scholarly journals Rethinking the correction for absorbing aerosols in the OMI- and TROPOMI-like surface UV algorithms

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. 4947-4957
Antti Arola ◽  
William Wandji Nyamsi ◽  
Antti Lipponen ◽  
Stelios Kazadzis ◽  
Nickolay A. Krotkov ◽  

Abstract. Satellite estimates of surface UV irradiance have been available since 1978 from the TOMS UV spectrometer and have continued with significantly improved ground resolution using the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI 2004–current) and Sentinel 5 Precursor (S5P 2017–current). The surface UV retrieval algorithm remains essentially the same: it first estimates the clear-sky UV irradiance based on measured ozone and then accounts for the attenuation by clouds and aerosols, applying two consecutive correction factors. When estimating the total aerosol effect in surface UV irradiance, there are two major classes of aerosols to be considered: (1) aerosols that only scatter UV radiation and (2) aerosols that both scatter and absorb UV radiation. The former effect is implicitly included in the measured effective Lambertian-equivalent scene reflectivity (LER), so the scattering aerosol influence is estimated through cloud correction factor. Aerosols that absorb UV radiation attenuate the surface UV radiation more strongly than non-absorbing aerosols of the same extinction optical depth. Moreover, since these aerosols also attenuate the outgoing satellite-measured radiance, the cloud correction factor that treats these aerosols as purely scattering underestimates their aerosol optical depth (AOD), causing underestimation of LER and overestimation of surface UV irradiance. Therefore, for correction of aerosol absorption, additional information is needed, such as a model-based monthly climatology of aerosol absorption optical depth (AAOD). A correction for absorbing aerosols was proposed almost a decade ago and later implemented in the operational OMI and TROPOMI UV algorithms. In this study, however, we show that there is still room for improvement to better account for the solar zenith angle (SZA) dependence and nonlinearity in the absorbing aerosol attenuation, and as a result we propose an improved correction scheme. There are two main differences between the new proposed correction and the one that is currently operational in OMI and TROPOMI UV algorithms. First, the currently operational correction for absorbing aerosols is a function of AAOD only, while the new correction additionally takes the solar zenith angle dependence into account. Second, the second-order polynomial of the new correction takes the nonlinearity in the correction as a function of AAOD better into account, if compared to the currently operational one, and thus better describes the effect by absorbing aerosols over a larger range of AAOD. To illustrate the potential impact of the new correction in the global UV estimates, we applied the current and new proposed correction for global fields of AAOD from the aerosol climatology currently used in OMI UV algorithm, showing a typical differences of ±5 %. This new correction is easy to implement operationally using information of solar zenith angle and existing AAOD climatology.

2021 ◽  
Antti Arola ◽  
William Wandji Nyamsi ◽  
Antti Lipponen ◽  
Stelios Kazadzis ◽  
Nickolay A. Krotkov ◽  

Abstract. Satellite estimates of surface UV irradiance have been available since 1978 from TOMS UV spectrometer and continued with significantly improved ground resolution using Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI 2004-current) and Sentinel 5 Precursor (S5P 2017-current). The surface UV retrieval algorithm remains essentially the same: it first estimates the clear-sky UV irradiance based on measured ozone and then accounts for the attenuation by clouds and aerosols applying two consecutive correction factors. When estimating the total aerosol effect in surface UV irradiance, there are two major classes of aerosols to be considered: 1) aerosols that only scatter UV radiation and 2) aerosols that both scatter and absorb UV radiation. The former effect is implicitly included in the measured effective Lambertian Equivalent scene reflectivity (LER), so the scattering aerosol influence is estimated through cloud correction factor. Aerosols that absorb UV radiation attenuate the surface UV radiation more strongly than non-absorbing aerosols of the same extinction optical depth (AOD). Moreover, since these aerosols also attenuate the outgoing satellite-measured radiance, the cloud correction factor that treats these aerosols as purely scattering underestimates their AOD causing underestimation of LER and overestimation of surface UV irradiance. Therefore, for correction of aerosol absorption additional information is needed, such as the UV absorbing Aerosol Index (UVAI) or a model-based monthly climatology of aerosol absorption optical depth (AAOD). A correction for absorbing aerosols was proposed almost a decade ago and later implemented in the operational OMI and TROPOMI UV algorithms. In this study, however, we show that there is still room for an improvement to better account for the solar zenith angle dependence and non-linearity in the absorbing aerosol attenuation and as a result we propose an improved correction scheme. There are two main differences between the new proposed correction and the one that is currently operational in OMI and TROPOMI UV-algorithms. First, the currently operational correction for absorbing aerosols is a function of AAOD only, while the new correction takes additionally the solar zenith angle dependence into account. Second, the 2nd order polynomial of the new correction takes better into account the non-linearity in the correction as a function of AAOD, if compared to the currently operational one, and thus better describes the effect by absorbing aerosols over larger range of AAOD. To illustrate the potential impact of the new correction in the global UV estimates, we applied the current and new proposed correction for global fields of AAOD from the aerosol climatology currently used in OMI UV algorithm, showing a typical differences of ±5 %. This new correction is easy to implement operationally using information of solar zenith angle and existing AAOD climatology.

