Essentials of Functional and Object-Oriented Methodology

Peretz Shoval ◽  
Judith Kabeli

Many paradigms for system analysis and design have been proposed over the years. Early approaches have advocated the functional approach. Common methodologies that support this approach are SSA and SSD (DeMarco, 1978; Yourdon & Constantine, 1979). SSA is based on the use of data flow diagrams (DFDs), which define the functions of the system, the data stores within the system, the external entities, and the data flows among these components. Early SSA and similar methodologies emphasized the functional aspects of system analysis, neglecting somehow the structural aspects, namely the data model. This was remedied by enhancing those methodologies with a conceptual data model, usually the entity-relationship (ER) model (Chen, 1976), that is used to create a diagram of the data model, which is later mapped to a relational database schema.

2019 ◽  

The application of Monitoring the follow-up of Audit Results is a handy application to monitor and evaluate the performance of the auditors audit against the company or the industry ranging from the publication of the letter decision issued to Task or policies of the report on Audit results. In the implementation of monitoring follow-up on audit results there are some issues which were not able to make the monitoring information at any time and it is difficult because the data in the query should open the archive in advance so it takes a long time. To ease the process of analysis and design, authors use the Classic method of Life Cycle or also called with the method waterfall. At this stage of the design process, the model used is a structured model that includes a Context Diagram and Data Flow diagrams, while for a data model using Entity Relationship diagrams. After a phase of implementation of this monitoring application can monitor the tindaklanjut audit results, simplify the user in doing data management monitoring of the follow-up of audit results and noting each letter of assignment and a follow-up letter It is published.Keyword: Application, Monitoring, Auditing, A Letter Task

Peretz Shoval ◽  
Judith Kabeli

FOOM is an integrated methodology for analysis and design of information systems, which combines the two essential software-engineering paradigms: the functional- (or process-) oriented approach and the object-oriented (OO) approach. In FOOM, system analysis includes both functional and data modeling activities, thereby producing both a functional model and a data model. These activities can be performed either by starting with functional analysis and continuing with data modeling, or vice versa. FOOM products of the analysis phase include: a) a hierarchy of OO-DFDs (object-oriented data flow diagrams), and b) an initial object schema, which can be created directly from the user requirements specification or from an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) that is mapped to that object schema. System design is performed according to the OO approach. The products of the design phase include: a) a complete object schema, consisting of the classes and their relationships, attributes, and method interfaces; b) object classes for the menus, forms and reports; and c) a behavior schema, which consists of detailed descriptions of the methods and the application transactions, expressed in pseudo-code and message diagrams. The seamless transition from analysis to design is attributed to ADISSA methodology, which facilitates the design of the menus, forms and reports classes, and the system behavior schema, from DFDs and the application transactions.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-132
Alam Santosa ◽  
Rendy Setiawan

PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang industri pesawat terbang. PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) terdiri dari beberapa departemen, dimana salah satu departemen yaitu departemen K3LH-DP yang bertempat di Direktorat Produksi PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero). Departemen K3LH-DP mempunyai sebuah gudang, dimana gudang tersebut digunakan untuk menyimpan barang-barang K3 yang diperlukan Direktorat Produksi di dalam menjalankan proses produksinya. Dalam menjalankan sistem manajemen pengendalian barang gudang, data dicatat dan diproses dengan software Microsoft Excel yang belum mempunyai integrasi data. Perancangan sistem informasi yang terintegrasi dapat dilakukan dengan Metode Structure System Analysis and Design (SSAD). Metode Structure System Analysis and Design (SSAD) memiliki fase-fase, yaitu fase perancangan sistem, fase analisis sistem, fase desain sistem secara umum, fase desain sistem secara terinci dan fase implementasi. Pada perancangan sistem informasi gudang K3LH-DP di PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero), hasil rancangan sistem basis data dari sistem informasi gudang disajikan dalam bentuk data flow diagram logic. Rancangan sistem informasi disajikan dalam bentuk conceptual data model (CDM), logical data model (LDM) dan physical data model (PDM). Rancangan prototype sistem informasi disajikan dalam bentuk software Microsoft Access.

Z. M. Ma

Computer applications in non-traditional areas have put requirements on conceptual data modeling. Some conceptual data models, being the tool of design databases, have been proposed. However, information in real-world applications is often vague or ambiguous. Currently, less research has been done in modeling imprecision and uncertainty in conceptual data models and the design of databases with imprecision and uncertainty. In this chapter, a different level of fuzziness based on fuzzy set and possibility distribution theory will be introduced into the IFO data model and the corresponding graphical representations will be given. The IFO data model is then extended to a fuzzy IFO data model, denoted IF2O. In particular, we provide the approach to mapping an IF2O model to a fuzzy relational database schema.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Ljubica Kazi ◽  
Zoltan Kazi

Conceptual data models can change during the information system development and teamwork phases, which require constantly monitoring with synonyms detection. This study elaborates on an approach for detecting synonyms in an entity-relationship model based on mapping with ontological elements. The use of a specific data model validator (DMV) tool enables formalization of the ontology and ER models, as well as their integration with the set of reasoning rules. The reasoning rules enable mapping between formalized elements of the ontology and ER model, and the extraction of synonyms. Formalized elements and reasoning rules are processed within Prolog for the extraction of synonyms. An empirical study conducted by using university student exams demonstrates usability of the proposed approach. The results show effectiveness in extraction of synonyms in all types of conceptual data model elements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Rizal Wardani ◽  
Yunita Prastyaningsih ◽  
Arif Supriyanto

