The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Philology"
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Published By V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


The article is devoted to the study of the work of the German writer B. Traven in the context of the problems of Indianism. The purpose of the article is to explore the poetic foundations of the novel «The Rebellion of the Hanged» («Die Rebellion der Gehenkten, 1936), to analyze the artistic world based on the pre-revolutionary struggle of the autochthonous Indian culture and industrial culture of the heirs of European colonialists. The article clarifies the biographical context of the writer's immersion in the reality of an exotic country. The article considers Ukrainian publications of the 1960s about the mysterious figure of the writer, developing a hypothesis about the connection between B. Traven and the Bavarian revolutionary activist Reat Marut. It is noted that the revolutionary orientation is determinative for the Indianist poetics of the novel «The Rebellion of the Hanged». A distinction between the terms «indianismо» and «indigenismo» in the study of the writer's creative heritage is proposed. The problems of the journalistic book by B. Traven «Land of Spring» («Land des Frühlings», 1928), the materials of which served to create the Indian imagery of the Kaoba-cycle, including the analyzed novel, are investigated. The poetic principles of «The Rebellion of the Hanged» are described: the plot-compositional structure, chronotope, the characteristics of the main and secondary characters are given, the imaginative and lexical-stylistic features of the novel are analyzed. The symbolism of the novel's title is analyzed: from tortured «animals» the Indians turn into a revolutionary mass, relentless and cruel in their revenge. It is determined that the uniqueness of B. Traven's indigenіst novel is due to its direction to the German recipient. Indigenous images of the novel acquire universal significance, and the Indian appears as an «another», whose fate allows us to understand the essence of European culture. B. Traven appears as an artist who embodies the problem of «other» in its intercultural dimension.

A display of synesthesia in the poetic speech of contemporary artists is analyzed. The lack of special studies of synesthetic linguistic representation in modern poetry determines the relevance of the proposed investigation. In scientific interpretation, synesthesia is the interaction of words to denote emotions or other abstract or particular concepts. In linguistics, the term „synesthesia” is used to denote the mechanism of metaphorical analogy, formed on the basis of visual, taste, auditory, odorative, tactile human senses, which supply their own units to denote other conceptual areas. In modern poetry, synesthesia is productive as a mean of verbalizing subjective experiences. Furthermore, achromatic colors (white, gray, black) are actively used in poetry. Tokens to denote shades of blue (blue, cyan, blue), associated with the concept of melancholy, are also used quite often. In the analyzed poems color-sound synesthesia prevails. This fact can be explained by the physiological significance of visual and audio channels for obtaining information, as well as the genre specificity of the analyzed texts. At the syntactic level, the traditional model of a synaesthetic phrase is a combination of an adjectival colorative with a noun token to denote a concept of another conceptual sphere. The definition location in the postposition to the denoted word gives synesthetic constructions additional stylistic significance, strengthens their expressive potential. The use of complex adjectives as double epithets is a rarely used syntactic model of synesthesia. Sometimes synesthesia becomes the creative basis of the whole poetry. The analysis of synesthetic constructions makes it possible to comprehend the deep inner world of poets, features of poetic thinking, Ukrainian worldview in general.

The paper is devoted to the study of the associative relations of the lexemes PEACE and WAR. The aim of the work is to reveal the cultural component of the associative fields of the stimulus words PEACE and WAR. Due to the object of study (the associative connections of stimuli PEACE and WAR in the linguistic consciousness of humanities students) we consider the usage of associative psycholinguistic experiment to be the most appropriate, because the object cannot be observed directly. The paper outlines the methodological grounds for such study. The material for the article was the associative reactions obtained during the experiment with humanities students. On the basis of the received data the quantitative, mathematical and qualitative analyses of semantic content of associative fields of stimuli PEACE and WAR are realized. The analysis showed that the mutual influence of culture and language is reflected in the associative content of these stimuli, and hence in the linguistic consciousness in which such connections are contained. It is concluded that students receive certain cultural codes from the experience of their nation through language, as they are embodied in language signs. This fact demonstrates that a person is both an object and a subject of culture. The obtained reactions suggest that linguistic culture has greater impact on associative connections than individual, personal experience. It is impossible to deny the influence of ethnic factors on the worldview and the formation of consciousness of a particular linguistic and cultural community. The PEACE and WAR associations presents an inseparable connection between them in the linguistic and cultural consciousness of humanities students and they can exist only in opposition to each other.

