scholarly journals Machine Learning Rekomendasi Produk dalam Penjualan Menggunakan Metode Item-Based Collaborative Filtering

2021 ◽  
pp. 202-208
Daniel Theodorus ◽  
Sarjon Defit ◽  
Gunadi Widi Nurcahyo

Industri 4.0 mendorong banyak perusahaan bertransformasi ke sistem digital. Machine Learning merupakan salah satu solusi dalam analisa data. Analisa data menjadi poin penting dalam memberikan layanan yang terbaik (user experience) kepada pelanggan. Lokasi yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah PT. Sentral Tukang Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan bahan bangunan dan alat pertukangan seperti: cat, tripleks, aluminium, keramik, dan hpl. Dengan banyaknya data yang tersedia, menyebabkan perusahaan mengalami kesulitan dalam memberikan rekomendasi produk kepada pelanggan. Sistem rekomendasi muncul sebagai solusi dalam memberikan rekomendasi produk,  berdasarkan interaksi antara pelanggan dengan pelanggan lainnya yang terdapat di dalam data histori penjualan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Membantu perusahaan dalam memberikan rekomendasi produk sehingga dapat meningkatkan penjualan, memudahkan pelanggan untuk menemukan produk yang dibutuhkan, dan meningkatkan layanan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan.Data yang digunakan adalah data histori penjualan dalam 1 periode (Q1 2021), data pelanggan, dan data produk pada PT. Sentral Tukang Indonesia. Data histori penjualan tersebut akan dibagi menjadi 80% untuk dataset training dan 20% untuk dataset testing. Metode Item-based Collaborative Filtering pada penelitian ini memakai algoritma Cosine Similarity untuk menghitung tingkat kemiripan antar produk. Prediksi score memakai rumus Weighted Sum dan dalam menghitung tingkat error memakai rumus Root Mean Squared Error. Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan rekomendasi top 10 produk per pelanggan. Produk yang tampil merupakan produk yang memiliki score tertinggi dari pelanggan tersebut. Penelitian ini dapat menjadi referensi dan acuan bagi perusahaan dalam memberikan rekomendasi produk yang dibutuhkan oleh pelanggan.

Proceedings ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 2
Benoit Figuet ◽  
Raphael Monstein ◽  
Michael Felux

In this paper, we present an aircraft localization solution developed in the context of the Aircraft Localization Competition and applied to the OpenSky Network real-world ADS-B data. The developed solution is based on a combination of machine learning and multilateration using data provided by time synchronized ground receivers. A gradient boosting regression technique is used to obtain an estimate of the geometric altitude of the aircraft, as well as a first guess of the 2D aircraft position. Then, a triplet-wise and an all-in-view multilateration technique are implemented to obtain an accurate estimate of the aircraft latitude and longitude. A sensitivity analysis of the accuracy as a function of the number of receivers is conducted and used to optimize the proposed solution. The obtained predictions have an accuracy below 25 m for the 2D root mean squared error and below 35 m for the geometric altitude.

Marie Luthfi Ashari ◽  
Mujiono Sadikin

Sebagai upaya untuk memenangkan persaingan di pasar, perusahaan farmasi harus menghasilkan produk obat – obatan yang berkualitas. Untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas, diperlukan perencanaan produksi yang baik dan efisien. Salah satu dasar perencanaan produksi adalah prediksi penjualan. PT. Metiska Farma telah menerapkan metode prediksi dalam proses produksi, akan tetapi prediksi yang dihasilkan tidak akurat sehingga menyebabkan tidak optimal dalam memenuhi permintaan pasar. Untuk meminimalisir masalah kurang akuratnya proses prediksi tersebut, dalam penelitian yang disajikan pada makalah ini dilakukan uji coba prediksi menggunakan teknik Machine Learning dengan metode Regresi Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). Teknik yang diusulkan diuji coba menggunakan dataset penjualan produk “X” dari PT. Metiska Farma dengan parameter kinerja Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) dan MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error). Hasil penelitian ini berupa nilai rata – rata evaluasi error dari pemodelan data training dan data testing. Di mana hasil menunjukan bahwa Regresi LSTM memiliki nilai prediksi penjualan dengan evaluasi model melalui RMSE sebesar 286.465.424 untuk data training dan 187.013.430 untuk data testing. Untuk nilai MAPE sebesar 787% dan 309% untuk data training dan data testing secara berurut.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 08-19
Weskley Damasceno Silva ◽  
Silas Santiago Lopes Pereira ◽  
Daniel Santiago Pereira ◽  
Michell Olívio Xavier da Costa

