scholarly journals Large zero-tension plate lysimeters for soil water and solute collection in undisturbed soils

2009 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 1671-1683 ◽  
A. Peters ◽  
W. Durner

Abstract. Water collection from undisturbed unsaturated soils to estimate in situ water and solute fluxes in the field is a challenge, in particular if soils are heterogeneous. Large sampling devices are required if preferential flow paths are present. We present a modular plate system that allows installation of large zero-tension lysimeter plates under undisturbed soils in the field. To investigate the influence of the lysimeter on the water flow field in the soil, a numerical 2-D simulation study was conducted for homogeneous soils with uni- and bimodal pore-size distributions and stochastic Miller-Miller heterogeneity. The collection efficiency was found to be highly dependent on the hydraulic functions, infiltration rate, and lysimeter size, and was furthermore affected by the degree of heterogeneity. In homogeneous soils with high saturated conductivities the devices perform poorly and even large lysimeters (width 250 cm) can be bypassed by the soil water. Heterogeneities of soil hydraulic properties result into a network of flow channels that enhance the sampling efficiency of the lysimeter plates. Solute breakthrough into zero-tension lysimeter occurs slightly retarded as compared to the free soil, but concentrations in the collected water are similar to the mean flux concentration in the undisturbed soil. To validate the results from the numerical study, a dual tracer study with seven lysimeters of 1.25×1.25 m area was conducted in the field. Three lysimeters were installed underneath a 1.2 m filling of contaminated silty sand, the others deeper in the undisturbed soil. The lysimeters directly underneath the filled soil material collected water with a collection efficiency of 45%. The deeper lysimeters did not collect any water. The arrival of the tracers showed that almost all collected water came from preferential flow paths.

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 4637-4669 ◽  
A. Peters ◽  
W. Durner

Abstract. Water collection from undisturbed unsaturated soils to estimate in situ water and solute fluxes in the field is a challenge, in particular if soils are heterogeneous. Large sampling devices are required if preferential flow paths are present. We present a modular plate system that allows installation of large zero-tension lysimeter plates under undisturbed soils in the field. To investigate the influence of the lysimeter on the water flow field in the soil, a numerical 2-D simulation study was conducted for homogeneous soils with uni- and bimodal pore-size distributions and stochastic Miller-Miller heterogeneity. The collection efficiency was found to be highly dependent on the hydraulic functions, infiltration rate, and lysimeter size, and was furthermore affected by the degree of heterogeneity. In homogeneous soils with high saturated conductivities the devices perform poorly and even large lysimeters (width 250 cm) can be bypassed by the soil water. Heterogeneities of soil hydraulic properties result into a network of flow channels that enhance the sampling efficiency of the lysimeter plates. Solute breakthrough into zero-tension lysimeter occurs slightly retarded as compared to the free soil, but concentrations in the collected water are similar to the mean flux concentration in the undisturbed soil. To validate the results from the numerical study, a dual tracer study with seven lysimeters of 1.25×1.25 m area was conducted in the field. Three lysimeters were installed underneath a 1.2 m filling of contaminated silty sand, the others deeper in the undisturbed soil. The lysimeters directly underneath the filled soil material collected water with a collection efficiency of 45%. The deeper lysimeters did not collect any water. The arrival of the tracers showed that almost all collected water came from preferential flow paths.

2016 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 648-663 ◽  
Yinghu Zhang ◽  
Jianzhi Niu ◽  
Mingxiang Zhang ◽  
Zixing Xiao ◽  
Weili Zhu

2005 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 41-44
Bertel Nilsson ◽  
Jens Aamand ◽  
Ole Stig Jacobsen ◽  
René K. Juhler

Recent research on Danish groundwater has focused on clarifying the fate and transport of pesticides that leach through clayey till aquitards with low matrix permeability. Previously, these aquitards were considered as protective layers against contamination of underlying groundwater aquifers due to their low permeability characteristics. However, geological heterogeneities such as fractures and macropores have been recognised as preferential flow paths within low permeable clayey till (e.g. Beven & Germann 1982). The flow velocities within these preferential flow paths can be orders of magnitude higher than in the surrounding clay matrix and pose a major risk of transport of contaminants to the underlying aquifers (e.g. Nilsson et al. 2001). Previous studies of transport in fractured clayey till have focused on fully saturated conditions (e.g. Sidle et al. 1998; McKay et al. 1999). However, seasonal fluctuations of the groundwater table typically result in unsaturated conditions in the upper few metres of the clay deposits, resulting in different flow and transport conditions. Only a few experiments have examined the influence of unsaturated conditions on flow and solute (the dissolved inorganic and organic constituents) transport in fractured clayey till. These include smallscale laboratory column experiments on undisturbed soil monoliths (e.g. Jacobsen et al. 1997; Jørgensen et al. 1998), intermediate scale lysimeters (e.g. Fomsgaard et al. 2003) and field-scale tile drain experiments (e.g. Kjær et al. 2005). The different approaches each have limitations in terms of characterising flow and transport in fractured media. Laboratory studies of solute transport in soils (intact soil columns) are not exactly representative of field conditions due to variations in spatial variability and soil structure. In contrast, field studies hardly allow quantification of fluxes and mechanisms of transport. Column and lysimeter experiments are often limited in size, and tile-drain experiments on field scale do not provide spatial resolution and often have large uncertainties in mass balance calculations. Thus, in order to represent the overall natural fracture network systems on a field scale with respect to acquiring insights into flow and transport processes, the lysimeter needs to be larger than normal lysimeter size (< 1 m3). A modified large-scale lysimeter was therefore constructed by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) at the Avedøre experimental field site 15 km south of Copenhagen (Fig. 1). This lysimeter consisted of an isolated block (3.5 ×3.5 ×3.3 m) of unsaturated fractured clayey till with a volume sufficient to represent the overall preferential flow paths (natural fracture network) within lowpermeable clayey till at a field scale.