Pernikahan adalah upacara pengikatan janji nikah yang dirayakan atau dilaksanakan oleh dua orang denganmaksud meresmikan ikatan perkawinan secara norma agama, norma hukum, dan norma sosial. Pasangan calonpengantin yang akan menikah harus memiliki persiapan yang matang. Untuk mendapatkan persiapan yangmatang maka pasangan calon pengantin perlu mendapatkan informasi mengenai layanan pernikahan secara lebihlengkap. Untuk menanggulangi permasalahan tersebut, maka perlu adanya sebuah sistem informasi yangmewadahi informasi-informasi mengenai layanan pernikahan yaitu Sistem Informasi Rencana PernikahanBerbasis Web Mobile. Aplikasi Rencana Pernikahan Berbasis Web Mobile ini menggunakan HypertextPreprocessor (PHP) sebagai bahasa pemrograman, MySQL sebagai penyimpanan database, perancanganmenggunakan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Conceptual Data Model (CDM), Physical Data Model(PDM) serta Unified Machine Language (UML) dan metode waterfall. Data yang digunakan pada aplikasi inididapatkan melalui wawancara kepada penyedia layanan pernikahan di Kecamatan Pelaihari Kabupaten TanahLaut. Aplikasi ini dapat membantu pasangan calon pengantin mendapatkan informasi mengenai layananpernikahan, lokasi penyedia layanan pernikahan dan menentukan paket pernikahan sesuai dengan biaya yangdimilikinya serta memudahkan penyedia layanan pernikahan mempromosikan usaha mereka.

10.28945/2616 ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vijay V. Raghavan

Entity Relationship (ER) modeling (1976) is a popular approach to formulate a conceptual data model for designing properly structured databases. In spite of some criticisms of the model leading to numerous extensions added to the original ER model, it is generally believed to be a method of choice for designing common databases. Not surprisingly, ER Modeling is inextricably a part of all database-design classes. Teachers of this modeling construct often encounter students experiencing problems in synthesizing ER models from verbal or written descriptions. This study explores whether individual differences contribute to such difficulties. Gender, length of Information Technology (IT) experience, length of database experience, length of business experience, national origin and learning styles are hypothesized as the individual diffe r-ences that might contribute to a student’s ability to synthesize a conceptual ER model. Ability to synthesize ER models was evaluated using a textbook type ER modeling problem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Rami Rashkovits ◽  
Ilana Lavy

Data modeling in the context of database design is a challenging task for any database designer, even more so for novice designers. A proper database schema is a key factor for the success of any information systems, hence conceptual data modeling that yields the database schema is an essential process of the system development. However, novice designers encounter difficulties in understanding and implementing such models. This study aims to identify the difficulties in understanding and implementing data models and explore the origins of these difficulties. This research examines the data model produced by students and maps the errors done by the students. The errors were classified using the SOLO taxonomy. The study also sheds light on the underlying reasons for the errors done during the design of the data model based on interviews conducted with a representative group of the study participants. We also suggest ways to improve novice designer's performances more effectively, so they can draw more accurate models and make use of advanced design constituents such as entity hierarchies, ternary relationships, aggregated entities, and alike. The research findings might enrich the data body research on data model design from the students' perspectives.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-10
Stephanie Betha Rossi H ◽  
Bakhrul Ullum

Posyandu Mawar is a health service unit that is tasked with carrying out maternal and child health services (KIA) in the RW 02 Panyindangan Wetan Village, Sindang District, Indramayu Regency. At present, the data management process in Mawar Posyandu is still done manually by recording data into seven (7) register formats. This method is considered inefficient because it causes difficulties in the Posyandu Mawar data management process. To overcome these problems, the authors intend to develop a web-based posyandu information system using PHP as a programming language and MySQL as a database management system. Data collection is done by observation and interview. The system development method used is a structured method. The tools used in system analysis and design are Flow Of Diagrams (FOD), Data Flow Diagrams, Data Dictionaries, Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) so as to produce an integrated application. The results of this study are posyandu data processing applications that can help Posyandu Mawar in reporting service activities to infants and pregnant women. In subsequent developments, it is expected that the posyandu information system is equipped with KMS ribbon chart features to monitor the child's weight development.

Akhilesh Bajaj ◽  
Jason Knight

Traditionally, the data model and the process model have been considered separately when modeling an application for construction purposes. The system analysis and design area has largely ignored the issue of the relationship between the user interface (UI) and the underlying data schema, leaving UI creation within the purview of the human computer interaction (HCI) literature. Traditional HCI methods however, underutilize the information in the data schema when designing user screens. Much of the work on automatic user interface (UI) generation has met with limited success because of the added load on the human designer to use specialized scripts for UI specification. In this research in progress, the authors propose a methodology applicable to database driven systems that a) automatically infers a draft interface directly from an extended entity relationship (EER) model schema and b) lists the interactions that need to take place between the designer and the tool in order to generate the final user schema.

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