scholarly journals Modelling of nitrate particles: importance of sea salt

2006 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1455-1480 ◽  
G. Myhre ◽  
A. Grini

Abstract. A thermo dynamical model for treatment of gas/aerosol partitioning of semi volatile inorganic aerosols has been implemented in a global chemistry and aerosol transport model (Oslo CTM2). The sulphur cycle and sea salt particles have been implemented earlier in the Oslo CTM2 and the focus of this study is on whether nitrate particles are formed as fine mode ammonium nitrate or react on existing sea salt particles. The model results show that ammonium nitrate particles play a non-negligible role in the total aerosol composition in certain industrialized regions and therefore have a significant local radiative forcing. On a global scale the aerosol optical depth of ammonium nitrate is relatively small due to limited availability of ammonia and reaction with sea salt particles. Inclusion of sea salt in the calculations reduces the aerosol optical depth and burden of ammonium nitrate particles by 25% on a global scale but with large regional variations.

2006 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 4809-4821 ◽  
G. Myhre ◽  
A. Grini ◽  
S. Metzger

Abstract. A thermodynamical model for treatment of gas/aerosol partitioning of semi volatile inorganic aerosols has been implemented in a global chemistry and aerosol transport model (Oslo CTM2). The sulphur cycle and sea salt particles have been implemented earlier in the Oslo CTM2 and the focus of this study is on nitrate partitioning to the aerosol phase and if particulate nitrate is expected to form in fine or coarse mode aerosols. Modelling of the formation of fine mode nitrate particles is complicated since it depends on other aerosol components and aerosol precursors as well as meteorological condition. The surface concentrations from the model are compared to observed surface concentrations at around 20 sites around Europe for nitrate and ammonium. The agreement for nitrate is good but the modelled values are somewhat underestimated compared to observations at high concentrations, whereas for ammonium the agreement is very good. However, we underscore that such a comparison is not of large importance for the aerosol optical depth of particulate nitrate since the vertical profile of aerosol components and their precursors are so important. Fine mode nitrate formation depends on vertical profiles of both ammonia/ammonium and sulphate. The model results show that fine mode particulate nitrate play a non-negligible role in the total aerosol composition in certain industrialized regions and therefore have a significant local radiative forcing. On a global scale the aerosol optical depth of fine mode nitrate is relatively small due to limited availability of ammonia and loss to larger sea salt particles. Inclusion of sea salt in the calculations reduces the aerosol optical depth and burden of fine mode nitrate by 25% on a global scale but with large regional variations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 99 (4) ◽  
pp. 739-755 ◽  
Z. Q. Li ◽  
H. Xu ◽  
K. T. Li ◽  
D. H. Li ◽  
Y. S. Xie ◽  

AbstractAn overview of Sun–Sky Radiometer Observation Network (SONET) measurements in China is presented. Based on observations at 16 distributed SONET sites in China, atmospheric aerosol parameters are acquired via standardization processes of operational measurement, maintenance, calibration, inversion, and quality control implemented since 2010. A climatology study is performed focusing on total columnar atmospheric aerosol characteristics, including optical (aerosol optical depth, ÅngstrÖm exponent, fine-mode fraction, single-scattering albedo), physical (volume particle size distribution), chemical composition (black carbon; brown carbon; fine-mode scattering component, coarse-mode component; and aerosol water), and radiative properties (aerosol radiative forcing and efficiency). Data analyses show that aerosol optical depth is low in the west but high in the east of China. Aerosol composition also shows significant spatial and temporal variations, leading to noticeable diversities in optical and physical property patterns. In west and north China, aerosols are generally affected by dust particles, while monsoon climate and human activities impose remarkable influences on aerosols in east and south China. Aerosols in China exhibit strong light-scattering capability and result in significant radiative cooling effects.

