scholarly journals Crianças com incontinência urinária: impacto na convivência dos familiares

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 2061
Ivanda Araújo Matias Issa de Oliveira ◽  
Cristiane Feitosa Salviano ◽  
Gisele Martins

RESUMOObjetivo: Identificar fatores que impactam na convivência dos familiares de crianças com incontinência urinária. Método: Estudo bibliográfico, descritivo, tipo revisão integrativa, com busca de artigos no mês de setembro de 2017, nas bases de dados LILACS, BDENF, MEDLINE e CINAHL. Considerou-se o recorte temporal de janeiro de 2012 a dezembro de 2017, utilizando os Descritores em Ciência da Saúde (DeCS) controlados e não controlados no idioma inglês e português. Resultados: Foram incluídos 11 artigos, publicados entre 2012 e 2016, destacando-se três categorias: 1) O nível educacional dos pais como um fator de impacto; 2) O impacto na qualidade de vida dos familiares; e 3) As mudanças que impactam no cotidiano familiar. Conclusões: A incontinência urinária afeta a rotina familiar e pode provocar transtornos psicológicos como estresse, ansiedade e depressão nas crianças e em seus familiares. Houve escassez de produções que relacionassem a percepção do familiar ante a incontinência urinária diurna e fecal com o nível escolar dos pais. Evidencia-se o papel do enfermeiro que atua em uropediatria sobre a importância da compreensão da convivência familiar, a fim de contribuir com o delinear de orientações voltadas para a educação e compreensão das experiências vividas pelos cuidadores. Descritores: Incontinência Urinária; Família; Cuidadores; Crianças; Enurese; Incontinência Urinária por Estresse.ABSTRACTObjective: To identify factors that have an impact on the coexistence of family members of children with urinary incontinence. Method: Bibliographic, descriptive, integrative review type study with search of articles in September 2017, in LILACS, BDENF, MEDLIN, and CINAHL databases. We considered the temporal cut from January 2012 to December 2017, using controlled and uncontrolled Health Science Descriptors (DeCS) in English and Portuguese. Results: We included 11 articles, published between 2012 and 2016, highlighting three categories: 1) The educational level of parents as an impact factor; 2) The impact on the quality of life of family members; and 3) The changes that impact on daily family life. Conclusions: Urinary incontinence affects the family routine and can cause psychological disorders, such as stress, anxiety, and depression in children and their family members. There was a shortage of productions that related family members' perceptions of diurnal urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence to the parents' education level. The role of nurses working in pediatric urology was evident with respect to the importance of understanding family coexistence in order to contribute to the delineation of guidelines aimed at the education and understanding of caregivers' experiences. Descriptors: Urinary Incontinence; Family; Caregivers; Children; Enuresis; Urinary Incontinence Due to Stress.RESUMENObjetivo: Identificar factores que impactan en la convivencia de los familiares de niños con incontinencia urinaria. Método: Estudio bibliográfico, descriptivo, tipo revisión integradora, con búsqueda de artículos en el mes de septiembre de 2017, en las bases de datos LILACS, BDENF, MEDLINE y CINAHL. Fue considerado el recorte temporal de enero de 2012 a diciembre de 2017, utilizando los Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS) controlados y no controlados en idioma Inglés y portugués. Resultados: Se incluyeron 11 artículos publicados entre 2012 y 2016, destacándose tres categorías: 1) El nivel educativo de los padres como un factor de impacto; 2) El impacto en la calidad de vida de los familiares; y 3) Los cambios que impactan en el cotidiano familiar. Conclusiones: La incontinencia urinaria afecta la rutina familiar y puede provocar trastornos psicológicos como estrés, ansiedad y depresión en los niños y en sus familiares. Hubo escasez de producciones que relacionaran la percepción de los familiares ante la incontinencia urinaria diurna e incontinencia fecal con el nivel escolar de los padres. Se evidencia el papel del enfermero que actúa en urología pediátrica con respecto a la importancia de la comprensión de la convivencia familiar, a fin de contribuir con el delinear de orientaciones sobre la educación y comprensión de las experiencias vividas por los cuidadores. Descriptores: Incontinencia Urinaria; Familia; Cuidadores; Niños; Enuresis; Incontinencia Urinaria por Estrés.

