scholarly journals An Argument for States to Outlaw 'Revenge Porn' and for Congress to Amend 47 U.S.C. §230: How Our Current Laws Do Little to Protect Victims

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 236-252 ◽  
Casey Martinez

This note examines the intersection of law and technology as it relates to the issue of revenge porn.  Revenge porn comes in many forms but most commonly refers to the online posting of sexually explicit photos or videos of past lovers, without their consent, after the relationship has ended.  The author explains how the current legal framework has left many victims without legal recourse to punish those who have posted their intimate photos or videos without consent, and few options to have their images removed from the internet once they have been posted.  The note argues that in order to protect victims, states should make laws to criminalize the posting of revenge porn and the Communications Decency Act should be amended to give victims the power to have their images removed from websites.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-58 ◽  
Echo Huang ◽  
Fa-Chang Cheng

Previous studies consider confidence in the Internet as a means of payment and existence of a legal framework that protect consumers in their activities on the Internet are the critical issues of B2C success. To respond, this study extends the IS Continuance Model with Cue Utilization Theory to examine the impact of offering e-payments to online users, specifically, the relationship between their perceived benefits, legal protection, risk avoidance, and satisfaction with prior experiences. The analytical results presented in this study indicate that perceived cues (benefits, legal protection and risk allocation) differentially affect consumer behavior. Notably, perceived cues and confirmation associated with satisfaction have influences on e-payment continuance intention. That is, if consumers’ perception of online security cues increases, their intentions to continue use of e-payment increase even if the systems or services are perceived low reliability. Finally the practical and theoretical implications of this study are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 342-350
Suparna Parwodiwiyono

Abstrak: Bagi generasi pasca milenial penggunaan internet sangat akrab tetapi dengan berbagai tujuan penggunaan. Penelitian ini ingin melihat keterkaitan penggunaan internet oleh penduduk yang sedang sekolah untuk kepentingan penyelesaian tugas sekolah di Indonesia untuk mendapatkan hasil belajar yang baik. Analisis berdasarkan data sekunder dari Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional tahun 2018. Hanya saja data yang didapatkan tidak simetris dengan adanya pencilan. Regresi kuantil digunakan untuk meminimumkan pengaruh dari pencilan yang ada. Penelitian mendapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat kaitan yang erat antara akses internet dari penduduk yang sedang sekolah dengan penyelesaian tugas sekolah.  Hasil regresi kuantil menunjukkan bahwa proporsi akses internet untuk penyelesaian tugas sekolah berbeda antar golongan proporsi penggunaan internet. Proporsi penggunaan internet yang tinggi akan digunakan untuk penyelesaian tugas sekolah yang lebih tinggi pula. Abstract: For the post millennial generation the use of the internet is very familiar but with various purposes of use. This study wants to look at the relationship between the use of the internet by residents who are currently in school for the sake of completing school work in Indonesia to get good learning outcomes. Analysis based on secondary data from the 2018 National Socio-Economic Survey. It's just that the data obtained is not symmetrical with outliers. Quantile regression is used to minimize the effect of outliers. The study found that there was a close relationship between internet access from residents who were in school and completion of school work. The quantile regression results show that the proportion of internet access for completing school work differs between groups of proportions of internet use. A high proportion of internet use will be used for completing higher school work.

Cécile Boex

Since March 2011 the revolt in Syria has engendered a considerable and heterogeneous mass of videos made by demonstrators, activists, and fighters and posted on the Internet. During the peaceful manifestations between 2011 and 2013, the videos played a crucial role in the narrative of the revolt but also in the emergence of new modes of protesting focused on the work of the image. The author questions the effects of amateur video on the perception of the protest as well as on protest activities themselves in an ultra-repressive context. She pays particular attention to the relationship between the act of filming and the act of protesting, both linked by bodies, words, and emotions. Thus, it is an issue of exploring the different visual dimensions of the revolt in Syria, in accordance with the evolution of the movement and the spaces it occupied, to understand better how the protest experience is articulated and put into images.