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 21391-21437 ◽  
J. M. J. Aan de Brugh ◽  
M. Schaap ◽  
E. Vignati ◽  
F. Dentener ◽  
M. Kahnert ◽  

Abstract. This paper presents the aerosol budget over Europe in 2006 calculated with the global transport model TM5 coupled to the size-resolved aerosol module M7. Comparison with ground observations indicates that the model reproduces the observed concentrations quite well with an expected slight underestimation of PM10 due to missing emissions (e.g. resuspension). We observe that a little less than half of the anthropogenic aerosols emitted in Europe are exported and the rest is removed by deposition. The anthropogenic aerosols are removed mostly by rain (95%) and only 5% is removed by dry deposition. For the larger natural aerosols, especially sea salt, a larger fraction is removed by dry processes (sea salt: 70%, mineral dust: 35%). We observe transport of aerosols in the jet stream in the higher atmosphere and an import of Sahara dust from the south at high altitudes. Comparison with optical measurements shows that the model reproduces the Ångström parameter very well, which indicates a correct simulation of the aerosol size distribution. However, we observe an underestimation of the aerosol optical depth. Because the surface concentrations are close to the observations, the shortage of aerosol in the model is probably at higher altitudes. We show that the discrepancies are mainly caused by an overestimation of wet-removal rates. To match the observations, the wet-removal rates have to be scaled down by a factor of about 5. In that case the modelled ground-level concentrations of sulphate and sea salt increase by 50% (which deteriorates the match), while other components stay roughly the same. Finally, it is shown that in particular events, improved fire emission estimates may significantly improve the ability of the model to simulate the aerosol optical depth. We stress that discrepancies in aerosol models can be adequately analysed if all models would provide (regional) aerosol budgets, as presented in the current study.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 2185-2201 ◽  
R. S. Park ◽  
S. Lee ◽  
S.-K. Shin ◽  
C. H. Song

Abstract. This study focused on the contribution of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) to aerosol optical depth (AOD) and direct radiative forcing (DRF) by aerosols over an East Asian domain. In order to evaluate the contribution, chemistry-transport model (CTM)-estimated AOD was combined with satellite-retrieved AOD, utilizing a data assimilation technique, over East Asia for the entire year of 2006. Using the assimilated AOD and CTM-estimated aerosol optical properties, the DRF by aerosols was estimated over East Asia via a radiative transfer model (RTM). Both assimilated AOD and estimated DRF values showed relatively good agreements with AOD and DRF by aerosols from AERONET. Based on these results, the contributions of NH4NO3 to AOD and DRF by aerosols (ΦAOD and ΦDRF) were estimated for the four seasons of 2006 over East Asia. Both ΦAOD and ΦDRF showed seasonal variations over East Asia within the ranges between 4.7% (summer) and 31.3% (winter) and between 4.7% (summer) and 30.7% (winter), respectively, under clear-sky conditions, showing annual average contributions of 15.6% and 15.3%. Under all-sky conditions, ΦDRF varied between 3.6% (summer) and 24.5% (winter), showing annual average contribution of 12.1% over East Asia. These annual average contributions of NH4NO3 to AOD and DRF are almost comparable to the annual average mass fractions of NH4NO3 in PM2.5 and PM10 (17.0% and 14.0%, respectively). ΦAOD and ΦDRF were even larger in the locations where NH3 and NOx emission rates are strong, such as the central East China (CEC) region and Sichuan Basin. For example, under clear-sky conditions, both ΦAOD and ΦDRF over the CEC region range between 6.9% (summer) and 47.9% (winter) and between 6.7% (summer) and 47.5% (winter), respectively. Based on this analysis, it was concluded that both ΦAOD and ΦDRF cannot be ignored in East Asian air quality and radiative forcing studies, particularly during winter.

Atmosphere ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 709 ◽  
Umberto Rizza ◽  
Enrico Mancinelli ◽  
Mauro Morichetti ◽  
Giorgio Passerini ◽  
Simone Virgili

The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2) provides data at 0.5° × 0.625° resolution covering a period from 1 January 1980 to the present. Natural and anthropogenic aerosols are simulated in MERRA-2, considering the Goddard chemistry, aerosol, radiation, and transport model. This model simulates the sources, sinks, and chemistry of mixed aerosol tracers: dust, sea salt, hydrophobic and hydrophilic black carbon and organic carbon, and sulfate. MERRA-2 aerosol reanalysis is a pioneering tool for investigating air quality issues, noteworthy for its global coverage and its distinction of aerosol speciation expressed in the form of aerosol optical depth (AOD). The aim of this work was to use the MERRA-2 reanalysis to study urban air pollution at a national scale by analyzing the AOD. AOD trends were evaluated for a 30-year period (1987–2017) over five Italian cities (Milan, Rome, Cagliari, Taranto, and Palermo) in order to investigate the impacts of urbanization, industrialization, air quality regulations, and regional transport on urban aerosol load. AOD evolution predicted by the MERRA-2 model in the period 2002–2017 showed a generalized decreasing trend over the selected cities. The anthropogenic signature on total AOD was between 50% and 80%, with the largest contribution deriving from sulfate.