The article considers Greek borrowings in the Ukrainian lyric-craft argots in the context of the genesis and development of the East Slavic „secret languages”. The main linguistic views on the problem of Greek borrowings in the Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian historical sociolects expressed during the XIX–XXI centuries are analyzed, a number of critical remarks on some approaches to the problem are offered. Particular attention is paid to the critique of V. Bondaletov’s „Proto-Ofenian theory”, in particular to the statement of the exceptional influence of the sociolect of Russian itinerant traders as „praargot” on other East Slavic sociolects. The views of ethnographers and linguists on the extra-linguistic reasons for the formation of a common fund of Greek borrowings in the East Slavic „secret languages” are systematized and commented on. Numerous Greek borrowings in the Ukrainian lyric-craft argots have been studied on the background of other East Slavic sociolects: the study is based on a comparative method aimed at establishing substandard lexical units the most similar to the Greek etymon in the internal and external forms. This enabled to conclude to which specific sociolect or sociolect group the analyzed argots belong, as well as how they spread further among other sociolects, undergoing various phonetic, derivational and semantic transformations. The method mentioned above implemented on the basis of Greek borrowings in the domestic substandard systems enabled to emphasize the author’s views on the genesis of the Ukrainian lyric-craft argots, in particular, more clearly revealed the common Belarusian-Ukrainian argotic array and transitional „contact” sociolects, borrowing a great number of lexical units from it.

The article is devoted to the consideration of the stereotype phenomenon linguo-cognitive and linguo-pragmatic aspects. We define a stereotype in connection with the notion of a frame in cognitive linguistics and note its features such as substantial simplification and significant stability. The study was carried out on the material of two chronologically and qualitatively different segments of Ukrainian media discourse (Soviet and modern). The thematically outlined segment was selected for analysis: the texts about the holidays and written for the holidays, which usually have a wide audience and potentially affect the formation of public consciousness via recording the proclaimed evaluations in the world language picture. Therefore, attention is paid to the functional aspect of the studied linguistic units. It was found that gender stereotypes, that is, those that determine the characteristic roles of men and women, occupy the most prominent place among the stereotypes verbalized in holiday journalism. Their use is usually a representation of one of two basic strategies. The first one is the strategy of stereotype assertion, which is a verbal confirmation of its existence and at the same time serves for its additional fixation in the world language picture. The second is a strategy of disproving, or deconstruction of a stereotype, which at the linguistic level is realized through direct negation or antithesis. We come to the conclusion that the majority of gender stereotypes in Soviet texts are purely propagandistic, in line with ideology, that is, they form stereotypical images in the world picture according to the first named strategy, while in modern writings we see attempts to get free from totalitarian influence, which is clearly shown by the functioning of these cognitive structures in the strategy of deconstruction.