2020 ◽  
Michael Herre ◽  
Bernd Marschner ◽  
Sven Marhan

&lt;p&gt;The distribution of soil organic matter and microbial biomass in subsoils is much more heterogeneous than in the topsoil due to a more localized input of fresh substrate and nutrients from rhizodeposition and preferential flow paths forming hotspots of microbial activity. However, the remaining bulk soil also contains substantial amounts of labile substrates that are readily mineralized during lab incubation experiments. We therefore hypothesized that one reason for this is that potential consumers are spatially separated from these substrates due to the low microbial densities in subsoils. Consequently, hotspots are not only formed through high substrate inputs but also through a higher abundance and diversity of microorganisms compared to the bulk soil due to inputs of cells and spores with the soil solution or through hyphal growth. However, little is known about the colonization potential or dynamics of microorganisms in the subsoil.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In November 2018, we started a field experiment to investigate the re-colonization potential of microorganisms by exposing 24-well microplates containing sterilized soil samples in the field at two different depths (topsoil: 10 cm, subsoil 60 cm) at a beech forest site in northern Germany. After 6 and 12 months, samples from each well and from the intact soil compartments above each well were analyzed for enzyme activities (hydrolytic enzymes using MUF and AMC substrates), microbial activity parameters (soil respiration and SIR using the MicroResp&amp;#174;) and the microbial community structure (quantitative PCR).&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;We expect (1) different temporal dynamics of re-colonization between top- and subsoil samples; (2) that the recolonization potential is related to the microbial activity in the soil compartments above the exposed samples and (3) that the heterogeneous re-colonization is maintained throughout the field exposure and thus indicates the relevance of preferential flow paths for microbial transport especially in subsoils.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;First results of the SIR assays after 6 months of field exposure show that in the topsoil microbial activity has been re-established in all of the wells, but is still below the mean activity in the undisturbed soil above the sterilized samples. In all subsoil samples, the re-established microbial activity was much lower and even below detection limit in some of the wells. In both depths, the SIR assays show a very patchy distribution of wells with higher microbial activities indicating that the influx of organisms is limited to small areas from the soil above the exposed containers.&lt;/p&gt;

2002 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 347 ◽  
Zhi Wang ◽  
Jianhang Lu ◽  
Laosheng Wu ◽  
Thomas Harter ◽  
William A. Jury

2005 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 291-300 ◽  
Young-Jin Kim ◽  
Christophe J. G. Darnault ◽  
Nathan O. Bailey ◽  
J.-Yves Parlange ◽  
Tammo S. Steenhuis

SPE Journal ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 20 (04) ◽  
pp. 689-700 ◽  
S.. Ameen ◽  
A. Dahi Taleghani

Summary Injectivity loss is a common problem in unconsolidated-sand formations. Injection of water into a poorly cemented granular medium may lead to internal erosion, and consequently formation of preferential flow paths within the medium because of channelization. Channelization in the porous medium might occur when fluid-induced stresses become locally larger than a critical threshold and small grains are dislodged and carried away; hence, porosity and permeability of the medium will evolve along the induced flow paths. Vice versa, flowback during shut-in might carry particles back to the well and cause sand accumulation inside the well, and subsequently loss of injectivity. In most cases, to maintain the injection rate, operators will increase injection pressure and pumping power. The increased injection pressure results in stress changes and possibly further changes in channel patterns around the wellbore. Experimental laboratory studies have confirmed the presence of the transition from uniform Darcy flow to a fingered-pattern flow. To predict these phenomena, a model is needed to fill this gap by predicting the formation of preferential flow paths and their evolution. A model based on the multiphase-volume-fraction concept is used to decompose porosity into mobile and immobile porosities where phases may change spatially, evolve over time, and lead to development of erosional channels depending on injection rates, viscosity, and rock properties. This model will account for both particle release and suspension deposition. By use of this model, a methodology is proposed to derive model parameters from routine injection tests by inverse analysis. The proposed model presents the characteristic behavior of unconsolidated formation during fluid injection and the possible effect of injection parameters on downhole-permeability evolution.

Biofouling ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 29 (9) ◽  
pp. 1069-1086 ◽  
Simona Bottero ◽  
Tomas Storck ◽  
Timo J. Heimovaara ◽  
Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht ◽  
Michael V. Enzien ◽  

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