B. Y. Ge ◽  
Z. Q. Li ◽  
W. Z. Hou ◽  
Y. Zhang ◽  
K. T. Li

Abstract. Fine-mode aerosol usually comes from anthropogenic emissions. The fine-mode aerosol optical depth (AODf) is an important parameter for estimating the particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter little than 2.5 μm (PM2.5). Compared to the ground-based observations, AODf products from satellite remote sensing have an advantage of high spatial coverage, which is suitable for monitoring the air quality at a regional or global scale. Up to now, AODf products have been released by several sensors, such as the single-angle multi-spectral intensity sensor MODIS and multi-angle multi-spectral polarization sensor POLDER, then what’re the different performances of AODf products from them? In this study, the different spatial resolution AODf products respectively from MODIS latest Collection 6.1 (C6.1, 3 and 10 km) and POLDER latest level 2 version 1.01 (L2, 18 km) were firstly compared with each other in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) domains. Then those products were validated against the ground-based AERosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) measurements, where has been suffering the severe air pollution since decades ago. The comparison of yearly averaged AODf products between MODIS and POLDER shows a good consistency on the spatial distribution, the higher spatial resolution products of MODIS show more details, both low values of AODf appeared in the northwest area with small population and industry, high values appeared in the southeast area with lots of cities, industries, and large population. However, the whole yearly AODf average values of MODIS are higher than that of POLDER. The results of validation against AERONET show that the accuracy of AODf products at 865 nm from POLDER (R = 0.94, RMSE = 0.05) is high than that at 550 nm of MODIS (3 km: R = 0.69, RMSE = 0.32; 10 km: R = 0.76, RMSE = 0.3). In this study, the performance of different spatial resolutions AODf products retrieved from the intensity (MODIS 3 and 10 km) and polarized sensors (POLDER 18 km) were evaluated. Those results not only have a great significance to provide users amore appropriate choice of the AODf products in the BTH region but also display that the accuracy and spatial resolution of MODIS and POLDER AODf products need to be improved.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 19193-19235
R. S. Park ◽  
S. J. Lee ◽  
S.-K. Shin ◽  
C. H. Song

Abstract. This study focused on the contribution of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) to aerosol optical depth (AOD) and direct radiative forcing (DRF) by aerosols over an East Asian domain. In order to evaluate the contribution, CTM-estimated AOD was combined with satellite-retrieved AOD, utilizing a data assimilation technique, over East Asia for the entire year of 2006. Using the assimilated AOD and CTM-estimated aerosol optical properties, the DRF by aerosols was estimated over East Asia via a radiative transfer model (RTM). Both assimilated AOD and estimated DRF values showed relatively good agreements with AOD and DRF by aerosols from AERONET. Based on these results, the contributions of NH4NO3 to AOD and DRF by aerosols (ΦAOD and ΦDRF) were estimated for four seasons of 2006 over East Asia. Both ΦAOD and ΦDRF showed seasonal variations over East Asia within the ranges between 4.7% (summer) and 31.3% (winter) and between 4.7% (summer) and 30.7% (winter), respectively, under clear-sky conditions, showing annual average contributions of 15.6% and 15.3%. Under all-sky conditions, ΦDRF varied between 3.6% (summer) and 24.5% (winter), showing annual average contribution of 12.1% over East Asia. These annual average contributions of NH4NO3 to AOD and DRF are almost comparable to the annual average mass fractions of NH4NO3 to PM2.5 and PM10 (17.0% and 14.0%, respectively). ΦAOD and ΦDRF were even larger in the locations where NH3 and NOx emission rates are strong like the Central East China (CEC) region and Sichuan basin. For example, under clear-sky conditions, both ΦAOD and ΦDRF over the CEC region range between 6.9% (summer) and 47.9% (winter) and between 6.7% (summer) and 47.5% (winter), respectively. Based on this analysis, it was concluded that both ΦDRF and ΦDRF cannot be ignored in East Asian air quality and radiative forcing studies, particularly during winter.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 2631-2640 ◽  
S. Itahashi ◽  
I. Uno ◽  
K. Yumimoto ◽  
H. Irie ◽  
K. Osada ◽  

