scholarly journals Konstruksi Kerangka Konseptual Peranan Roh Kudus dalam PAK Menggunakan Taksonomi Bloom yang Diperbarui

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Hanny Setiawan ◽  
Yonatan Alex Arifianto

A learning process is aimed toward outcomes.  The desired outcomes are the initial point to construct the proper conceptual framework to describe the theoretical foundation of research. Spirituality and spiritual behaviour are two outcomes that Christian Education thinkers agreed upon from Old Testament to now. The meeting between Greeco-Roman and Jewish culture had somewhat changed the trajectory of how Christian Education developed. The Greek cognitive-based learning has influenced the initial Christian Education which is Jewish learning system. This article attempts to describe how spirituality, spiritual behaviour, and spiritual knowledge serve as the ultimate outcomes of Christian Education. The description will fit with the role of the Holy Spirit in the overall process of Christian Education in any given scope. As a result, this article will construct a conceptual framework that can be utilized further to design a biblical curriculum that is not merely cognitively measurable but also to provide an intentional outcome of spirituality and spiritual behaviour.  The revised Bloom’s taxonomy will be used to bridge both worlds: the cognitive, and non-cognitive.  In conclusion, this article shows that the supernatural work of Holy Spirit is not against the natural work of Holy Spirit through teacher and student relationships in Christian Education, but both work together.  AbstrakProses pembelajaran ditujukan untuk mencapai suatu hasil. Hasil yang diinginkan merupakan titik awal untuk membangun kerangka konseptual yang tepat untuk mendeskripsikan landasan teoritis sebuah penelitian. Spiritualitas dan perilaku spiritual adalah dua hasil yang disepakati oleh para pemikir pendidikan Kristen dari zaman Perjanjian Lama hingga sekarang. Pertemuan antara budaya Yunani-Romawi dan Yahudi telah mengubah lintasan (trajectory) Pendidikan Kristen berkembang. Pembelajaran berbasis kognitif Yunani telah mempengaruhi sistem pembelajaran Yahudi. Artikel ini mencoba untuk menjelaskan bagaimana spiritualitas, perilaku spiritual, dan pengetahuan spiritual berfungsi sebagai hasil akhir dari Pendidikan Kristen. Hasil akhir tersebut dapat menggambarkan secara konseptual peran Roh Kudus dalam keseluruhan proses Pendidikan Kristen dalam lingkup apa pun. Sebagai hasil akhir, artikel ini akan menyajikan bangunan kerangka konseptual yang dapat digunakan lebih jauh untuk merancang kurikulum alkitabiah yang tidak hanya dapat diukur secara kognitif, tetapi juga untuk memberikan hasil yang disengaja dari spiritualitas dan perilaku spiritual. Taksonomi Bloom yang telah direvisi akan digunakan untuk menjembatani kedua dunia: kognitif dan non-kognitif.  Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa pekerjaan supernatural Roh Kudus tidak bertentangan dengan pekerjaan alami Roh Kudus melalui hubungan guru dan murid dalam pendidikan Kristen, tetapi keduanya bekerja sama.

1998 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-108 ◽  
Andrew Wright

A TRANSFORMATIVE THEOLOGY of Christian education is defended against reconstructionist alternatives. Any authentic theology of education should be grounded in the ontic reality of the divine economy of salvation. Though important, noetic questions of theological epistemology, together with pragmatic issues of pedagogic strategy, are not to be taken as foundational. Certain traits of Lutheran theology lend superficial support to a reconstructionist theology, but only at the expense of introducing a crippling dualism between faith and creation. The Biblical picture of the completion of the new covenant and new creation through the work of the Holy Spirit lends strong support to a transformative theology.

