
Ross Hair

In this extended introduction, the book’s underlying theme of small press poetry networks is introduced via the example of Lorine Niedecker and her poetry’s transatlantic reception. Discussing examples from Niedecker’s poetry, her friendship with the poet Jonathan Williams, and her legacy for a younger generation of British poets, publishers, and artists, the introduction argues that within the transatlantic small press poetry milieu, ‘remoteness’ is as much a strategic position as it is an imposed circumstance. The introduction also discusses the various ways in which the term ‘folk’ is understood and applied in Avant-Folk. Emphasis is placed on the role of botanical folklore, the use of vernacular speech, and the significance of a ‘cottage-industry’ approach to publishing. In the context of modern small press publishing, the emphasis on craft and artisanship, it is argued, reasserts the domestic sphere as an incisive site for the poetry and publishing practices examined in the following chapters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 219
Marta Dominguez-Folgueras

The lockdowns enforced in many countries to contain the spread of COVID-19 had important consequences for the domestic sphere. This paper analyzes the division of domestic work among heterosexual couples in France during the lockdown. In particular, we analyzed the role of time constraints and availability and expected to find a more egalitarian division of domestic work among couples in which the man had more time than his partner due to not working or working from home. We used data from the ELIPSS panel, a representative survey of the French population, and ran OLS regressions on the division of domestic work among 406 couples. The results show that men’s time availability was associated with a more egalitarian division of domestic work, even if gender inequalities persisted. However, we did not find any clear differences between men who did not work and men who worked from home, leading us to hypothesize that men’s presence at home is an important factor.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Suharyo Suharyo

PERANAN KEJAKSAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIADALAM PEMBERANTASAN KORUPSI DI NEGARA DEMOKRASI(Role of The Attorney General of Indonesia in Eradicating Corruption in State Democracy) The Attorney General of Indonesia plays a strategic position in corruption eradication. Since IndonesiaIndependent Day on 17 August 1945 until now, the attorney general keeps eradicate the corruption. As one of the elements of criminal justice system of the democracy state refers to the Act No.16/2004 on the Attorney General of Republic of Indonesia, and also a concern with the Act No.8/1981 on the Criminal Code (KUHAP). Corruption eradication is ruled and stipulated on the Act No.31/1999 on Corruption Eradication Jo the Act No.20/2001, and supported the Act No.8/2010 on the Criminal Act of Money Laundering . Questions of this research were what obstacles of corruption eradication in attorneys and how to make it effective? It was a normative-juridical method. It was  an impression that the Attorney General has no dare to enforce the law for the elite politician, local officials (governors,majors) because of their strong relationship with. This phenomenon triggered scholars to do long march and protest to the Attorney General to be consistent and responsive in corruption eradication. Good governance and bureaucracy reform had no big impact, the meaning of “Tri Atmaka” and “Tri Karma Adhyaksa” had truly not been absorbed and practiced, yet. Keywords: The Attorney General of Indonesia in eradicating corruption ABSTRAK Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia memegang posisi sangat strategis dalam pemberantasan korupsi. SejakProklamasi Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus 1945 sampai sekarang, Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia terus menerus melakukan pemberantasan korupsi. Sebagai salah satu unsur dari  sistem peradilan pidana (Criminal Justice System) di dalam negara demokrasi Kejaksaan RI mengacu pada Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2004 Tentang Kejaksaan RI, dan juga memperhatikan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP). Khusus untuk pemberantasan korupsi, diatur melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tidak Pidana Korupsi no Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001, dan ditunjang Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2010 Tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah kendala yang melekat jajaran Kejaksaan dalam pemberantasan korupsi, serta Bagaimana mengefektifkan Kejaksaan RI dalam pemberantasan korupsi. Metode yang dipakai adalah yuridis normatif.Terdapat kesan, Kejaksaan RI sangat tumpul pada pelaku dari elit politik, dan pejabat daerah (Gubernur, Bupati/Walikota) yang mempunyai koneksi politik yang kuat.Sehingga tidaklah mengherankan, apabila di berbagai daerah, muncul aksi-aksi unjuk rasa dari kalangan mahasiswa yang menuntut Kejaksaan RI agar konsisten dan responsif dalam pemberantasan korupsi. Good Governance dan reformasi birokrasi, hanya berpengaruh positif, secara minimal. Makna Tri Atmaka, serta Tri Karma Adhyaksa, kurang diresapi dan kurang  diamalkan secara mendalam. Kata Kunci: Kejaksaan RI dalam pemberantasan korupsi