In the paper the work of Vasyl Symonenko (lyric poetry, lyro epic, short stories) is integrally analysed. Attention to collections "Bank of expectations" and "For itself" is paid. The romantic features of lyric poetry, preparation of lyric hero to adult life, feeling of responsibility are marked. The verses of these collections help an author to attain an emotional equilibrium, perform the original psychotherapy duty. First printed collection "Silense and thunder" educed the updating of poetic maintenance at maintenance of classic forms. The poles of "silense" (intimate lyric poetry) and "thunder" (civil lyric poetry) are analysed, didacticism and gnomic are marked. The posthumous collection "Earthly gravitation" strikes the "overpopulation" of the verse line, the concentration of idea, the transparency of ideas, the faith in the future. The features of address verses, facilities of fight against the negative public phenomena are studied. During the study of lyric poetry of V. Symonenko non-verbalized motives of aspiring to the changes, aspiration and spiritual way are educed. Romanticism of lyric poetry is consonant with short stories of V. Symonenko, collected in a book "Wine from roses". The plot organization and ideological level of short stories "He interfered with her to sleep", "Wine from roses", "Black horseshoe" are analysed. An accent on the open finales of works is done. The fairy-tales of the sixty contain a political implication, but they could be addressed to the junior reader. For more complete understanding of the artistic world of author it is necessary to know his literary-critical work, foremost the article "Beauty without beauties ", sanctified to the poetry of L. Kostenko. V. Symonenko appears in the hypostasis of professional reader that analyses collection "Trip of heart". V. Symonenko noticed beauty, wisdom, thin heartfelt sensitiveness and good taste, could be said about a critic. The conclusion, that a poet kept straight in life, and in work, as well as majority of sixties is drawn.

The relevance of the research is due to the increased attention of linguists to grammatical homonymy. Within the framework of grammatical homonymy, morphological, interpart-of-speech and syntactic homonyms are distinguished. The focus is on the problems of part-of-speech homonymy, in particular on the phenomenon of morphological syncretism due to the ambiguity of structural and semantic features of parts of speech and changes of the morphological status of certain words in different syntagmatic environments. Changes in the categorical-semantic meaning of the lexical unit as, synonymous series of components of the specified sound complex, the nature of the syntagmatic environment, syntactic functions, positional fixation in a certain syntax unit, functional phraseology in compound conjunctions and particles are described. The conceptual scope of the term „homocomplex” is considered, it is defined as a sound complex, which is used to denote the title of a group of functional homonyms and words of the zone of syncretism. It is established that the homocomplex as is represented by three grammatical homonyms such as adverb, conjunction and particle. The source word for the formation of derivatives of the conjunction and particle is the adverb as. In the syntactic position of the adverb, this lexical unit appears in the adverbial position, expressing the following meanings: the question of manner (how?); the degree of detection of an action, state (very, extremely); mode of action (how); time of action (when); indefinite way (somehow). In the syntactic sphere of the conjunction, losing the ability to express a sign, the lexical unit „how” often serves as a means of expressing comparative semantic-syntactic relations; forming phraseologized compounds, it can act as an expression of clauses of condition, time and concession. Not denoting defining and adverbial meanings and not combining parts of a compound sentence, the lexical unit as belongs to the class of particles. A typical function of this particle is an amplifying one. It is complemented by additional semantic shades of meaning, such as „very”, „extremely”, „suddenly”, etc., which serve to express the speaker’s surprise, indignation, dissatisfaction, surprise, and others.

The article studies the image system of the poetry of the Executed Renaissance, which is a special artistic phenomenon in Ukrainian and world literature. Among the outstanding representatives of the period are B.-I. Antonych, M. Bazhan, M. Yohansen, H. Koliada, B. Lepkyi, V. Pluzhnyk, M. Rylskyi, M. Semenko, V. Sosiura, P. Tychyna and others. The research analyses erotic images and motifs – the ones realised on the border of the spiritual and the corporeal. The choice of the research data is determined by the esthetics of the analysed period: the authors of the 1920-1930s loved freedom and were free in expressing themselves, they believed there could not be taboos in literature. The analised images are realized in various theme dimensions: sexual relationship, social relationship, intellectual activity, art etc. Because of their specific character they have become a kind of ways of guiding any topic into the area of the most intimate experiences and, as such, the markers of the significance of the depicted. Using different literary techniques, the authors create original images that exist within several discourses, so multidimensionality and various semantic transformations can be pointed out as the specific features of the analysed images. The sensuality of the erotic images created within modernistic esthetics is sometimes intensified by the rhythmomelodics or experiments at the sound or lexical levels. It is pointed out that research of the erotic images in the texts of the representatives of Executed Renaissance is important as in case of ignoring the erotic in literature, we go on living within Soviet discourse. Besides, the actualisation of such imagery has intensified the sensuality and the depth of the text, thus taking Ukrainian literature and language to a new level. Because of the artificial interruption in the natural course of the literary process in Ukraine in the first part of the 20th century, a kind of repetition of the trend can be observed at modern stage. Considering the above, the suggested angle of research on poetry looks still more topical and perspective.