2020 ◽  
Leonardo Nunes

The present dissertation examines the function and nature of the heavenly sanctuary/temple and its relationship to the earthly counterparts in the major passages of the New Testament (NT) Gospels, Acts, Pauline and General Epistles where the sanctuary/temple motif is found (a total of twenty-two passages). After the introductory chapter, chapters 2, 3, and 4 are devoted to the exegetical analysis of these major passages following canonical order and divisions of the NT. This exegetical analysis has detected the relevance of the heavenly sanctuary/temple motif for NT studies, i.e., how its function, nature, and relationship to the earthly counterparts influence the understanding of important themes of the NT such as salvation, intercession, spiritual gifts, love, holiness, eradication of evil, among others. This investigation has identified that the heavenly sanctuary/temple in the NT function as God’s dwelling place. It is a place for reunion, reconciliation, and sending of the Holy Spirit, from where every spiritual blessing is bestowed upon the believers. In the heavenly sanctuary/temple Jesus is enthroned to exercise authority, power, sovereignty, and rulership; it is where judgment and vindication are made, the new covenant is ratified. It is a place to present praise and worship to God, celebrating Christ's victory over evil. The heavenly sanctuary/temple is where Christ presents His once-for-all sacrifice, "obtains eternal redemption," and intercedes in our behalf, giving assurance that God's salvific purpose and the heirs' hope will be fulfilled. The heavenly sanctuary/temple also functions as the motivation and ground for holy living, the driving force for sacrificial service and endurance of suffering for Christ. The heavenly sanctuary/temple is also the final destination of the Christian journey where all believers will gather together with the godhead and the angels in a festal assembly. Regarding the nature of the heavenly sanctuary/temple in the NT, the passages surveyed show that architecture is not the main concern of the NT writers. However, in tune with the Old Testament (OT), they describe the heavenly sanctuary/temple in terms of a spatiotemporal reality where the corporeal resurrected Jesus is at work and the bodily resurrected believers will live. This NT ontological perspective safeguards the actuality of the heavenly sanctuary/temple many functions. The spatiotemporal nature of the heavenly sanctuary/temple is strengthened when one looks at its relationship to the earthly counterparts. The NT passages examined demonstrate that there is structural and functional correspondence between OT and NT heavenly and earthly counterparts within a typological framework, as well as dynamic interaction among them. Chapter 5 offers a theological synthesis of the heavenly sanctuary/temple motif presented in the previous chapters. A summary of the findings is first provided followed by inferences of theological implications in the three main areas of this dissertation (function, nature, and relationship). After these concluding remarks, an appendix is provided with a brief treatment of twenty-five NT passages not dealt with in the main text (including thirteen passages in the book of Revelation) in order to give the reader a more comprehensive perspective of the pervasiveness of the heavenly sanctuary/temple motif in the NT. In conclusion, the study of the heavenly sanctuary/temple motif in the NT seems to be needed in order to have a sound and balanced understanding of NT theology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Andrianus Nababan

AbstrackThe Christian religious education teacher is an educator who provides knowledge about Christianity based on the Bible, centered on Jesus Christ, and relied on the Holy Spirit. Christian Religious Education teachers must be able to offer their bodies in Romans 12:1-3. The understanding of offering the body include: 1)the Christian religious education teacher always i approaches the loving and generous God 2)give advice by encouraging, directing convey the truth of God's Words. 3). renewal of the mind by distinguishing which is good and pleasing to God. Thus, each Christian religious education teacher can understand that a true educator must surrender his/her body as a true offering according to will of God.Key word: Christian education teacher; Offering the body Romans 12:1-3.ABSTRAKGuru Pendidikan Agama Kristen merupakan seorang pendidik yang memberikan ilmu pengetahuan tentang agama Kristen yang berdasarkan Alkitab, berpusat pada Yesus Kristus, dan bergantung pada Roh Kudus kepada peserta didik dalam kegiatan belajarmengajar. Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen harus mampu mempersembahkan tubuhnya dalam Roma 12:1-3 sebagai ibadah sejati. Pemahaman mempersembahkan tubuh yaitu 1)guru Pendidikan agama Kristen senantiasa menghampiri Allah yang penuh kasih dan kemurahan 2)memberikan nasihat dengan mendorong, mengarahkan dan berdasarkan kebenaran Firman Tuhan. 3)pembaharuan budi dengan membedakan mana yang baik dan yang berkenan kepada Allah. Demikian Guru Pendidikan Agama kristen mampu memahami mempersembahkan tubuh menyangkut kehendak Allah sebagai pendidik yang sejati.Kata Kunci: Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen; Mempersembahkan tubuh.

