2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-237
Indrė Naulickaitė ◽  
Borisas Melnikas

International migration is an integral part of globalization: the twenty-first century is even called the “age of migration”. Although international migration has existed for a long time before the age of globalization, global migration volume, speed and complexity during this time, has become unprecedented. Lithuania is attributed to countries where migration flows are particularly large currently. The country’s negative international net migration for 1000 persons is one of the largest in the European Union. Assessing the impact of emigration on the country, researchers express ambiguous attitude and identifies both positive and negative aspects of this phenomenon. However, it is emphasized that intensive growing emigration threatens both the social and economic stability of the country. So both scientific and practical aspect is important to investigate the emigration from Lithuania processes and assess determinants of emigration from Lithuania. Using the scientific literature analysis, comparison, systematization, classification, generalization it was found that there are no single definitions of migration and emigration. Concepts of these phenomena vary depending on the context, in which they are interpreted. There is no single universal theory of migration which would fully explain the process of migration and determinants of emigration. Migration theories investigate this process at different levels, certain parts, emphasizing one or another aspect. It should be noted that migration theories should be seen not as alternatives, but as complementary theories. Determinants of emigration are very diverse and can be classified into various groups. Using the analytical method of dynamic lines, it was found that the migration situation in the European Union countries has been quite uneven for the period of 1998–2013. Higher number of emigrants than immigrants in Lithuania was every year of analyzed period. The analysis of emigration dynamics showed that emigration flows from Lithuania were uneven. Tarptautinė migracija – neatskiriama globalizacijos dalis: XXI a. net vadinamas „migracijos amžiumi“. Nors tarptautinė migracija ilgą laiką egzistavo ir prieš globalizacijos amžių, pasaulinės migracijos apimtis, greitis ir kompleksiškumas jo metu tapo beprecedentis. Lietuva priskiriama šalims, kuriose šiuo metu vyrauja itin dideli emigracijos srautai. Šalies neigiamas tarptautinės migracijos saldo, tenkantis 1000-iui gyventojų – vienas didžiausių Europos Sąjungoje. Vertinant emigracijos poveikį šaliai, mokslinėje literatūroje išreiškiamas nevienareikšmiškas požiūris ir nurodomi tiek teigiami, tiek neigiami šio reiškinio aspektai. Vis dėlto pabrėžiama, kad intensyviai augantys emigracijos mastai kelia grėsmę tiek socialiniam, tiek ekonominiam šalies stabilumui. Tiek moksliniu, tiek praktiniu aspektu svarbu tirti emigracijos iš Lietuvos procesus ir įvertinti pagrindinius veiksnius, lemiančius sprendimą emigruoti. Naudojant mokslinės literatūros analizę, lyginimą, sisteminimą, klasifikaciją, apibendrinimą nustatyta, kad nėra vieno sąvokų migracija ir emigracija apibrėžimo, o šių reiškinių sampratos kinta priklausomai nuo konteksto, kuriuose yra aiškinamos. Nėra vienos universalios migracijos teorijos, visapusiškai paaiškinančios migracijos procesą ir migraciją lemiančius veiksnius. Migraciją aiškinančios teorijos šį procesą nagrinėja skirtingais lygmenimis, tam tikromis dalimis, akcentuodamos vieną ar kitą aspektą. Pažymėtina, kad migracijos teorijas reikėtų vertinti ne kaip alternatyvas, o kaip viena kitą papildančias teorijas. Emigraciją lemiantys veiksniai yra labai įvairūs bei gali būti klasifikuojami į įvairias grupes. Nustatyta, kad migracijos situacija Europos Sąjungos šalyse 1998–2013 metų laikotarpiu buvo gana nevienoda. Didesnis emigrantų nei imigrantų skaičius Lietuvai buvo būdingas kiekvienais analizuojamo laikotarpio metais. Emigrantų iš Lietuvos srautai analizuojamu laikotarpiu kito gana netolygiai.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-151
Andrea Circolo ◽  
Ondrej Hamuľák

