scholarly journals Enforcement of public notary documents

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-54
Dalibor Krstinić ◽  
Sara Zarubica

By passing the Law on Public Notaries, the Serbian legislator regulates the issue of the operation of public notaries, their services and activities. The modern public notary practice represents a specific legal activity which contributes to the rise of legal security and the de-congestion of courts. It also leads to a more efficient exercise of the citizens rights and the realization of their civil rights much faster and more easily. A public notary performs a public service autonomously and independently being the party's independent commissioner, and his/her participation in preparing the documents attests to their truthfulness and content. As a result, public notary documents occupy a significant place in contemporary legal transactions. According to the Law on Public Notaries, public notary documents have the property of enforceability, under certain conditions they can provide a basis to directly institute enforcement proceedings before a court of law when the stipulated conditions are satisfied. It is deemed a positive and very useful legal solution, because of which the authors will, in this paper, point out some relevant key points and specific features regarding the enforcement of public notary documents.

2021 ◽  

Asas-asas hukum Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara yang menjadi karakteristik hukum acara Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara di antaranya sebagai berikut: Asas praduga rechtmatig (vermoden van rechtmatigheid, praesumtio iustae causa) Asas praduga rechtmatig adalah gugatan tidak menunda atau menghalagi dilaksanakannya keputusan badan atau pejabat Tata Usaha Negara yang digugat (pasal 67 ayat (1) Undangundang no 5 tahun 1986; Asas pembuktian bebas, Hakim yang menetapkan beban pembuktian. Hal ini berbeda dengan ketentuan 1865 BW. Asas ini dianut oleh pasal 101 UU No 5 tahun 1986, hanya saja masih dibatasi ketentuan pasal 100. Asas keaktifan Hakim (dominus Litis). Keaktifan kekuatan mengikat kedudukan para pihak karena tergugat adalah pejabat Tata Usaha Negara sedangkan penggugat adalah orang atau badan hukum perdata. Penerapan asas ini antara lain terdapat dalam ketentuan pasal 58,63 ayat (1) dan (2), pasal 80 dan pasal 85. Asas putusan Peradilan memiliki kekutan mengikat “erga omnes “. Sengketa TUN adalah sengketa hukum public. Dengan demikian putusan pengadilan berlaku bagi siapa saja, tidak hanya bagi para pihak yang bersangkutan. Dalam rangka ini kiranya ketentuan pasal 83 tentang intervensi bertentangan dengan asas erga omnes.Asas-asas umum pemerintahan yang baik sebagai berikut: Asas kepastian hukum (principle of legal security); Asas keseimbangan (principle of proportionality); Asas kesamaan dalam mengambil keputusan (principle of equality); Asas bertindak cermat (principle of carffulness); Asas motivasi untuk setiap keputusan (principle of motivation); Asas tidak mencampuradukan kewenangan (principle of competence); Asas permainan yang layak (principle of fair play); Asas keadilan dan kewajaran (principle of reasonable or prohibition of arbitrariness); Asas kepercayaan dan menanggapi pengharapan yang wajar (principle of meeting raised expectation); Asas meniadakan akibat suatu keputusan yang batal (principle of undoing the concequences of an annulled decision); Asas perlindungan atas pandangan atau cara hidup pribadi (principle of protecting the personal may of life); Asas kebijaksanaan (sapientia); Asas penyelenggaraan kepentingan umum (principle of public service).Asas-asas yang menjadi landasan dalam mekanisme atau bekerjanya sistem peradilan pidana adalah sebagai berikut : Asas Legalitas (Legality Principle), Asas Kelayakan atau Kegunaan (Expediency Principle), Asas Prioritas (Priority Principle), Asas Proporsionalitas (Proporsionality Principle), Asas Subsidair (Subsidairity Principle), Asas Kesamaan di Depan Hukum (Equality Before The Law)

