Digital Marketplace as a New Frontier of Electronic Commerce

2022 ◽  
pp. 122-137
Muhammad Anshari ◽  
Mohammad Nabil Almunawar ◽  
Abdullah Al-Mudimigh

The digital marketplace is a major competitor now for the conventional marketplace especially in Southeast Asian countries (ASEAN) where digital marketplaces are booming and developing at an aggressive rate. The study also focuses on the challenges of eBay as a leading digital marketplace in battling their privacy and security threat, handling customer complaints about their services, or how government intervention provides an impact to their business, and competing with similar service provides. The other challenges are also associated with geographical distribution for marketing strategic location and why eBay should maintain their business like any other conventional business practices. Finally, the authors explore how concerned they are towards customer service as fundamental for any business.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 266
Ziaul Haque Munim ◽  
Okan Duru ◽  
Enna Hirata

Blockchain technology, since its introduction, has been expected to be implemented in many areas. Cryptocurrency is one unique example that established a functioning application. On the other hand, blockchain technology is not immune to various challenges related to the nature of itself, privacy management, and antitrust laws, among others. This study lays out the nature of blockchain and applications in the maritime industry, while highlighting the bottlenecks. Potential resolutions and anticipated developments are proposed. To do this, we adopt a systematic approach and present an overview of blockchain in maritime literature. In addition, the fundamental problems with blockchain are investigated, beginning from their essentials to the pain points that are claimed to need improvement. For establishing a legitimate and practically meaningful blockchain platform, stakeholders need to achieve pluralism (consensus validation), privacy, and security of the system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 173 ◽  
pp. 01002
Jun Fu ◽  
Xin Xu ◽  
Zhijie Sun ◽  
Li Wang ◽  
Dongmei Gong ◽  

At present, frequent outages have become the major source of power customer complaints and, seriously affect improvement of customer service satisfaction. The current control of frequent outages, complaints has been in a passive state of compensation, which can only get half the result with twice the, effort and has caused adverse perception of customers. In response to this problem, this article takes the, initiative to prevent as a starting point, through studying rules of complaints business for the frequent power outage, constructs the early warning model of the frequent outages complaints, which takes statistics, of outages as the data mining object and uses Chinese word segmentation matching algorithm as data, mining technology and displays through network map technology, and eventually realizes a frequent power, outage scientific and accurate complaints warning. It provides an accurate reference for properly arrange of, troubleshooting and maintenance of the power supply enterprises and line reconstruction plans, offers, technical support for the forward service gateway and lays a solid foundation for effectively reducing the volume of complaints.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Irwan Azhar

Untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan pada PDAM Kotabaru mengukur tingkat kepuasan masyarakat atau pelanggan khususnya terhadap kualitas pelayanan air baku Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA) Gunung Relly yang dianalisis berdasarkan tingkat kesesuaian hasil perbandingan skor kinerja dengan skor kepentingan (harapan). Apabila TKi­ < 100%, berarti pelayanan belum memuaskan, Apabila TKi­ = 100%, berarti pelayanan telah memuaskan, Apabila TKi­ > 100%, berarti pelayanan sangat memuaskan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dari 100 responden, diketahui tingkat kualitas pelayanan air baku PDAM Kotabaru dengan analisis importance dan performance matrix didapat tingkat kesesuaian rata-rata (TKi) 73% < 100% masuk dalam kategori belum memuaskan. Variabel yang menjukan untuk mendapat tindakan prioritas perbaikan menurut pelanggan, yakni variabel-variabel pada kuadran I, 1) kualitas air yang disalurkan kerumah pelanggan, 2) kontinuitas debit air yang disalurkan kerumah pelanggan, 3) keramahan dan kesabaran dalam pelayanan pelanggan serta menhadapi pengaduan pelanggan, 4) kelayakan tarif yang diberlakukan. Sehingga perlu evaluasi pada 1) kualitas air, perlu ada filtrasi atau penyaringan sebelum air didistribusikan ke rumah pelanggan sehingga air layak konsumsi 2) Kontinuitas debit air, Perlu pemeliharaan dan penambahan pompa air, deteksi tingkat kebocoran jaringan perpipaan dan penambahan sumber air alternative, 3) Keramahan pelayanan, perlu penyuluhan internal pimpinan terhadap petugas pelayanan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran sebagai perusahaan daerah yang melaksanakan pelayanan publik, 4) Kelayakan tarif, Perhitungan kembali tarif pelayanan disesuaikan dengan layanan yang diberikan. Kata Kunci : Air Baku, Analisis Importance, IPA Gunung Relly, Kualitas Pelayanan, PDAM Kotabaru. To improve the quality of service at PDAM Kotabaru, measure the level of satisfaction of the community or customers, especially the quality of raw water services in the Gunung Relly Water Treatment Plant (IPA) area, which is analyzed based on the level of comparison between performance scores and interest scores (expectations). If TKi <100%, means the service is not satisfactory, If TKi = 100%, means the service has been satisfactory, If TKi > 100%, means the service is very satisfying. Based on the analysis from 100 respondents, have the level of quality of raw water service in PDAM Kotabaru with importance and performance matrix analysis shows that the average level of suitability (TKi) is 73% <100% in the unsatisfactory category. Variables that indicate to get priority improvement actions according to customers, namely variables in quadrant I, 1) quality of water channeled to customers homes, 2) continuity of water flow distributed to customers' homes, 3) friendliness and patience in customer service and dealing with customer complaints, 4) feasibility of tariffs that apply. So it is necessary to evaluate 1) the quality of the water, there needs to be filtration or filtration before the water is distributed to the customer's house so that the water is suitable for consumption 3) Hospitality of services, need internal leadership counseling to service officers to increase awareness as regional companies that carry out public services, 4) Feasibility of tariffs, Re-calculation of service rates according to services provided. Keywords: Importance Analysis, IPA Gunung Relly, Raw Water, PDAM Kotabaru, Service Quality.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Fikri Fatmala

Quality Services User of Service User Pdam City Surabaya (Study on PDAM Responsiveness and Accountability in providing customer service of dirty/smelly water). Settlement in Surabaya city is one of clean water prone area. So far the distribution of clean water is done through home connection obtained from pdam Surya Sembada in Surabaya city, but the service obtained stiil not in accordance with service standard. This study aims to how resposiveness an akuntability PDAM Surabaya city in providing services. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method whit focus of public service covering, service procedure, completion time, competence of service providr officer. Research results can be seen that customer complaints service water distribution system that has been implemented well enough about the procedures service, facilities and infrasructure, the competence of serviceprovider. But at this yime the process of workmanship provided by the officer has not been in accordance whit waht is set and the officer so far only responds to all customer complaints but not acted upon. Keyword : service, responsiveness and accountability

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-120
Marsudi Marsudi

To improve a company's positive image and reputation, Ciewie Batik attempts to develop interactive communication to consumers, both online and offline. This study discusses the strategies and forms of interactive communication that Ciewie Batik uses to run its business in an effort to penetrate domestic, national, and international markets. Using descriptive qualitative methods, this study has found that in order to maximize customer service and promotion, and in an effort to foster value from innovation, Ciewie Batik's interactive communication strategy is to integrate social media and Android applications and actively recruit web-resellers. For example by intensifying customer complaints and inquiries in an express manner. Additionally, by cons–tantly updating Ciewie Batik's website, increasing Facebook Fanpage, and actively recruiting web-reseller.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Endre Győző Szabó ◽  
Balázs Révész

