islamic movement
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 393-420
Dinda Rosanti Salsa Bela ◽  
Achmad Nurmandi ◽  
Isnaini Muallidin ◽  
Danang Kurniawan

This paper aims to map the root of terrorism in Indonesia from the Islamic movement perspective. The authors want to know how the root of terrorism has strengthened in Indonesia. A qualitative method approach was taken through a literature study regarding the delivery of research map information while the data was exported in the RIS Export file format. Then, the authors exported the data and processed it using VOSviewer to find out a bibliometric map of research development based on significant themes of Indonesian terrorism cases. Nvivo 12 plus provided exploration and description of terrorism in Indonesia to get an efficient explanation of the data. The findings are, the first to map the issue of terrorism in Indonesia. First, there was a correlation between terrorism, radicalism, and Islam. Different views of religious teachings eventually led to the terrorism movement. Several radical Islamic organizations in Indonesia have portrayed Islam as a terrorist religion. Second, the factors causing the strengthening of terrorism in Indonesia were due to injustice, oppression, and discrimination leading to terrorism and radicalism using the concept of jihad. This research suggests that the government can handle terrorism cases in Indonesia and neutralize ideas that are considered radical with a de-radicalization approach. (Tulisan ini bertujuan memetakan akar terorisme di Indonesia dari aspek gerakan Islam. Penulis ingin mengetahui bagaimana akar terorisme menguat di Indonesia. Pendekatan metode kualitatif ditempuh melalui studi pustaka sedangkan untuk penyampaian informasi peta penelitian, data diekspor dalam format file Ekspor RIS. Kemudian, penulis mengekspor data dalam format (RIS), mengolahnya menggunakan VOS viewer untuk mengetahui peta bibliometrik pengembangan penelitian berdasarkan tema signifikan kasus terorisme di Indonesia dan menggunakan Nvivo 12 plus untuk memberikan eksplorasi dan deskripsi terorisme di Indonesia demi mendapatkan penjelasan yang efisien dari data. Temuan penelitian ini adalah; Pertama, pada tahap pemetaan isu terorisme di Indonesia, terdapat korelasi antara terorisme, radikalisme, dan Islam. Perbedaan pandangan terhadap ajaran agama pada akhirnya memunculkan gerakan terorisme. Beberapa organisasi Islam radikal di Indonesia telah mencitrakan Islam sebagai agama teroris. Kedua, diketahui faktor penyebab menguatnya terorisme di Indonesia adalah rasa ketidakadilan, penindasan dan diskriminasi yang berujung pada gerakan terorisme dan radikalisme dengan mengusung konsep jihad. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah agar pemerintah dapat menangani kasus terorisme di Indonesia dan menetralisir ide-ide yang dianggap radikal dengan pendekatan deradikalisasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Umi Masruroh

Artikel ini merupakan sebuah penelitian partisipatoris yang dilakukan oleh penulis sebagai salah satu peserta pelatihan penulisan media sosial moderat bagi kader Fatayat NU DIY melalui program Pena Tasamuh kerja sama PW Fatayat NU DI Yogyakarta dengan AFSC. Media sosial dan media literasi online sebagai salah satu alat strategis dalam penyebaran paham radikalisme juga harus dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin untuk mencegah penyebaran paham ini dengan mengcounter penggunakan konten moderat yang berisi narasi perdamaian dan penghormatan terhadap perbedaan. Di sisi lain, kader perempuan organisasi Islam moderat seperti Fatayat NU selama ini belum memaksimalkan media sosial dan literasi online untuk melawan gerakan kelompok radikal tersebut. Mengingat pentingnya gerakan Islam Moderat melalui media sosial dan literasi online ini, Fatayat NU DIY merancang program Pena Tasamuh yang fokus terhadap peningkatan kapasitas kader perempuannya dalam bidang literasi terutama untuk mengkampanyekan Islam yang ramah sebagai upaya pencegahan penyebaran paham radikal dalam masyarakat. Program Pena Tasamuh memberikan pelatihan bagi kader Fatayat NU di 5 Kabupaten Kota (Bantul, Kulon Progo, Gunung Kidul, Sleman, dan Kota Yogyakarta) untuk membuat konten media sosial dan literasi online yang bertujuan untuk mengimbangi maraknya konten media sosial dan literasi online Islam yang didominasi oleh kelompok radikal. Perempuan muda menjadi aktor penting dalam program ini karena peran perempuan dalam sebuah keluarga maupun Vol. 6 Nomor 2, Juli-Desember 2021 164 komunitas sangat besar termasuk dalam konteks penyebaran konten Islam Moderat. Tulisan ini berupaya memaparkan keberhasilan upaya pencegahan radikalisme melalui program Pena Tasamuh berdasarkan pada pengalaman pribadi penulis sebagai peserta dalam program.[This article is a participatory research conducted by the author as one of the participants in training on moderate social media writing for Fatayat NU DIY cadres through the Pena Tasamuh program in collaboration with PW Fatayat NU DI Yogyakarta and AFSC. Social media and online literacy media as one of the strategic tools in the spread of radicalism must also be utilized as well as possible to prevent the spread of this understanding by countering the use of moderate content containing narratives of peace and respect for differences. On the other hand, female cadres of moderate Islamic organizations such as Fatayat NU have so far not maximized social media and online literacy to fight the movement of these radical groups. Given the importance of the Moderate Islamic movement through social media and online literacy, Fatayat NU DIY designed the Pena Tasamuh program that focuses on increasing the capacity of itsfemale cadresin the literacy field, especially to campaign for friendly Islam as an effort to prevent the spread of radicalism in society. The Pena Tasamuh program providestraining for Fatayat NU cadres in 5 City Districts (Bantul, Kulon Progo, Gunung Kidul, Sleman, and Yogyakarta City) to create social media content and online literacy that aims to balance the rise of social media content and Islamic online literacy which is dominated by by radical groups. Young women are important actors in this program because the role of women in a family or community is very large, including in the context of spreading moderate Islamic content. This paper seeks to describe the success of effortsto prevent radicalism through the Pena Tasamuh program based on the author’s personal experience as a participant in the program.]