2018 ◽  
Kruthika Eswaran ◽  
Sreedharan Krishnakumari Satheesh ◽  
Jayaraman Srinivasan

Abstract. Single scattering albedo (SSA) represents a unique identification of aerosol type and aerosol radiative forcing. However, SSA retrievals are highly uncertain due cloud contamination and aerosol composition. Recent improvement in the SSA retrieval algorithm has combined the superior cloud masking technique of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the better sensitivity of Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) to aerosol absorption. The combined OMI-MODIS algorithm has been validated over a small spatial and temporal scale only. The present study validates the algorithm over global oceans for the period 2008–2012. The geographical heterogeneity in the aerosol type and concentration over the Atlantic Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal was useful to delineate the effect of aerosol type on the retrieval algorithm. We also noted that OMI overestimates SSA when absorbing aerosols were present closer to the surface. We attribute this overestimation to data discontinuity in the aerosol height climatology derived from Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) satellite. OMI uses pre-defined aerosol heights over regions where CALIPSO climatology is not present leading to overestimation of SSA. The importance of aerosol height was also studied using the Santa Barbara DISORT radiative transfer (SBDART) model. The results from the joint retrieval were validated with ground-based measurements and it was seen that OMI-MODIS SSA retrievals were better constrained than OMI only retrieval.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 5837-5864 ◽  
Hiren Jethva ◽  
Omar Torres ◽  
Changwoo Ahn

Abstract. Aerosol–cloud interaction continues to be one of the leading uncertain components of climate models, primarily due to the lack of adequate knowledge of the complex microphysical and radiative processes of the aerosol–cloud system. Situations when light-absorbing aerosols such as carbonaceous particles and windblown dust overlay low-level cloud decks are commonly found in several regions of the world. Contrary to the known cooling effects of these aerosols in cloud-free scenario over darker surfaces, an overlapping situation of the absorbing aerosols over the cloud can lead to a significant level of atmospheric absorption exerting a positive radiative forcing (warming) at the top of the atmosphere. We contribute to this topic by introducing a new global product of above-cloud aerosol optical depth (ACAOD) of absorbing aerosols retrieved from the near-UV observations made by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) onboard NASA's Aura platform. Physically based on an unambiguous “color ratio” effect in the near-UV caused by the aerosol absorption above the cloud, the OMACA (OMI above-cloud aerosols) algorithm simultaneously retrieves the optical depths of aerosols and clouds under a prescribed state of the atmosphere. The OMACA algorithm shares many similarities with the two-channel cloud-free OMAERUV algorithm, including the use of AIRS carbon monoxide for aerosol type identification, CALIOP-based aerosol layer height dataset, and an OMI-based surface albedo database. We present the algorithm architecture, inversion procedure, retrieval quality flags, initial validation results, and results from a 12-year long OMI record (2005–2016) including global climatology of the frequency of occurrence, ACAOD, and aerosol-corrected cloud optical depth. A comparative analysis of the OMACA-retrieved ACAOD, collocated with equivalent accurate measurements from the HSRL-2 lidar for the ORACLES Phase I operation (August–September 2016), revealed a good agreement (R = 0.77, RMSE = 0.10). The long-term OMACA record reveals several important regions of the world, where the carbonaceous aerosols from the seasonal biomass burning and mineral dust originated over the continents are found to overlie low-level cloud decks with moderate (0.3 < ACAOD < 0.5, away from the sources) to higher levels of ACAOD (> 0.8 in the proximity to the sources), including the southeastern Atlantic Ocean, southern Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, the tropical Atlantic Ocean off the coast of western Africa, and northern Arabian sea. No significant long-term trend in the frequency of occurrence of aerosols above the clouds and ACAOD is noticed when OMI observations that are free from the “row anomaly” throughout the operation are considered. If not accounted for, the effects of aerosol absorption above the clouds introduce low bias in the retrieval of cloud optical depth with a profound impact on increasing ACAOD and cloud brightness. The OMACA aerosol product from OMI presented in this paper offers a crucial missing piece of information from the aerosol loading above cloud that will help us to quantify the radiative effects of clouds when overlaid with aerosols and their resultant impact on cloud properties and climate.

