scholarly journals Temperature and rainfall estimates for past 18 000 years in Owens Valley, California with a coupled catchment–lake model

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 6505-6539 ◽  
Z. Yu ◽  
W. Dong ◽  
P. Jiang

Abstract. Closed-basin lakes are intricately linked to the hydrological systems and are very sensitive recorders of local hydro-climatic fluctuations. Lake records in closed-basins are usually used to investigate the paleoclimate condition which is critical for understanding the past and predicting the future. In this study, a physically based catchment–lake model was developed to extract quantitative paleoclimate information including temperature and rainfall over the past 18 000 years (ka) from lake records in a hydrologically closed basin in the Owens River Valley, California, US. The initial model inputs were prepared based on current regional climate data, boundary conditions from the General Circulation Model, and fossil proxy data. The inputs subsequently were systematically varied in order to produce the observed lake levels. In this way, a large number of possible paleoclimatic combinations can quickly narrow the possible range of paleoclimatic combinations that could have produced the paleolake level and extension. Finally, a quantitative time-series of paleoclimate information for those key times was obtained.

2008 ◽  
Vol 21 (18) ◽  
pp. 4647-4663 ◽  
Benjamin A. Cash ◽  
Xavier Rodó ◽  
James L. Kinter

Abstract Recent studies arising from both statistical analysis and dynamical disease models indicate that there is a link between incidence of cholera, a paradigmatic waterborne bacterial disease (WBD) endemic to Bangladesh, and the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). However, a physical mechanism explaining this relationship has not yet been established. A regionally coupled, or “pacemaker,” configuration of the Center for Ocean–Land–Atmosphere Studies atmospheric general circulation model is used to investigate links between sea surface temperature in the central and eastern tropical Pacific and the regional climate of Bangladesh. It is found that enhanced precipitation tends to follow winter El Niño events in both the model and observations, providing a plausible physical mechanism by which ENSO could influence cholera in Bangladesh. The enhanced precipitation in the model arises from a modification of the summer monsoon circulation over India and Bangladesh. Westerly wind anomalies over land to the west of Bangladesh lead to increased convergence in the zonal wind field and hence increased moisture convergence and rainfall. This change in circulation results from the tropics-wide warming in the model following a winter El Niño event. These results suggest that improved forecasting of cholera incidence may be possible through the use of climate predictions.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1543
Reinhardt Pinzón ◽  
Noriko N. Ishizaki ◽  
Hidetaka Sasaki ◽  
Tosiyuki Nakaegawa

To simulate the current climate, a 20-year integration of a non-hydrostatic regional climate model (NHRCM) with grid spacing of 5 and 2 km (NHRCM05 and NHRCM02, respectively) was nested within the AGCM. The three models did a similarly good job of simulating surface air temperature, and the spatial horizontal resolution did not affect these statistics. NHRCM02 did a good job of reproducing seasonal variations in surface air temperature. NHRCM05 overestimated annual mean precipitation in the western part of Panama and eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. NHRCM05 is responsible for this overestimation because it is not seen in MRI-AGCM. NHRCM02 simulated annual mean precipitation better than NHRCM05, probably due to a convection-permitting model without a convection scheme, such as the Kain and Fritsch scheme. Therefore, the finer horizontal resolution of NHRCM02 did a better job of replicating the current climatological mean geographical distributions and seasonal changes of surface air temperature and precipitation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (10) ◽  
pp. 4283-4306 ◽  
Aline Murawski ◽  
Gerd Bürger ◽  
Sergiy Vorogushyn ◽  
Bruno Merz

Abstract. To understand past flood changes in the Rhine catchment and in particular the role of anthropogenic climate change in extreme flows, an attribution study relying on a proper GCM (general circulation model) downscaling is needed. A downscaling based on conditioning a stochastic weather generator on weather patterns is a promising approach. This approach assumes a strong link between weather patterns and local climate, and sufficient GCM skill in reproducing weather pattern climatology. These presuppositions are unprecedentedly evaluated here using 111 years of daily climate data from 490 stations in the Rhine basin and comprehensively testing the number of classification parameters and GCM weather pattern characteristics. A classification based on a combination of mean sea level pressure, temperature, and humidity from the ERA20C reanalysis of atmospheric fields over central Europe with 40 weather types was found to be the most appropriate for stratifying six local climate variables. The corresponding skill is quite diverse though, ranging from good for radiation to poor for precipitation. Especially for the latter it was apparent that pressure fields alone cannot sufficiently stratify local variability. To test the skill of the latest generation of GCMs from the CMIP5 ensemble in reproducing the frequency, seasonality, and persistence of the derived weather patterns, output from 15 GCMs is evaluated. Most GCMs are able to capture these characteristics well, but some models showed consistent deviations in all three evaluation criteria and should be excluded from further attribution analysis.

