scholarly journals Saint Vitus Day in Sarajevo

Napredak ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-56
Radoslav Gaćinović

As a nationwide movement for the liberation and unification of South Slavic peoples at beginning of the 20th century, Young Bosnia was the only hope of the peoples in occupied and disenfranchised Bosnia and Herzegovina for achieving emancipation and unification. The title "Young Bosnia" was first used by Petar Kocic in the newspaper Otadzbina ("Fatherland") in 1907, and then by Vladimir Gacinovic in an article published in Almanac of Prosveta ("Education") in 1910. Despite their innate instinct that force should be resisted with force, the Young Bosnians and their supporters had a much deeper understanding of the historical perspective than many of their contemporaries among the South Slavs. Firstly, they understood the inescapability of the destruction of the Habsburg Monarchy through revolution and secondly, they understood the need for the establishment of a Yugoslav federal community consisting of different South Slavic nations with the same ethnic origin but with separate histories. One may have their own opinion regarding the methods of Gavrilo Princip and his co-fighters, but it is certain that for reasons of their patriotism, courage and selflessness the Sarajevo assassins can be included in the group of prominent fighters for the liberation of their disenfranchised and humiliated countrymen. Many historians agree that the Sarajevo assassination was in character an act of self-defense for the purpose of liberation as it was founded on the revolutionary politics of the young people who were, it is possible to say now, the most forward-thinking Bosnian youths of the time. Their fundamental patriotic consciousness and their philosophical thought as a political superstructure, enlivened with the revolutionary spirit and pride of every individual member, greatly contributed to the formation of their views and strengthened their commitment to their struggle.

2004 ◽  
pp. 142-157
M. Voeikov ◽  
S. Dzarasov

The paper written in the light of 125th birth anniversary of L. Trotsky analyzes the life and ideas of one of the most prominent figures in the Russian history of the 20th century. He was one of the leaders of the Russian revolution in its Bolshevik period, worked with V. Lenin and played a significant role in the Civil War. Rejected by the party bureaucracy L. Trotsky led uncompromising struggle against Stalinism, defending his own understanding of the revolutionary ideals. The authors try to explain these events in historical perspective, avoiding biases of both Stalinism and anticommunism.

Vijaya Nagarajan

This chapter focuses on types of kōlam designs. The basic categories are katta (squares) and pulli (dots). The highly ritualized forms are the navagraha (nine heavenly bodies, including the five planets) and yantras. The symbolic meanings of geometric, figurative, and landscape kōlams, whether they are itheegam (traditional) and nagareegam (modern), are discussed. Kōlam-making tools are explained, such as the traditional personal notebooks and printed pamphlets and more modern stencils and plastic stick-on decals. A discussion of an 1884 kōlam chapbook and other chapbooks from the 20th century gives a historical perspective. The 20th-century Indian choreographer Chandralekha gave kōlam designs a central position in her work.

Marina S. Chvanova ◽  
Irina A. Kiselyova

We examine the formation of the concept of “value orientations”, “professional value orientations of students”. The classification is presented taking into account the following profes-sional value orientations: “professional and personal”, “professional and group”, “social and pro-fessional”. Professional value orientations are analyzed taking into account their importance, with subdivision into instrumental and terminal ones. We consider the development of professional value orientations in a historical and logical sequence with a change of stages, with characteristic features, taking into account the presented classification. The following periods are considered: the second half of the 19th – early 20th century, 20–40s of the 20th century, 50–60s of the 20th century, 60–80s of the 20th century, 80–90s of the 20th century, 21th century. The characteristic features of the stage, the means of influencing the value orientations of young people, are analyzed, which made it possible to identify the transformation of professional value orientations over time, including in the context of Internet socialization.

1996 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 581-599 ◽  
Gill Valentine

What it means to be a child varies over space and time. Historically, the dominant Western construction of childhood has oscillated between representing children as the bearers of original sin—devils—or as innocent—angels, in the United Kingdom in the 19th and for much of the 20th century it was this latter imagining of childhood that took hold. But the murder of toddler Jamie Bulger by two 10-year-old boys in 1993 has been pivotal in reengaging a demonised conceptualisation of what it means to be a child. The author begins by considering some of the contested meanings of childhood and then goes on to explore the contemporary ‘othering’ of children and some of the spatial restrictions being imposed on young people by adults in an attempt to (re)draw boundaries between ‘us’ and ‘them’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 118-147
Bernhard Steinbrecher ◽  
Bernhard Achhorner

