scholarly journals mirada del flâneur. Influjo y presencia en la poesía y narrativa de Louis Aragon

2021 ◽  
pp. 747-767
Jordi Luengo López

En Louis Aragon, la flânerie ­­no sólo se manifiesta en los paseos que el escritor francés por placer pudiera dar por París, sino que, además, supone un modo de emplazarse en la ciudad y en su propia literatura. Abordar el estudio del flâneur desde la producción poético-literaria de Aragon nos permite deambular por las líneas de sus versos y fragmentos de su prosa onírica, como si de calles y avenidas se tratase, para participar en esa actividad artística que contribuyó fehacientemente a su consagración como escritor. En el presente estudio, por lo tanto, podrá constatarse que la flânerie no sólo se dio en su período surrealista, especialmente en Le paysan de Paris, sino que fue una constante a lo largo de toda su producción literaria. Para demostrarlo, se profundizará en varias obras de la poesía y narrativa del autor francés, buscando, en este ejercicio analítico, la influencia y presencia de esa mirada creativa del flâneur sobre el texto escrito. In the work of Louis Aragon, flânerie ­­is not only present in the strolls the French writer took around Paris for pleasure, but also implies a way of locating oneself in the city and in his literature. Approaching the study of the flâneur from Aragon’s poetic and literary oeuvre allows us to wander through the lines of his verses and passages of oneiric prose as though through streets and avenues, to take part in this artistic activity that irrefutably contributed to establishing him as a writer. In the present study, flânerie is therefore shown to be present not only in his Surrealist period, especially in Le paysan de Paris, but that it was a constant factor throughout all his literary work. To demonstrate this, several poems and narrative works by the French author will be analysed in depth, seeking to pin down the presence and influence of the creative gaze of the flâneuron the written text. Chez Louis Aragon,la flânerie se manifeste non seulement par les promenades que l’écrivain français fait pour le plaisir à Paris, mais aussi par une façon de se situer dans la ville et dans sa propre littérature. Aborder l’étude du flâneur depuis la production poético-littéraire d’Aragon nous permet de déambuler dans les lignes de ses vers et les fragments de sa prose onirique, comme s’il s’agissait de rues et d’avenues, pour participer à cette activité artistique qui a contribué à sa consécration en tant qu’écrivain. Dans la présente étude, nous pourrons constater que la flânerie n’est pas seulement apparue dans la période surréaliste d’Aragon, notamment dans Le Paysan de Paris, mais qu’elle a été une constante tout au long de sa production littéraire. Pour cela, nous explorerons plusieurs œuvres poétiques et narratives de l’auteur français, en cherchant, dans cet exercice analytique, la présence et l’influence de ce regard créatif du flâneur sur le texte écrit.

2012 ◽  
pp. 116-123
Alicja Ślusarska

Retracing in his novel the labyrinthine journey that leads Oedipus from the place of his abomination (Thebes) to the city of his future glory (Colonus), Henry Bauchau fills the emptiness between Sophocles’s Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus. Bauchau’s hero, a powerful king, loses everything and stabs his eyes out when the cruel truth about his real identity is revealed. Blind, homeless, devoid of meaning of life, Oedipus leaves on a journey to pass away anywhere. However, his way to death turns out to be, thanks to benevolent presence of others and art’s liberating power, the road to personal elucidation. The story of Bauchau’s Oedipus, who finally recognizes himself as a truly human, is based therefore on the passage between absence and presence, between darkness and lucidity, on the union of contradictions which symbolize the complexity of human nature. This paper attempts to analyse different representations of absence in Bauchau’s novel. Afterwards, the article focuses on the ways which facilitate Oedipus’s road leading from depersonalization to rediscovery of his own identity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 586
Valdeci Reis

Estudo etnográfico, com revisão de literatura sobre a construção social do conceito juventude, tem como objetivo relatar e analisar narrativas juvenis em torno do direito à educação. A análise empírica seleciona duas ondas de mobilizações protagonizadas por jovens estudantes: Atos em defesa das Universidades e Institutos Federais ocorridos na cidade de Florianópolis-SC; Na capital da Argentina, Buenos Aires, a narrativa etnográfica se debruça na análise de mobilizações protagonizadas por jovens portenhos que tomaram as ruas exigindo a manutenção da Ley Nacional de Educación, além de se posicionarem radicalmente contra as medidas de austeridade anunciadas pelo Governo Maurício Macri. A análise dos dados etnográficos aponta que a pauta em defesa da educação é capaz de unir coletivos e organizações dos mais variados espectros ideológicos.Palavras-chave: Juventude. Neoliberalismo. Participação social. Etnografia. América Latina.NARRATIVES ON THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION IN DISPUTE: anthropological lights to understand youth mobilizationsAbstractEthnographic study, with a review of the literature on the social construction of the concept of youth, in order to report and analyze youth narratives around the right to education.The empirical analysis selected two waves of mobilizations carried out by young students: Acts in defense of public educational institutions occurred in the city of Florianópolis-SC, Brazil;In the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, the ethnographic narrative focused on the analysis of mobilizations carried out by young people who went to the streets demanding the maintenance of the “National Education Law”, as well as to stand radicallyagainst the austerity measures announced by the MaurícioMacri Government. The analysis of the ethnographic data indicates that the agenda in defense of education is capable of uniting collectives and organizations affiliated to the mostdiverse ideological currents.Keywords: Youth. Neoliberalism. Social participation. Ethnography. Latin America.