The paper deals with the situation which emerged after the publication of O. O. Potebnja’s (A. A. Potebnya’s) work „On mythical significance of the rituals and the superstitions” (1865) where some problems of comparative mythological studies were examined. This work became an object of critical analysis accomplished by professor of Kharkov university P. O. Lavrovskij, Potebnja’s teacher, who wrote and published (1866) a voluminous critical review text (102 pages) in the genre of razbor „an analytical book review” which represented the reviewing traditions of the academic discourse in XIX c. O. O. Potebnja’s text which contains the replies to the critique of his teacher in the razbor remains as a whole still unpublished and is preserved as an archive document. In Potebnja studies it is conventionally named „The reply”. So the textual base for the analysis of this discussion includes three texts, two last of which are under consideration in the paper. The text of P. O. Lavrovskij’s razbor is notable for its extremely detailed analysis of Potebnja’s work with the use of rare sources, extra information from manuscripts, vocabularies, academic works on mythology, history and culture of different peoples, on linguistics and comparative studies. The text shows that P. O. Lavrovskij’s attention is directed mainly to the methodological aspect of Potebnja’s research: his critical remarks cover almost all methods of analysis, especially, the procedures dealing with establishment of identity or similarity of the mythical objects. Discussing with P. O. Lavrovskij O. O. Potebnja demonstrates an equal status to his opponent, his vast commentaries in the text of „The reply” correspond to the deep understanding of the nature of mythical space. His position in this textual discussion is marked by maturity of considerations and highly informative answers to his opponent. The author comes to the conclusion that the discussion represents the situation of methodological conflict, typical for the history of Slavic studies in XIX c., which nevertheless creates stimuli for elaborating methodological foundations in philological science.

The article defines the term of «concept» and «sphere of concepts» considering their relationship, their link to the concepts of conceptual and linguistic pictures of the world. Scientists’ views on the nature of the concept are described. It is indicated which of scientists researched the Ukrainian conceptual picture. It is designated which of the linguists paid attention to studying the concepts, which fill the Ukrainian wedding sphere of concepts, the level of exploring the issue. The description of the concept is given, namely: its structure, boundaries, links between individual concepts, content of images. The place of the concept of marital life in the Ukrainian marriage concept is observed. In this article married life concept is studied. Investigations are based on Ukrainian works of Slobozhansky writers, folklore collections and dictionaries. Catch-phrases, separate lexemes, wedding context excerpts, proverbs, folk set-phrase similes are analyzed. The terms of concept and sphere of concepts are explained. Approach to studying Ukrainian wedding sphere of concepts are scheduled, it’s boundaries and concept content. Special attention is given to married life concept formation. Integral parts of married life concept are allocated as well as it’s relationships with other concepts like family, happiness, love, father and mother, kindness, bread, home, road, mood, knitting, soul, time. A lot of images like wife, husband, married couple, child (children), young married woman, host, hostess, orphans, general prosperity, inheritance, household are analyzed. These images form a named concept explaining symbolic basis of dew, fire, mood, dove. Catch-phrase models are described as well as God concept as the main conceptual image. The inner shape of catch-phrases, which form married life concept, are considered. Catch-phrases components are singled out which have logical meaning for determining concept boundaries and forming a number of synonyms and antonym pairs – inheritance, kindness, bread, happiness, destitution, grief, poverty. Epithets of the words like spouse are explained as well as the basis of concept appearance connected to the Ukrainian way of life.

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