scholarly journals The influence of accounting ethics on quality of financial reports among accounting practitioners in ibadan, oyo state, nigeria

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 77-87
Osunwole, Olatunji Oludayo ◽  
Adeyemi, Ola Adewale ◽  
Dunsin, Abimbola Tolulope

This study investigated the impact of relationship marketing on consumer buying behavior in the food and This study examined the influence of accounting ethics on the quality of financial reports of Nigerian firms. Specifically, the study focused on the influence of accounting ethics on relevance and faithful representation of financial information of Nigerian firms. Descriptive survey design was utilized to conduct the study. The target population for this study was over 300 accounting practitioners distributed over deposit money banks, Audit firms, educational tertiary institutions and small and medium scale industries in Ibadan, Oyo state. Slovin’s formula was used to determine the sample size, while stratified and convenience sampling techniques was employed to select 171 respondents that participated in the study. Primary data was used for the study. Questionnaires were used as data collection tools. The study results established that accounting ethics (β = 0.282; p < 0.05) and (β = 0.234; p < 0.05) had positive and significant effect on relevance and faithful representation of financial information respectively. The study concluded that high ethical standard is fundamental in achieving an objective, reliable and transparent financial report. The study recommends that firms in Nigeria should put in place ethics and compliance department to direct and monitor ethics implementation in their day-to-day operations and that firms reporting structure should adhere strictly to the financial reporting framework issued by the International Financial Reporting Standards for better and more acceptable financial reports

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Dyah Purwanti ◽  
Ghulbudin Isham Natser

<p>This study aims to find empirical evidence about the role of accounting information system (AIS) as intervening factors that affect the quality of financial reporting information of the government. This study uses a questionnaire that primary data collected from respondents, namely employees of the accounting department of the government units, especially a partner institution in the State Treasury Office (KPPN) 2 Jakarta. Data processing is performed by the method of partial least squares (PLS). The results of this study are the accounting information system has significantly the impact on the quality of government financial reporting information. While the capacity factor of human resources, control data input and application of Government Accounting Standards (SAP) have a significant direct effect on the AIS, is larger when compared to a direct influence on the quality of financial reporting information. Other factors, organizational commitment and internal control system has a significant influence either directly or indirectly on the quality of financial reporting information. The findings of the study are expected to provide input to the government the importance of improving the accounting information system, such as strengthening the capacity of human resources and accounting applications in realizing quality financial information.</p>

Silvia Anggraeni ◽  

Laporan keuangan yang berkualitas dihasilkan melalui proses pelaporan keuangan yang efektif atau mencapai tujuan pembuatannya. Terdapat lebih dari satu faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas pelaporan keuangan. Di antara faktor-faktor tersebut, kompetensi sumber daya manusia merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas pelaporan keuangan. Kompetensi merupakan serangkaian kombinasi dari pengetahuan, kemampuan, keahlian, dan sikap yang terdapat dalam diri sumber daya manusia untuk menjalankan tugasnya dan memperoleh hasil yang unggul. Keberadaan sumber daya manusia dalam proses pelaporan keuangan adalah sangat penting karena rasio, rasa, dan karsa merupakan hal-hal yang dimiliki hanya oleh sumber daya manusia dibandingkan sumber daya yang lainnya. Sumber daya manusia yang terlibat dalam pelaporan keuangan harus memiliki kompetensi yang cukup agar dapat memenuhi atau melebihi kriteria pelaporan keuangan efektif yang telah ditetapkan. Sumber daya manusia dengan kompetensi yang rendah menyebabkan proses pelaporan keuangan memiliki kualitas rendah. Proses pelaporan keuangan dengan kualitas rendah akan menghasilkan informasi yang tidak akurat, menyesatkan, dan tidak lengkap. Tujuan yang dimaksudkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui seberapa banyak pengaruh yang sumber daya manusia berikan terhadap pelaporan keuangan. Karyawan yang bekerja pada bagian akuntansi dan bagian lain yang berhubungan dengan fungsi akuntansi pada perusahaan manufaktur di Kota Bandung adalah populasi dalam penelitian ini dan 53 orang merupakan jumlah sampel yang digunakan. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan survei berupa kuesioner fisik sebagai teknik dan alat pengumpulan data sehingga data yang didapatkan merupakan data primer. Data yang telah didapatkan kemudian diuji menggunakan aplikasi SPSS. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi sumber daya manusia memiliki pengaruh terhadap pelaporan keuangan. Kata kunci: kompetensi SDM, pelaporan keuangan Quality financial reports are produced through an effective financial reporting process or achieve the objectives of its creation. There are more than one factors that affect financial reporting’s effectiveness. Among those factors, human resource competency is one factor that affect financial reporting’s effectiveness. Competency is a series of combinations of knowledge, skill, expertise, and attitude contained in human resource to carry out their duties and obtain superior results. Existence of human resource in financial reporting process are crucial because idea, feeling, and intention are things that only owned by human resource compared with other resources. Human resources embroiled in financial reporting must have sufficient competency to meet or exceed the established effective financial reporting criteria. Human resource with lack of competency causes low quality of financial reporting process. Low quality financial reporting process cause inaccurate, misleading, and incomplete information. This research aim to examine how much influence that human resource’s competency gave towards financial reporting. Employees who work in the accounting department and other department related to accounting function in manufacturing companies in Bandung are population in this research and 53 people are the number of sample used. In this research, survey in the form of physical questionnaire was used as technique and tool of data collection so the data obtained is primary data. Data that has been obtained then tested by SPSS application. The result of this research indicate that human resource’s competency has an effect towards financial reporting. Keywords: human resource’s competency, financial reporting

