scholarly journals Música Indígena no Mercado: Sobre Demandas, Mensagens e Ruídos no (Des)Encontro Intermusical

Luís Fernando Hering Coelho

Focalizo aqui brevemente a relação entre músicos indígenas – com ênfase no universo guarani – e o mercado da música, apontando para elementos específicos das demandas aí envolvidas. Se o lado indígena mostra sistemas estético-musicais abertos e flexíveis, ao lado da busca por caminhos de articulação política junto à sociedade envolvente, do lado do mercado a demanda se caracteriza em grande parte pela busca de um “índio” estereotipado ao qual seria negada a possibilidade de “mudar”. Na parte final, alguns dos pontos levantados são considerados no exame de duas produções fonográficas recentes envolvendo músicas indígenas – guarani num caso e mehináku no outro. Indigenous music in the market: about demands, messages and noises in inter-musical (dis)encounters Abstract The article focuses the relation between indian musicians – with emphasis in the guarani universe - and the music market, pointing to specific elements of the demands involved. If the indian side shows open and flexible aesthetic-musical systems, coupled with the search for politic articulations with the more encompassing society, the markets´ demand characterizes itself to a large extent in the search of a stereotyped “indian” to whom it would be denied the possibility of “change”. In the final part, some of the points raised are considered in the examination of two recent phonographic productions involving traditional musicians – Guarani in one case and Mehináku on the other.

Daniel Martin Feige

Der Beitrag widmet sich der Frage historischer Folgeverhältnisse in der Kunst. Gegenüber dem Gedanken, dass es ein ursprüngliches Werk in der Reihe von Werken gibt, das späteren Werken seinen Sinn gibt, schlägt der Text vor, das Verhältnis umgekehrt zu denken: Im Lichte späterer Werke wird der Sinn früherer Werke neu ausgehandelt. Dazu geht der Text in drei Schritten vor. Im ersten Teil formuliert er unter der Überschrift ›Form‹ in kritischer Abgrenzung zu Danto und Eco mit Adorno den Gedanken, dass Kunstwerke eigensinnig konstituierte Gegenstände sind. Die im Gedanken der Neuverhandlung früherer Werke im Lichte späterer Werke vorausgesetzte Unbestimmtheit des Sinns von Kunstwerken wird im zweiten Teil unter dem Schlagwort ›Zeitlichkeit‹ anhand des Paradigmas der Improvisation erörtert. Der dritte und letzte Teil wendet diese improvisatorische Logik unter dem Label ›Neuaushandlung‹ dann dezidiert auf das Verhältnis von Vorbild und Nachbild an. The article proposes a new understanding of historical succession in the realm of art. In contrast to the idea that there is an original work in the series of works that gives meaning to the works that come later, the text proposes to think it exactly the other way round: in the light of later works, the meanings of earlier works are renegotiated. The text proceeds in three steps to develop this idea. Under the heading ›Form‹ it develops in the first part a critical reading of Danto’s and Eco’s notion of the constitution of the artworks and argues with Adorno that each powerful work develops its own language. In the second part, the vagueness of the meaning of works of art presupposed in the idea of renegotiating earlier works in the light of later works is discussed under the term ›Temporality‹ in terms of the logic of improvisation. The third and final part uses this improvisational logic under the label ›Renegotiation‹ to understand the relationship between model and afterimage in the realm of art.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 681-693
Ariel Furstenberg

AbstractThis article proposes to narrow the gap between the space of reasons and the space of causes. By articulating the standard phenomenology of reasons and causes, we investigate the cases in which the clear-cut divide between reasons and causes starts to break down. Thus, substituting the simple picture of the relationship between the space of reasons and the space of causes with an inverted and complex one, in which reasons can have a causal-like phenomenology and causes can have a reason-like phenomenology. This is attained by focusing on “swift reasoned actions” on the one hand, and on “causal noisy brain mechanisms” on the other hand. In the final part of the article, I show how an analogous move, that of narrowing the gap between one’s normative framework and the space of reasons, can be seen as an extension of narrowing the gap between the space of causes and the space of reasons.