2019 ◽  
pp. 176-191

The article states the necessity of creating an economic chronicle of Alexander Pushkin’s life. His economic life includes four aspects: publishing activity, estate management, playing cards, and life in the city. It is mentioned that the existing literature lacks accurate data on Pushkin’s incomes and expenses. The article studies a notorious episode concerning Pushkin’s loan received from the Moscow Savings Treasury. It is shown that there are certain questions connected with distribution of the money received and with Pushkin’s deposit in the Moscow Savings Treasury. Besides, the article analyses Pushkin’s loans from the State Treasury. The role of Egor Kankrin, Minister of Finance, in providing to Pushkin his credit conditions, and the attitude of Emperor Nicholas I towards the poet are emphasized. They resulted in the lending conditions being extremely soft: the loans were long-term and interest-free. However, Pushkin still needed money and had to borrow large sums from private persons. After his death, debts to the State Treasury and to private persons amounted to 138,988 rubles 33 kopeks. The author raises the question: did Pushkin have a real opportunity to repay his debts? Data from a Pushkin Trust report concerning incomes collected from the posthumous edition are analyzed. The article provides calculations confirming that Pushkin’s financial bankruptcy was far from being inevitable. Had he survived after the duel with d’Anthès, Pushkin would have been exiled to his village. He would have continued his literary work and, according to the optimistic estimate, could have repaid his debts within approximately four years.

2004 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
Cláudio Pereira Elmir

O texto compreende uma discussão sobre o processo de modernização na cidade de Porto Alegre em vários momentos de sua história, articulando as transformações e modificações havidas no espaço urbano com uma paralela segregação social operada e/ou desejada na cidade. São recolhidos vários exemplos para demonstrar a vontade de se construir uma “cidade una”, na qual não se admite o convívio com os indesejados sociais. A combinação modernização/exclusão social, tantas vezes já abordada em diversos estudos da historiografia brasileira, encontra neste artigo mais um exercício de aproximação, a partir do qual pode-se vislumbrar momentos distintos – sem traçar uma linha de continuidade – desta operação específica da modernidade. Abstract The text discusses the process of modernization in the city of Porto Alegre during various moments of its history, debating both transformations and modifications in the city’s urban space along with a social segregation that was either going on or being wished for at that time. Many exemples are given so as to demonstrate the desire to build a “united city” in which those who were socially unwished were not allowed. The combination of modernization with social exclusion, so often discussed in many other studies of Brazilian history, is shown in this article as another approach to the issue of modernization with its distinct moments. Palavras-chave: Rio Grande do Sul. Séculos XIX e XX. Identidade. Key words: Rio Grande do Sul. XIX & XX centuries. Identity.

Tetsuo Sawada

Le présent travail vise à mettre en lumière le statut de l’« ima­gination (Einbildungskraft) » kantienne dans la phénoménologie. Pour ac­complir cette tâche, il convient selon nous de se référer aux travaux de Marc Richir, tels que l’article « L’origine phénoménologique de la pensée » et l’ouvrage Phénoménologie et institution symbolique. Car, en discutant soigneusement de l’imagination kantienne dans la Critique de faculté de juger, ce phénoménologue tente de dégager, à partir du concept de l’imagina­tion, le caractère paradoxal de la vie de la conscience humaine. Il s’agit alors d’une « imagination » dédoublée à son origine entre la « liberté phénomé­nologique » et l’« institution symbolique » de la Raison. La pre­mière nous permet de voir la phénoménalité des phénomènes et leur phéno­ménalisation dans la vie de la conscience humaine. La dernière a pour effet de stabiliser, et même d’aplatir, à l’insu du soi, la première. Ainsi, les phéno­mènes ne se phénoménalisent qu’en étant menacés par la crise de leur disparition dans les idées de la Raison. Cela revient à dire que, pour ce phénoménologue profondément inspiré par l’« imagination » kantienne, la phénoménologie est fondée foncièrement à la limite entre ce qui est phéno­ménologique (« liberté phénoménologique ») et ce qui est non phénoméno­logique (la Raison). C’est, dès lors, par son approche phénoménologique qu’on peut voir la contribution de l’« imagination » kantienne à la phénomé­nologie transcendantale.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 025
Cleyber Nascimento de Medeiros ◽  
Marcos José Nogueira De Souza

