scholarly journals Metabolic Syndrome; Comparing the Results of Three Definition Criteria in an Iraqi Sample

1970 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Omar Farooq Al-Azzawi

Background: Different diagnostic definition and criteria have been recommended by different expert groups for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome, however, it’s prevalence in the same population could differ depending on the definition used yielding different results. In Iraq, there is a lack of research comparing these different diagnostic definitions. Objective: To find out the most suitable metabolic syndrome definition to be used for Iraqi people.  Methods: 320 participants were recruited for this study, 53.4% men and 46.6% women, aged between 25-85 years, visiting Baghdad Teaching Hospital, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome according to different definitions were compared and the agreement was assessed by the Kappa statistic. Results: Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed in 37.8%, 40.6% and 46.9% participants respectively for the National Cholesterol Education Programme Adult Treatment Panel III 2005, International Diabetes Federation 2005 and the recently (2009) revised International Diabetes Federation definition. The prevalence was higher in women than in men, independent of the criteria used. The Kappa statistics suggested that the agreement between the three definitions ranged from good-to-very good, Conclusion: Metabolic syndrome was high in this Iraqi cohort regardless of the definition used. The recently (2009) revised International Diabetes Federation definition may be more suitable in diagnosis of metabolic syndrome in Iraq.

2006 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 84-86 ◽  
M. González-Ortiz ◽  
E. Martínez-Abundis ◽  
O. Jacques-Camarena ◽  
S. O. Hernández-González ◽  
I. G. Valera-González ◽  

Medicina ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 61 ◽  
Dalia Lukšienė ◽  
Miglė Bacevičienė ◽  
Abdonas Tamošiūnas ◽  
Liucija Černiauskienė ◽  
Lilija Margevičienė ◽  

The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome diagnosed using three different definitions and to evaluate its associations with ischemic heart disease in Kaunas adult population. Material and methods. Data of preventive screening carried out in Kaunas in 2001–2002 according to the MONICA study protocol were used for analysis; a total of 1336 persons aged 35–64 years (603 men and 733 women) were recruited. The metabolic syndrome was defined by the World Health Organization, Adult Treatment Panel III, and International Diabetes Federation definitions. Ischemic heart disease was diagnosed based on the following criteria: a documented history of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, or ischemic changes on electrocardiogram. Results. The metabolic syndrome was identified for 11.3% of men and for 9.4% of women using the World Health Organization definition, for 19.4% of men and for 26.3% of women using the Adult Treatment Panel III definition, and for 30.0% of men and for 37.7% of women using the International Diabetes Federation definition. In male and female groups, the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (irrespective of definition) significantly increased with age (P<0.05). After adjusting for age, men diagnosed with the metabolic syndrome using the International Diabetes Federation definition (OR=2.30; P=0.001) and Adult Treatment Panel III definition (OR=1.97; P=0.01) and women diagnosed with metabolic syndrome using the International Diabetes Federation definition (OR=1.50; P=0.039) had a significantly higher risk of having ischemic heart disease as compared with those without the metabolic syndrome by the same definitions. The metabolic syndrome diagnosed using the World Health Organization definition was not associated with a significant risk of ischemic heart disease in men and women. Conclusion. In Kaunas population aged 35–64 years, the highest prevalence of the metabolic syndrome was determined according to the International Diabetes Federation definition. Usage of the International Diabetes Federation and the Adult Treatment Panel III definitions in establishing diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome provides more opportunities to identify subjects with ischemic heart disease.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Ana Roberta Vilarouca da Silva

No Brasil, a Síndrome Metabólica (SM) é desconhecida em várias regiões, e pouco estudada em diferentes populações. Isso porque, é proveniente da globalização, indicador inerente à modificação do estilo de vida da sociedade. Esta síndrome associa-se a Doenças Crônicas Não-Transmissíveis (DCNT), especialmente as cardiovasculares. E por ser multifatorial, destacam-se os níveis pressóricos e glicêmicos elevados, fatores-problema no desenvolvimento de complicações. A SM é um transtorno complexo representado por um conjunto de fatores de risco cardiovascular (a hipertensão arterial, a dislipidemia, a obesidade visceral e as manifestações de disfunção endotelial), usualmente relacionados à disposição central de gordura e à resistência à insulina(1). As três principais definições clínicas da SM em adultos utilizadas são as propostas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), pelo National Cholesterol Education Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATP III) e pela International Diabetes Federation (IDF)(2). E em adolescentes existem adaptações(3-4). Assim, são fatores de risco para SM agregação de excesso de peso ou adiposidade central, hipertensão arterial, elevação dos triglicerídeos, diminuição do colesterol HDL (high density lipoprotein) e intolerância à glicose/resistência à insulina/diabetes mellitus tipo II (DMII). A prevalência de síndrome metabólica é variável, em função dos diferentes critérios diagnósticos utilizados. Na população pediátrica, as frequências de síndrome metabólica variam de 4,2% a 9,2%, com aumento na prevalência quando se consideram crianças e adolescentes obesos para 17,3% e 35,5%. Alguns estudos destacam que os componentes mais frequentes no diagnóstico de síndrome metabólica são a aumentada circunferência abdominal (88,1%) e pressão arterial (47,5%), seguidos de maior concentração de triglicerídeos (23,4%) e de baixo HDL-colesterol (23,3%)(5). Em se tratando do estado do Piauí, a busca à literatura revelou que até o presente momento, existe uma pesquisa em conclusão com foco na SM entre universitários e outras que iniciaram em 2014 com escolares, incluindo crianças e adolescentes de escolas públicas e privadas. Consequentemente, ainda não se conhece a sua prevalência nesses locais, assim como, não se conhece a prevalência da SM em populações específicas, como em adolescentes escolares. Levando em consideração as informações descritas anteriormente sobre os possíveis agravos que a SM pode causar, a associação às doenças cardiovasculares e ao DM2, acredita-se que a pesquisa sobre os fatores de risco para SM seja de extrema importância ao trazer dados iniciais sobre a SM, o que deverá suscitar o planejamento e a implementação de ações que tenham impacto na promoção da saúde dos estudantes.