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 283
Mega Hidayati ◽  
Tito Handoko

<span lang="EN-US">Changes in Indonesia's socio-political require Islamic organizations to adapt to these changes, some of them have managed to survive and exist and died. Revivalism in Islam is a demand from the long history of Islam's journey, which has crossed the geographical and cross-cultural boundaries of Islamic society. The survival and death of the Islamic movement is highly dependent on the ability of Muslims adapts to the socio-political landscape, like the case of the Naqsyabandiyah Tarekat in Rokan Hulu-Riau, the existence of the movement survives because it is able to adapt to the socio-cultural system of the local community. This study shows there is an interaction between Islam and the culture of the community and influences each other.  The influence that occurs is sometimes positive and negative. The influence of Islam in the local socio-political landscape can be seen from the widespread use of Islamic symbols, as well as various local government policies that adopt Islamic values.</span>

Ristapawa Indra ◽  
Martin Kustati ◽  
Fitrah Santosa

Geneological perspective differences on the Jakarta Charter had become the main cause for some Islamic groups to have an endless struggle in embodying Islamism and Islamic ideology formalism as the basis of their philosophy and ideology. Compromise and radicalism are part of the movement of these groups. This study aims to examine the supporters’ movement of the understanding of Islamism and Islamic Idiology formalism in order to get involve in Indonesian political system. The phenomenological constructivism approach is used in understanding the views of New Order Regime and Reforms Regime in dealing with Islamism and Islamic idiology formalism which are taken from interview and document analysis. The results of the study show that the radical issues are far more than the normal level of the Indonesian Islam movement. The concerns of certain groups which are oriented towards the Islamic movement in Indonesia are more co-opted in an anti-Islamic global network sponsored by the United States. The status of the New Order Regime and the Reform Regime do not differ significantly in addressing various state issues related to the issues of the Islamic movement. For these two regimes, Islamism is still seen as a movement that must be tightly controlled, radical issues and terrorism are the most effective political instruments for controlling Islamic nationalism groups whose views differ from secular nationalist groups with regard to national philosophy and identity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
Ahwan Fanani ◽  
Achmad I. Hamzani ◽  
Nur Khasanah ◽  
Aji Sofanudin

This study uses a literature study of examining the Tarjih Council of Muhammadiyah, the second largest Islamic organisation in Indonesia. Criticism is directed towards manhaj’s principle which states that any classical Islamic school of law should not be embraced and, thus, breaks up from the chain of Islamic intellectuality. The critics, however, fail to cover the very idea of Muhammadiyah as an embodiment of the Islamic renewal vision. The article aims to reveal the evolution of the manhaj. The evolution will be elaborated into stages to show the development of concepts and principles in each stage. The article is based on a literature study using constructive conceptual analysis. The analysis is divided into three steps, namely analytical assessment, performative aspects, and conceptual genealogy, stressing the reflective relationship between knowledge and social reality. The study shows that the Tarjih Council’s preference not to embrace any classical Islamic schools of law has developed since the establishment of the Tarjih Council. The developments of manhaj’s formulation occur in three stages from 1924 until 2000. The manhaj comes up with the synthesis of textuality, rationality, and spirituality as the basic vision of Muhammadiyah’s renewal idea which reflects the achievement of a modernist Islamic movement. The study, in comparison to previous research, provides a more comprehensive picture of the manhaj of Muhammadiyah as a representation of the Islamic renewal movement and shows how the manhaj comes to a synthesis that marks Muhammadiyah as a unique modernist-renewal movement.Contribution: The study enriches the perspectives on the manhaj as the backbone of Muhammadiyah ideology and shows that Islamic modernism in Indonesia has stepped further to uncover a synthesis suitable to Indonesian society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Reza Adeputra Tohis

