national origin
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Beatriz Casais ◽  
Andreia Teixeira ◽  
Cristina Fernandes

Retail brands were initially introduced as low quality brands with low prices. Currently, customers understand that these brands are valuable price/quality options and have a preference for them. The increased competition among distribution companies have forced retailers to increasingly introduce sustainable practices, including in own brands. This paper analyses the corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication through the packaging of retailers’ products. Following a content analysis of 377 packages of private labels from seven retail chains in Portugal, the authors concluded that there is CSR information in packages disclosing a variety of themes. A survey to 539 consumer indicate that consumer perceptions of CSR in packages correspond to the issues most valued. Health topics and national origin are better perceived and valued, even when they are not the most prevalent themes in packages. Environmental signals are lower perceived and valued, even when a similar or higher prevalence in packages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 213
Jimmi Jimmi ◽  
Windi Mawadah

The objective of this research is to explain the types of discrimination shown by the main character in her society and to identify the effects that main character experienced after being discriminated. This research used descriptive qualitative method to analyze the movie. The subject of this paper was movie Crazy Rich Asians by Jon M Chu. The data analysis was conducted using U.S.  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission theory reference. By the process of the analysis, it was that harassment, national origin discrimination, race/color discrimination, and religious discrimination were experienced by the main character. Not only that, the researchers found four types of effects experienced by a person after being discriminated, which are marginalization, disempowerment, low self-esteem and self-identity, and aggression or criminality.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0261273
Eric A. Jensen ◽  
Brady Wagoner ◽  
Axel Pfleger ◽  
Lisa Herbig ◽  
Meike Watzlawik

Vaccination willingness is a critical factor in pandemics, including the COVID-19 crisis. Therefore, investigating underlying drivers of vaccination willingness/hesitancy is an essential social science contribution. The present study of German residents investigates the mental shortcuts people are using to make sense of unfamiliar vaccine options by examining vaccination willingness for different vaccines using an experimental design in a quantitative survey. German vaccines were preferred over equivalent foreign vaccines, and the favorability ratings of foreign countries where COVID-19 vaccines were developed correlated with the level of vaccination willingness for each vaccine. The patterns in vaccination willingness were more pronounced when the national origin was shown along with the vaccine manufacturer label. The study shows how non-scientific factors drive everyday decision-making about vaccination. Taking such social psychological and communication aspects into account in the design of vaccination campaigns would increase their effectiveness.

Peiyi Lu ◽  
Dexia Kong ◽  
Mack Shelley ◽  
Joan K. Davitt

Guided by an intersectionality framework, this study examined intersectional discrimination attributions and their associations with health outcomes. Older respondents (aged ≥50) from the Health and Retirement Study in 2014-2015 were included ( N = 6286). Their reasons for discrimination (age, gender, sexual orientation, race, national origin, religion, financial status, weight, physical appearance, disability, and others) were examined. Latent class analysis examined the subgroup profiles. Six classes were identified: class 1 (54.52% of the sample) had no/minimal discrimination; Class 2 (21.89%) experienced primarily ageism; class 3 (8.81%) reported discrimination based on age/gender/national origin/race; class 4 (7.99%) attributed discrimination to financial/other reasons; class 5 (5.87%) experienced discrimination based on age/weight/physical appearance/disability; and class 6 (0.92%) perceived high discrimination. Intersectional discrimination was associated with poorer self-rated health and higher depressive symptoms compared to the no/minimal discrimination group. Multiple marginalized identities co-occur and contribute to discrimination. An intersectional approach is recommended to understand discrimination in later life.

2021 ◽  
pp. 073112142110571
Beksahn Jang ◽  
Kelsey E. Gonzalez ◽  
Liwen Zeng ◽  
Daniel E. Martínez

Latinos and Asian-Americans constitute the largest recent immigrant groups in the United States. Upon arrival, immigrants from these groups generally identify with their national origin despite being categorized as “Asian” or “Latino” for state enumeration. While both are racialized and excluded from mainstream identities, they differ in their internal linguistic and religious diversities, socioeconomic status, and immigration experiences. Sociologists theorized that Asian-American panethnicity is based on structural commonalities while Latino panethnicity is built upon cultural commonalities. We elaborate the theoretical understanding of contexts associated with this identification and find alternative underpinnings that shape both groups’ panethnic identification. We find generation since immigration is a common basis for elevated likelihood of panethnic identification for both groups. However, among Asian-Americans, we find English proficiency and age increase people’s odds of identifying with a panethnic identity over a national origin term, whereas for Latinos, political affiliation and religiosity increase these odds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 222-227
Callisaya A Juan Carlos ◽  
Arteaga SM del Carmen ◽  
Taquichiri T Marco A ◽  
Gutiérrez Barea Pastor ◽  
Paco Sarzuri Joel ◽  