Mª del Carmen García Pérez ◽  
Nadia Berodia Sánchez ◽  
Cristina Jenaro Río ◽  
Noelia Flores Robaina

Abstract:Family quality of life is affected when one member shows high support needs. Variables such as social support and sense of coherence appear to mediate the impact of care on quality of life. In the present study we analyzed the support perceived by caregivers, the meaning given to care, and the changes experienced in quality of life after assuming the role of caregiver. Participants consisted of 50 family members of individuals with mental illness who responded to a questionnaire to analyze the experience of caring and the perceived supports and quality of life. Although the results indicate that caregivers spend many hours performing care tasks, for a substantial percentage the quality of the relationship has improved after being caregiver. On average, the different dimensions of quality of life experienced a significant decline when dealing with care giving tasks. However, previous rela-tionship quality with the person receiving care, the handling of this task, or the existence of personal care time, affect ratings on quality of life.Keywords: Family quality of life, Social support; Sense of Coherence, Mental IllnessResumen:La calidad de vida de las familias se ve afectada cuando uno de sus miembros presenta elevadas necesidades de apoyo. Variables como el apoyo social y el sentido de coherencia parecen mediar en el impacto del cuidado sobre la calidad de vida. En el presente estudio analizamos los apoyos percibidos por los cuidadores, el significado otorgado al cuidado y los cambios experimentados  en la calidad de vida tras asumir el rol de cuidador. Los participantes han consistido en 50 familiares de personas con enfermedad mental, a quienes se les ha aplicado un cuestionario para analizar la experiencia de cuidar, los apoyos y la calidad de vida. Aunque los resultados indican que los cuidadores invierten muchas horas a las tareas de cuidado, para un porcentaje sustancial la relación ha mejorado tras asumir las tareas de cuidador. En promedio, diferentes dimensiones de calidad de vida experimentan un descenso significativo al tener que hacer frente a las tareas de cuidado. No obstante, la calidad de la relación mantenida previamente con la persona cuidada, la manejabilidad de esta tarea, o la existencia de tiempos para el cuidado personal, afectan a las valoraciones de la calidad de vida.Palabras clave: Calidad de vida familiar, Apoyo social, Sentido de coherencia, Enfermedad mental

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-72
Herlin Hamimi ◽  
Abdul Ghafar Ismail ◽  
Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam which has a function of faith, social and economic functions. Muslims who can pay zakat are required to give at least 2.5 per cent of their wealth. The problem of poverty prevalent in disadvantaged regions because of the difficulty of access to information and communication led to a gap that is so high in wealth and resources. The instrument of zakat provides a paradigm in the achievement of equitable wealth distribution and healthy circulation. Zakat potentially offers a better life and improves the quality of human being. There is a human quality improvement not only in economic terms but also in spiritual terms such as improving religiousity. This study aims to examine the role of zakat to alleviate humanitarian issues in disadvantaged regions such as Sijunjung, one of zakat beneficiaries and impoverished areas in Indonesia. The researcher attempted a Cibest method to capture the impact of zakat beneficiaries before and after becoming a member of Zakat Community Development (ZCD) Program in material and spiritual value. The overall analysis shows that zakat has a positive impact on disadvantaged regions development and enhance the quality of life of the community. There is an improvement in the average of mustahik household incomes after becoming a member of ZCD Program. Cibest model demonstrates that material, spiritual, and absolute poverty index decreased by 10, 5, and 6 per cent. Meanwhile, the welfare index is increased by 21 per cent. These findings have significant implications for developing the quality of life in disadvantaged regions in Sijunjung. Therefore, zakat is one of the instruments to change the status of disadvantaged areas to be equivalent to other areas.

2020 ◽  
pp. 137-149
Krzysztof Szewior

The author focuses on the manner and effects of German higher education reforms that have changed the model of university management. The point of reference is the quality of education and its role, how universities ensure it, and how it is verified through evaluation and accreditation. These elements divide the article into two parts: a part about quality and a part about evaluation and accreditation. The analysis includes the impact of global processes and Europeanization. The research approach is characteristic for public policies, sciences of management and quality. The theories used in this article: the theory of systems and neo-institutionalism, as well as perspectives: the university as an active strategic partner, entrepreneurial university, the third role of universities. The publication is based on desk research and on the analysis of processes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-188
Rómulo Jacobo González-garcía ◽  
Paloma Escamilla-Fajardo ◽  
Samuel López-Carril ◽  
Juan Nuñez-Pomar