2020 ◽  
Stephanie P. Rusli ◽  
Otto Hasekamp ◽  
Joost aan de Brugh ◽  
Guangliang Fu ◽  
Yasjka Meijer ◽  

Abstract. Atmospheric aerosols have been known to be a major source of uncertainties in CO2 concentrations retrieved from space. In this study, we investigate the added value of multi-angle polarimeter (MAP) measurements in the context of the Copernicus candidate mission for anthropogenic CO2 monitoring (CO2M). To this end, we compare aerosol-induced XCO2 errors from standard retrievals using spectrometer only (without MAP) with those from retrievals using both MAP and spectrometer. MAP observations are expected to provide information about aerosols that is useful for improving XCO2 accuracy. For the purpose of this work, we generate synthetic measurements for different atmospheric and geophysical scenes over land, based on which XCO2 retrieval errors are assessed. We show that the standard XCO2 retrieval approach that makes no use of auxiliary aerosol observations returns XCO2 errors with an overall bias of 1.12 ppm, and a spread (defined as half of the 15.9th to the 84.1th percentile range) of 2.07 ppm. The latter is far higher than the required XCO2 accuracy (0.5 ppm) and precision (0.7 ppm) of the CO2M mission. Moreover, these XCO2 errors exhibit a significantly larger bias and scatter at high aerosol optical depth, high aerosol altitude, and low solar zenith angle, which could lead to a worse performance in retrieving XCO2 from polluted areas where CO2 and aerosols are co-emitted. We proceed to determine MAP instrument specifications in terms of wavelength range, number of viewing angles, and measurement uncertainties that are required to achieve XCO2 accuracy and precision targets of the mission. Two different MAP instrument concepts are considered in this analysis. We find that for either concept, MAP measurement uncertainties on radiance and degree of linear polarization should be no more than 3 % and 0.003, respectively. Adopting the derived MAP requirements, a retrieval exercise using both MAP and spectrometer measurements of the synthetic scenes delivers XCO2 errors with an overall bias of −0.004 ppm and a spread of 0.54 ppm, implying compliance with the CO2M mission requirements; the very low bias is especially important for proper emission estimates. For the test ensemble, we find effectively no dependence of the XCO2 errors on aerosol optical depth, altitude of the aerosol layer, and solar zenith angle. These results indicate a major improvement in the retrieved XCO2 accuracy with respect to the standard retrieval approach, which could lead to a higher data yield, better global coverage, and a more comprehensive determination of CO2 sinks and sources. As such, this outcome underlines the contribution of, and therefore the need for, a MAP instrument onboard the CO2M mission.

2008 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 17467-17493 ◽  
S. Kazadzis ◽  
A. Bais ◽  
A. Arola ◽  
N. Krotkov ◽  
N. Kouremeti ◽  

Abstract. We have compared spectral ultraviolet overpass irradiances from the Ozone Monitoring Instruments (OMI) against ground-based Brewer measurements at Thessaloniki, Greece from September 2004 to December 2007. It is demonstrated that OMI overestimates UV irradiances by 30%, 17% and 13% for 305 nm, 324 nm, and 380 nm respectively and 20% for erythemally weighted irradiance. The bias between OMI and Brewer increases with increasing aerosol absorption optical thickness. We present methodologies that can be applied for correcting this bias based on experimental results derived from the comparison period and also theoretical approaches using radiative transfer model calculations. All correction approaches minimize the bias and the standard deviation of the ratio OMI versus Brewer ratio. According to the results, the best correction approach suggests that the OMI UV product has to be multiplied by a correction factor CA(λ) are in the order of 0.8, 0.88 and 0.9 for 305 nm, 324 nm and 380 nm respectively. Limitations and possibilities for applying such methodologies in a global scale are also discussed.

2012 ◽  
Vol 51 (7) ◽  
pp. 1391-1406 ◽  
U. Schumann ◽  
B. Mayer ◽  
K. Graf ◽  
H. Mannstein

AbstractA new parameterized analytical model is presented to compute the instantaneous radiative forcing (RF) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) produced by an additional thin contrail cirrus layer (called “contrail” below). The model calculates the RF using as input the outgoing longwave radiation and reflected solar radiation values at TOA for a contrail-free atmosphere, so that the model is applicable for both cloud-free and cloudy ambient atmospheres. Additional input includes the contrail temperature, contrail optical depth (at 550 nm), effective particle radius, particle habit, solar zenith angle, and the optical depth of cirrus above the contrail layer. The model parameters (5 for longwave and 10 for shortwave) are determined from least squares fits to calculations from the “libRadtran” radiative transfer model over a wide range of atmospheric and surface conditions. The correlation coefficient between model and calculations is larger than 98%. The analytical model is compared with published results, including a 1-yr simulation of global RF, and is found to agree well with previous studies. The fast analytical model is part of a larger modeling system to simulate contrail life cycles (“CoCiP”) and can allow for the rapid simulation of contrail cirrus RF over a wide range of meteorological conditions and for a given size-dependent habit mixture. Ambient clouds are shown to have large local impact on the net RF of contrails. Net RF of contrails may both increase and decrease and even change sign in the presence of higher-level cirrus, depending on solar zenith angle.