1970 ◽  
Vol 9 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 143-154 ◽  
MA Rouf ◽  
MK Uddin ◽  
SK Debsarma ◽  
M Mizanur Rahman

The past, present and future climatic pattern (temperature and rainfall) of northwestern and southwestern part of Bangladesh was assessed based on the High Resolution Atmospheric-Ocean General Circulation Model (AOGCM) using the present rainfall and temperature data of the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD). Climatology in Bangladesh is derived from 20 km mesh MRI-AGCM (Atmospheric General Circulation Model) calibrated with reference to the observed data for the period of 1979-2006. Then, projections for rainfall and temperature are made for near future (2015-2034) and future (2075-99). Two disaster prone areas (i) northwestern part (Shapahar & Porsha) and (ii) southwestern part (Kalapara & Amtoli) were selected as the study areas. AOGCM model was run for Bangladesh and also for study areas separately. The present mean temperature for Bangladesh was found to rise from the past, rises slightly, but in near future and future the rate of mean temperature rise is projected to be much more than the present rate (increase up to 4.34 °C/100 years), the rate is projected to be 5.39 °C/100 years in case of Shapahar and Porsha a while 4.37 °C/100 years in case of Kalapara and Amtoli. The present, near future and future average rainfall of Bangladesh appeared to fluctuate, but have shown a decreasing trend (decreases up to 1.96 mm/100 years). The mean average rainfall of Shapahar and Porsha presently decreases very slowly (not significant), but in near future and future will decrease slowly (0.66mm/100 years). In case of Kalapara, the average rainfall appears to decrease presently, near future and future will decrease up to 3.62 mm/100 years. The average rainfall of Amtoli appears to decrease @ 1.92mm/100 years but in near future appears to increase slightly and again decrease @ 3.27mm/100years in future. Keywords: Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model (AOGCM); climatology; simulation; temperature; rainfall DOI: The Agriculturists 2011; 9(1&2): 143-154

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 627-647 ◽  
Minchao Wu ◽  
Guy Schurgers ◽  
Markku Rummukainen ◽  
Benjamin Smith ◽  
Patrick Samuelsson ◽  

Abstract. Africa has been undergoing significant changes in climate and vegetation in recent decades, and continued changes may be expected over this century. Vegetation cover and composition impose important influences on the regional climate in Africa. Climate-driven changes in vegetation structure and the distribution of forests versus savannah and grassland may feed back to climate via shifts in the surface energy balance, hydrological cycle and resultant effects on surface pressure and larger-scale atmospheric circulation. We used a regional Earth system model incorporating interactive vegetation–atmosphere coupling to investigate the potential role of vegetation-mediated biophysical feedbacks on climate dynamics in Africa in an RCP8.5-based future climate scenario. The model was applied at high resolution (0.44 × 0.44°) for the CORDEX-Africa domain with boundary conditions from the CanESM2 general circulation model. We found that increased tree cover and leaf-area index (LAI) associated with a CO2 and climate-driven increase in net primary productivity, particularly over subtropical savannah areas, not only imposed important local effect on the regional climate by altering surface energy fluxes but also resulted in remote effects over central Africa by modulating the land–ocean temperature contrast, Atlantic Walker circulation and moisture inflow feeding the central African tropical rainforest region with precipitation. The vegetation-mediated feedbacks were in general negative with respect to temperature, dampening the warming trend simulated in the absence of feedbacks, and positive with respect to precipitation, enhancing rainfall reduction over the rainforest areas. Our results highlight the importance of accounting for vegetation–atmosphere interactions in climate projections for tropical and subtropical Africa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 2523-2536
Lingjing Zhu ◽  
Jiming Jin ◽  
Yimin Liu

AbstractIn this study, we investigated the effects of lakes in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) on diurnal variations of local climate and their seasonal changes by using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model coupled with a one-dimensional physically based lake model. We conducted WRF simulations for the TP over 2000–10, and the model showed excellent performance in simulating near-surface air temperature, precipitation, lake surface temperature, and lake-region precipitation when compared to observations. We carried out additional WRF simulations where all the TP lakes were replaced with the nearest land-use types. The differences between these two sets of simulations were analyzed to quantify the effects of the TP lakes on the local climate. Our results indicate that the strongest lake-induced cooling occurred during the spring daytime, while the most significant warming occurred during the fall nighttime. The cooling and warming effects of the lakes further inhibited precipitation during summer afternoons and evenings and motivated it during fall early mornings, respectively. This study lays a solid foundation for further exploration of the role of TP lakes in climate systems at different time scales.

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