Brass music has become increasingly popular in recent years in Europe’s German-speaking regions, especially among young people, who attend brass festivals, such as Woodstock der Blasmusik, in great numbers. This article examines this phenomenon within the context of its historical weight. Particularly in Austria, brass music is intertwined strongly with local cultural activity and heritage, alpine folklore, and national identity, with the Habsburg Monarchy and the Nazi era as well as with the rise of Volkstümliche Music and Austrian popular music. The study pinpoints the initial spark of the current popularity to the early 1990s, when young brass musicians set new tones musically and culturally. It illustrates how bands such as Mnozil Brass and Innsbrucker Böhmische, and later Viera Blech and LaBrassBanda, renegotiated established conceptions, ideas, and attitudes, and how they have, or have not, overcome habitualized ways of performing and enjoying brass music. On a broader level, the article uncovers how narratives related to regionality, Heimat, community, institutionalization, virtuosity, internationality, openness, corporality, and hedonistic pleasure all come together, at times in contradictory ways, in the media and musicians’ ethical-aesthetic discussion about contemporary brass music. Ultimately, a close music-analytical reading of selected songs shows how the music fosters and reflects these interrelations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-117
Boris Krešić ◽  
Ervina Halilović ◽  

The institutes of contemporary family law are rooted in Roman law, including the property relations of marital partners. From the historical perspective, the property-legal relations of marital partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) were subject to religious regulations and the rules of the General Civil Code and Family Law of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The article analyzes the solutions applied during the Roman, the Ottoman, and the AustroHungarian rule as well as the solutions included in the currently valid Basic Law on Marriage and Family Laws in BiH. The authors focus on the development of family law in terms of property relations of marital partners and provide historical-legal overview of the development of family law from the absolute power of pater familias to the full equality of marital partners.

Crimen ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 272-298
Suad Orlić ◽  
Sadmir Karović

Alcoholism or alcohol abuse and indulgence in alcohol is one of the most prevalent antisocial phenomena in young people and one of the main causes of their criminal behavior. Namely, there is an increasing tendency for young people to abuse and consume alcohol and to indulge in alcohol frequently as well as the incidence of committing criminal offenses by young people under the decisive influence of alcohol. The paper elaborates the criminal law aspects of protecting young people from alcoholism or alcohol abuse and points out problem of uneven and inadequate legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and gives appropriate proposals for changes to existing solution in order to achieve better and more effective criminal law protection of young people from alcohol abuse.

Slovo ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol How to think of literary... (Varia) ◽  
Tomasz Krupa