Abstract The paper focuses on the very topical issue of conclusion of the membership of the State, namely the United Kingdom, in European integration structures. The ques­tion of termination of membership in European Communities and European Union has not been tackled for a long time in the sources of European law. With the adop­tion of the Treaty of Lisbon (2009), the institute of 'unilateral' withdrawal was intro­duced. It´s worth to say that exit clause was intended as symbolic in its nature, in fact underlining the status of Member States as sovereign entities. That is why this institute is very general and the legal regulation of the exercise of withdrawal contains many gaps. One of them is a question of absolute or relative nature of exiting from integration structures. Today’s “exit clause” (Art. 50 of Treaty on European Union) regulates only the termination of membership in the European Union and is silent on the impact of such a step on membership in the European Atomic Energy Community. The presented paper offers an analysis of different variations of the interpretation and solution of the problem. It´s based on the independent solution thesis and therefore rejects an automa­tism approach. The paper and topic is important and original especially because in the multitude of scholarly writings devoted to Brexit questions, vast majority of them deals with institutional questions, the interpretation of Art. 50 of Treaty on European Union; the constitutional matters at national UK level; future relation between EU and UK and political bargaining behind such as all that. The question of impact on withdrawal on Euratom membership is somehow underrepresented. Present paper attempts to fill this gap and accelerate the scholarly debate on this matter globally, because all consequences of Brexit already have and will definitely give rise to more world-wide effects.

2020 ◽  
pp. 21-28
Weronika Borkowska

The article presents methodological theories, application of which, when adopting the political and legal research perspective, makes it possible to analyse the impact of comitology on the shape of law adopted in the European Union. The author assumes that in consideration of equally complex decision-making centers as comitology committees, whose structural element is their location between two levels – the Community and the national level, it is impossible to limit to only one research method. The purpose of the article is an attempt to demonstrate that the most reasonable approach to comitology research is to use institutional and legal analysis, which is based on theoretical assumptions combining political and legal sciences and to supplement it to explain phenomena occurring within the comitology committees by applying the assumptions of the theory PAT (Principal–Agent Theory), the Scharpf’s theory of legitimacy of power, Wessels’s fusion theory and analysis of empirical data. This approach is designed to enable the examination of normative acts, in which legal basis of functioning of the comitology institutions (i.e. the EU founding treaties, comitology regulations and judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union), as well as to highlight a number of issues relevant to the practical aspect of the functioning of comitology committees.

2009 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 321-351
Sophie Boyron

AbstractFor a long time, French constitutional law did not appear to concern itself unduly with the European Communities and the process of European integration: the French Constitution did not contain any reference to the European Communities and the Conseil constitutionnel had little involvement with international treaties and their enforcement as a result of an early decision. However, the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 triggered a process of deep constitutional change in France. Since then, the text of the French Constitution has been repeatedly amended to respond to the quickening pace of European integration. Furthermore, the Conseil constitutionnel has totally transformed its control of the constitutionality of international treaties. An assessment of these constitutional changes seems opportune at this juncture. More specifically, an investigation into the manner in which the French constitution reacted to the changing European Union helps cast some light on the impact of European integration on national constitutions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-97 ◽  
Ilya Kiriya

To punish Russia for the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, the United States and the European Union introduced a set of economic sanctions against Russian state companies and individuals closely affiliated with the Kremlin. The goal of this article is to look at the sanctions in relation to the process of the current consolidation of media assets and revenues in the hands of Russia’s biggest media empires, most of whom are close to the Kremlin. It questions whether the sanctions achieved the intended goal of undermining economic stability inside Russia or if, rather, they benefitted major state-aligned media corporations. The main conclusion drawn from the study is that the international sanctions have radically changed the structure of Russia’s media in a manner contrary to their intention. The sanctions unwittingly favored the biggest players to the detriment of the smaller, protecting state-aligned media and their financial incomes. In the climate of sanctions, media tycoons close to the Kremlin used their lobbying capacity in parliament to acquire advantages, primarily in terms of advertisement. Thus, smaller competitors were pushed out of the market and their shares were redistributed among a few major stakeholders.

2009 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 321-351
Sophie Boyron

AbstractFor a long time, French constitutional law did not appear to concern itself unduly with the European Communities and the process of European integration: the French Constitution did not contain any reference to the European Communities and the Conseil constitutionnel had little involvement with international treaties and their enforcement as a result of an early decision. However, the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 triggered a process of deep constitutional change in France. Since then, the text of the French Constitution has been repeatedly amended to respond to the quickening pace of European integration. Furthermore, the Conseil constitutionnel has totally transformed its control of the constitutionality of international treaties. An assessment of these constitutional changes seems opportune at this juncture. More specifically, an investigation into the manner in which the French constitution reacted to the changing European Union helps cast some light on the impact of European integration on national constitutions.

