Religion and the State; Violence and Human Rights

N. J. Demerath
Gustavo Rojas Paez

This chapter discusses the role of retaliation in the Transitional Justice Scenarios of Argentina and Colombia, drawing attention to the continuation of state violence and human rights violations in these two South American countries following the implementation of legal and non- legal mechanisms of TJ. Subsequently, it attempts to demonstrate how the implementation of TJ mechanisms may fall short in preventing cycles of violence that allow powerful actors, linked to the interests of the state, to continue performing the retaliatory practices that historically caused major ‘social harm' in the transitional societies . The rationale of this article consists of two central questions: How can transitional societies deal with both the legacy and reconfiguration of state violence? Moreover, to what extent do orthodox understandings of law and TJ serve as a means for the recreation of the retaliatory practices that shaped the conflicts that TJ measures are supposed to address?

Gustavo Rojas Paez

This chapter discusses the role of retaliation in the Transitional Justice Scenarios of Argentina and Colombia, drawing attention to the continuation of state violence and human rights violations in these two South American countries following the implementation of legal and non- legal mechanisms of TJ. Subsequently, it attempts to demonstrate how the implementation of TJ mechanisms may fall short in preventing cycles of violence that allow powerful actors, linked to the interests of the state, to continue performing the retaliatory practices that historically caused major ‘social harm' in the transitional societies . The rationale of this article consists of two central questions: How can transitional societies deal with both the legacy and reconfiguration of state violence? Moreover, to what extent do orthodox understandings of law and TJ serve as a means for the recreation of the retaliatory practices that shaped the conflicts that TJ measures are supposed to address?

Significance Persistent physical crackdowns against the country’s largest Shia group, and Abuja's refusal thus far to hear Zakzaky’s testimony at a forthcoming presidential panel investigating military violence against civilians, presents a serious potential flashpoint for the federal government. Impacts Despite posing little direct threat to the state, violence against IMN protests will persist. Human rights groups will use persecution of IMN members to further undermine Western backing for the Nigerian military. Unfounded fears of Shia violence will focus local resources away from more pressing priorities -- such as pastoralist-farmer conflicts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 882
Albino Massimaculo ◽  
Dijaci David Oliveira ◽  
Telma Ferreira do Nascimento Durães

Este artigo discute as práticas de violência do Estado em Moçambique. Enfatiza que desde a independência política alcançada em 1975 e posterior constituição do Estado moçambicano, os cidadãos têm questionado sobre o papel deste na segurança pública, assim como na garantia dos direitos humanos já que, em determinados momentos em que as tensões sociais se agudizam, este mesmo Estado,  por intermédio da polícia, utiliza a violência como meio para silenciá-las. Parte do pressuposto de que as diferentes práticas de violências e, particularmente, as violências do Estado têm assumido um protagonismo especial e, com ele, o agravamento do sentimento de insegurança pública. Para efetivação deste trabalho, recorreu(-se) a material bibliográfico Por fim, constata que o Estado moçambicano tem utilizado a violência como forma para reprimir essas tensões sociais.Palavras-chave: Moçambique. Segurança pública. Violência de Estado.VIOLENCE OF THE STATE AND PUBLIC SECURITY IN POST-INDEPENDENCE MOZAMBIQUEAbstractThis article, intends to discuss the practices of State violence in Mozambique. Since the political independence achieved in 1975 and the subsequent constitution of the Mozambican State, citizens have questioned its role in public security, as well as in the guarantee of human rights, since, at certain times when social tensions become more acute, this same State, through the police, uses violence as a means of silencing them. It starts from the assumption that the different practices of violence and, particularly, the violence of the State have assumed a special role and with it the aggravation of the feeling ofpublic insecurity. For the effectiveness of this work, bibliographic material of specialist authors on violence and works on the situation of public security in Mozambique from political independence to the present were used. Finally, it shows that the Mozambican State has used violence as a way to repress these social tensions.Keywords: Mozambique. Public security. State violence.