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Uti Mohammad Wildan ◽  
Sahid Hidayat

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peran pers pada masa Orde Baru di Pontianak tahun 1966-1974. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metod penelitian sejarah dengan langkah-langkah heuristik (Pengumpulan sumber), verifikasi (Kritik sumber), interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pers sebagai bagian dari sistem komunikasi, menempati posisi strategis dalam masyarakat Pontianak. Pers berperan sebagai jembatan komunikasi timbal balik antara pemerintah dan masyarakat, serta masyarakat dengan masyarakat sendiri. Sejarah pertumbuhan pers di Pontianak telah menempatkan kekhususan posisi dan ciri-ciri khas yang melekat pada pers sebagai lembaga kemasyarakatan. Pers mempunyai peranan dalam pengawasan pembangunan nasional sebagai realisasi dari tanggung jawab sosial sebagai alat kontrol sosial. Pemerintahan Orde membutuhkan kestabilan umum dalam menjalankan roda kepemerintahan dan menjaga wibawa negara.Pada awal masa orde baru pers di Pontianak memiliki peranan membantu pemerintah dalam menertipkan gejolak serta peristiwa yang terjadi di Pontianak. Pers terlihat sebagai satu tindakan nyata dalam propaganda pemerintah. Propaganda-propaganda pembangunan- pembangunan yang dilakukan pemerintah mewarnai tajuk berita yang dimuat.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> pers, Orde Baru, Pontianak</p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>The aim of this research is to look the role of pers in the new order in Pontianak, from 1966-1974. The methods of this research is a historical research includes four stages; heuristic, verification, interpretation, and historioghraphy. The results of this research show if the pers is an essential part of the communication, have a strategic position in Pontianak society. The pers is a connected from government and society. The history of pers in Pontianak was putted in central position with a special characteristic as an institution of society. The pers have a role as social control. The new order needs the stability of nation to maintain the continuity of governement. Pers is one tools of government propaganda. The propagandas of development we can see in the news printed.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> press, Orde Baru, Pontianak</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ahmad Zainal Abidin ◽  
M. Imam Sanusi Al-Khanafi ◽  
Eko Zulfikar

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya sebuah pemikiran tafsir dalam tradisi Jawa yang menempatkan perempuan dalam posisi yang lebih banyak bergerak di wilayah domestik. Karena persepsi mufassir yang melihat kedudukan laki-laki lebih berpotensi daripada perempuan, maka perempuan kurang diberi ruang dalam sektor publik. Di dalam salah satu karya tafsir dari tradisi Jawa yakni al-Iklil fi Ma’ani al-Tanzil karya Misbah Mustafa, ditemukan pemahaman bahwa peran laki-laki lebih utama daripada perempuan melalui serangkaian tafsir terhadap ayat-ayat gender. Melalui analisis struktur sosial terhadap beberapa tema gender seperti asal-usul penciptaan manusia, poligami, dan kepemimpinan laki-laki ataupun perempuan, pemikiran Misbah Mustafa terpola dengan jelas. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemikiran Misbah Mustafa dalam tafsir al-Iklil cenderung mengulang-ulang, menukil dan melegitimasi pendapat para ulama tradisional normatif yang kebanyakan mensubordinasikan kedudukan perempuan. Tulisan ini merefleksikan ke-arah bagaimana konstruksi sosial dan budaya mempengaruhi pola penafsiran Misbah Mustafa dalam karyanya tafsir al-Iklil.[This research is motivated by an interpretive thought in the Javanese tradition that places women in a position that is more engaged in domestic sphere. Because the perception of mufassir who see the position of men has more potential than women, women are less given space in the public sector. In one of the interpretations of Javanese tradition, al-Iklil fi Ma’ani al-Tanzil by Misbah Mustafa, it is found that the role of men is more important than women through a series of interpretations of gender verses. Through the analysis of social structure on several gender themes such as the origin of human creation, polygamy, and male or female leadership, Misbah Mustafa’s thoughts were clearly patterned. By using a descriptive-analytical method, the results of the study show that Misbah Mustafa’s thinking in the interpreting the Quran tends to repeat, copy and legitimize the opinions of traditional normative scholars who mostly subordinate the position of women. This paper also shows how social and cultural construction influence Misbah Mustafa’s interpretation patterns in his work, al-Iklil.]