Este trabalho objetivou analisar aspectos geoambientais de Caucaia, localizado no Estado do Ceará. O município vem apresentado nos últimos anos um elevado crescimento populacional, suscitando uma forte pressão sobre os recursos naturais, justificando assim a necessidade de se identificar as áreas mais e menos vulneráveis ambientalmente ao adensamento populacional, gerando com isto elementos para o planejamento territorial. Desse modo, procedeu-se a caracterização geoambiental criando os mapas de sistemas ambientais e de vulnerabilidade ambiental. Constatou-se que 21% do território têm alta vulnerabilidade à ocupação, sendo de 58% e 17%, respectivamente, os percentuais para os locais com média e baixa vulnerabilidade. Menciona-se que o planejamento territorial com base na compartimentação geoambiental surge como um importante delineador das condições organizacionais e da funcionalidade dos ambientes, tendo em vista que considera sempre suas características ambientais e sua dinâmica sócio-espacial de maneira integralizada.   A B S T R A C T   This study aimed to analyze geoenvironmental aspects of the city of Caucaia, located in the state of Ceará, Brazil. The municipality has presented in recent years a high population growth, raising a strong human pressure on natural resources, thus justifying the need to identify the most and least environmentally vulnerable areas to population density, generating elements for territorial planning. Thus, we proceeded to environmental characterization creating maps of environmental systems and environmental vulnerability Caucaia, scale 1:50,000, using, for both, the geosystemic theory and the use of remote sensing products, cartographic data and fieldwork. It was verified that 21% of the territory have high vulnerability to occupation, being 58% and 17%, respectively, the percentages for areas with medium and low vulnerability. It is mentioned that the territorial planning based on geoenvironmental compartmentation emerges as important eyeliner of the organizational conditions and functionality of environments, considering their environmental characteristics and socio-spatial dynamics in the integrated form. Keywords: Mapping of environmental systems, Territorial planning, Caucaia.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 166
Alice Vignoli Reis ◽  
Mônica Botelho Alvim

ResumoNossas cidades sãofortemente marcadas por processos de segregação socioespacial que as dividem em territórios  estrangeiros, cada qual com seu universo cultural próprio. Essesestrangeirismos frequentemente colocam desafios às práticas de extensão universitária, ou outras práticas de pesquisa e trabalho que colocam em contato distintos universos culturais. Apartir da experiência de se sentir estrangeira na Favela da Mangueira, que se deu no âmbito de um projeto de extensão universitária vinculado ao Instituto de Psicologia da UFRJ,pretendemos traçar uma reflexão sobre como delimitam-seessas fronteiras urbanas e sobre as possibilidades de invenção do comum em uma cidade dividida, colocando em diálogo nossas experiências no campo com as elaborações de autores da fenomenologia, filosofia política, história, arte e urbanismo. Buscamos colaborar, desta forma, com aqueles que atuam emprojetos de pesquisa-intervenção, extensão universitária, movimentos sociais, ONGs e outras formas de organização social que trabalhem em zonas fronteiriças dentro da cidade.Palavras-chave: Segregação Urbana; Produção do Comum; Estética; Política; Pesquisa-Intervenção.AbstractOur cities are keenly characterized by processes of socio-spatial segregation which divide them into estranged territories, each with its own cultural universe. Such estrangements areoften challenging to university extension practices, as wellas to other work and research practices which foster contact between different cultural universes. Based on our experience of‘feeling like a foreigner’ in the Favela da Mangueira during a university extension project associated with the Institute of Psychology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, we offer a reflection on how urban partitions arise and how we can invent the common in a divided city. We look to make our experiences in the field conversant with the works of authors from different areas, such as phenomenology, political philosophy, history, art and urbanism. Thus, we seek to collaborate with other researchers who direct research-intervention projects, university extension, social movements, NGOs and other types of social organizations working in urban fringe zones.Keywords: Urban Segregation; Production of the Common; Aesthetics; Politics; Research-Intervention.