O setor apícola tem ganhado grandes proporções nos últimos tempos em termos de produção e comercialização de produtos, como o mel e seus derivados. O Brasil, apesar de ter acompanhado esse crescimento e possuir boas características para o desenvolvimento da apicultura, ainda sofre com a limitação no uso de ferramentas tecnológicas, o que afeta diretamente os níveis de produção. Este artigo propõe o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta tecnológica que auxilie o apicultor no gerenciamento eficiente da produção apícola e na tomada de decisão a partir de modelos preditivos baseados em Machine Learning (ML) e integrados a um sistema web. Para tanto, foram utilizados diferentes algoritmos de ML para predição de produção de mel, tais como a Regressão Linear Múltipla, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) e Support Vector Regression (SVR). Os modelos gerados foram avaliados com base no coeficiente de determinação (R2 ou Score) e o cálculo de erro das predições utilizando a Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). Os resultados desta pesquisa contam com um sistema web em desenvolvimento e resultados dos experimentos realizados, que mostram uma melhor performance da técnica MLP com Score de 0.98 e RMSE de 711196 libras.

Jeroen Schmidt ◽  
Elenna Dugundji ◽  
Bas Schotten

Effective parking policy is essential for cities to reduce the demand their road networks experience and to combat their carbon footprints. Existing research in the application of machine learning to understand parking behavior assumes that cities have prohibitively expensive stationary parking sensors installed, while no research has yet attempted to use machine learning to impute for parking behavior using mobile probe data of sparsely monitored areas. To this end, this paper shows that it is indeed feasible to impute parking pressure (occupation as a percentage). Gradient boosted trees were found to perform the best with an R2 score of 0.20 and root mean squared error (RMSE) score of 0.087. This paper also found that three unique parking occupancy patterns exist in Amsterdam and that this information, in combination with neighborhood characteristics, has an impact on imputation under certain conditions.

2012 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-290 ◽  
Ádám Csorba ◽  
Vince Láng ◽  
László Fenyvesi ◽  
Erika Michéli

Napjainkban egyre nagyobb igény mutatkozik olyan technológiák és módszerek kidolgozására és alkalmazására, melyek lehetővé teszik a gyors, költséghatékony és környezetbarát talajadat-felvételezést és kiértékelést. Ezeknek az igényeknek felel meg a reflektancia spektroszkópia, mely az elektromágneses spektrum látható (VIS) és közeli infravörös (NIR) tartományában (350–2500 nm) végzett reflektancia-mérésekre épül. Figyelembe véve, hogy a talajokról felvett reflektancia spektrum információban nagyon gazdag, és a vizsgált tartományban számos talajalkotó rendelkezik karakterisztikus spektrális „ujjlenyomattal”, egyetlen görbéből lehetővé válik nagyszámú, kulcsfontosságú talajparaméter egyidejű meghatározása. Dolgozatunkban, a reflektancia spektroszkópia alapjaira helyezett, a talajok ösz-szetételének meghatározását célzó módszertani fejlesztés első lépéseit mutatjuk be. Munkánk során talajok szervesszén- és CaCO3-tartalmának megbecslését lehetővé tévő többváltozós matematikai-statisztikai módszerekre (részleges legkisebb négyzetek módszere, partial least squares regression – PLSR) épülő prediktív modellek létrehozását és tesztelését végeztük el. A létrehozott modellek tesztelése során megállapítottuk, hogy az eljárás mindkét talajparaméter esetében magas R2értéket [R2(szerves szén) = 0,815; R2(CaCO3) = 0,907] adott. A becslés pontosságát jelző közepes négyzetes eltérés (root mean squared error – RMSE) érték mindkét paraméter esetében közepesnek mondható [RMSE (szerves szén) = 0,467; RMSE (CaCO3) = 3,508], mely a reflektancia mérési előírások standardizálásával jelentősen javítható. Vizsgálataink alapján arra a következtetésre jutottunk, hogy a reflektancia spektroszkópia és a többváltozós kemometriai eljárások együttes alkalmazásával, gyors és költséghatékony adatfelvételezési és -értékelési módszerhez juthatunk.

Drones ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 37
Bingsheng Wei ◽  
Martin Barczyk

We consider the problem of vision-based detection and ranging of a target UAV using the video feed from a monocular camera onboard a pursuer UAV. Our previously published work in this area employed a cascade classifier algorithm to locate the target UAV, which was found to perform poorly in complex background scenes. We thus study the replacement of the cascade classifier algorithm with newer machine learning-based object detection algorithms. Five candidate algorithms are implemented and quantitatively tested in terms of their efficiency (measured as frames per second processing rate), accuracy (measured as the root mean squared error between ground truth and detected location), and consistency (measured as mean average precision) in a variety of flight patterns, backgrounds, and test conditions. Assigning relative weights of 20%, 40% and 40% to these three criteria, we find that when flying over a white background, the top three performers are YOLO v2 (76.73 out of 100), Faster RCNN v2 (63.65 out of 100), and Tiny YOLO (59.50 out of 100), while over a realistic background, the top three performers are Faster RCNN v2 (54.35 out of 100, SSD MobileNet v1 (51.68 out of 100) and SSD Inception v2 (50.72 out of 100), leading us to recommend Faster RCNN v2 as the recommended solution. We then provide a roadmap for further work in integrating the object detector into our vision-based UAV tracking system.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Elsa Arrua-Duarte ◽  
Marta Migoya-Borja ◽  
Igor Barahona ◽  
Lena C. Quilty ◽  
Sakina J. Rizvi ◽  