Lucia Eilbaum

This paper proposes a reflection on the “human rights” category, as a native category, endowed with local and specific meanings. Therefore, it utilizes a comparative perspective by contrast on the uses and meanings of the “state violence” category and the building of processes demanding justice in Rio de Janeiro, in comparison to Buenos Aires. Specifically, it focuses on the ethnography produced after the murder of Rio's alderwoman Marielle Franco, to propose the notion of “attack on human rights”, showing how the category has been built through an antagonistic logic in Rio de Janeiro.

2008 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Maxwell Zhira

The Zimbabwean slate waged a sustained terror campaign in the southern and western parts of the country from 1982 to 1987. An estimated twenty thousand men, women, and children died during the campaign. Most victims were murdered by state security forces, and others succumbed to conditions of disease and deprivation. The origins, nature, and impact of this conflict are the subject of considerable contention, particularly between analysts, human rights activists, and the government of President Robert Mugabe. Official inquiries into the conduct of the state and its agents have had difficulty gaining access to relevant records, and the government has repeatedly denounced the findings of independent investigations as slanderous. The terror operation waged in Matebeleland and the Midlands provinces can be used as evidence to argue that the government of President Mugabe from early on in its rule developed a tradition of using violence and intolerance as a tool for consolidating political power.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 277
Nelson Camatta Moreira ◽  
Ronaldo Felix Moreira Júnior

RESUMOO texto apresentado tem como foco a relação entre teoria crítica dos direitos humanos e a literatura especulativa, esses temas estarão voltados a apontar a constante violação a direitos como dignidade e igualdade realizada pelo próprio estado contra os grupos periféricos do país. Uma análise desse fenômeno será então apresentada juntamente a narrativas no cenário da ficção para que se possa responder à indagação a respeito da possibilidade de se tratar desse gênero literário e cinematográfico em conjunto com a mencionada teoria crítica para compreender o tratamento dado aos direitos fundamentais e apontar a existência de violações. Palavras-chave: Direitos humanos; Ficção científica; Teoria crítica.  AbstractThe presented text is focused on the relation between critical theory of human rights and speculative literature; these issues will focus on the constant violation of rights to dignity and equality held by the state itself against the peripheral groups of the country. An analysis of this phenomenon will be presented along with the narrative in fiction scenario in order to answer the question about the possibility of managing with this literary and cinematic genre and the mentioned critical theory to understand the treatment of fundamental rights and point out the existence of its violations. Keywords: Human rights; Science fiction; critical theory. 

Somatechnics ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-200
Natalie Kouri-Towe

In 2015, Queers Against Israeli Apartheid Toronto (QuAIA Toronto) announced that it was retiring. This article examines the challenges of queer solidarity through a reflection on the dynamics between desire, attachment and adaptation in political activism. Tracing the origins and sites of contestation over QuAIA Toronto's participation in the Toronto Pride parade, I ask: what does it mean for a group to fashion its own end? Throughout, I interrogate how gestures of solidarity risk reinforcing the very systems that activists desire to resist. I begin by situating contemporary queer activism in the ideological and temporal frameworks of neoliberalism and homonationalism. Next, I turn to the attempts to ban QuAIA Toronto and the term ‘Israeli apartheid’ from the Pride parade to examine the relationship between nationalism and sexual citizenship. Lastly, I examine how the terms of sexual rights discourse require visible sexual subjects to make individual rights claims, and weighing this risk against political strategy, I highlight how queer solidarities are caught in a paradox symptomatic of our times: neoliberalism has commodified human rights discourses and instrumentalised sexualities to serve the interests of hegemonic power and obfuscate state violence. Thinking through the strategies that worked and failed in QuAIA Toronto's seven years of organising, I frame the paper though a proposal to consider political death as a productive possibility for social movement survival in the 21stcentury.

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