Calibrating Focal Length for Paracatadioptric Camera from One Circle Image

J. S. Wall ◽  
J. P. Langmore ◽  
H. Isaacson ◽  
A. V. Crewe

The scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) constructed by the authors employs a field emission gun and a 1.15 mm focal length magnetic lens to produce a probe on the specimen. The aperture size is chosen to allow one wavelength of spherical aberration at the edge of the objective aperture. Under these conditions the profile of the focused spot is expected to be similar to an Airy intensity distribution with the first zero at the same point but with a peak intensity 80 per cent of that which would be obtained If the lens had no aberration. This condition is attained when the half angle that the incident beam subtends at the specimen, 𝛂 = (4𝛌/Cs)¼

J. S. Lally ◽  
R. Evans

One of the instrumental factors often limiting the resolution of the electron microscope is image defocussing due to changes in accelerating voltage or objective lens current. This factor is particularly important in high voltage electron microscopes both because of the higher voltages and lens currents required but also because of the inherently longer focal lengths, i.e. 6 mm in contrast to 1.5-2.2 mm for modern short focal length objectives.The usual practice in commercial electron microscopes is to design separately stabilized accelerating voltage and lens supplies. In this case chromatic aberration in the image is caused by the random and independent fluctuations of both the high voltage and objective lens current.

R. E. Worsham ◽  
J. E. Mann ◽  
E. G. Richardson

This superconducting microscope, Figure 1, was first operated in May, 1970. The column, which started life as a Siemens Elmiskop I, was modified by removing the objective and intermediate lenses, the specimen chamber, and the complete vacuum system. The large cryostat contains the objective lens and stage. They are attached to the bottom of the 7-liter helium vessel and are surrounded by two vapor-cooled radiation shields.In the initial operational period 5-mm and 2-mm focal length objective lens pole pieces were used giving magnification up to 45000X. Without a stigmator and precision ground pole pieces, a resolution of about 50-100Å was achieved. The boil-off rate of the liquid helium was reduced to 0.2-0.3ℓ/hour after elimination of thermal oscillations in the cryostat. The calculated boil-off was 0.2ℓ/hour. No effect caused by mechanical or electrical instability was found. Both 4.2°K and 1.7-1.9°K operation were routine. Flux pump excitation and control of the lens were quite smooth, simple, and, apparently highly stable. Alignment of the objective lens proved quite awkward, however, with the long-thin epoxy glass posts used for supporting the lens.

Richard L. McConville

A second generation twin lens has been developed. This symmetrical lens with a wider bore, yet superior values of chromatic and spherical aberration for a given focal length, retains both eucentric ± 60° tilt movement and 20°x ray detector take-off angle at 90° to the tilt axis. Adjust able tilt axis height, as well as specimen height, now ensures almost invariant objective lens strengths for both TEM (parallel beam conditions) and STEM or nano probe (focused small probe) modes.These modes are selected through use of an auxiliary lens situ ated above the objective. When this lens is on the specimen is illuminated with a parallel beam of electrons, and when it is off the specimen is illuminated with a focused probe of dimensions governed by the excitation of the condenser 1 lens. Thus TEM/STEM operation is controlled by a lens which is independent of the objective lens field strength.

David A. Ansley

The coherence of the electron flux of a transmission electron microscope (TEM) limits the direct application of deconvolution techniques which have been used successfully on unmanned spacecraft programs. The theory assumes noncoherent illumination. Deconvolution of a TEM micrograph will, therefore, in general produce spurious detail rather than improved resolution.A primary goal of our research is to study the performance of several types of linear spatial filters as a function of specimen contrast, phase, and coherence. We have, therefore, developed a one-dimensional analysis and plotting program to simulate a wide 'range of operating conditions of the TEM, including adjustment of the:(1) Specimen amplitude, phase, and separation(2) Illumination wavelength, half-angle, and tilt(3) Objective lens focal length and aperture width(4) Spherical aberration, defocus, and chromatic aberration focus shift(5) Detector gamma, additive, and multiplicative noise constants(6) Type of spatial filter: linear cosine, linear sine, or deterministic

A. V. Crewe ◽  
J. Wall ◽  
L. M. Welter

A scanning microscope using a field emission source has been described elsewhere. This microscope has now been improved by replacing the single magnetic lens with a high quality lens of the type described by Ruska. This lens has a focal length of 1 mm and a spherical aberration coefficient of 0.5 mm. The final spot size, and therefore the microscope resolution, is limited by the aberration of this lens to about 6 Å.The lens has been constructed very carefully, maintaining a tolerance of + 1 μ on all critical surfaces. The gun is prealigned on the lens to form a compact unit. The only mechanical adjustments are those which control the specimen and the tip positions. The microscope can be used in two modes. With the lens off and the gun focused on the specimen, the resolution is 250 Å over an undistorted field of view of 2 mm. With the lens on,the resolution is 20 Å or better over a field of view of 40 microns. The magnification can be accurately varied by attenuating the raster current.