Accounting ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 581-590
Ahmad Dahiyat ◽  
Walid Owais

This study aimed to explore the expected effect of applying the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 17 Insurance Contracts on the quality of financial reports. The study followed the exploratory descriptive analytical approaches. A questionnaire was developed and distributed to a sample of 120 financial employees in all insurance companies in Jordan. It concluded that the expected impact of applying the standard on the quality of financial reports was significant, especially on the comparability of financial reports, and faithful representation. It was found that there is an expected, statistically significant and positive effect between the application of the standard, and the quality of financial reports in general, and the expected influence of applying the standard and each of comparability, faithful representation, relevance, verifiability, timely, and understandability respectively. The study recommends the application of the standard in the specified time, work to create appropriate conditions, and the need to follow objective assumptions from the company's management for the estimation of cash flows when applying the standard.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 114
Zev Fried

Market reaction to surprises in earnings announcements has long been used to measure the quality of the information content of the announcement, and studies have explored various factors affecting the response. This study adds to this body of research by factoring in the level of corporate social responsibility (CSR) exhibited by the firm and employs a relatively new measure of a company’s level of CSR, rankings published by JUST Capital. I hypothesize that financial information reported by higher ranked companies is weighed more heavily by investors than those reported by non-ranked or lower-ranked companies. Using earnings response coefficients as a measure of the perceived quality of the financial information reported by the firms, my results provide direct support of the hypothesis, indicating that the market reacts more strongly to earnings surprises for firms with high JUST rankings than for unranked firms or firms with lower rankings. This result contributes new insights into the impact of a firm’s CSR in terms of the perceived quality of a firm’s financial reporting.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-109
Patricia Diana ◽  
Chermian Eforis ◽  
Maria Stefani Osesoga

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the implementation of Sistem Informasi Manajemen Daerah (SIMDA) toward financial report quality of local government in Nias Selatan. The Indonesian government has encouraged each region to implement Sistem Informasi Manajemen Daerah (SIMDA). SIMDA is an e-government system developed by the Deputi Pengawasan Bidang Penyelenggaraan Keuangan Daerah in order to improve internal control in regional reporting, including local government financial reports. The study was conducted using a survey method to provide the questionnaries to Kepala Sub Bagian Keuangan, Kepala Sub Bagian Program, and Bendahara in 63 Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) Nias Selatan. The data used in this study was primary data. There were 154 questionnaries distributed for this research, but only 140 questionnaries returned and used in this research. Data processing using SPSS 24 application with simple regression method.    The result of this study was implementation of Sistem Informasi Manajemen Daerah (SIMDA) has significant impact toward financial report quality of local government in Nias Selatan.   Keywords        : financial report quality, local government financial statements, SIMDA

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 244
Silviana Agustami ◽  
Imam Agus Suintri

This study aims to (1) determine the implementation of SAK ETAP at BPR in the Bandung city (2) determine the quality of the financial reports of BPR in the Bandung city, and (3) determine the effect of the implementation of SAK ETAP to quality financial reports on BPR in Bandung city. In this study, researchers used primary data for variable implementation of SAK ETAP and the quality of financial reporting through questionnaires distributed to 11 BPR in the Bandung city. The method used in this research is descriptive method verikatif. The statistical analysis tools in this study using Spearman rank correlation to determine the direction and strength of the relationship between the two variables, while the coefficient of determination is used to determine the ability of the independent variable (X) in influencing the dependent variable (Y). These results indicate (1) the implementation of SAK ETAP at BPR in the Bandung city in general has been implemented adequately (2) BPR in the Bandung city has been preparing and presenting the financial statements sufficient to satisfy the elements of relevant, reliable, able to comparable, and understandable (3) the implementation of SAK ETAP moderate effect on the quality of the financial reports of BPR in the Bandung city, amounting to 0.587. Based on the calculation of the coefficient of determination SAK ETAP implementation contribute to or influence by 34.5%% of the quality of financial reporting at BPR in the Bandung city, while the remaining 65.5% was contributed by other factors not examined