2021 ◽  

Asas-asas hukum Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara yang menjadi karakteristik hukum acara Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara di antaranya sebagai berikut: Asas praduga rechtmatig (vermoden van rechtmatigheid, praesumtio iustae causa) Asas praduga rechtmatig adalah gugatan tidak menunda atau menghalagi dilaksanakannya keputusan badan atau pejabat Tata Usaha Negara yang digugat (pasal 67 ayat (1) Undangundang no 5 tahun 1986; Asas pembuktian bebas, Hakim yang menetapkan beban pembuktian. Hal ini berbeda dengan ketentuan 1865 BW. Asas ini dianut oleh pasal 101 UU No 5 tahun 1986, hanya saja masih dibatasi ketentuan pasal 100. Asas keaktifan Hakim (dominus Litis). Keaktifan kekuatan mengikat kedudukan para pihak karena tergugat adalah pejabat Tata Usaha Negara sedangkan penggugat adalah orang atau badan hukum perdata. Penerapan asas ini antara lain terdapat dalam ketentuan pasal 58,63 ayat (1) dan (2), pasal 80 dan pasal 85. Asas putusan Peradilan memiliki kekutan mengikat “erga omnes “. Sengketa TUN adalah sengketa hukum public. Dengan demikian putusan pengadilan berlaku bagi siapa saja, tidak hanya bagi para pihak yang bersangkutan. Dalam rangka ini kiranya ketentuan pasal 83 tentang intervensi bertentangan dengan asas erga omnes.Asas-asas umum pemerintahan yang baik sebagai berikut: Asas kepastian hukum (principle of legal security); Asas keseimbangan (principle of proportionality); Asas kesamaan dalam mengambil keputusan (principle of equality); Asas bertindak cermat (principle of carffulness); Asas motivasi untuk setiap keputusan (principle of motivation); Asas tidak mencampuradukan kewenangan (principle of competence); Asas permainan yang layak (principle of fair play); Asas keadilan dan kewajaran (principle of reasonable or prohibition of arbitrariness); Asas kepercayaan dan menanggapi pengharapan yang wajar (principle of meeting raised expectation); Asas meniadakan akibat suatu keputusan yang batal (principle of undoing the concequences of an annulled decision); Asas perlindungan atas pandangan atau cara hidup pribadi (principle of protecting the personal may of life); Asas kebijaksanaan (sapientia); Asas penyelenggaraan kepentingan umum (principle of public service).Asas-asas yang menjadi landasan dalam mekanisme atau bekerjanya sistem peradilan pidana adalah sebagai berikut : Asas Legalitas (Legality Principle), Asas Kelayakan atau Kegunaan (Expediency Principle), Asas Prioritas (Priority Principle), Asas Proporsionalitas (Proporsionality Principle), Asas Subsidair (Subsidairity Principle), Asas Kesamaan di Depan Hukum (Equality Before The Law)

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 427
Dewi Kania Sugiharti ◽  
Muhammad Ziaurahman ◽  
Sechabudin Sechabudin

Universities that apply the concept of Public Service Agency (BLU - PK PTN ) in performing functions as an organ which is engaged in the service infrastructure support through goods or services . As an institution under the auspices of the government and the state budget receives PTN PK - BLU implement mechanisms to acquire goods or services in accordance with the law. However, the procurement process in obtaining goods or services sometimes poses problems that arise as a consequence of the passage of the procurement of goods or services involving the organs in it as PA / KPA , KDP , ULP , and Committee / Receiver Procurement Officer. Rector of the KPA in PK - BLU PTN has the authority to control the organs that carry out the process of procurement of goods / services in the environment . Errors in the procurement process of goods / services performed by the CO and the ULP / Procurement Officer causing state losses due to these errors, either due to negligence or unlawful acts. As the KPA in the process of procurement of goods / services Rector can control the organs in accordance with the authority given. The consequences are acceptable if the authorities ultimately the procurement of goods / services did not heed the warning Rector officials related procurement process of goods / services will receive sanctions. Keywords: Authorized Budget, Financial State.