El sector del turismo deportivo recibe cada vez una mayor atención por parte de los distintos agentes sociales, teniendo un alto impacto en distintas esferas de la sociedad. El turismo no sólo afecta a las actitudes de los residentes hacia su desarrollo, sino también a su calidad de vida en general. Una vez que una comunidad o población se convierte en un destino turístico, la calidad de vida de los residentes locales se ve afectada por el desarrollo del mismo. Por consiguiente, es relevante conocer cuáles son las percepciones de los residentes respecto al impacto que causa el turismo deportivo. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar las percepciones de los residentes de Gran Canaria hacia los efectos del turismo deportivo, en ámbitos como su impacto, la calidad de vida y el apoyo al sector. Los resultados del estudio indican que, a mayores niveles de percepción positivos de los residentes sobre los impactos sociales, culturales, ambientales y económicos, hay un mayor apoyo hacia el desarrollo del turismo. Por otra parte, también se produce un efecto mediador significativo de la variable calidad de vida de los residentes, entre la relación de impactos percibidos y el apoyo al desarrollo del turismo activo y deportivo en Gran Canaria. Estos resultados posibilitan un mejor entendimiento de la perspectiva que los residentes tienen hacía el sector turístico deportivo, algo que puede ayudar a orientar futuras decisiones sobre la práctica, desarrollo y planificación del turismo deportivo. The sports tourism sector is receiving increasing attention from different social actors, having a high impact on different spheres of society. Tourism not only affects residents' attitudes towards their development, but also their quality of life in general. Once a community or population becomes a tourist destination, the quality of life of local residents is affected by its development. It is therefore important to know what residents' perceptions are of the impact of sports tourism. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse the perceptions of the residents of Gran Canaria towards the effects of sports tourism, in areas such as its impact, quality of life and support for the sector. The results of the study indicate that, at higher levels of positive perception by residents of the social, cultural, environmental and economic impacts, there is greater support for the development of tourism. On the other hand, there is also a significant mediating effect of the variable quality of life of the residents, between the relationship of perceived impacts and the support for the development of active and sports tourism in Gran Canaria. These results make it possible to better understand the perspective that residents have towards the sports tourism sector, something that can help guide future decisions on the practice, development and planning of sports tourism. O sector do turismo desportivo está a receber cada vez mais atenção por parte de diferentes actores sociais, tendo um elevado impacto em diferentes esferas da sociedade. O turismo não afecta apenas as atitudes dos residentes em relação ao seu desenvolvimento, mas também a sua qualidade de vida em geral. Uma vez que uma comunidade ou população se torna um destino turístico, a qualidade de vida dos residentes locais é afectada pelo seu desenvolvimento. Por conseguinte, é importante conhecer a percepção que os residentes têm do impacto do turismo desportivo. Portanto, o objectivo deste estudo é analisar as percepções dos residentes da Gran Canária sobre os efeitos do turismo desportivo, em áreas como o seu impacto, qualidade de vida e apoio ao sector. Os resultados do estudo indicam que, em níveis mais elevados de percepção positiva dos residentes sobre os impactos sociais, culturais, ambientais e econômicos, há maior apoio para o desenvolvimento do turismo. Por outro lado, existe também um efeito mediador significativo da variável qualidade de vida dos residentes, entre a relação de impactos percebidos e o apoio ao desenvolvimento do turismo ativo e desportivo na Gran Canária. Estes resultados permitem compreender melhor a perspectiva que os residentes têm em relação ao sector do turismo desportivo, algo que pode ajudar a orientar futuras decisões sobre a prática, desenvolvimento e planeamento do turismo desportivo. Il settore del turismo sportivo sta ricevendo un'attenzione crescente da parte di diversi attori sociali, con un forte impatto sulle diverse sfere della società. Il turismo influenza non solo l'atteggiamento dei residenti nei confronti del loro sviluppo, ma anche la loro qualità di vita in generale. Una volta che una comunità o una popolazione diventa una destinazione turistica, la qualità della vita dei residenti locali è influenzata dal suo sviluppo. È quindi importante sapere quali sono le percezioni dei residenti sull'impatto del turismo sportivo. Pertanto, l'obiettivo di questo studio è quello di analizzare le percezioni degli abitanti di Gran Canaria nei confronti degli effetti del turismo sportivo, in settori quali l'impatto, la qualità della vita e il sostegno al settore. I risultati dello studio indicano che, a livelli più elevati di percezione positiva da parte dei residenti degli impatti sociali, culturali, ambientali ed economici, vi è un maggiore sostegno allo sviluppo del turismo. D'altra parte, c'è anche un significativo effetto mediatore della variabile qualità della vita dei residenti, tra la relazione degli impatti percepiti e il sostegno allo sviluppo del turismo attivo e sportivo a Gran Canaria. Questi risultati permettono di comprendere meglio la prospettiva che i residenti hanno nei confronti del settore del turismo sportivo, cosa che può aiutare a guidare le future decisioni sulla pratica, lo sviluppo e la pianificazione del turismo sportivo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
R. Shah ◽  
F. M. Ali ◽  
A. Y. Finlay ◽  
M. S. Salek

