scholarly journals Effectiveness of Medical-Care Equipment Management: Case Study in a Public Hospital in Belo Horizonte / Minas Gerais

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 234-249
Estevão Maria Campolina De Oliveira ◽  
Eloísa Helena Rodrigues Guimaraes ◽  
Ester Eliane Jeunon

This study aimed to identify and analyze the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the management of medical-care equipment at the Hospital of Federal University of Minas Gerais (HC-UFMG) in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. To achieve this goal, a case study was performed along with a field research at HC-UFMG, through interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire to professionals who handle and operate medical-care equipment; professionals who provide maintenance on equipment, and professionals who manage the operation and maintenance of equipment. As a strategy for discussion of the results, the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) was used supported by the analysis of the Central Idea (CI) of each question or question groups. According to the CSD results, it was possible to identify factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the management of medical-care equipment, such as: professional qualification; practical knowledge; work professionalization; supervision focused on evaluation, development, results and continuous improvement; professional updating and technical support; individual accountability; adequate infrastructure; and implementation of equipment management planning. These factors indicate, to the institutions, opportunities of culture change and organizational growth.

Revista Foco ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 04
Jane Kelly Dantas Barbosa ◽  
Kely César Martins de Paiva

O tempo é considerado um bem cada vez mais escasso, difícil de entender e de administrar, diante do qual as pressões e demandas do dia a dia podem representar fontes de prazer e sofrimento aos indivíduos, especialmente jovens trabalhadores, frente suas peculiaridades. Dado isto, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste em analisar as percepções temporais e as vivências de prazer e sofrimento no trabalho de jovens trabalhadores assistidos pela Associação de Ensino Social Profissionalizante (ESPRO). Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de caso por meio de uma pesquisa de campo, descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com 22 jovens trabalhadores assistidos pelo ESPRO, da filial de Belo Horizonte (MG). Os dados foram tratados por meio de análise de conteúdo e os resultados demonstraram que as dimensões temporais apresentadas (comportamentos predominantemente monocrônicos, rápidos, pontuais, atrelados ao futuro e arrastado por terceiros) e as vivências de prazer e sofrimento (contexto de trabalho positivo, baixos riscos/custos, elevado prazer, baixo sofrimento, baixos danos) possuem relações entre si, apesar do fato de que as preferências demonstradas em relação ao tempo nem sempre coincidem com a prática laboral que lhes é imposta.Time is considered an asset that is increasingly scarce, difficult to understand and administer, in which the pressures and demands of daily life can be a source of pleasure and suffering for individuals, especially young workers, in face of their peculiarities. Given this, the objective of this work is to analyze the temporal perceptions and the experiences of pleasure and suffering in the work of young workers assisted by the Association of Professional Social Teaching (ESPRO). For that, a case study was carried out through a descriptive field research with a qualitative approach. Data collection was done through semi-structured interviews with 22 young workers assisted by ESPRO, from the Belo Horizonte branch (MG). The data were treated by means of content analysis and the results showed that the temporal dimensions presented (predominantly monocronic, fast, punctual, future-bound and third-party behaviors) and the experiences of pleasure and suffering (positive work context, low risks, costs, pleasure, little suffering, low damages) have relationships with each other, despite the fact that the preferences demonstrated over time do not always coincide with the work practice imposed on them. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1348
Thomaz Felipe de Freitas Anchieta ◽  
Fernando Neves Lima ◽  
Roberto Cézar de Almeida Monte-Mor ◽  
Eliane Maria Vieira