International audience The case of Sorana Gurian (1913‑1956) allows to examine the situation of multiple exclusion in the 20th century European society: she is a Jewish woman, a stranger accused of espionage and collaboration and her body, disabled and affected by cancer, becomes the main culprit of this plural banishment. The author is a tragic figure: not only because of her life, but also due to the oblivion that her oeuvre fell into – yet original and contemporarily recognized – counting six volumes in French and Romanian and dozens of press publications. In the paper, I propose to read chosen literary chronicles commenting on two Gurian’s editions published in Romania in 1945‑1946 – Zilele nu se întorc niciodată [Days that never return] and Întâmplări între amurg și noapte [Adventures between twilight and night]. These chronicles show the way in which the Other was perceived, in this case – a woman writer, a disabled woman or a Jewish woman in the 20th century. Such perspective aims to show the non‑ aesthetic conditions (gender, corporality, social class, political convictions, ethnic origin, etc.) which have determined Gurian’s appearance and disappearance in the literary scene, and which still influence the way of perceiving her texts in Romania. At the end of this study, I reflect on the possibility of rehabilitating this figure in the history of European literature, that could renew the Romanian literary canon of the 20th century, in which women writers haven’t still found their place. Le cas de Sorana Gurian (1913-1956) permet d’examiner la situation d’une multiple exclusion au sein de la société européenne du xxe siècle : elle est à la fois femme, juive et étrangère, accusée d’espionnage et de collaboration, et son corps, handicapé et touché par le cancer, devient le principal coupable de ce bannissement pluriel. L’auteure est une figure tragique : non seulement par sa vie, mais aussi par l’oubli dans lequel est tombée son œuvre – pourtant originale et reconnue à l’époque –, comptant six volumes en roumain et en français et des dizaines de publications dans la presse. Dans le présent article, je propose une lecture de quelques chroniques littéraires portant sur deux éditions de Gurian parues en Roumanie en 1945-1946 : Zilele nu se întorc niciodată [Les jours ne reviennent jamais] et Întâmplări între amurg și noapte [Aventures entre crépuscule et nuit], qui témoignent de la manière dont on percevait l’Autre, en l’occurrence une femme écrivain, une femme infirme ou bien une femme d’origine juive au xxe siècle. Cette perspective a pour but de montrer les conditionnements autres qu’esthétiques (genre, corporalité, classe sociale, convictions politiques, origine ethnique, etc.) qui ont déterminé l’apparition et la disparition de Gurian sur la scène littéraire, et qui influencent toujours la manière de percevoir ses textes en Roumanie. À la fin de cette étude, je réfléchis à la possibilité de réhabiliter cette figure dans l’histoire de la littérature européenne, ce qui pourrait permettre de rediscuter le canon littéraire roumain du xxe siècle, où les femmes écrivains ne trouvent toujours pas leur place. Przypadek Sorany Gurian (1913‑1956) pozwala zbadać sytuację wielokrotnego wykluczenia w xx‑wiecznym społeczeństwie europejskim: jest ona jednocześnie kobietą, Żydówką, obcą, oskarżoną o szpiegostwo i kolaborację, zaś jej ciało, niepełnosprawne i chore na raka, staje się głównym winowajcą tego mnogiego wygnania. Autorka jest postacią tragiczną nie tylko ze względu na jej życie, lecz również ze względu na zapomnienie, w jakie popadła jej oryginalna i uznana przez współczesnych twórczość, na którą składają się sześć wydań w językach francuskim i rumuńskim oraz dziesiątki publikacji w prasie. W niniejszym artykule odczytuję wybrane kroniki literackie komentujące dwa teksty opublikowane przez Gurian w Rumunii w latach 1945‑1946 – Zilele nu se întorc niciodată [Dni nigdy nie powracają] oraz Întâmplări între amurg și noapte [Zdarzenia między zmierzchem a nocą]. Kroniki te pokazują bowiem, w jaki sposób postrzegano Innego, w tym przypadku – pisarkę, niepełnosprawną kobietę czy Żydówkę w xx wieku. Ta perspektywa ma na celu wskazać uwarunkowania nie‑ estetyczne (płeć, cielesność, klasa społeczna, poglądy polityczne, pochodzenie etniczne itd.), które zdecydowały o pojawieniu i zniknięciu Gurian na scenie literackiej, a które ciągle określają postrzeganie jej tekstów w Rumunii. Na końcu tego studium zastanawiam się nad możliwością rehabilitacji tej postaci w historii literatury europejskiej, co mogłoby z kolei przyczynić się do odnowienia rumuńskiego kanonu literackiego xx wieku, w którym nadal nie ma miejsca dla pisarek. Cazul Soranei Gurian (1913‑1956) ilustrează situația unei excluderi din considerențe multiple în societatea europeană din secolul xx‑lea. Fiind femeie, evreică și străină, acuzată de spionaj și de colaborare, trupul său, cu handicap și atins de cancer, devine principalul vinovat al acestei exilări plurale. Autorea este un personaj tragic: nu numai din cauza vieții sale, ci și din cauza uitării în care a căzut opera sa, totuși originală și recunoscută de către contemporanii ei, compusă din șase volume în limba franceză și în română, precum și de zeci de publicații în presă. În acest articol, propun o lectură a unor cronici literare privind cele două ediții ale Soranei Gurian publicate în România în anii 1945‑1946 – Zilele nu se întorc niciodată și Aventuri între amurg și noapte. Aceste cronici reflectă modul în care se percepe Celălalt, în acest caz – o scriitoare, o femeie cu handicap, o evreică în contextul secolului xx. Această perspectivă are să identifice diferite condiționări (gen, corporalitate, clasă socială, convingeri politice, etnie șamd), care au determinat atît apariția, cît și dispariția lui Gurian de pe scenă literară și care încă înfluențează modul de percepere al textelor sale în România. La sfîrșitul acestui studiu, propun o reflecție asupra posibilității de reabilitare a acestei figuri în istoria literaturii europene, ceea ce ar putea conduce la rediscutarea canonului literar românesc al secolului xx, unde scriitoarele încă nu‑și găsesc locul.

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