Ben Kwame Agyei-Mensah

According to the IASB's IFRS framework, qualitative characteristics are the attributes that make the information provided in financial statements useful to others. This study was conducted to investigate the quality of financial reports before and after adopting IFRSs in Ghana, and also the influence of firm-specific characteristics which include firm size, profitability, debt equity ratio, liquidity and audit firm size on the quality of financial information disclosed by firms listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange.The research was conducted through detailed analysis of the pre-official adoption period, (2006) and post adoption period, (2008) financial statements of the listed firms.  Descriptive analysis was performed to provide the background statistics of the variables examined.  This was followed by regression analysis which forms the main data analysis.  The results of the quality of financial information disclosure mean of 76.80% (pre adoption) and 87.09% (post adoption) for the two years indicate that the quality of financial reports has improved significantly after adopting IFRSs. The study thus confirms that the implementation of IFRSs generally reinforce accounting disclosure quality.  It also indicates listed firms' overwhelming compliance with the IASB's IFRS Framework.The results of the multiple regression analysis show that company size, represented by net assets and Auditor type were found to be associated at a statistically significant level with the quality of financial information disclosed.  With the improvement in the quality of the financial reports after adopting IFRS users are assured of useful information for financial decision-making.Keywords: Quality of financial reports' disclosure, Firm-specific characteristics, International Financial Reporting Standards, Mandatory disclosure, Ghana. JEL Classifications: M40, M41, M48

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 11-42
Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Hessian

This study focused on the economic benefits of adoption of IFRS. More specifically, this study emphasis on whether the quality of the accounting information has been improved after the adoption of IFRS. The study investigated quality of accounting information through two main variables: earnings management and the value relevance of accounting information. The study was applied on 56 Egyptian listed companies during the period from 1997 to 2011, which divided into two periods: the period after the adoption of the standards from 2007 to 2011, and before the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards from 1997 to 2006. The research concluded that there is a significant impact of the adoption of IFRS on managerial opportunities to manage earnings using discretionary accruals, which is reflected in the lower value relevance of accounting information. Study results also indicate that companies with high leverage are the lowest companies in the value relevance of accounting information, and that companies that are subject to private sector law No. 159 of 1981 are the most companies engaged in earnings management activities through discretionary accruals, large size companies, without any significant impact on future growth opportunities and listing on global exchanges.

Abdul Rahman Rashwan ◽  
Suad Ayash Ali

The main aim of the research is to identify the impact of the application of IFRS for SMEs on optimizing the utility of information for financial reports. To answer the questions and test the hypotheses of the research, researchers relied on the descriptive analytical approach. First, the researchers clarified the theoretical aspect through previous studies, and then they analyses d the results of the applied study by testing the hypothesis using the SPSS. A questionnaire was distributed after evaluation and arbitration by a number of specialists on selected sample. The sample of 120 respondents consists of general managers, department directors, head of departments, accountants, auditors and financial controllers working in the financial departments of the Palestinian and Libyan businesses. The results of the research showed a the implementation of IFRS has many advantages and benefits, the most important of which is improving the quality of disclosed financial information, and increasing the level of disclosure and transparency in financial reports. The study also recommended that small and medium-sized enterprises of the Palestinian and Libyan businesses should comply with the IFRS to improve the quality of information financial reports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 203-214
Marzanna Lament ◽  
Blanka Jarolímová

Insurance companies are institutions of public trust, and this affects their corporate culture, strategies and management systems. One of the image concerns is reporting on socially responsible actions in non-financial reports. The prime objective of the research presented in this paper is to analyze the dependence between the level of non-financial reporting in the insurance market and the share of foreign capital, measured based on the market size of foreign insurance companies compared to all insurance companies, and the share of foreign insurance companies in non-financial reporting. The study concerned insurance markets in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, and the overall market of the Visegrad Group countries. The theoretical section provides a review of the literature and applicable legislation to indicate the causes of non-financial reporting by insurance companies. Next, the correlation was used to determine the relationship between the variables studied, the regression method was applied to determine the impact of the variables studied, in particular foreign capital, on the level of non-financial reporting. A model was constructed, and the results of its estimation were analyzed. Analysis of the data demonstrated that the greater the share of foreign capital, the higher the level of non-financial reporting. The study results indicate that the share of foreign insurance companies can become a determinant in the development of non-financial reporting.

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