2000 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 245-251 ◽  
Luigi Leonori ◽  
Manuel Muñoz ◽  
Carmelo Vázquez ◽  
José J. Vázquez ◽  
Mary Fe Bravo ◽  

This report concerns the activities developed by the Mental Health and Social Exclusion (MHSE) Network, an initiative supported by the Mental Health Europe (World Federation of Mental Health). We report some data from the preliminary survey done in five capital cities of the European Union (Madrid, Copenhagen, Brussels, Lisbon, and Rome). The main aim of this survey was to investigate, from a mostly qualitative point of view, the causal and supportive factors implicated in the situation of the homeless mentally ill in Europe. The results point out the familial and childhood roots of homelessness, the perceived causes of the situation, the relationships with the support services, and the expectations of future of the homeless mentally ill. The analysis of results has helped to identify the different variables implicated in the social rupture process that influences homelessness in major European cities. The results were used as the basis for the design of a more ambitious current research project about the impact of the medical and psychosocial interventions in the homeless. This project is being developed in 10 capital cities of the European Union with a focus on the program and outcome evaluation of the health and psychosocial services for the disadvantaged.

2017 ◽  
pp. 114-127
M. Klinova ◽  
E. Sidorova

The article deals with economic sanctions and their impact on the state and prospects of the neighboring partner economies - the European Union (EU) and Russia. It provides comparisons of current data with that of the year 2013 (before sanctions) to demonstrate the impact of sanctions on both sides. Despite the fact that Russia remains the EU’s key partner, it came out of the first three partners of the EU. The current economic recession is caused by different reasons, not only by sanctions. Both the EU and Russia have internal problems, which the sanctions confrontation only exacerbates. The article emphasizes the need for a speedy restoration of cooperation.

2019 ◽  
pp. 53

У статті досліджено вплив Суду Європейського Союзу (ЄС) на впровадження і застосування Угоди про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС, що викликало безпрецедентні політичні, економічні та правові реформи в Україні. Зокрема, розглядаються конституційні виклики, які постали перед державою під час виконання Угоди в правовій системі. Крім того, досліджено два питання. Перше – ефективне впровадження та застосування Угоди про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС в українській правовій системі. Друге – сумісність і відповідність Угоди Конституції України. Проаналізовано останні політичні та правові події в Україні через призму ефективної реалізації Угоди про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС і зростання проєвропейського правового активізму в державі. На закінчення стверджується, що Угода про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС посилює пристосованість національного конституційного устрою до цілей досягнення європейської інтеграції та застосування європейських спільних цінностей в Україні. Угода про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС створила стійку інституційну та правову основу для застосування acquis ЄС (правового доробку ЄС), включаючи прецедентне право ЄС та комплексне законодавче наближення між законодавством України та ЄС. Однак інституційні реформи, які вже відбулися, не можна вважати цілком достатніми. Верховній Раді України не вдалося запровадити основні та процедурні засади для застосування та впровадження Угоди в правовий порядок України. Однак ця прогалина частково заповнюється зростаючим судовим активізмом в Україні. Вітчизняні судді вже почали посилатися на Угоду про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС і відповідні частини acquis ЄС у своїх рішеннях, тим самим закладаючи основу для регулярного застосування загальних принципів права ЄС у процесі виконання й імплементації Угоди про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС.

Thomas Christiansen

This chapter discusses whether the European Union has a distinctive take on, and may make a particular contribution to, global governance, as well as the reverse image of the impact that global governance has in the development of integration in Europe. This includes a focus on collective norms and interests as expressed through common institutions, policies, and activities. In doing so, the chapter compares and contrasts the evolution of a supranational order in Europe with the growth of global regimes and the emergence of a multipolar world, and explores the nature of the EU’s relationships with other global powers and regions. In a final section, the chapter asks whether the EU’s relationship with global developments is best seen as a test-bed for new ideas, procedures, and concepts; a construction for the defence of a privileged way of life; or an archaic remnant of a different era.

Global Jurist ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Martino Reviglio

Abstract The externalization of migration management to third countries is becoming a recurrent phenomenon in international migration management. Soft law instruments emerged as an important strategy to externalize migration management to third countries through international migration agreements. In particular, in the last years the European Union and some member states have adopted bilateral and multilateral migration agreements in order to diminish the arrival of migrants in Europe. These agreements in the form of soft law instruments are problematic because do not follow the ordinary process of law making and thus it is difficult to assess their legal effectivity. The memorandum of understanding signed in February 2017 between Libya and Italy represents an illustrative case of the process of externalizing migration management through soft law. From a critical discussion of the memorandum, many problems in relation to its legal and material validity follow. In particular, the protection of migrants’ human rights in Libya is not guaranteed as the many international organization and NGOs reports indicate.

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