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 2539-2549 ◽  
X. Liu ◽  
P. K. Bhartia ◽  
K. Chance ◽  
L. Froidevaux ◽  
R. J. D. Spurr ◽  

Abstract. We validate OMI ozone profiles between 0.22–215 hPa and stratospheric ozone columns down to 215 hPa (SOC215) against v2.2 MLS data from 2006. The validation demonstrates convincingly that SOC can be derived accurately from OMI data alone, with errors comparable to or smaller than those from current MLS retrievals, and it demonstrates implicitly that tropospheric ozone column can be retrieved accurately from OMI or similar nadir-viewing ultraviolet measurements alone. The global mean biases are within 2.5% above 100 hPa and 5–10% below 100 hPa; the standard deviations of the differences (1σ) are 3.5–5% between 1–50 hPa, 6–9% above 1 hPa and 8–15% below 50 hPa. OMI shows some latitude and solar zenith angle dependent biases, but the mean biases are mostly within 5% and the standard deviations are mostly within 2–5% except for low altitudes and high latitudes. The excellent agreement with MLS data shows that OMI retrievals can be used to augment the validation of MLS and other stratospheric ozone measurements made with even higher vertical resolution than that for OMI. OMI SOC215 shows a small bias of −0.6% with a standard deviation of 2.8%. When compared as a function of latitude and solar zenith angle, the mean biases are within 2% and the standard deviations range from 2.1 to 3.4%. Assuming 2% precision for MLS SOC215, we deduce that the upper limits of random-noise and smoothing errors for OMI SOC215 range from 0.6% in the southern tropics to 2.8% at northern middle latitudes.

2018 ◽  
Hiren Jethva ◽  
Omar Torres ◽  
Changwoo Ahn

Abstract. Aerosol-cloud interaction continues to be one of the leading uncertain components of the climate models, primarily due to the lack of adequate knowledge of the complex microphysical and radiative processes of the aerosol-cloud system. Situations when the light-absorbing aerosols such as carbonaceous particles and windblown dust overlay low-level cloud decks are commonly found in several regions of the world. Contrary to the known cooling effects of these aerosols in cloud-free scenario over darker surfaces, an overlapping situation of the absorbing aerosols over the cloud can lead to a significant level of atmospheric absorption exerting a positive radiative forcing (warming) at the top-of-atmosphere. We contribute to this topic by introducing a new global product of the above-cloud aerosol optical depth (ACAOD) of absorbing aerosols retrieved from the near-UV observations made by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) onboard NASA's Aura platform. Physically based on an unambiguous color ratio effect in the near-UV caused by the aerosol absorption above the cloud, the OMACA (OMI Above-Cloud Aerosols) algorithm simultaneously retrieves the optical depths of aerosols and clouds under a prescribed state of the atmosphere. The OMACA algorithm shares many similarities with the two-channel cloud-free OMAERUV algorithm, including the use of AIRS carbon monoxide for the aerosol type identification, CALIOP-based aerosol layer height dataset, and OMI-based surface albedo database. We present the algorithm architecture, inversion procedure, retrieval quality flags, initial validation results, and results from a 12-year long OMI record (2005–2016) including global climatology of the frequency of occurrence, ACAOD, and aerosol-corrected cloud optical depth. A comparative analysis of the coincident and collocated OMACA-retrieved ACAOD and equivalent accurate measurements from the HSRL-2 lidar for the ORACLES phase I operation (August-September 2016) revealed a good agreement (R=0.77, RMSE=0.10). The long-term OMACA record reveals several important regions of the world, including Southeastern Atlantic Ocean, southern Indian Ocean, South-East Asia, tropical Atlantic Ocean off the coast of western Africa, and northern Arabian sea where the carbonaceous aerosols from the seasonal biomass burning and mineral dust originated over the continents are found to overlie low-level cloud decks with moderate (0.30.8 in the proximity to the sources). No significant long-term trend in the frequency of occurrence of aerosols above the clouds and ACAOD is noticed when OMI observations that are free from the row anomaly throughout the operation are considered. If not accounted, the effects of aerosol absorption above the clouds introduce low bias in the retrieval of cloud optical depth with a profound impact at increasing ACAOD and cloud brightness. The OMACA aerosol product from OMI presented in this paper offers a crucial missing piece of information of the aerosol loading above cloud that will help us to quantify the radiative effects of clouds when overlaid with aerosols and its resultant impact on cloud properties and climate.

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