions nationalist discourses and in turn how nationalist discourses reinforce gender hierarchies. This article draws on theoretical insights from the work of Anne McClintock and Elleke Boehmer to analyse two plays: Zintgraff and the Battle of Mankon by Bole Butake and Gilbert Doho and Hard Choice by Sunnie Ododo. The article argues that women are represented in these two plays as having an ambiguous relationship to nationalism. On the one hand, women are seen actively changing the face of politics in their societies, but on the other hand, the means by which they do so reduces them to stereotypes of their gender.

1876 ◽  
Vol 22 (98) ◽  
pp. 196-201 ◽  
T. Claye Shaw

There is a general idea expressed in text-books, and more or less freely asserted in practice, but which I shall prove to be a fallacy, that a high-arched palate is so frequently met with in idiocy and imbecility that it may be taken as a sign of their existence. Indeed, when a case of this kind is brought forward the patient is made to open his mouth, under the conviction that a high palate will be found as certainly as a superficial alteration of the tongue in gastric disturbance. We shall see that the connection is an accidental one; and there is, in reality, no relationship between the development of the intellect and the height and width of the palate. If we consider that the bones of the cranium are developed in a different manner from those of the face, and that ossification at the base is complete long before that of the bones forming the palate, it is clear that there can be no primâ facie reason for thinking that because a person has an imperfect brain he should therefore have an imperfect palate; yet such an interdependence is held. It is quite true that a constitutional taint, such as rickets or syphilis, which affects the ossification of the bones generally and the cranial sutures, would probably affect the palatine bones, and hence it is that many idiots and imbeciles are found to have high or imperfect palates: but on the other hand some modifying taint may dwarf the height of the body, may affect the shape of the head to such an extent as to make an idiot of the microcephalic type, and yet leave the palate untouched, perfect in all conditions of width, height, number, quality, and regularity of teeth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-142
Alwin Fau ◽  
Fince Tinus Waruwu

Abstract: In today's technological developments, digital images are a medium that is often used to store a person's identity. Digital images are currently widely used for data security needs. On the other hand, images can also be used as a medium for tapping data. Today's digital media provide many things in manipulating and changing the information contained in these images. In this study, the authors conducted a study to examine similarities in digital images so that it could be seen whether the information was authentic or not. detecting image similarities can help find out information whether the image is the same as the original object or not. The method used in this research is the Eigen Face method. The face eigen method is a method that can be used to check and match the similarities of an image. With the eigenface value, Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, it can be determined that with other eigenface values can be determined based on the eigenface matrix values obtained from each image. Based on the values obtained from Figures 1, 2, and 3, it can be concluded that the eigenface method is able to present facial similarities with a presentation value of 80%.            Keywords: Eigenface; Face Recognation; Images; Images Processing  Abstrak: Dalam perkembangan teknologi saat ini, gambar digital merupakan media yang sering digunakan untuk menyimpan identitas seseorang. Gambar digital saat ini banyak digunakan untuk kebutuhan keamanan data. di sisi lain, gambar juga dapat digunakan sebagai media penyadapan data. Media digital saat ini menyediakan banyak hal dalam memanipulasi dan mengubah informasi yang terdapat pada gambar tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini penulis melakukan penelitian untuk menelaah kemiripan pada citra digital sehingga dapat diketahui apakah informasi tersebut otentik atau tidak. Mendeteksi kemiripan citra dapat membantu mengetahui informasi apakah citra tersebut sama dengan objek aslinya atau tidak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Eigen Face. Metode eigen wajah merupakan metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengecek dan mencocokkan kemiripan suatu citra. Dengan nilai eigenface, Gambar 1, Gambar 2, Gambar 3, dapat ditentukan bahwa dengan nilai eigenface lainnya dapat ditentukan berdasarkan nilai matriks eigenface yang diperoleh dari masing-masing citra. Berdasarkan nilai yang diperoleh dari Gambar 1, 2, dan 3, dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode eigenface mampu menghadirkan kemiripan wajah dengan nilai presentasi 80%.. Kata kunci: Citra; Eigenface; Pengolahan Citra Digital; Pengenalan Wajah

1960 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-19 ◽  
D. K. Bassett

On 27 February, 1623, Gabriel Towerson, the chief factor or merchant of the English East India Company in Amboyna, was beheaded by command of the local Dutch governor, Herman van Speult. Nine other Englishmen, ten Japanese and one Portuguese shared Towerson's fate. The charges brought against these unfortunate men were that they planned to kill Speult and overwhelm the Dutch garrison of Fort Victoria as soon as an English ship appeared in the roadstead to support them. It is not the purpose of the present article to re-open the more controversial aspects of the Amboyna tragedy. Suffice it to say that the plausibility of the Dutch accusation has never commanded much respect in the estimate of British historians and it is unlikely that this attitude will change. On the other hand, there is every evidence to suggest that Speult, despite English suspicions to the contrary, was genuinely convinced that an English plot was afoot to overthrow his government. Normally the governor was a humane and reasonable man, who had received Towerson at his table on many occasions, and his bitterness at the strange turn of events in February, 1623, is very understandable. Dr. Stapel has recorded the reputed reply of Towerson to Speult when the latter upbraided him for thus abusing his hospitality and friendship: “Alas! If it were to beginne againe, it should never be done”. Is this the response of a man who knew he was innocent? asks Dr. Stapel. On the face of it, Towerson would appear to be condemned by his own words, but it must be remembered that his physical condition at that time was pitiful. He had firmly protested his innocence under prolonged and severe torture until his powers of endurance were broken, after which he sought relief, presumably, by telling the Dutch what they wanted to hear. In these circumstances, it is difficult to attach to Towerson's rather cryptic expression of repentance the importance it would otherwise deserve.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 308-339 ◽  
Sirirat Somapa ◽  
Martine Cools ◽  
Wout Dullaert

