scholarly journals Improving the efficiency of routing methods in wireless networks of telemetry systems

Е.Е. Прозоровский ◽  
Ю.В. Редькин

Одна из основных проблем построения автоматизированных систем телеметрии и управления – организация надежной связи между удаленными объектами и пунктами сбора информации. Использование беспроводных самоорганизующихся сетей является наиболее приемлемым решением данной задачи. Подобные сети характеризуются: высокой надежностью и живучестью; достаточной пропускной способностью; низкой стоимостью эксплуатации; простотой перемещения и оперативностью развертывания. В настоящее время разработано множество алгоритмов и протоколов, обеспечивающих автоматическое конфигурирование таких сетей. Однако, несмотря на обилие разработанных алгоритмов и протоколов существует необходимость создания новых протоколов, оптимальных для решения поставленной задачи при заданной топологии сети. В работе предложен алгоритм поиска кратчайшего пути маршрутизации в телеметрической беспроводной сети. Представлен пример поиска оптимального пути в случае выхода из строя одного из транзитных узлов системы телеметрии. Реализация алгоритма позволяет существенно упростить поиск нового маршрута и сократить временные затраты на восстановление целостности сети, что в конечном итоге увеличивает пропускную способность сети. One of the main problems of building automated telemetry and control systems is the organization of reliable communication between remote objects and information collection points. The most acceptable solution to this problem is the use of wireless self-organizing networks. Such networks are characterized by high reliability and survivability, sufficient bandwidth, low operating costs, ease of movement and speed of deployment. Currently, many algorithms and protocols have been developed that provide automatic configuration of such networks. However, despite the abundance of developed algorithms and protocols, there is a need to create new protocols that are optimal for solving the problem at a given network topology. The paper proposes an algorithm for finding the shortest routing path in a telemetric wireless network. An example of finding the optimal path in the event of failure of one transit node of the telemetry system is presented. The implementation of the algorithm makes it possible to significantly simplify the search for a new route and reduce the time spent on restoring the integrity of the network, which ultimately increases the network throughput.

Lee A. Cysouw ◽  
Douglas C. Osburn ◽  
Nader M. Rabadi

Remote communications to field devices for data monitoring and controls has greatly reduced operating costs, reduced downtime, and helped to optimize our industry. With the ever growing threat of cyber-attacks, the need for securing that data is becoming a more common topic of discussion. Whether collecting SCADA or Measurement data from the field, doing remote configuration, or even sitting dormant, it is important to keep the line of communication to your devices secure. This presentation will discuss potential threats and examples of cyber-attacks. It will cover industry standards, types of cyber security, and the importance and best practices for securing data for Measurement and/or SCADA and control systems.

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (17) ◽  
pp. 4308
Shixiong Fang ◽  
Xinyi Chen ◽  
Kanjian Zhang ◽  
Haikun Wei ◽  
Jian Ge

AAOISE, the Antarctic Astronomical Observations Intelligent Support Equipment, is an autonomous control equipment serving for energy support and environment thermal preservation, which is used for astronomical science observations in the Antarctic “Dome A”. It was deployed to “Dome A” and had an unattended run until now. The AAOISE stressed on the ways to adapt to adverse circumstances of “Dome A” and to have as little influence on the environment as possible. Its shape and structure are fully qualified for transportation and thermal insulation demands. The power generation and control systems are designed to provide continuous power and heat. Its communication system can support high-reliability data transmission and communications. It offers a possibility for developing “Dome A” scientific activities and remote monitoring of the running situation of the science instruments. This paper presents a detailed description of the power generation, power control, thermal management, instrument interface, and communications systems for AAOISE.

2012 ◽  
Vol 198-199 ◽  
pp. 1774-1778
Dong Song Luo ◽  
Ji Ying Tuo

Aiming at the defects of traditional heating boiler control systems, in Geographical limitations, waste of human resources etc. We combines Web technology with traditional heating boiler control strategies, developed a B/S,C/S mixed-mode control system, that allows workers look up data and control heating boilers from Website safely, no matter where the heating boiler located. Website is developed in ASP.NET, other programs are developed in VC++.NET. This system can improve management and production efficiencies, reduce human resources and operating costs.

Mauro Cappelli ◽  
Stefano Di Gennaro ◽  
Fabrizio Memmi ◽  
Massimo Sepielli

In this work, in-depth considerations about FPGA-CPU architectures design methods are presented together with some possible plant applications. FPGAs are used because of their potentials in guaranteeing parallelism, synchronism and high reliability tasks; on the other hand CPUs are crucial to higher precision computations and to reproduce data and results on a graphical interface, thus resulting in an improvement in the human-machine-interface (HMI). Design choices are here reported to justify the benefits from the use of both CPU-FPGA approaches. Taking advantage of these features, the LabVIEW environment and its digital platform is expanded in order to develop a novel tool able to support designers during the fundamental phases of a supervision and control tool realization: from the model development to the digital hardware implementation and testing. LabVIEW is able to communicate with several languages like Matlab or Scilab for a theoretical model study and simulation, and VHDL for a digital implementation, taking the advantages from both development environments. Main results have been reported concerning studies of control systems in nuclear plant facilities, showing how a full-digital platform can be very useful in developing monitoring and control instrumentation. This new tool is thought to improve the so-called hardware in the loop (HIL) simulations and to accelerate the process of prototypes implementation and testing, using a more accurate and reliable environment in terms of performance and safety.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 9-16
A. Al-Ammouri ◽  
H.A. Al-Ammori ◽  
A.E. Klochan ◽  
A.M. Al-Akhmad ◽  

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