Abstract Background A person’s chronic health condition or disability can have a huge impact on the quality of life (QoL) of the whole family, but this important impact is often ignored. This literature review aims to understand the impact of patients' disease on family members across all medical specialities, and appraise existing generic and disease-specific family quality of life (QoL) measures. Methods The databases Medline, EMBASE, CINHAL, ASSIA, PsycINFO and Scopus were searched for original articles in English measuring the impact of health conditions on patients' family members/partner using a valid instrument. Results Of 114 articles screened, 86 met the inclusion criteria. They explored the impact of a relative's disease on 14,661 family members, mostly 'parents' or 'mothers', using 50 different instruments across 18 specialities including neurology, oncology and dermatology, in 33 countries including the USA, China and Australia. These studies revealed a huge impact of patients' illness on family members. An appraisal of family QoL instruments identified 48 instruments, 42 disease/speciality specific and six generic measures. Five of the six generics are aimed at carers of children, people with disability or restricted to chronic disease. The only generic instrument that measures the impact of any condition on family members across all specialities is the Family Reported Outcome Measure (FROM-16). Although most instruments demonstrated good reliability and validity, only 11 reported responsiveness and only one reported the minimal clinically important difference. Conclusions Family members' QoL is greatly impacted by a relative's condition. To support family members, there is a need for a generic tool that offers flexibility and brevity for use in clinical settings across all areas of medicine. FROM-16 could be the tool of choice, provided its robustness is demonstrated with further validation of its psychometric properties.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Davide Vittori

Abstract Scholars have long debated whether populism harms or improves the quality of democracy. This article contributes to this debate by focusing on the impact of populist parties in government. In particular, it inquires: (1) whether populists in government are more likely than non-populists to negatively affect the quality of democracies; (2) whether the role of populists in government matters; and (3) which type of populism is expected to negatively affect the quality of liberal-democratic regimes. The results find strong evidence that the role of populists in government affects several qualities of democracy. While robust, the findings related to (2) are less clear-cut than those pertaining to (1). Finally, regardless of their role in government, different types of populism have different impacts on the qualities of democracy. The results show that exclusionary populist parties in government tend to have more of a negative impact than other forms of populism.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Tara Sims

BACKGROUND: The impact of paediatric upper limb difference may extend beyond the child themselves to their parents and other family members. Previous research has found that feelings of shock, numbness and loss are common amongst parents and that peer support can be a buffer against stress. OBJECTIVE: The current study aimed to explore the experiences of parents of children with limb difference, and the role of services and prosthetic devices in these experiences. METHODS: Nine parents of children with limb difference participated in either a group (n= 2) or individual (n= 7) interview. RESULTS: Analysis of the interview transcripts revealed four themes – ‘grief and guilt’, ‘prosthesis as a tool for parental adjustment’, ‘support’ and ‘fun and humour’. CONCLUSIONS: Parents may employ coping strategies to help them adjust to their child’s limb difference, including use of a prosthesis, accessing support from statutory services and peers, and use of fun and humour within the family.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 370
Umair Iqbal ◽  
Ravirajsinh N. Jadeja ◽  
Harshit S. Khara ◽  
Sandeep Khurana

Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a common neurological consequence in patients with cirrhosis and has a healthcare burden of USD 5370 to 50,120 per patient annually. HE significantly hampers the quality of life and is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Patients with cirrhosis are at a high risk for protein-calorie malnutrition due to altered metabolism. Current evidence has changed the old belief of protein restriction in patients with cirrhosis and now 1.2 to 1.5 g/kg/day protein intake is recommended. Case series and studies with small numbers of participants showed that a vegetarian protein diet decreases the symptoms of HE when compared to a meat-based diet, but the evidence is limited and requires further larger randomized controlled trials. However, vegetable or milk-based protein diets are good substitutes for patients averse to meat intake. Branch chain amino acids (BCAA) (leucine, isoleucine and valine) have also been shown to be effective in alleviating symptoms of HE and are recommended as an alternative therapy in patients with cirrhosis for the treatment of HE. In this review, we provide an overview of current literature evaluating the role of protein intake in the management of HE in cirrhosis.

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