Slavic Review ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-34 ◽  
Steven S. Lee

In this article, Sacha Baron Cohen'sBoratappears as just the latest in a decades- long exchange between American and Soviet models of minority uplift: on the one side, civil rights and multiculturalism; on the other,druzhba narodov(the friendship of peoples) andmnogonatsional'nost’(multi-national- ness). Steven S. Lee argues diat, with Borat, multiculturalism seems to have emerged as the victor in this exchange, but that the film also hearkens to a not-too-distant Soviet alternative. Part 1 shows how Borat gels with recent leftist critiques of multiculturalism, spearheaded by Slovenian philosopher Slavoj żižek. Part 2 relates Borat to a largely submerged history of American minorities drawing hope from mnogonatsional'nost', as celebrated in Grigorii Aleksandrov's 1936 filmCircus.The final part presents Borat as choosing neither multiculturalism nor mnogonatsional'nost', but rather the continued opposition of the two, if not a “third way.” For a glimpse of what this might look like, the paper concludes with a discussion ofAbsurdistan(2006) by Soviet Jewish American novelist Gary Shteyngart.

2011 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
Jos Huls

This article discussed the use of the Bible in ‘Love’s hidden life and its recognizability by its fruits’, which is the first reflection of Søren Kierkegaard’s book, Works of love. Firstly, this article discussed Kierkegaard’s lack of clarity about the fruits of love, even though he stresses their divine origin. Secondly, it reflected on his argument that, even though deeds are more important than words, words remain necessary because of the need to express love to others. In a following section he points out that neither specific words nor particular works of love can demonstrate that love exists. One needs to distinguish between works of love and the attitude with which works are done. Thirdly, it pointed out how Kierkegaard argues that the inability to demonstrate love unconditionally does not negate that love is to be known by its fruits. It is rather a personal incitement to love for the sake of love itself. Noting that there is no direct relationship between the fruits of love and the actual effects our love has on others, he points to the fact that the result of love is in the hands of God. He then argues that though fruits of love may be invisible, they become apparent in the strength of our love. The only responsibility we have is to follow love as the divine movement of our heart. In the final part of his reflection, Kierkegaard notes that there is no other way to enter into the reality of love than to believe in it. This implies that one should be careful of making demands on someone in a loving relationship. What is needed is to become rooted in love as the divine source of the heart so that one will understand that this unseen reality is the foundation of existence in which one is known by the Other, whose essence is love.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 191-202
Monika Kiszka

The goal of the article is to describes the impact of parental behaviour on children’s lives. The main body discusses the neglect of parental duties and the misguided attitude towards raising children exhibited by some parents. Additionally, the article describes the phenomenon of orphanhood and its connection with the problems that some parents are unable to cope with. The second part focuses on the most harmful consequences of certain negative behaviours exhibited by some parents. The final part of the article is a list of personality disorders and the other problems that children suffering from social orphanhood may experience.

2006 ◽  
Vol 34 (101) ◽  
pp. 122-139
Thor Grünbaum

Action in Narratology, Literature, and LifeIn this article I argue that the representation of simple, bodily action has the function of endowing the narrative sequence with a visualizing power: It makes the narrated scenes or situations ready for visualization by the reader or listener. By virtue of this visualizing power or disposition, these narrated actions disrupt the theoretical divisions, on the one hand, between the narrated story and the narrating discourse, and on the other hand, between plot-narratology and discourse-narratology. As narrated actions they seem to belong to the domain of plot-narratology, but in so far as they serve an important visualizing function, these narrated actions have a communicative function and as such they can be said to belong to the domain of discourse-narratology. In a first part of the article, I argue that a certain type of plot-narratology, due to its retrospective epistemology and abstract definition of action, is unable to conceive of this visualizing function. In a second part, I argue that discourse-narratology fares no better since the visualizing function is independent of voice and focalization. In a final part, I sketch a possible account of the visualizing function of simple actions in narratives.