Suja R. Nair

Institutions of higher education have a major role to play in preparing the younger generation for a propitious future. Apart from imparting quality education, they need to instill high ethical values and practices amongst the student fraternity. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the various facets of education and the role of ethics in the field of higher education. An attempt has been made to emphasize and highlight the perspective on the importance of ethics in higher education through a review of literature. A small primary study was also conducted involving the faculty of a few universities in India as respondents. The respondents were administered a questionnaire on “Ethics in Higher Education” to gauge a link between the theory and practice.

Sugihana Sembiring ◽  
Rosita Ginting

Changing Karo language into a modern written language is certainly not an easy matter. Karo society does not want to be involved to improve, develop, and preserve the Karo language. Therefore, in this research we will examine the role of surat ukat in Karo Singalor Lau Karo District. Surat ukat can serve as a way of life in every action in Karonese life so that people can live harmonious and peacefully. The method that used in this research is descriptive method and interview. The theory that used is cultural theory.  This study describes about the role of surat ukat in the Karo community Singalor Lau  Karo District can be distinguished on: surat ukat in deeds, surat ukat in thoughts, surat ukat in the household and surat ukat for students.  From the results above, can be concluded that the Karo people have surat ukat as a guide to life in sangkep geluh in ancient times, while in the present, the younger generation is rarely know and use the surat ukat. We suggest the Karo community to life their daily life based on surat ukat so that they can live in harmony and good.

Erik Swyngedouw

In the corpus of Marxist thought as well as in mainstream socialist strategies and politics, the theoretical and politically strategic position and role of space, nature, and the urbanization process in the expanded production and reproduction of capitalism, and in the transformation to socialism, remains—with a few notable exceptions—largely marginal and residual. Nonetheless, cities are hotbeds of anti-capitalist struggles and socio-ecological conflict, offer experimental spaces for emancipatory socio-ecological transformation and action, and remain pivotal for the organization and management of the creative destruction that animates a continuously revolutionizing capital circulation process. This chapter explores how emancipatory-egalitarian political movements, in conjunction with urban political-economic and political-ecological transformation, demonstrate the vital role of space, urbanization, and socio-ecological processes both in sustaining the expanded reproduction of capitalism and in choreographing the dynamics and configuration of class struggle.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Trihoni Nalesti Dewi ◽  
Jonathan Kwik ◽  
Aholiab Watloly

This article demonstrates the strategic position of Lembaga Adat Negeri in the fulfilment of the long-neglected right to reparation of victims in post-conflict Ambon. Lembaga Adat Negeri were chosen as the object of analysis due to their close cultural affiliation with the Ambonese society. Due to the important role that Lembaga Adat Negeri play in local Ambonese governance, it is argued that they can assist in absorbing local aspirations and aid the reparation process. The recent enactment of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Desa provides Lembaga Adat Negeri with ever greater momentum to spearhead reconciliation based on Ambonese traditional values and contribute to the peaceful transition of the divided people, in particular by way of fulfilling the right to reparation of victims.

2020 ◽  
pp. 175063522095036
Kajalie Shehreen Islam

This article explores the role of the media as a discursive tool in the commemoration of Bangladesh’s war of liberation. The author critically engages with the notion of mediated memory in the foreground of corporate nationalism. Through a discourse analysis of print advertisements published in Bangladeshi newspapers on the country’s Independence and Victory Days over five decades, she traces the use of nationalism in advertising discourse and the shift from a development-oriented approach to corporate nationalism, with the underlying theme of glorification of war. The study found that nationalistic-based discourse is a key theme of Bangladeshi advertisements published on its days of national significance – history and its heroes, symbols and images, poetry and song, are all used to invoke a banal nationalism. These discursive constructions depend largely on the political context but, as long as the political line is adhered to, advertisers are free to use nationalistic discourse to promote their brands, products and services.

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