A magánélet és a biztonság népszerű ellentétpárként tűnhet fel az adatvédelmi gondolkodásban. Leegyszerűsítve olvashatjuk sokszor, hogy ha bizonyos feltételek hiányoznak, aránytalanul nagy áldozatot hozhatunk a személyes magánszféra, a privacy oldalán a biztonság érdekében, és magánszféránk túlzott feláldozása a biztonság oltárán visszafordíthatatlan folyamathoz és orwelli világhoz vezet. Más, a biztonság szempontjait mindenek felettinek hirdető érvelésben viszont a személyes adatok védelmére való hivatkozást alkotmányjogi bűvészkedésnek csúfolják és igyekeznek kisebbíteni a magánszféra-védelem egyébként méltányolandó értékeit. A magánélet és a személyes adatok védelmének pedig nagy a tétje, az adatok illetéktelenek részére való kiszolgáltatása, rosszhiszemű felhasználása egzisztenciákat, családokat tehet tönkre, boldogulási lehetőségeket hiúsíthat meg, ha a védelem alacsony szintre süllyed. Másrészről pedig az információszerzés, illetve előzetes adatgyűjtés a különböző bűnelkövetések, terrorcselekmények előkészületi cselekményei is egyben. Azzal, ha a személyes adataink, magánszféránk védelmében ésszerű lépéseket teszünk, élünk a jog és a technológia adta védelmi lehetőségekkel, adatainkat nemcsak az államtól és a piaci szereplőktől, de a bűnözőktől is elzárjuk, és ezzel mindannyiunk biztonságát szolgáljuk. Egy terület tehát biztosan létezik, ahol a biztonság és magánszféra mezsgyéje összeér: az adatbiztonságé és ezzel összefüggésben a tudatos, felelős felhasználói attitűdé, aminek azonban sokszor az emberi tényező a gátja. Jelen tanulmányban a magánszféra és biztonság kérdéskörének komplexitásáról szólunk, és közös nevezőt keresünk az adatkezelések nézőpontjából, kitérve az új adatvédelmi rendelet (GDPR) magánszféránkat és biztonságunkat egyaránt szolgáló leendő jogintézményeinek bemutatására is. --- Data in security – security in our data? Privacy and security may be deemed as a popular dichotomy. It is often argued that even if security is vital, we might sacrifice too much of our privacy in return. This may be irreversible when it comes to the intrusiveness of surveillance. On the other hand, it is also sometimes argued that the importance of personal data protection deserves less attention than security. There is much at stake when it comes to privacy and the protection of personal data. Misuse of personal information may damage families’ lives and ruin people’s livelihoods, thus this may all have significant repercussions for society as a whole – this is the price to be paid if protection is at a low level. Using sophisticated measures that technology and legal regulations can provide, privacy can be protected. Data security is a common field for the protection of privacy and security – crucial for both endeavours to make people’s lives better. This essay describes the complexity of issues related to privacy and security, while also taking new legislation of the European Union into account.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-35
Rhonda Hadi

AbstractMore and more companies are using chatbots in customer service. Instead of with a human employee, customers interact with a machine. Many companies give these chatbots human traits through names, human-like appearances, a human voice or even character descriptions. Intuitively such a humanization strategy seems to be a good idea.Studies show, however, that the humanization of chatbots is perceived in a nuanced way and can also backfire. Especially in the context of customer complaints, human-like chatbots can intensify negative reactions of angry customers, because their performance is judged more critically compared to non-humanized chatbot variants. Service managers should therefore consider very carefully whether and in which situations they should use humanized service chatbots.

2018 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 269-285 ◽  
Anneliese Rosenmayer ◽  
Lisa McQuilken ◽  
Nichola Robertson ◽  
Steve Ogden

Purpose This paper aims to present two updated typologies of service failures and recoveries in the omni-channel context. These typologies are based on customer complaints and recoveries collected from the corporate Facebook pages of four omni-channel department stores, two operating in Australia and two in the UK. Design/methodology/approach A document review is used of 400 customer complaints and recoveries. Content analysis is used to condense the Facebook data into categories of failures and recoveries. Findings Customer complaints on Facebook were triggered by a multitude of varying failures in the omni-channel context, given that it is the service brand that customers are experiencing, not just retail channels. The most prevalent failures were “bricks and mortar” shopping, delivery, marketing activities including communications and pricing, quality of goods and customer service. For service recoveries on Facebook, the four-dimensional justice framework appears valid. Research limitations/implications Study limitations include potentially missing details about the nature of the service failures and recoveries, including customer satisfaction with service recovery. Practical implications The typologies offer guidance to omni-channel retailers by showing the range of online and offline situations, including those unrelated to actual transactions that trigger customer complaints on Facebook and the tactics of recovering. Originality/value The authors contribute to the service domain by updating failure and recovery typologies to reflect the emerging omni-channel context, jointly exploring failures and recoveries on Facebook and applying a four-dimensional justice framework for recoveries on Facebook.