1971 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-200
Steven Katz

In this paper I would like to discuss what the Old Testament has to say about the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. I take it as agreed that this task is both important and necessary for a real understanding of the New Testament, which by itself, is neither complete, meaningful nor self-authenticating. I do not make any claims to completeness on this crucial topic, but wish only to suggest what I feel are some important points for consideration. I want to discuss the three persons of the Trinity separately, beginning with the Father, then proceeding to the Holy Spirit and then to the Son. My remarks about the Father will be brief. I only wish to make the point that the Old Testament as well as the new Testament is fully aware of God's Fatherhood and alive to the reality that God loves mankind. It is clear that Israel has a special place as indicated by such passages as Exod. 4.22 where God addresses Israel saying: ‘Israel is my first born son.’ Yet at the same time it is basic to an understanding of Old Testament thought that God is the Father of the other nations of the world, though they are not the ‘first born’. This is a cardinal position of Old Testament theology and is based on the belief, given expression in Genesis, that all belongs to and was created by God.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Kiki Debora ◽  
Chandra Han

<p class="abstracttextDILIGENTIA">Transformation for the nation's generation can be done through education because education has a very important influence on the nation's generation. Christian education is not only talking about ways to educate children of the nation, but also Christian education is holistically paying attention to the entire existence of students. The development of the modern era has caused the character of the nation's generation to decline and moral damage is getting higher. The role of the qualified Christian teachers is very important in improving the quality of education, especially students. Beside the parents, teachers have a big influence in the life the of students. The Christian education is not just to improve science, but to shape the character of students through the role of Christian teachers who have experienced a new birth because only Christian teachers who have been born again are able to do good deeds because the Holy Spirit enables them. Every example of good deeds done by a Christian teacher will influence the formation of student character. Christian teachers who have experienced a new birth as agents of transformation took change play a role in shaping the character of students. The formation of student character aims to make students know the truth and errors and the meaning of each action they do. Through correct understanding students are able to make decisions and take responsibility in the modern era. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the important role of Christian teachers in shaping students' character through Christian education. This paper begin with some explanations of the study focus based on the title. The next explanation is to examine the role of the Christian teacher in shaping students’ character and finally make conclusions and suggestions.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-36
Yakub Hendrawan Perangin Angin ◽  
Tri Astuti Yeniretnowati

The question of what it means to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and how it happens, has created many great dividing lines and even endless debates from the past until now among Christians. Also the debate regarding the time and way of being baptized in the Holy Spirit also often becomes a polemic at the time of repentance or after? To answer this problem, this research was carried out using a qualitative method with a library approach, namely by collecting information from various textbooks and journals, then the researchers analyzed the concept of baptism and the concept of the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a conceptual framework that can provide a theological frame for how the baptism of the Holy Spirit is carried out. in Pentecostal Theology and its implications for believers. The conclusion of this study is how the implications of the baptism of the Holy Spirit which are agreed upon and experienced by people who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ increasingly give power and a very strong commitment to service for believers in their devotion to God.Pertanyaan tentang arti dibaptis dengan Roh Kudus dan bagaimana hal itu terjadi, sudah banyak membuat garis pemisah besar bahkan perdebatan yang tiada ujung dari dulu sampai saat ini di kalangan umat kristiani. Juga perdebatan terkait waktu dan cara seseorang dibaptis Roh Kudus juga sering kali menjadi polemik saat bertobat atau setelahnya?. Untuk menjawab permasalah ini maka dilakukan tinjauan pustaka, yaitu dengan cara menganalisis tentang konsep baptisan dan konsep baptisan Roh Kudus sebagai sebuah kerangka konsep yang dapat memberikan bingkai teologis bagaimana baptisan Roh Kudus dalam Teologi Pentakosta dan implikasinya bagi orang percaya. Implikasi dari baptisan Roh Kudus yang diamini dan dialami orang percaya semakin memberi kuasa dan komitmen pelayanan yang sangat kuat bagi orang percaya dalam pengabdiannya kepada Allah.

