2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-145
Tessa Handra ◽  
Felix Sutisna

This study was designed to test empirical truths between two or more research variables that have been formulated in the hypothesis. The research variables tused twere social identity, EWOM, perceived risk, trust, purchase intention, tand tpurchase decision. Exogenous variables in this study are social identity, EWOM, and perceived risk. Endogenous variables in this study are trust, purchase intention, and purchase decision. Methods of collecting data using questionnaires and data analysis methods using partial least square. The results of the study concluded that  hypothesis 4 tand 5 was tnot significant. There was no effect of perceived risk on trust and there was no effect of perceived risk on purchase intention.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 7034-7039

This study tried to understand the intention of technology adoption for web-based self-service technology (SST) pertaining to the airline sector in India. A survey-based approach was employed to acquire 458 responses. These responses were obtained from passengers who were using the airline’s service. The passengers were from three international airports that are located in Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore. The partial least square structural equation modeling technique was employed to investigate the hypothesis. To recognize the influences on web-based SST(endogenous variables), along with the concept of adoption purpose as per the air passengers’ perceptions, the initial qualitative study joined the resultant literature examination in correspondence with the interview with focus groups. The following are the exogenous factors applied in the study; apparent usefulness: apparent ease of usage, trustworthiness, perceived risk, supposed behavioral regulator, subjective standard, word-of-mouth reports, apparent playfulness, and approach and adaptation purpose. Results specify factors that suggestively affect the intention to employ SSTs. Theoretical as well as managerial implications are deliberated on.

Febrina Mahliza

Trust plays an important role in online purchasing. Trust issues that arise in online purchasing occur since consumers cannot verify the product directly. This study aims to analyze the antecedents of trust in terms of online purchase decision and analyze the effect of trust on online purchase decision. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. The total sample of 120 respondents in Jakarta was obtained through the distribution of online questionnaires. The data analysis method used in this study is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results show that brand image and security are the antecedents of trust which have a significant positive effect on trust. The results show that perceived risk is the antecedent of trust which has a significant negative effect on trust. The results also show that consumer trust has a significant positive effect on online purchase decision. KEYWORDS: trust, antecedents, purchase decision, partial least square

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Amir Faesol

Amir FaesolPT. Gawih Jaya - WismilakE-mail: [email protected] research aimed to analyse (1) the consumer attitudes to discounts and gifts,(2) whether consumerattitudes to discounts and gifts have effectiveness in influencing purchase intention, (3) whetherpurchase intentions influence on purchase decisions, (4) differences in attitudes effectiveness ofdirect influence attitudes towards buying decision (5) the direct influence of attitudes on purchasedecisions through intention. The samples were 152 respondents and selected by using purposivesampling technique. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires to consumers Lezat Magicseasoning. The primary data were consists of discount gift attitudes, purchase intentions and purchasedecisions. Partial Least Square was used as an analysis tool to answer the research objectives.The results showed that consumers preferred to have promotional gifts and they compared it withdiscounts. The discounts and gifts significantly influenced to purchase intention. Furthermore, purchaseintentions significantly influenced to purchase decisions. Moreover, it showed that the moreeffective influence of attitudes to discounts and gifts to purchase decision through intention thanwithout intention. It meant there was differences influential between attitude to discount and gifts tobuying decision with and without intention.Keywords: Attitudes to discounts and gifts, purchase intention and the purchase decision

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-109
Reni Febriani ◽  
Mirza Abdi Khairusy

This research aimed to analyze the effects of celebrity endorser/brand ambasador, price, design product on brand image to purchase decision on Shopee at online shop Desstore Collection Serang. The research object which do in this case is the Desstore Collection consumer who has made a purchase. There are 100 respondents and this research used probability sampling by using simple random sampling technic. The data analyze technic which used in this case is the structural equation model (SEM) by Partial Least Square (smart PLS 3.0).  The data is primary and uses a questionnaire online with open and closed questions. The result of this research 5 hypothesis accepted and 2 hypothesis rejected. The 5 hypothesis accepted are price and brand image positively affected to purchase intention, brand ambasador, price and design product positively affected to brand image. 2 hypothesis rejected is show celebrity endorser negatively affected to purchase intention and design product not significant but positively affected to purchaseintention.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Hendra . ◽  
Tinik Sugiati ◽  
Maya Sari Dewi

<p><em>This research aims at finding out the role of interaction in job satisfaction (Z) and its influence on exogenous variables: the organizational culture (X1) and competence (X2) for endogenous variables: employee performance (Y) of the Theological College Evangelical Protestant Church in Banjarmasin.</em></p><p><em>This study is an explanatory research with quantitative approach. Primary data  have  been  collected  using  questionnaires.  Research  respondents  used saturated sample with 31 employees of STT GKE. Data analysis technique to find out the role of interaction on the influence of exogenous variables X1 &amp; X2 on endogenous variables (Y) used Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis technique with Smart PLS 3.0. software.</em></p><p><em>The result of this research concludes that there is an influence of organizational culture (X1) on employee performance (Y) and there is job satisfaction (Z) interaction on the competence of the employee performance (Y). Another finding is that there is no influence of competence variable (X2) on employee performance (Y) and there is no job  satisfaction (Z) interaction on organizational culture (X1) influence towards employee performance (Y).</em><em></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 460-470
Nasikhul Amin Al Hafizi ◽  
Hapzi Ali