Devido à ausência de sistemas de drenagem eficientes e aos altos índices pluviométricos em determinados períodos do ano, eventos de inundação no mundo e no Brasil, e, principalmente, em Belo Horizonte-MG,  têm sido observados com muita frequência. À vista disso, este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver a modelagem hidráulica de um canal em meio urbano visando a discussão sobre a sua capacidade de drenagem e minimização de incertezas, relacionadas ao escoamento de água no canal em eventos extremos. Para a elaboração dos mapas e delineamento do canal foi utilizado o software ArcGIS, com suas extensões ArcHydro e HEC-GeoRAS. Além disso, para aplicação dos dados geométricos e hidráulicos das seções, e simulações hidráulicas, foi empregado o software HEC-RAS. Como resultado do estudo, teve-se a comprovação, quantitativa, da influência do coeficiente de Manning no escoamento do canal e pôde-se também, determinar, por meio de um conjunto de vazões críticas, trechos do curso d’água mais susceptíveis à inundação.  Observou-se que, quanto menores os valores dos coeficientes de Manning das seções, maiores são suas vazões críticas, ou seja, para corpos hídricos canalizados por obras com revestimento e com acabamento, as vazões necessárias para as seções inundar possuem valores mais altos, justamente, pelo menor atrito do material de revestimento com o fluxo de água; enquanto que, para canais naturais, as vazões determinantes para a ocorrência de inundação da seção, são menores, pela maior potencialidade da vegetação e do solo em resistir ao escoamento. Flooding Area Simulation through Hydraulic Modeling in the Urban Channel: Case Study Jatobá Stream, in Belo Horizonte, Minas GeraisA B S T R A C TDue to the absence of efficient drainage systems and high rainfall rates at certain times of the year, flood events in the world and in Brazil, and especially in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, have been observed very frequently. In view of this, this work aimed to develop the hydraulic modeling of an urban canal in order to discuss its drainage capacity and minimize uncertainties related to water runoff in extreme events.For the maps elaboration and the channel drawing was used the ArcGIS software with its extensions ArcHydro and HEC-GeoRAS. The HEC-RAS software was used to apply the geometric and hydraulic sections data and for hydraulic simulations. As a result of the study, the influence of the Manning coefficient on the flow of a channel was quantitatively verified. Through a set of critical flows, it was also possible to determine the most susceptible to flooding watercourse stretches. In this case, it was observed that the smaller the values of the Manning coefficients of the sections, the higher their critical flow rates, that is, for water bodies piped by coated and finished works, the flow rates needed to flood the sections have higher values high due to the lower friction of the coating material with water flow; whereas, for natural channels, the water volumes per unit of time, which are determinant for the sections flooding, were smallers, precisely because of the greater capacity of the vegetation and soil to resist runoff.Keywords: hidraulic modelling, HEC-RAS, urban floods.

Pomorstvo ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-81
Daniela Gračanć ◽  
Zrinka Zadel ◽  
Željka Vlahušić

Tourism destination is a complicated system. Destination system consists of resources which can be natural and anthropogenic. It is necessary to harmonize them and to manage them in proper manner. Coastal area is one of the most valuable natural resources od Republic of Croatia which is well known and recognized as sun, sea&sand destination, and therefore coastal area is crucial for tourism development. Beaches, as part of coastal area, are foundation of competitive advantage, as well as income generator and due to this, there is growing interest in last couple years for possibility of using their recreational and economic potential. Purpose of this paper is, by using quantitative and qualitative analysis, to research beach resources of Pelješac peninsula which will then be used as a foundation for SWOT matrix to determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to beaches of this area. For the analysis purpose, beside the secondary data research, there was a field research conducted which covered attitudes of key stakeholders and tourism board management of Pelješac peninsula which together make destination management of beach resources.