Abstract. Anthropogenic SO2 emissions increased alongside economic development in China at a rate of 12.7% yr−1 from 2000 to 2005. However, under new Chinese government policy, SO2 emissions declined by 3.9% yr−1 between 2005 and 2009. Between 2000 and 2010, we found that the variability in the fine-mode (submicron) aerosol optical depth (AOD) over the oceans adjacent to East Asia increased by 3–8% yr−1 to a peak around 2005–2006 and subsequently decreased by 2–7% yr−1, based on observations by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board NASA's Terra satellite and simulations by a chemical transport model. This trend is consistent with ground-based observations of aerosol particles at a mountainous background observation site in central Japan. These fluctuations in SO2 emission intensity and fine-mode AOD are thought to reflect the widespread installation of fuel-gas desulfurization (FGD) devices in power plants in China, because aerosol sulfate is a major determinant of the fine-mode AOD in East Asia. Using a chemical transport model, we confirmed that the contribution of particulate sulfate to the fine-mode AOD is more than 70% of the annual mean and that the abovementioned fluctuation in fine-mode AOD is caused mainly by changes in SO2 emission rather than by other factors such as varying meteorological conditions in East Asia. A strong correlation was also found between satellite-retrieved SO2 vertical column density and bottom-up SO2 emissions, both of which were also consistent with observed fine-mode AOD trends. We propose a simplified approach for evaluating changes in SO2 emissions in China, combining the use of modeled sensitivity coefficients that describe the variation of fine-mode AOD with changes in SO2 emissions and satellite retrieval. Satellite measurements of fine-mode AOD above the Sea of Japan marked a 4.1% yr−1 decline between 2007 and 2010, which corresponded to the 9% yr−1 decline in SO2 emissions from China during the same period.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 3075-3130 ◽  
N. Huneeus ◽  
F. Chevallier ◽  
O. Boucher

Abstract. This study estimates the emission fluxes of a range of aerosol species and aerosol precursor at the global scale. These fluxes are estimated by assimilating daily total and fine mode aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 550 nm from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) into a global aerosol model of intermediate complexity. Monthly emissions are fitted homogenously for each species over a set of predefined regions. The performance of the assimilation is evaluated by comparing the AOD after assimilation against the MODIS observations and against independent observations. The system is effective in forcing the model towards the observations, for both total and fine mode AOD. Significant improvements for the root mean square error and correlation coefficient against both the assimilated and independent datasets are observed as well as a significant decrease in the mean bias against the assimilated observations. The assimilation is more efficient over land than over ocean. The impact of the assimilation of fine mode AOD over ocean demonstrates potential for further improvement by including fine mode AOD observations over continents. The Angström exponent is also improved in African, European and dusty stations. The estimated emission flux for black carbon is 14.5 Tg yr−1, 119 Tg yr−1 for organic matter, 17 Pg yr−1 for sea salt, 82.7 TgS yr−1 for SO2 and 1383 Tg yr−1 for desert dust. They represent a difference of +45%, +40%, +26%, +13% and −39% respectively, with respect to the a priori values. The initial errors attributed to the emission fluxes are reduced for all estimated species.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Jeevn Regmi ◽  
Khem N Poudyal ◽  
Amod Pokhrel ◽  
Anthony Barinelli ◽  
Rudra Aryal

The AERONET  data from sun/sky radiometer over  Pokhara (2017) was analyzed to observe aerosol optical depth (AOD) of size segregated particles and radiative forcing. Fine mode particles have over seventy percent of contribution to AOD in all months with the maximum, ninety-four percent, on November and February, and minimum on July, seventy-nine percent. The monthly mean top of atmosphere (TOA) forcing are negative −23.225 ± 4.71 Wm−2 in March, −28.958 ± 4.71 Wm−2 in April and −19.616 ± 4.71 Wm−2 in May. The negative value of TOA during all the months in pre-monsoon season indicates net cooling. Whereas surface forcing (BOA forcing) was found to be positive with a maximum value of 111.18 ± 27.63 Wm−2 during April and a minimum of 56.22 ± 27.63 Wm−2 during May. The resultant atmospheric forcing is the absorption due to aerosols within the atmosphere and found to be +267.57 Wm−2 during April and +228.55 Wm−2 during May; indicating significant heating of the atmosphere.

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