Abstract Objective: The Dimensional Anhedonia Rating Scale (DARS) is a novel questionnaire to assess anhedonia of recent validation. In this work we aim to study the equivalence between the traditional paper-and-pencil and the digital format of DARS. Methods: 69 patients filled the DARS in a paper-based and digital versions. We assessed differences between formats (Wilcoxon test), validity of the scales (Kappa and Intraclass Correlation Coefficients), and reliability (Cronbach’s alpha and Guttman’s coefficient). We calculated the Comparative Fit Index and the Root Mean Squared Error associated with the proposed one-factor structure. Results: Total scores were higher for paper-based format. Significant differences between both formats were found for three items. The weighted Kappa coefficient was approximately 0.40 for most of the items. Internal consistency was greater than 0.94, and the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for the digital version was 0.95 and 0.94 for the paper-and-pencil version (F= 16.7, p < 0.001). Comparative Adjustment Index was 0.97 for the digital DARS and 0.97 for the paper-and-pencil DARS, and Root Mean Squared Error was 0.11 for the digital DARS and 0.10 for the paper-and-pencil DARS. Conclusion: The digital DARS is consistent in many respects to the paper-and-pencil questionnaire, but equivalence with this format cannot be assumed without caution.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Kevin Kloos

The use of machine learning algorithms at national statistical institutes has increased significantly over the past few years. Applications range from new imputation schemes to new statistical output based entirely on machine learning. The results are promising, but recent studies have shown that the use of machine learning in official statistics always introduces a bias, known as misclassification bias. Misclassification bias does not occur in traditional applications of machine learning and therefore it has received little attention in the academic literature. In earlier work, we have collected existing methods that are able to correct misclassification bias. We have compared their statistical properties, including bias, variance and mean squared error. In this paper, we present a new generic method to correct misclassification bias for time series and we derive its statistical properties. Moreover, we show numerically that it has a lower mean squared error than the existing alternatives in a wide variety of settings. We believe that our new method may improve machine learning applications in official statistics and we aspire that our work will stimulate further methodological research in this area.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Imam Halimi ◽  
Wahyu Andhyka Kusuma

Investasi saham merupakan hal yang tidak asing didengar maupun dilakukan. Ada berbagai macam saham di Indonesia, salah satunya adalah Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) atau dalam bahasa inggris disebut Indonesia Composite Index, ICI, atau IDX Composite. IHSG merupakan parameter penting yang dipertimbangkan pada saat akan melakukan investasi mengingat IHSG adalah saham gabungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi pergerakan IHSG dengan teknik data mining menggunakan algoritma neural network dan dibandingkan dengan algoritma linear regression, yang dapat dijadikan acuan investor saat akan melakukan investasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa nilai Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) serta label tambahan angka hasil prediksi yang didapatkan setelah dilakukan validasi menggunakan sliding windows validation dengan hasil paling baik yaitu pada pengujian yang menggunakan algoritma neural network yang menggunakan windowing yaitu sebesar 37,786 dan pada pengujian yang tidak menggunakan windowing sebesar 13,597 dan untuk pengujian algoritma linear regression yang menggunakan windowing yaitu sebesar 35,026 dan pengujian yang tidak menggunakan windowing sebesar 12,657. Setelah dilakukan pengujian T-Test menunjukan bahwa pengujian menggunakan neural network yang dibandingkan dengan linear regression memiliki hasil yang tidak signifikan dengan nilai T-Test untuk pengujian dengan windowing dan tanpa windowing hasilnya sama, yaitu sebesar 1,000.

Kalva Sindhu Priya

Abstract: In the present scenario, it is quite aware that almost every field is moving into machine based automation right from fundamentals to master level systems. Among them, Machine Learning (ML) is one of the important tool which is most similar to Artificial Intelligence (AI) by allowing some well known data or past experience in order to improve automatically or estimate the behavior or status of the given data through various algorithms. Modeling a system or data through Machine Learning is important and advantageous as it helps in the development of later and newer versions. Today most of the information technology giants such as Facebook, Uber, Google maps made Machine learning as a critical part of their ongoing operations for the better view of users. In this paper, various available algorithms in ML is given briefly and out of all the existing different algorithms, Linear Regression algorithm is used to predict a new set of values by taking older data as reference. However, a detailed predicted model is discussed clearly by building a code with the help of Machine Learning and Deep Learning tool in MATLAB/ SIMULINK. Keywords: Machine Learning (ML), Linear Regression algorithm, Curve fitting, Root Mean Squared Error

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