Wines are an important source of resveratrol and polyphenols, in this sense this work has focused on the determination of antioxidant activity and resveratrol content in wines of origin. The different wines analyzed exhibited strong antioxidant activity for the ABTS and DPPH tests, which are in the ranges of 2.123 to 25.097 [µmol/ml] and 2.348 to 17.138 [µmol/ml] for red wines respectively, while for white wines the ranges they are 0.793 to 2.604 [µmol/ml] and 0.419 to 3.07 [µmol/ml] respectively. Regarding the quantification and presence of trans-resveratrol, this was confirmed in most of the wines analyzed, with concentrations ranging between 0.77 and 3.25 [ppm] in red wines. As for white wines, these oscillate in the range of 0.18 to 0.69 [ppm]. Analyzing and comparing the results obtained in wines of origin, we observe that red wines have a good content of resveratrol and that in turn comparing results of other authors, we observe that the content of resveratrol in wines of origin is within the bibliographic range, both for red and white wines.

2021 ◽  
pp. 157-168
Kathleen Wellman

These curricula proudly distinguish themselves from other histories of America; they intend, as the Abeka textbook puts it, to offer “uplifting history texts,” allowing students to understand “its traditional values.” This chapter explores these curricula’s commitment to providential history as English colonies founded the Christian nation. This story of unquestionable religious fervor and Christian virtue relies on nineteenth-century national origin myths. The chapter explores the central arguments used to make this case. They reject Jamestown because the colony adopted the unchristian practice of sharing goods and was no model of virtue. They point to the Massachusetts colonies as the establishment of a Christian city on a hill and herald the Mayflower Compact as the source of the subsequent founding documents of the new nation. They disparage or exclude other colonies and native peoples.

2021 ◽  
pp. 169-188
Kathleen Wellman

This chapter begins with the question posed by a historian to the American Historical Association member forum, “Why do my students think America was founded as a Christian nation?” It explores how these curricula sustain crucial elements of that narrative by denying the influence of the Enlightenment and by making crucial claims about the founding: the Declaration of Independence defined a Christian nation; the American Revolution was either a Christian cause or not a revolution at all; and the Constitution, though silent on religion, nonetheless confirmed the intent of unquestionably Christian founders to establish a Christian nation. The chapter also highlights the nuanced work of historians of religion on these questions to show that such arguments contradict the historical consensus, are unduly simplistic, and are rooted in national origin myths.

Víctor M. González Ruiz ◽  
Laura Cruz García

Unlike subtitling, the process of dubbing does not give the audience the opportunity to fully perceive the cultural gap between what they hear and see, and their own reality. This takes on a new dimension when the customs and the characters which are being depicted in the foreign film are not the ‘standard’ ones (i. e. those from the US) but those belonging to ‘marginal’ cultures (e.g. European, African or Asian).Let us take the imaginary example of a Moroccan film in which a character representing an Arabic-speaking Tuareg, whose voice has been dubbed into Spanish, uses the same kind of perfect Castilian as audiences usually hear in the mouth of a New York police officer in an American series dubbed into Spanish. The cultural impact of a different language is supposedly lost when the dubbing makes all the voices sound the same.This paper will discuss the influence of dubbing on the audience ’s perception of a range of films in the context of Spain ’s film industry. We will offer an empirical study with the aim of identifying the elements which filmgoers use to situate a film, and even question whether (and to what extent) the process of dubbing effaces the cultural and national origin of a film. The conclusions drawn will contribute to the research on the reception of (audiovisual) translation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Deborah L. Rhode

This chapter begins by defining ambition and situating it in contemporary context. In conventional usage, ambition has come to focus on external markers of success, such as recognition, power, and money. Recent technological and cultural forces have given ambitions a wider stage, made power grabs more dangerous, and made competition for wealth and recognition more intense and consequential. The chapter concludes with an overview of the central themes of the book. One is the toxic consequences of an excessive focus on external metrics such as recognition, power, and money. Another is the obstacles to ambition based on gender, race, class, and national origin. A third is the important role of families and schools in developing constructive ambition. And a final theme is the importance of focusing on ambitions that will meet intrinsic needs for meaning and fulfillment, such as nurturing relationships and contributing to ends that transcend the self.

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