Хусейн Вахаевич Идрисов

Статья посвящена характеристике юридических категорий «права человека» и «свободы человека». В работе проводится анализ российской законодательной и международной-правовой базы, а также вопрос соотношения исследуемых понятий. В заключении работы делается вывод об ограниченности прав и свобод человека границами права и свобод другого человека. The article is devoted to the characteristics of the legal categories "human rights" and"human freedoms". The paper analyzes the Russian legislative and international legal framework, as well as the question of the correlation of the studied concepts. In conclusion, the paper concludes that human rights and freedoms are limited by the boundaries of the rights and freedoms of another person.

Communicology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-24
A.S. Proskurina

Today ethics is embodied not only in day-to-day life, but also in the communication that surrounds it. The study of communication in professional communities makes it possible to determine the relationship between declared and practically embodied values in work. Ethical attitudes are not only postulates embedded in ethical codes, but also principles of interaction embodied in the construction of the information space and decision-making. Features of modern communications influence the way professional ethics is structured, which, in turn, affects its content and practical implementation. The communication through the Internet makes scientific work performative, filling it with symbols and labels. Increasingly, communication practices have to be carried out around indicators, and thus communication becomes a conductor of neoliberal reforms in scientific work. Therefore, the consequence of modern forms of communication is the forced utilitarianism of ethics associated with the need to compete in the “scientific market”. The article suggests possible ways to overcome the contradictions of communicative transformations of professional values.

Himanshu Rajput

Smartphone-based messaging applications have shown phenomenal growth with the proliferation of the internet coupled with the high penetration of smartphones into masses. The current study is an attempt to understand the relationship between the individuals personality and their use of WhatsApp, a popular smartphone-based messaging application in Indian context. For personality assessment the study takes Big Five Inventory. A questionnaire consisting items on individual WhatsApp use and Big Five Inventory was administered to students in an Indian University. Multiple regression and logistic regression revealed significant relationships between personality and WhatsApp usage and use of its different inbuilt functions.

2019 ◽  
Valentina Escotet Espinoza

UNSTRUCTURED Over half of Americans report looking up health-related questions on the internet, including questions regarding their own ailments. The internet, in its vastness of information, provides a platform for patients to understand how to seek help and understand their condition. In most cases, this search for knowledge serves as a starting point to gather evidence that leads to a doctor’s appointment. However, in some cases, the person looking for information ends up tangled in an information web that perpetuates anxiety and further searches, without leading to a doctor’s appointment. The Internet can provide helpful and useful information; however, it can also be a tool for self-misdiagnosis. Said person craves the instant gratification the Internet provides when ‘googling’ – something one does not receive when having to wait for a doctor’s appointment or test results. Nevertheless, the Internet gives that instant response we demand in those moments of desperation. Cyberchondria, a term that has entered the medical lexicon in the 21st century after the advent of the internet, refers to the unfounded escalation of people’s concerns about their symptomatology based on search results and literature online. ‘Cyberchondriacs’ experience mistrust of medical experts, compulsion, reassurance seeking, and excessiveness. Their excessive online research about health can also be associated with unnecessary medical expenses, which primarily arise from anxiety, increased psychological distress, and worry. This vicious cycle of searching information and trying to explain current ailments derives into a quest for associating symptoms to diseases and further experiencing the other symptoms of said disease. This psychiatric disorder, known as somatization, was first introduced to the DSM-III in the 1980s. Somatization is a psycho-biological disorder where physical symptoms occur without any palpable organic cause. It is a disorder that has been renamed, discounted, and misdiagnosed from the beginning of the DSMs. Somatization triggers span many mental, emotional, and cultural aspects of human life. Our environment and social experiences can lay the blueprint for disorders to develop over time; an idea that is widely accepted for underlying psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety. The research is going in the right direction by exploring brain regions but needs to be expanded on from a sociocultural perspective. In this work, we explore the relationship between somatization disorder and the condition known as cyberchondria. First, we provide a background on each of the disorders, including their history and psychological perspective. Second, we proceed to explain the relationship between the two disorders, followed by a discussion on how this relationship has been studied in the scientific literature. Thirdly, we explain the problem that the relationship between these two disorders creates in society. Lastly, we propose a set of intervention aids and helpful resource prototypes that aim at resolving the problem. The proposed solutions ranged from a site-specific clinic teaching about cyberchondria to a digital design-coded chrome extension available to the public.

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