Jurnal Hukum ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 1833
Rihantoro Bayu Aji

 AbstractActually the existence of foreign investment in Indonesia is not new phenomenon, due to foreign investment exist since colonialism era.The existence of foreign investment is still continuing to Soeharto era until reformation era. Spirit of foreign investment in colonialism era, Soharto era, and reformation era are different. Foreign investment in colonialsm era just explore of nation asset and ignore of nation welfare, and this matter is different from the character of foreign investment in Soeharto era also reformation era. Eventhough the involvement of foreign investor have any benefits to the host country, but on the other hand foreign investment have business oriented only whether the investment is secure and may result of profit. Refer to The Law Number 25 Year of 2007 Concerning Investment (hereinafter called UUPM) can not be separated from various interest that become of politic background of the law, even the law tend to liberalism of investment. Liberalism in the investment sector particularly of foreign investment basically exist far from issuing of UUPM, and the spirit of liberalism also stipulate in several rules among others The Law Number 5 Year of 1999 Concerning Prohibitation of Anti Trust and Unfair Competition, The Law Number 22 Year of 2001 Concerning Oil and Gas, The Law Number 7 Year of 2004 Concerning Water Resource, and also The Law Number 30 Year of 2009 Concerning Electricity.   Many rules as mentioned above has liberalism character and also indicator opposite wit the right to manage of the state to nation asset that relate to public interest as stipulated in the Indonesia Constitution. Actually the issuing of UUPM in case of implementation of article 33 Indonesia Constitution (UUD NRI 1945). Due to opportunity by Government to foreign investment as stipulate by article 12 UUPM and also the existence of many rules as well as The Law Number 5 Year of 1999 Concerning Prohibitation of Anti Trust and Unfair Competition, The Law Number 22 Year of 2001 Concerning Oil and Gas, The Law Number 7 Year of 2004 Concerning Water Resource, and also The Law Number 30 Year of 2009 Concerning Electricity, so the foreign investment that relate to public service is more exist in Indonesia. The existence is reflected many foreign companies. Free of foreign investment relate to public service is opposite with spirit of article 33 Indonesia Constitution. Keywords: Foreign Investment, Right of  State, Article 33 Indonesia Consitution AbstrakEksistensi penanaman modal asing (investasi asing) di Indonesia sebenarnya bukan merupakan fenomena baru di Indonesia, mengingat modal asing telah hadir di Indonesia sejak zaman kolonial dahulu.   Eksistensi penanaman modal asing terus berlanjut pada era orde baru sampai dengan era reformasi. Tentunya semangat penanaman modal asing pada saat era kolonial, era orde baru, dan era reformasi adalah berbeda. Penanaman modal asing pada saat era kolonial memiliki karakter eksploitatif atas aset bangsa dan mengabaikan kesejahteraan rakyat, hal ini tentunya berbeda dengan karakter penanaman modal asing pada era orde baru, dan era reformasi. Sekalipun kehadiran investor membawa manfaat bagi negara penerima modal, di sisi lain investor yang hendak menanamkan modalnya juga tidak lepas dari orientasi bisnis (oriented business), apakah modal yang diinvestasikan aman dan bisa menghasilkan keuntungan. Melihat eksistensi Undang–Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanaman Modal (UUPM) tidak dapat dilepaskan dari beragam kepentingan yang mendasari untuk diterbitkannya undang–undang tersebut, bahkan terdapat kecenderungan semangat dari UUPM lebih cenderung kepada liberalisasi investasi. Liberalisasi pada sektor investasi khususnya investasi asing pada dasarnya eksis jauh sebelum lahirnya UUPM ternyata juga tampak secara tersirat dalam beberapa peraturan perundang–undangan di Indonesia. Perundang–undangan tersebut antara lain Undang–Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat, Undang–Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak Dan Gas Bumi, Undang–Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2004 tentang Sumber Daya Air, dan Undang–Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2009 tentang Ketenagalistrikan.Banyaknya peraturan perundang–undangan yang berkarakter liberal sebagaimana diuraikan di atas mengindikasikan bahwa hak menguasai negara atas aset bangsa yang berkaitan dengan hajat hidup orang banyak sebagaimana diamahkan oleh Undang–Undang Dasar 1945 (Konstitusi) mulai “dikebiri” dengan adanya undang–undang yang tidak selaras semangatnya. Padahal, UUPM diterbitkan dalam kerangka mengimplementasikan amanat Pasal 33 Undang–Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (UUD NRI 1945). Dengan adanya peluang yang diberikan oleh pemerintah kepada investor asing sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Pasal 12 UUPM ditambah lagi dengan adanya Undang–Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat, Undang–Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak Dan Gas Bumi, Undang–Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2004 tentang Sumber Daya Air, dan Undang–Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2009 tentang Ketenagalistrikan, maka investasi asing yang berhubungan dengan cabang– cabang yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak semakin eksis di Indonesia. Terbukanya investasi asing atas cabang–cabang produksi yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak tentunya hal ini bertentangan dengan konsep hak menguasai negara sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 33 UUD NRI 1945. Kata Kunci: Investasi Asing, Hak Menguasai Negara, Pasal 33 UUD NRI Tahun          1945