Abstract: Progressive Islam is a relatively new Islamic movement in the dynamics of the Contemporary Islamic movement. Progressive Islam places the domination of the social system of capitalism as its main problem. Progressive Islam aims to create change, which is pursued through the realization of its agenda, one of which is formulating a reality-based method of thinking. The problems and agenda of Progressive Islam parallel the problems and formulation of method of thought Tan Malaka. Tan Malaka has been against the social system of capitalism. Tan Malaka has a methodological work based on reality, MADILOG. This study aims to show the parallels between Progressive Islam and Tan Malaka, and to position MADILOG as a method of Progressive Islamic thought. This study uses qualitative research methods with literature study techniques. The data in this study were analyzed using the sociology of knowledge approach and the philosophy of critical realism. The result is that the parallel between Progressive Islam and Tan Malaka lies in four aspects. Then, MADILOG can be positioned as a method of Progressive Islamic thought. Keywords: Progressive Islam, Tan Malaka, MADILOG Abstrak: Islam Progresif merupakan gerakan Islam yang relatif baru dalam dinamika gerakan Islam Kontemporer. Islam Progresif meletakan dominasi sistem sosial kapitalisme sebagai problem utamanya. Islam Progresif bertujuan untuk menciptakan perubahan, yang diupayakan melalui realisasi agenda-agendanya, salah satunya merumuskan metode pemikiran berbasis realitas. Problem serta agenda Islam Progresif paralel dengan problem dan rumusan metode pemikiran Tan Malaka. Tan Malaka telah melawan sistem sosial kapitalisme. Tan Malaka memiliki karya metodologis berbasiskan realitas, MADILOG. Penelitian ini bertujuan menunjukan paralelitas antara Islam Progresif dan Tan Malaka, serta memposisikan MADILOG sebagai metode pemikiran Islam Progersif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik studi pustaka. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatakan sosiologi pengetahuan dan filsafat ilmu realisme kritis. Hasilnya adalah paralelitas antara Islam Progresif dan Tan Malaka terletak pada empat aspek. Kemudian, MADILOG bisa diposisikan sebagai metode pemikiran Islam Progresif. Kata Kunci: Islam Progresif, Tan Malaka, MADILOG

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 410-438
Snawber Sardar Star

     With the success of the Iranian People's Revolution, the political Islamic movement in eastern Kurdistan has become more and more active. At first, the Qur'an office, which was established by Ahmad Mufti Zada, was only to educate young people on the basis of Islam, but with the success of the Iranian revolution, its direction changed to national work and demand Kurdish rights against the new regime.  Later, due to the regime's negative stance on  the demands of the Kurdish people, which included self-mayor for Kurdistan within iran, looking at Kurds as non-Muslims in the early 1980s led to the creation of another Islamic organization in Eastern Kurdistan called the Islamic National Struggle Organization of Iranian Kurdistan– Khabat, which, along with other parties in eastern Kurdistan, has begun armed struggles against the regime to achieve the national rights of the Kurdish people in eastern Kurdistan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 175
Aksin Wijaya ◽  
Suwendi Suwendi ◽  
Sahiron Syamsuddin

<p>The emergence of religious phenomena that lead certain Muslim groups in Indonesia to spread hatred (religious hate speech) became the primary rationale of this article. This phenomenon occurred because some Muslim groups consider their religious understanding to be the only actual theological truth while ignoring religious ethics in a religiously plural society. Therefore, some questions were raised: Firstly, what is the conceptual structure of Islam? Secondly, what does Islam teach its believers in regards to living together within the Islamic community and living among believers of other different religions? The method of ethics was employed to analyze the two research questions by describing, analyzing, and criticizing the attitude of the Islamic movement, which spreads hatred. From this article, it is expected that Muslims should emphasize not only religious theological but also ethical truth. The findings are as follows: firstly, the conceptual structure of Islam comprises of threefold: Islam, Iman, and Ihsan, which culminate in Ihsan, Sufism, and ethics. Secondly, in regards to becoming a Muslim and embracing it among believers of other religions, Islam essentially relates its religious and theological truth to the religious ethic (the ethic of al-Qur’an), which combines three elements of ethics: God’s, religious, and social ethics. The two latter ethics should always refer to God’s affirmative ethics, for instance, with His Divine attributes of The Most Merciful and Just. God has mercy on human beings and treats all of them justly. Likewise, human beings essentially should do the same in relation to God and fellow human beings.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 223386592110183
Md Nazrul Islam

The Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami (BJI) is the largest Islamist Party in Bangladesh. It was founded in 1941 in British-India, by Maulana Mawdudi, a prominent South Asian Islamist leader. The BJI has undergone political vicissitudes during its eight-decade-long political history. The most notable political success of the Party was to have a couple of cabinet positions as a coalition partner in the Nationalist–Islamist Government between 2001 and 2006. Since the beginning of the 2010s, the Party has been in severe crisis: most of its national leaders were convicted of war crimes and put to death in the period 2011–2016. This article aims to examine the BJI’s growth and development and role in political Islam in Bangladesh. It also explores the challenges to, and responses of, the Party and their sociopolitical implications for the future of political Islam in Bangladesh. The methodology of the article is a critical analysis based on an exhaustive review of published secondary literature about the Party. The author argues that the BJI has generated a massive Islamic movement and made an enormous contribution to political Islam in Bangladesh. Yet it has failed to reform its almost-century-old organizational structure and modus operandi and effectively respond to the changed social and political contexts of Bangladesh, which has affected its organizational mobility and success.

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