2014 ◽  
Άρης Πλαστήρας

Εισαγωγή: Το μεταβολικό σύνδρομο περιλαμβάνει μια ομάδα μεταβολικών διαταραχών, η συσσώρευση των οποίων αποτελεί ισχυρό και σοβαρό δείκτη κινδύνου για την εμφάνιση και την ανάπτυξη καρδιαγγειακής νόσου. Τα ωμέγα-3 λιπαρά οξέα πέρα από τις ευνοϊκες τους δράσεις στα επίπεδα των τριγλυκεριδίων πλάσματος, τις καρδιοπροστατευτικές ιδιότητες και τις αντιαρρυθμικές δράσεις, ασκούν ευνοϊκή επίδραση στην ενδοθηλιακή λειτουργία των πασχόντων από μεταβολικό σύνδρομο.Σκοπός: Στη παρούσα παρεμβατική μελέτη χορηγήθηκαν ωμέγα-3 λιπαρά οξέα σε ασθενείς με μεταβολικό σύνδρομο. Στόχος της παρούσας μελέτης ήταν να αξιολογήσει τις επιπτώσεις της χορήγησης των Ωμέγα-3 πολυακόρεστων λιπαρών οξέων (Ω3-PUFAs) στην αγγειακή λειτουργία, στο φλεγμονώδες φορτίο και σε ινωδολυτικούς μηχανισμούς ασθενών με μεταβολικό σύνδρομο. Υλικό και Μέθοδος: Μελετήσαμε την επίδραση της per os θεραπείας 12 εβδομάδων με 2gr/ημέρα Ω3-PUFAs σε 29 (15 άνδρες) ασθενείς (μέσης ηλικία 44±12 έτη) με μεταβολικό σύνδρομο σε τρεις περιπτώσεις (ημέρα 0: βασικές μετρήσεις, ημέρα 28η και ημέρα 84η). Η μελέτη διπλά τυφλή, τυχαιοποιημένη, διασταυρούμενη με εικονικό φάρμακο (Placebo) πραγματοποιήθηκε σε δύο ξεχωριστά σκέλη (Ω3-PUFAs και Placebo). Η διάγνωση του μεταβολικού συνδρόμου βασίστηκε στις κατευθυντήριες οδηγίες της Αμερικανικής Καρδιολογικής Εταιρείας και του ATP ΙΙΙ (National Cholesterol Education Programme - Adult Treatment Panel III). Αποτελέσματα: Η θεραπεία με Ω3-PUFAs οδήγησε από την ημέρα 0 προς την ημέρα 28 και 84 σε σημαντική αύξηση του FMD (3.67±3.57% εν. 5.13±4.51% εν. 7.72±4.17%, p<0.001) και μείωση του PWV (7.62±1.59m/sec εν. 7.40±1.84m/sec εν. 7.22±1.54m/sec, p<0.001) και του Aix (14.83±17.88% εν. 14.64±18.06% εν. 13.33±17.58%, p=0.04). Η θεραπεία με Placebo δεν οδήγησε σε στατιστικά σημαντικές μεταβολές του FMD, PWV και AIx (για όλα p=NS). Επιπλέον παρόλο που δεν παρατηρήθηκε σημαντική αλλαγή στο δείκτης μάζας σώματος και στην περιφέρεια μέσης, η θεραπεία με Ω3-PUFAs οδήγησε σε σημαντική μείωση στα επίπεδα τριγλυκεριδίων νηστείας από την ημέρα 0 προς την ημέρα 28 και 84 (180±23mg/dl εν. 175.1±21mg/dl εν. 166±17mg/dl, p< 0.001) και στα επίπεδα ολικής χοληστερόλης ορού (193±32mg/dl εν. 187±28mg/dl εν. 183±29mg/dl, p<0.001) ενώ δεν παρατηρήθηκε αντίστοιχη μεταβολή κατά τη διάρκεια της θεραπείας με Placebo. Συμπεράσματα: Σε ασθενείς με μεταβολικό σύνδρομο η χορήγηση Ωμέγα-3 πολυακόρεστων λιπαρών οξέων βελτιώνει την ενδοθηλιακή λειτουργία, την αρτηριακή σκληρία και τα επίπεδα λιπιδίων ορού με παράλληλες αντιφλεγμονώδεις δράσεις.

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