The article states that, for the purpose of interpreting the Biblical topos of the Law and Grace, Hilarion refers to the genre of the word. Hilarion takes first place in the title, and then in the text of the work God brings out wisdom. By law, he believes the Old Testament, which has already fulfilled its task, and Grace - the New Testament, which outlines the existence of man, his relationship with God, gives hope for eternal life. The subject of the "Word" breaks the sermon into four fragments. In the first of them, we notice the allegorical meaning of reading the Scriptures in relation to the history of mankind. The second part is devoted to the interpretation of the image of Jesus Christ, which appears as a synthesis of God and human nature. The third fragment depicts events beyond the boundary of the Bible. It is devoted to the baptism of Rus. In the fourth fragment Prince Volodymyr is glorified. Following the best traditions of Byzantine oratory prose, the author of the Word simply pours his text into quotations from the Bible and adds to them a predominantly allegorical interpretation, emphasizing that the work is not intended for proclamation, but for reading, which enabled the author to interpret the Scriptures and in the literal, and in allegorical sense. The advantage of the New Testament over the Old Testament is embodied by the author in the images of the free wife of Abraham Sarah - Grace and his servant Hagar - Law. Laconic retelling of God-inspired text, Hilarion interprets the old-czarist images, as those that represent the new covenants at the level of allusions, presented them in the form of additional parallel antithesis. The same anti-colored color is also depicted by the images of their children. Isaac was born from a free woman, which means that he represents freedom, Ishmael is from a slave, hence his image symbolizes slavery. He who receives Grace receives goodness, love, becomes the son of God, and begins to live a new life in the Holy Spirit through which the believer is through. The overcoming of the Law and the perception of Grace means, according to Hilarion, the acquisition of spiritual freedom.

Peter White

Branding is a strategy designed by companies to help patrons or consumers quickly identify their products or organisations and give them a reason to choose their products or organisations over other competitors. In the Old Testament, God identified the Israelites as a unique brand. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ branded the church with the power of the Holy Spirit, miracles, signs and wonders. Reading the Acts of the Apostles, the church developed a brand of being Spirit-filled, communal-living and mission-minded. It was out of this that early believers in Antioch were called ‘Christians’. The name ‘Christian’ therefore became a brand name for believers and followers of Jesus Christ. In view of this, one would expect that the concept of branding would be a major tool for modern-day churches. Although there are several publications on branding from the perspective of marketing and management, there is no such academic research on missional branding, hence this research. This article contributes to the interdisciplinary discourse on branding, with specific reference to the missional branding of the Church of Pentecost.

2021 ◽  
rita evimalinda

Education is a basic effort to transform individuals. Teachers are the vanguard people who transform society and the nation through education. Christian religious education seeks change, renewal and reform of individuals and groups through the power of the Holy Spirit, so that students live according to God's will, as stated by the Bible and by the Lord Jesus Himself. In order for the purpose of this Christian Education to be achieved, transformative teachers are needed, namely teachers who are committed to the perspective of learning from a whole human perspective, in providing affective, cognitive, behavioral, and spiritual changes. This paper aims to formulate transformative Christian teacher criteria. Through literature review, observation, the main idea of the author is that a transformative teacher has the following characteristics: having spiritual competence, creating constructivist experiences in learning, having theological and teacher knowledge, being active in the community or fellowship of Believers, having a strong personal identity and integrity, having a commitment (determination) and Becoming an Example. Studying the six criteria above will help the willingness of educators to build human quality in the midst of today's moral morality. It is God who helps foster commitment and quality of life in educators to carry out their duties and calling as teachers

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