2013 ◽  
Handrix Chrisharyanto ◽  
Tia Rahmania ◽  
Fatchiah E. Kertamuda

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono

<p>Psikologi klasik cenderung konservatif, yang lebih banyak berurusan dengan teori teori tentang proses-proses individual dan yang bersifat universal. Kecenderungan kepada paradigma sosial, berawal ketika psikolog-psikolog Eropa, Serge<br />Moscovici meluncurkan gagasannya tentang reprentasi sosial (1961) dan Henrri Tajfel dan Turner mempublikasikan teori mereka tentang identitas social (1979). Psikologi tidak lagi semata-mata individual, namun terkait dengan lingkungan sosial dan kebudayaan. Setiap kelompok, ras atau etnik, jadinya punya psikologinya sendiri yang relevan dengan konteks kehidupan masingmasing. Di tahun 1933 seorang psikolog Asia, Uichol Kim dan sejawatnya orang Eropa, John Berry mencetuskan istilah indigenous psychology yang didefi niskannya sebagai “studi ilmiah tentang perilaku dan minda (mind) manusia yang berasal dari dirinya sendiri (native), yang tidak dibawa dari daerah lain, dan dirancang untuk orang-orang itu sendiri”. Karena tidak ada padanan dalam bahasa Indonesia untuk kata “indigenous”, maka dalam sebuah Konges Ikatan Psikologi Sosial di Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, pada tahun 1999, saya mencetuskan kata “ulayat”. Saya meminjam istilah itu dari antropologi dan hukum</p><p>Kata kunci:. Psikologi sosial, psikologi budaya, psikologi Asia, psikologi ulayat</p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-100 ◽  
Kwang-Kuo Hwang

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 160940691879843 ◽  
Liesel Ebersöhn ◽  
Marlize Malan-Van Rooyen

Research aimed at generating evidence to address elicitation challenges that arise because of extreme inequality and marginalized perspectives requires deliberation on relevant methodologies that can elicit insights by both revering marginalized sociocultural strengths and being sensitive to power imbalances. In this article, we provide examples of participatory methods that make the most of often silenced non-Western sociocultural strengths and create opportunities for participation despite barriers due to inequality. The examples emerged from multiple researcher journals and visual data from a study that documented indigenous psychology on resilience with elders ( n = 24; male = 10, female = 14) and young people ( n = 48; male = 21, female = 27) in two remote Southern African border communities. We describe the examples of elicitation methods to make the most of culture using (i) symbols that reflect nonmainstream sociocultural perspectives, (ii) familiar multiliteracies, (iii) a variety of spoken languages, and (iv) familiar collectivist modes, as well as contextual characteristics to (i) equalize opportunity given structural disparity, (ii) equalize power, and (iii) honor gender and age hierarchies. We conclude that methods for indigenous research can honor and leverage marginalized cultures and contexts to extend beyond sympathy for an oppressed worldview or a context of deprivation.

2011 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 331-344 ◽  
Maria Cristina Ferreira ◽  
Ronald Fischer ◽  
Juliana Barreiros Porto ◽  
Ronaldo Pilati ◽  
Taciano L. Milfont

Two studies explore the structure and psychological makeup of jeitinho, a Brazilian indigenous construct associated with problem-solving strategies in strong hierarchies. Study 1 used a scenario approach with nonstudent participants and demonstrated that jeitinho can be described by a three-dimensional structure: corruption, creativity, and social norm breaking. Study 2 used individual and social norm scenarios in nonstudent samples and demonstrated that moral leniency is associated with more corruption and social norm breaking. Furthermore, only in the personal but not the social norm condition was greater social dominance orientation associated with more corruption and social norm breaking. Jeitinho is not a monolitical construct, but it is a complex sociocultural strategy that has distinct functional components at the personal and normative levels. Theoretical advances in the understanding of social norms and indigenous psychology by examining both culture-specific and general social-psychological processes are outlined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Mega Febriani Sya Zuriyati Zuriyati dan Siti Gomo Attas

Abstract The Conception of Community Life in Petatah Petitih Minangkabau with The Indigeneous Approach. This study aims to identify the Minangkabau conceptions values as depicted in the petatah petitih Minang (proverb). This research examines Minang Proverb with the Indigenous Psychology approach. Qualitative research methods, describing, interpreting the concept of values in the Minangkabau community which is illustrated by the Minang proverb. The data collection technique used is desk research and interview. Sources of literature study are from the Minangkabau Adat textbook obtained from the Rumah Gadang Minangkabau pavilion in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta; the results of previous studies / research, and relevant information from online mass media. Online Interview was conducted with the Chief Advisor of the Bundo Kanduang Council Organization Advisor Solok City, West Sumatra. The results show that there are ten values or Minangkabau life concept which are contained in the Minang proverb which is inherent in the Minang identity, namely; hiduik baraka, baukue jo bajangko; baso basi –malu jo sopan; tenggang raso; loyal; fair; thrifty; watchful; braveness; wise diligent and humble. Key words: Minangkabau conceptions, Minang proverb, Indigenous psychology Abstrak Konsep Pola Hidup Masyarakat dalam Petatah Petitih Minangkabau dengan Pendekatan Indigenius. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi konsepsi nilai-nilai adat yang berkaitan dengan pola hidup masyarakat Minangkabau (Minang) yang tergambar dalam Petatah Petitih (pepatah) Minang. Penelitian ini mengkaji psikologi yang lekat pada budaya adat Minangkabau yang tertuang dalam Pepatah Minang dengan pendekatan Indigenous Psychology (Psikologi Indigenius). Metode penelitian kualitatif, yakni menggambarkan, menafsirkan konsepsi nilai-nilai adat pada masyarakat Minangkabau yang tergambar pepatah Minang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan cara studi kepustakaan (desk research) dan wawancara. Sumber studi kepustakaan adalah dari buku teks Adat Minangkabau yang diperolah dari anjungan Rumah Gadang Minangkabau di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta; hasil kajian/penelitian sebelumnya, dan informasi yang relevan dari media massa daring. Wawancara dilakukan kepada Ketua Penasehat Organisasi Bundo Kanduang Kota Solok Sumatera Barat secara daring. Hasil menunjukan terdapat sepuluh nilai atau konsep pola hidup masyarakat Minang yang tertuang dalam pepatah minang yang melekat pada jati diri orang Minang yakni; hiduik baraka, baukue jo bajangko; baso basi-malu jo sopan; tenggang raso; setia; adil; hemat cermat; waspada; berani karena benar; arif bijaksana; rajin dan rendah hati. Kata-kata kunci: nilai budaya Minangkabau, pepatah Minang, psikologi indigenius

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-37
Robyn M. Holmes

Chapter 1 explores the field of cultural psychology, the concept of culture, why we should study culture, and other disciplines that study culture. It provides definitions and distinguishing features for the terms culture, nationality, and ethnicity. It discusses the fields that study culture including cross-cultural psychology, cultural psychology, indigenous psychology, anthropology, cultural studies, and sociology. It explains ways to think about culture and constructs such as cultural universal and culture-specific, emics and etics, ethnocentrism and cultural relativism, and individualism and collectivism. It examines why we should study culture and the applied value of cultural psychology in real-life settings such as school, the workplace, and clinical contexts. This chapter includes a case study, Culture Across Disciplines box, chapter summary, key terms, a What Do Other Disciplines Do? section, thought-provoking questions, and class and experiential activities.

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