Daniel S. Hoops

Cyberspace is such an enormous concept that trying to briefly explain the “rules” for E-Commerce or “cyberlaw” is next to impossible. For an E-Commerce, it is important to understand that there are business-to-business transactions and those involving consumers. In addition to requiring a mastery of many legal specialties, E-Commerce presents legal issues in a virtual environment. Many business practices in a cyberspace are untested in the courts. New and innovative methods of competition, as well as the effects of an international playing field change the playfield constantly. The legalities of this great new frontier pose an impressive and intellectually stimulating challenge. This chapter is a survey and summary of the legal environment in the E-Commerce and the virtual world.

Alfredo Cuzzocrea ◽  
Vincenzo Russo

The problem of ensuring the privacy and security of OLAP data cubes (Gray et al., 1997) arises in several fields ranging from advanced Data Warehousing (DW) and Business Intelligence (BI) systems to sophisticated Data Mining (DM) tools. In DW and BI systems, decision making analysts aim at avoiding that malicious users access perceptive ranges of multidimensional data in order to infer sensitive knowledge, or attack corporate data cubes via violating user rules, grants and revokes. In DM tools, domain experts aim at avoiding that malicious users infer critical-for-thetask knowledge from authoritative DM results such as frequent item sets, patterns and regularities, clusters, and discovered association rules. In more detail, the former application scenario (i.e., DW and BI systems) deals with both the privacy preservation and the security of data cubes, whereas the latter one (i.e., DM tools) deals with privacy preserving OLAP issues solely. With respect to security issues, although security aspects of information systems include a plethora of topics ranging from cryptography to access control and secure digital signature, in our work we particularly focus on access control techniques for data cubes, and remand the reader to the active literature for the other orthogonal matters. Specifically, privacy preservation of data cubes refers to the problem of ensuring the privacy of data cube cells (and, in turn, that of queries defined over collections of data cube cells), i.e. hiding sensitive information and knowledge during data management activities, according to the general guidelines drawn by Sweeney in her seminar paper (Sweeney, 2002), whereas access control issues refer to the problem of ensuring the security of data cube cells, i.e. restricting the access of unauthorized users to specific sub-domains of the target data cube, according to well-known concepts studied and assessed in the context of DBMS security. Nonetheless, it is quite straightforward foreseeing that these two even distinct aspects should be meaningfully integrated in order to ensure both the privacy and security of complex data cubes, i.e. data cubes built on top of complex data/knowledge bases. During last years, these topics have became of great interest for the Data Warehousing and Databases research communities, due to their exciting theoretical challenges as well as their relevance and practical impact in modern real-life OLAP systems and applications. On a more conceptual plane, theoretical aspects are mainly devoted to study how probability and statistics schemes as well as rule-based models can be applied in order to efficiently solve the above-introduced problems. On a more practical plane, researchers and practitioners aim at integrating convenient privacy preserving and security solutions within the core layers of commercial OLAP server platforms. Basically, to tackle deriving privacy preservation challenges in OLAP, researchers have proposed models and algorithms that can be roughly classified within two main classes: restriction-based techniques, and data perturbation techniques. First ones propose limiting the number of query kinds that can be posed against the target OLAP server. Second ones propose perturbing data cells by means of random noise at various levels, ranging from schemas to queries. On the other hand, access control solutions in OLAP are mainly inspired by the wide literature developed in the context of controlling accesses to DBMS, and try to adapt such schemes in order to control accesses to OLAP systems.

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