J. M. Pankratz

It is often desirable in transmission electron microscopy to know the vertical spacing of points of interest within a specimen. However, in order to measure a stereo effect, one must have two pictures of the same area taken from different angles, and one must have also a formula for converting measured differences between corresponding points (parallax) into a height differential.Assume (a) that the impinging beam of electrons can be considered as a plane wave and (b) that the magnification is the same at the top and bottom of the specimen. The first assumption is good when the illuminating system is overfocused. The second assumption (the so-called “perspective error”) is good when the focal length is large (3 x 107Å) in relation to foil thickness (∼103 Å).

Uwe Lücken ◽  
Michael Felsmann ◽  
Wim M. Busing ◽  
Frank de Jong

A new microscope for the study of life science specimen has been developed. Special attention has been given to the problems of unstained samples, cryo-specimens and x-ray analysis at low concentrations.A new objective lens with a Cs of 6.2 mm and a focal length of 5.9 mm for high-contrast imaging has been developed. The contrast of a TWIN lens (f = 2.8 mm, Cs = 2 mm) and the BioTWTN are compared at the level of mean and SD of slow scan CCD images. Figure 1a shows 500 +/- 150 and Fig. 1b only 500 +/- 40 counts/pixel. The contrast-forming mechanism for amplitude contrast is dependent on the wavelength, the objective aperture and the focal length. For similar image conditions (same voltage, same objective aperture) the BioTWIN shows more than double the contrast of the TWIN lens. For phasecontrast specimens (like thin frozen-hydrated films) the contrast at Scherzer focus is approximately proportional to the √ Cs.

Gertrude F. Rempfer

I became involved in electron optics in early 1945, when my husband Robert and I were hired by the Farrand Optical Company. My husband had a mathematics Ph.D.; my degree was in physics. My main responsibilities were connected with the development of an electrostatic electron microscope. Fortunately, my thesis research on thermionic and field emission, in the late 1930s under the direction of Professor Joseph E. Henderson at the University of Washington, provided a foundation for dealing with electron beams, high vacuum, and high voltage.At the Farrand Company my co-workers and I used an electron-optical bench to carry out an extensive series of tests on three-electrode electrostatic lenses, as a function of geometrical and voltage parameters. Our studies enabled us to select optimum designs for the lenses in the electron microscope. We early on discovered that, in general, electron lenses are not “thin” lenses, and that aberrations of focal point and aberrations of focal length are not the same. I found electron optics to be an intriguing blend of theory and experiment. A laboratory version of the electron microscope was built and tested, and a report was given at the December 1947 EMSA meeting. The micrograph in fig. 1 is one of several which were presented at the meeting. This micrograph also appeared on the cover of the January 1949 issue of Journal of Applied Physics. These were exciting times in electron microscopy; it seemed that almost everything that happened was new. Our opportunities to publish were limited to patents because Mr. Farrand envisaged a commercial instrument. Regrettably, a commercial version of our laboratory microscope was not produced.

G.Y. Fan ◽  
Bruce Mrosko ◽  
Mark H. Ellisman

A lens coupled CCD camera showing single electron sensitivity has been built for TEM applications. The design is illustrated in Fig. 1. The bottom flange of a JEM-4000EX microscope is replaced by a special flange which carries a large rectangular leaded glass window, 22 mm thick. A 20 μm thick layer of red phosphor is coated on the window, and the entire window is sputter-coated with a thin layer of Au/Pt. A two-lens relay system is used to provide efficient coupling between the image on the phosphor scintillator and the CCD imager. An f1.0 lens (Goerz optical) with front focal length 71.6 mm is used as the collector. A mirror prism, of the Amici type, is used to "bend" the optical path by 90° to prevent X-rays which may penetrate the leaded glass from hitting the CCD detector. Images may be relayed directly to the camera (1:1) or demagnified by a factor of up to 3:1 by moving the lens assembly.

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