Intensive manual labor enterprises in the developed world face challenges competing with products imported from countries where manufacturing costs are low. This reduces the volume of domestic production and leads to rapid loss of knowledge and experience in production processes. This study focuses on the Israeli footwear industry as a case study. Qualitative methodologies were applied, including in-depth interviews and field observations. A literature review on previous research, and contemporary trends was conducted. The field research examines challenges along the value chain in small factories. It finds that mass production paradigms impose a decentralized process between designers and manufacturers and therefore do not leverage local potential into a sustainable competitive advantage for small factories. The proposed solution is a digital and technological platform for small manufacturing plants. The platform mediates and designs the connections between production, technology, and design and enables the creation of a joint R&D system.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-346
Iyam Marhamah ◽  
Yaya Yaya ◽  
Asep Sodiqin

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan sistem dakwah Pondok Pesantren At-Tawazun ditinjau melalui sistem terbuka mulai dari tahap input, conversion, output, feedback, hingga environment dalam upaya mengatasi problematika santri yang dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan zaman. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan spesifikasi penelitian field research (penelitian lapangan). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan pondok pesantren At-Tawazun dirasakan cukup besar manfaatnya oleh orang tua maupun masyarakat. Lembaga dakwah dan pendidikan ini telah ikut berkontribusi dalam menanggulangi masalah sosial dan kenakalan remaja yang semakin rumit, sehingga mampu memberikan lulusan santri yang brakhlak, berbudi luhur dan mampu mengamalkan ilmunya di masyarakat. Lebih dari itu, kehadiran pondok pesantren At-Tawazun diharapkan dapat mengatasi akulturasi budaya yang menyimpang di era sekarang ini. Sehingga semangat generasi muda kita dapat disalurkan terhadak hal-hal positif, untuk kemajuan Agama dan Negara. This paper aims to describe the da’wah system of At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding School through an open system starting from the input, conversion, output, feedback, and environment stages in an effort to overcome the problems of santri that are influenced by the times. This research uses case study method with qualitative approach and field research specification (field research). The results of this study indicate that the existence of the At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding Scool was felt to be of considerable benefit by parent and community. This da’wah and education institution has contributed to tackling social problems and juvenile delinquency that are increasingly complicated, so as to be able to provide graduates who are morally, virtous and able to practice their knowledge in the community, moreover, the presence of the At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding School is expected to overcome the deviant cultural acculturation in the present era. So that the spirit of our young generation can be channeled suddenly to positive things, for the advancement of Religion and the state.

Revista Foco ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 110
Rafaella Cristina Campos ◽  
Natália Fernandes Fonseca ◽  
Odemir Vieira Baeta

O objetivo é averiguar a correlação dos fatores motivacionais e produtivos no contexto institucional da Polícia Civil. O estudo de caso foi conduzido por entrevistas em profundidade com um Delegado de Polícia, um Investigador de Polícia, e um Escrivão de Polícia. A análise de conteúdo foi utilizada. Conclui-se que há evidente correlação entre o desenvolvimento de artefatos motivacionais, sejam eles de ordem ambiental ou individual, com a produtividade na instituição da Polícia Civil. Destaca-se também, que apesar do controle e avaliação dos índices de produtividade serem predominantemente burocráticos, institucionalizados e legitimados, a ligação que se estabelece com a manifestação dos artefatos motivacionais é subjetiva, relacional e intangível nas normas institucionais. Destaca-se este evento neste artigo, porque como foi visto anteriormente, tanto a natureza do trabalho, quanto o ambiente da Polícia Civil, estão em total desencontro ao desenvolvimento de produtividade e motivação no sentido clássico destas vertentes. The aims is to determine the correlation of the motivational and productive factors in the institutional context of the Civil Police. The case study was conducted by in-depth interviews with a Chief of Police, Police Investigator, and Actuary Police. The content analysis was used for fixed grid. It is concluded that there is clear correlation between the development of motivational artifacts, whether environmental or individual order, with productivity in the civil police institution. Also noteworthy is that despite the control and evaluation of productivity indexes were predominantly bureaucratic, institutionalized and legitimized, the connection that is established with the manifestation of motivational artifacts is subjective, relational and intangible assets in the institutional rules. It highlights this event in this article, because as discussed above, both the nature of the work, as the environment of the Civil Police, are in complete disagreement with the development of productivity and motivation in the classical sense of the aforementioned areas.

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