This study aims to determine the effect of multi-channel marketing and discount / saving value on purchasing decisions through clients' buying interest in advertising services provided by The numbers of respondents involved in this study were 85 respondents. All respondents are clients (agencies or companies) who have advertised on The data in this study were analyzed quantitatively using the Partial Least Square technique with the help of the Smartpls program. The research results are: (1) Multi-channels marketing has a positive effect on the purchase interest of prospective clients, the better the multi-channel marketing conducted by, the higher the buying interest of prospective clients to advertise on; (2) Discount has a positive and significant effect on consumer buying interest, the more attractive the discount offers, the higher the buying interest of potential clients to advertise on; (3) Multi-channels marketing has a positive effect on client purchasing decisions, the better the multi-channel marketing conducted by, the higher the purchasing decisions of prospective clients to advertise on; (4) Discount has a positive and significant effect on consumer purchasing decisions, the more attractive the discount offered by, the higher the purchasing decisions of prospective clients to advertise on; (5) Purchasing interest affects consumer purchasing decisions, prospective clients with high buying interest tend to have high purchasing decisions for advertising services offered by; (6) Purchasing interest can mediate the effect of multi-channels marketing on purchasing decisions, the better multi-channels marketing will increase client's buying interest which in turn will improve purchasing decisions; (7) Purchase interest can mediate the effect of discount on purchasing decisions, giving discounts that attract prospective clients will increase prospective clients' buying interest which in turn will increase client purchasing decisions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-70
Fachri Eka Saputra ◽  
Fedyah Anggriani

The purpose of this study as to determine how the effect of waterpark image and price fairness on customer satisfaction and its implications for customer loyalty at Waterpark Wahana Surya Bengkulu. The measurement of this study uses 14 indicator items which are distributed using an online questionnaire. The number of samples in this study were 136 respondents and the data were analyzed using SEM PLS (Partial Least Square). Date were collected using a questionnaire using a Likert scale. This research used descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The type of data used in this study is primary data. The results of this study prove that 1. waterpark image has a positive effect on price fairness, 2. Waterpark image has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, 3. Fairness of price has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, 4. Waterpark image has a positive effect on customer loyalty, 5. Fairness of price has a positive effect on customer loyalty, 6. Customer satisfaction has no effect on customer loyalty.

Information ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 145
Anas Hidayat ◽  
Tony Wijaya ◽  
Asmai Ishak ◽  
Putra Endi Catyanadika

The e-commerce industry in Indonesia is growing in line with the increasing number of internet users in Indonesia. Unfortunately, many internet users in Indonesia are still unsure about shopping online because of the lack of buyer trust with sellers and service providers. This study aims to identify the factors that influence online shop consumers to conduct transactions online. This research used a questionnaire survey distributed to customers who had ever used an online shop application. The sample used in this research was 468 respondents. The data collected was then analyzed using Partial Least Square. The results of this research indicated that trust, perceived value, and buying interest positively influence consumers’ decisions to purchase using an online shop application.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Shyue Chuan Chong ◽  
Chin Chai Yeow ◽  
Choon Wei Low ◽  
Pei Yew Mah ◽  
Diep Thanh Tung

Purpose Halal products were a norm in the Muslim countries; however, halal food products were not only being consumed by Muslims nowadays. People are concerned about their daily needs, especially their food and spend in this modern society. Customers nowadays are more educated, and all the information can be easily accessed by just a click. Previous literature found that customers are looking for quality products and products that are safer to be consumed. Design/methodology/approach The purpose of this study investigates non-Muslim customers’ intention in consuming halal food products in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Using 321 non-Muslim responses from Klang Valley, partial least square regression was used to examine the factors influencing the customer’s purchase intention on halal products. Findings The results show that product quality, product price, product availability and product safety significantly influence the purchase intention of urban non-Muslim on halal food products. The result implies that product quality is the most significant factor compared with other variables. Originality/value The data and results may contribute to the relevant authority to form a proper plan to improve Malaysia’s halal food items.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Christine Falkenreck ◽  
Ralf Wagner

Purpose Until today, scholars claim that the phenomenon of “co-creation” of value in an “interacted” economy and in the context of positive actor-to-actor relationships has not been adequately explored. This study aims to first to identify and separate the accessible values of internet of things (IoT)-based business models for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-government (B2G) customer groups. It quantifies the drivers to successfully implement disruptive business models. Design/methodology/approach Data were gathered from 292 customers in Western Europe. The conceptual framework was tested using partial least square structural equation modeling. Findings Managing disruptions in the digital age is closely related to the fact that the existing trust in buyer-seller relationships is not enough to accept IoT projects. A company’s digitalization capabilities, satisfaction with the existing relationship and trust in the IoT credibility of the manufacturer drives the perceived value of IoT-based business models in B2B settings. Contrastingly, in B2G settings, money is less important. Research limitations/implications Research refers to one business field, the data set is of European origin only. Findings indicate that the drivers to engage in IoT-related projects differ significantly between the customer groups and therefore require different marketing management strategies. Saving time today is more important to B2G buyers than saving money. Practical implications The disparate nature of B2B and B2G buyers indicates that market segmentation and targeted marketing must be considered before joint-venturing in IoT business models. To joint venture supply chain partners co-creating value in the context of IoT-related business models, relationship management should be focused with buyers on the same footing, as active players and co-developers of a personalized experience in digital service projects. Originality/value Diverging from established studies focusing on the relationship within a network of actors, this study defines disruptive business models and identifies its drivers in B2B and B2G relationships. This study proposes joint venturing with B2B and B2G customers to overcome the perceived risk of these IoT-related business models. Including customers in platforms and networks may lead to the co-creation of value in joint IoT projects.

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