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a literature review that aims to provide insight into the characteristics and effectiveness of supply chain visibility (SCV), as well as to identify metrics that capture these aspects in business processes. Design/methodology/approach A systematic review of the supply chain literature is conducted to identify the characteristics and the effectiveness of SCV. The synthesis of SCV effectiveness and its metrics are based on the process-oriented approach which relates the effectiveness of SCV to improved business performance. Findings This study reveals that the characteristics of SCV can be captured in terms of the accessibility, quality, and usefulness of information. The benefits of SCV are found to extend beyond improvements to operational efficiency of business processes or to the strategic competencies of an organization. Practical implications This study underlines that clear agreements between all players involved in the SC can help to solve problems caused by information completeness (type and amount of information), and unlock the full potential of SCV projects. Originality/value By using a process-oriented approach, this review provides a comprehensive explanation of the functions of SCV, as well as its first-order effects, in terms of automational, informational, and transformational characteristics.

Marla Morris

Curriculum means complex relations between teachers and students. Discourse on health and illness involves these relations. Health and illness are phenomenological states of being that can be fragile. Health might mean longevity, while illness could mean finality. It is not so clear, though, where health slips into illness. Illness can return in a circular fashion. So the line between health and illness is not entirely clear. When illness strikes, people’s narratives get interrupted; these narratives embody our identities. Narratives are stories that we tell ourselves. Narratives such as autobiography and biography have a long history in curriculum studies. In this field, autobiographies and biographies of teachers have historically been about happy occasions, occasions of triumph, and happy endings. Narratives of critical illness—which few curriculum scholars have dealt with—are without happy endings. Critical illness narratives concern grief, loss, and unhappy endings. Grief, bereavement, and melancholy have no timeline, no frame of reference, and sometimes no ending at all. Curriculum scholars have written about melancholy in mental illness but have not written much about it in the face of physical illness. During times of illness, some turn to the spiritual, some turn away. The spiritual can be put to use either to better understand endings or to avoid endings and deny what is happening. For some, avoidance helps the journey along. For others, facing head-on the catastrophe at hand becomes necessary. For those who slip from health into illness, radical Otherness is at hand. Being very sick isolates. Alterity, then, is key when thinking about such experiences. A phenomenology of alterity is key when thinking about health and illness. Chronic illness differs from a sudden onset of illness. People can be relatively healthy and yet suffer from chronic illness. People can be, on the other hand, very sick with chronic illness for many years. Some chronic illnesses are invisible. Grief over invisible illnesses tends not to be taken seriously by others because the illness is not visible. On the other hand, if there are physical symptoms that others can see, grief over that illness tends to be taken more seriously by others than illnesses which are invisible. Curriculum, or lived experience, is about health and illness because this is life’s trajectory. One cannot become educated in a disembodied way. Education happens in bodies that exist on a continuum between health and illness.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Dror Brenner ◽  
Alon Cohen

AbstractPoliticians act strategically. In the face of competition they modify their decisions in order to restrict the latitude of their potential successors. On the other hand, politicians have ideological preferences that also affect their decisions. The literature, however, has neglected to fully explore the interaction between these two considerations. This work offers such an analysis, using an empirical investigation of judicial independence as an example. We show that when the interaction between ideological considerations and strategic ones is accounted for, the impact of political competition on the level of judicial independence that politicians prefer – may in fact be opposite to the traditional wisdom.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 14-17
Чернева ◽  
Yu. Cherneva

The paper focuses on the process-oriented management of a modern enterprise. The essence of the process-oriented approach to organizing and managing the activities of a modern enterprise is featured. Considered are the different ways to classify business processes. Also proposed is the mechanism for establishing the system of process-oriented enterprise management. Specific approaches and methods to improve business processes are described in detail.

1971 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-140 ◽  
Donald Evans
The Face ◽  

For Ian Ramsey, talk about God raises many philosophical problems:‘If we are not to use anthropomorphic concepts like love, power, wisdom, we cannot talk about God; but if we do use them, how do we manage to talk of God and not man?’ (MJGC152)‘Believers wish on the one hand to claim that he (God) is indescribable and ineffable, and yet on the other hand to talk a great deal about him. Nay more, when they speak of God they say that he is transcendent and immanent, im passible yet loving, and so on. But if we speak like this, are we talking significantly at all? Here is the Falsification Problem: What kind of talk can this talk about God be, if it permits us to use such conflicting descriptions of God and to continue to use these descriptions in the face of any and all empirical phenomena?’ (RL 13–14).

1923 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-52
P. Gardner

This head was purchased for the Ashmolean Museum in 1920. It had belonged to the late Lord Downe, who bought it, probably at Rome, about 1800. It remained in his possession at Cowick Hall in Yorkshire until his death, when his widow removed it to her house in London. Since that, it has been in the hands of members of the family.Only the nose is restored, but the face has been somewhat worked over, as is evident from its smoothness in comparison with the hair. Just in front of the left ear there is a trace of a curl in relief, which has been almost obliterated; and as there is a curl in the corresponding place on the Bologna head, to be presently cited, this would seem to show some rubbing down. The eyes also seem to have had some of their expression eliminated by over-working. On the other hand, there are several places on the face and ears where the surface has been only slightly abraded, and the grain of the marble shows clearly. It appears to be Pentelic, with small crystals showing here and there.

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