2005 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 313-336
Gérald Fortin ◽  
M.-Adélard Tremblay

Le besoin étant défini de façon subjective, l'univers des besoins de la famille constitue pour celle-ci un système normatif qui conditionnera ses conduites économiques. Cependant, la famille dans la définition de sa situation globale doit tenir compte non seulement de ses normes mais aussi du niveau réel de ses ressources, de son revenu. Nous avons pu déterminer que la définition de la situation était aussi influencée par l'histoire de la famille et par certaines dispositions psychologiques. La définition de la situation par la famille peut cependant porter sur deux objets différents. La famille peut extérioriser sa définition de la situation en exprimant son degré de satisfaction ou de privation par rapport aux différents postes du budget et par rapport à des conduites particulières. Elle peut aussi livrer sa définition en évaluant globalement la situation présente et passée. En général, il nous est apparu que la famille avait beaucoup de difficulté à subdiviser la situation en aspects particuliers et avait plutôt tendance à percevoir globalement ses chances de vie. C'est pourquoi nous voulons consacrer le présent article à l'analyse de la définition globale de la situation. À ce propos deux questions s'imposent à notre attention : a) comment les familles évaluent-elles leur revenu par rapport à leurs besoins ? et, b) de quelle façon les familles entrevoient-elles l'avenir ? Cette double interrogation nous permet de rejoindre l'univers des aspirations, c'est-à-dire ce qui est considéré comme souhaitable et réalisable dans un avenir plus ou moins rapproché. L'aspiration peut être analysée à travers les explications que fournit l'individu pour justifier un comportement et à travers les désirs que ces explications expriment. L'aspiration se révèle aussi dans les objectifs et les projets dont l'individu poursuit la réalisation. Mais tous ces différents indices qui manifestent à des degrés divers, à travers divers mécanismes, la présence d'aspirations n'apparaissent que lorsque le consommateur a atteint un certain niveau de vie. En effet, comme nous le verrons plus loin, la définition de la situation s'exprimera à travers des aspirations seulement si l'individu a réussi au préalable à satisfaire la plupart de ses besoins essentiels. Un individu qui est constamment aux prises avec les problèmes posés par l'incomplète satisfaction des besoins immédiats de sa famille peut difficilement élaborer des projets d'avenir et planifier à long terme l'amélioration de ses conditions de vie. Cependant, la possibilité de se projeter dans l'avenir par l'aspiration ne dépend pas uniquement de la situation objective (un certain niveau de vie), mais aussi de la définition de cette situation. Cette définition de la situation dépend aussi bien de la situation objective de la famille que de ses normes de consommation. C'est pourquoi, avant d'aborder l'étude des aspirations, il faut examiner la manière dont les familles jugent leur situation objective (les ressources disponibles) par rapport à leurs besoins. Cette première section s'intitulera : « La satisfaction des besoins quotidiens ». Dans une deuxième section, on définira « l'univers des aspirations » des travailleurs salariés, puis on analysera comment s'effectue le passage du besoin à l'aspiration et comment les aspirations deviennent des rêves.

Olga A. Vasileva ◽  

This article discusses one relatively unknown aspect of the French writer and philosopher, Michel Butor’s works — his literary criticism through the example of “Improvisations sur Rimbaud”. Poet’s works are investigated by Butor unattainable apart from the stages of his life, and the most significant poems — in the context of the epistolary heritage of Rimbaud. Most attention is paid to the chapter “Improvisations”, dedicated to the collection of Rimbaud’s “Illuminations”: to the development of the theme of the city and its transformation, the role of structural rhyme and reprise at the beginning of the line overturning the classical system of versification, the appearance in the texts of Rimbaud mathematical structure. The new poetic language, the innovative artistic techniques of the poet , which are used in the composition of a number of texts in the collection, comprehensively explored by Butor, had an undeniable influence on the direction of the research for new literary forms in the works of Butor: his novel “Degrès”, which uses the numerical structure as a method of total description of reality as well as a number of texts written in the genre of experimental prose in which fragmentation is elevated to an aesthetic principle, the idea of synthesizing the arts is implemented and endless intertextual interactions are created.

Andrew Thacker

This paper explores the significance of Katherine Mansfield and Jean Rhys as colonial outsiders in the modernist metropolis of Paris. The paper draws upon a number of ideas from contemporary affect theory (such as work on the idea of shame) to present an original account of how, in texts such as ‘Je ne parle pas français’ and ‘Feuille d’Album’ (Mansfield) and Quartet (Rhys), both writers responded, in differing ways, to the moods of the modernist spaces of the city. It also discusses the importance of their engagement with the cultural institutions of modernism in Paris, such as that of Sylvia Beach’s bookshop, Shakespeare and Company, and explores their shared connections to the French writer Francis Carco.

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