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 88-93
K.N. Golikov ◽  

The subject of this article is the problems of the nature, essence and purpose of prosecutorial activity. The purpose of the article is to study and justify the role of the human rights function in prosecutorial activities in the concept of a modern legal state. At the heart of prosecutorial activity is the implementation of the main function of the Prosecutor’s office – its rights and freedoms, their protection. This means that any type (branch) of Prosecutor's supervision is permeated with human rights content in relation to a citizen, society, or the state. This is confirmed by the fact that the Federal law “On the Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation” establishes an independent type of Prosecutor's supervision-supervision over the observance of human and civil rights and freedoms. It is argued that the legislation enshrines the human rights activities of the Prosecutor's office as its most important function. It is proposed to add this to the Law “On the Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation”.

2020 ◽  
pp. 152747642098582
Philip Scepanski

During the uprising that followed the police killing of George Floyd in 2020, black hip-hop artist Killer Mike appeared on television to ask that people remain nonviolent and in their homes. Similar events took place years earlier. James Brown performed a live concert on WGBH to keep Boston peaceful following Martin Luther King’s assassination in 1968. During the 1992 Los Angeles uprising, both The Cosby Show and The Arsenio Hall Show were used to similar ends. These examples demonstrate the ways in which television has activated black identity to quell certain forms of civil rights protest and implicate televisual discourses of liveness, domesticity, and public service.

2021 ◽  
Vol 102 (8) ◽  
pp. 64-65
Robert Kim

Robert Kim tackles the question of whether denying students access to extracurricular programs is lawful. Historically, courts have considered the presence or absence of extracurricular activities as a factor in determining whether a district has eliminated vestiges of segregation. Outside the desegregation context, however, courts have been reluctant to recognize a legal right to participate in extracurricular activities. Today, those hoping to define extracurriclar opportutines as a right may find avenues to puruse in case involving school finances and federal enforcement of civil rights statutes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 422-433
M.V. Presnyakov

Public Civil Service Act to establish such a mechanism for the exercise of the right to growth. This law provides for a competitive procedure for the replacement of all posts, including in the order of post growth, and at the same time establishes the principle of forming a personnel reserve on a competitive basis. In addition, the law contains an exhaustive list of exceptions to the competitive procedure for the placement of posts, one of which is the appointment of a civil servant in the personnel reserve. This is justified, since the personnel reserve itself is formed on a competitive basis. However, the law provides for the possibility of enrolling a civil servant in the personnel reserve based on the results of certification, which, in our opinion, does not comply with the principle of legal certainty, does not fully realize the right of equal access to public service, and also does not ensure the filling of posts according to the principle of competence. However, the potential of this law is not fully realized, as it contains a number of uncertain provisions that overextend the discretion of the employer's representative.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 53-62
Shoxrukhkhon Saidov ◽  

This article describes the specifics of the law-making process conducted by the prosecutor's office. The purpose and principles of the prosecutor's office's participation in this process have been studied scientifically and theoretically. Taking into account the high relevance of ensuring legality in the law-making process, opinions were expressed about the need for adequate regulation and organization of solving this task by the prosecutor's office at the level of law and legality. The participation of the prosecutor's office in law-making activities contradicts the needs of the population, the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, ensuring the rule of law, promoting the formation of a unified legal space and improving legislation, ensuring consistency legal instructions, systematization of legislation, scientifically based analysis are aimed at reducing the influence of bureaucratic interests and preventing the inclusion of factors that generate corruption in normative acts and their projects

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