2017 ◽  
pp. 209-235
Аранђел Смиљанић

Апстракт: У средњовјековном друштву издијељеном на оне који владају и ратују, на оне који су потчињени и раде, и на оне који се моле, вертикалну покретљивост тешко је било остварити. Једна од оних дјелатности које су омогућавале скок на друштвеној љествици била је и дипломатија, посебно за оне који су потицали из нижих друштвених слојева. Истина, дио дипломата био је властеоског поријекла, док је други потицао из трговачких или сеоских породица, те се својим знањем и способностима уздигао до првих савјетника или сарадника обласних господара у Босни. Први су имали властите приходе са својих имања или од других послова којима су се бавили. За разлику од њих, они други су кроз бављење дипломатијом стицали највећи дио својих прихода. Кроз овај рад аутор покушава одговорити на питања да ли су ти приходи били редовни или повремени, колики су они били, какве су биле награде и дарови и колики су удио имали у укупним приходима дипломата. Највећи дио овог рада чини навођење појединих примјера из оновремених историјских извора о поклонима урученим дипломатима. Дио рада посвећен је награђивању дипломата за учињене услуге, као и обећањима да ће бити награђени ако обаве послове који иду у корист друге стране у преговорима. У посљедњем дијелу рада аутор саопштава сазнања о материјалном богатству појединих дипломата. Кључне речи: дипломати, обласни господари, Босна, Дубровник, Венеција, плаћање, дарови, награде, обећања, преговори, материјално богатство. Abstract: Vertical mobility was hard to achieve in the medieval society divided into those who ruled and participated in warfare, those who were subjugated and worked, and those who prayed. Diplomacy, particularly for those originating from lower social strata, was also one of activities that enabled a person to climb the social ladder. Truly, some diplomats were of noble origin, while some came from merchant or rural families, and with their knowledge and capabilities they rose to become the first advisers or associates of local magnates in Bosnia. The former had own income from their own estates or other activities they dealt with. In contrast to them, the latter obtained the major part of their income through diplomacy. In this paper, the author attempts to answer the questions as to whether such income was regular or occasional, to determine its amount and the types of awards and gifts, and ascertain its share in total earnings of diplomats. The major part of this paper consists of examples from the then historical sources about the gifts given to diplomats. A part of the paper examines the awards presented to diplomats for rendered services, and analyses the promises that they would be awarded if they performed activities benefiting the other negotiating party. In the final part of the paper, the author presents knowledge about the material wealth of some diplomats. Keywords: diplomats, local magnates, Bosnia, Dubrovnik, Venice, payments, gifts, awards, promises, negotiations, material wealth.

Mariano Croce ◽  
Marco Goldoni

Chapter abstract: The chapter takes stock of the preceding analyses and assesses Romano’s, Schmitt’s, and Mortati’s institutionalism according to two interpretive axes that are extracted from a systematic reading of their work. Both axes provide an oscillation band across which their theories can be located and their differences appreciated. The first axis is built around conceptions of legal knowledge, and its coordinates are represented by political and juristic views of legal knowledge. The second part of the chapter focuses on the other axis: the relation between social relations and nomic force. In this final part, the chapter makes the case that at the intersection of the two axes it is possible to observe how distinctive and original the contributions of Romano, Schmitt, and Mortati are.

Society ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 57 (4) ◽  
pp. 385-391
Rob Kroes

Abstract Present-day mass tourism uncannily resembles an auto-immune disease. Yet, self-destructive as it may be, it is also self-regenerating, changing its appearance and purpose. They are two modes that stand in contrast to each other. We can see them as opposites that delimit a conceptual dimension ordering varieties of present-day mass tourism. The first pole calls forth tourism as a force leaving ruin and destruction in its wake or at best a sense of nostalgia for what has been lost, the other sees tourism as a force endlessly resuscitating and re-inventing itself. This paper article highlights both sides of the story. These times of the Covid-19 pandemic, with large swathes of public life emptied by social lock-down, remind us of a second, cross-cutting conceptual dimension, ranging from public space brimming with human life to its post-apocalyptic opposite eerily empty and silent. The final part of my argument will touch on imagined evocations of precisely such dystopian landscapes.

Apeiron ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 257-284
Roberto Grasso

AbstractThis paper aims to identify several interpretive problems posed by the final part of DA II.11 (423b27–424 a10), where Aristotle intertwines the thesis that a sense is like a ‘mean’ and an explanation for the existence of a ‘blind spot’ related to the sense of touch, adding the further contention that we are capable of discriminating because the mean ‘becomes the other opposite’ in relation to the perceptible property being perceived. To solve those problems, the paper explores a novel interpretation of Aristotle’s claims, arguing that they describe a homeostatic physiological reaction by which the sensory apparatus responds to perceptible stimuli. According to the proposed interpretation, such homeostatic reaction constitutes a necessary condition for perceiving what Aristotle refers to as ‘proper’ perceptible features, which include properties like ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ as well as colors and sounds.

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