scholarly journals A Modal Characterisation of Distributed Bisimulation

1991 ◽  
Vol 20 (347) ◽  
Søren Christensen

In this paper we consider the distributed bisimulation equivalence defined by Hennessy and Castellani and later developed by Castellani. We present a logic in the style of Hennessy-Milner logic to charaterize the equivalence, i.e. we seek a logic such that whenever two processes are distributed bisimulation equivalent, they satisfy the same set of formulae and vice versa. Furthermore, for a small subset of CCS we provide a proof system which is shown to be sound and complete. The proof system is structural both in the structure of formulae and in the structure of processes. For the case of parallel composition of processes we present inference rules defined via a new combinator introduced. The combinator in question is left merge, a special kind of parallel composition in which the left operand has precedence over the other and must perform the first action observed.

Esteban S. Abait ◽  
Santiago A. Vidal ◽  
Claudia A. Marcos ◽  
Sandra I. Casas ◽  
Albert A. Osiris Sofia

Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) aims at solving the problem of encapsulating crosscutting concerns, which orthogonally crosscut the components of a system, in units called aspects. This encapsulation improves the modularization of a system and in consequence its maintenance and evolution. In this work, the authors propose a systematic process for the migration of object-oriented systems to aspect-oriented ones. This migration is achieved in two main phases: crosscutting concern identification (aspect mining) and code transformation (aspect refactoring). The aspect mining phase is based on dynamic analysis and association rules to identify potential crosscutting concerns. The aspect refactoring phase, on the other hand, uses inference rules to identify the refactoring that can be applied. The whole process is described and its application on a real system is assessed.

1982 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 772-792 ◽  
Michael Katz

AbstractTwo real-valued deduction schemes are introduced, which agree on ⊢ ⊿ but not on Γ ⊢ ⊿, where Γ and ⊢ are finite sets of formulae. Using the first scheme we axiomatize real-valued equality so that it induces metrics on the domains of appropriate structures. We use the second scheme to reduce substitutivity of equals to uniform continuity, with respect to the metric equality, of interpretations of predicates in structures. This continuity extends from predicates to arbitrary formulae and the appropriate models have completions resembling analytic completions of metric spaces. We provide inference rules for the two deductions and discuss definability of each of them by means of the other.

2012 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 291-310 ◽  
Jelle de Boer

This paper examines a special kind of social preference, namely a preference to do one's part in a mixed-motive setting because the other party expects one to do so. I understand this expectation-based preference as a basic reactive attitude (Strawson 1974). Given this, and the fact that expectations in these circumstances are likely to be based on other people's preferences, I argue that in cooperation a special kind of equilibrium ensues, which I call a loop, with people's preferences and expectations mutually cross-referring. As with a Lewis-norm, the loop can get started in a variety of ways. It is self-sustaining in the sense that people with social preferences have sufficient reason not to deviate.

Geophysics ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. A1-A5 ◽  
Felix J. Herrmann ◽  
Deli Wang ◽  
Gilles Hennenfent ◽  
Peyman P. Moghaddam

Mitigating missing data, multiples, and erroneous migration amplitudes are key factors that determine image quality. Curvelets, little “plane waves,” complete with oscillations in one direction and smoothness in the other directions, sparsify a property we leverage explicitly with sparsity promotion. With this principle, we recover seismic data with high fidelity from a small subset (20%) of randomly selected traces. Similarly, sparsity leads to a natural decorrelation and hence to a robust curvelet-domain primary-multiple separation for North Sea data. Finally, sparsity helps to recover migration amplitudes from noisy data. With these examples, we show that exploiting the curvelet's ability to sparsify wavefrontlike features is powerful, and our results are a clear indication of the broad applicability of this transform to exploration seismology.

1993 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-62 ◽  
Douglas R. Troeger

We focus attention on a language ℒ generated by a set of elementary actions under operations of sequential composition, external binary choice, iteration, and non-nested disjoint parallel composition: that is, on an especially simple parallel language without explicit internal, or ‘local’, nondeterminism. ℒ is nondeterministic, despite the restriction to external choice, since a given action may occur in both subterms F and G of the parallel composition F ║ G. We exhibit a single set of equations that axiomatizes both step bisimulation and pomset equivalence on ℒ Given that step bisimulation and pomset equivalence are incomparable on the language ℒ+ obtained from ℒ by relaxing just the constraint on choice, the coincidence of these equivalences on ℒ suggests that the elimination of explicit internal choice can result in simplifications at the semantic level. We reinforce this impression by showing for ℒ that step bisimulation (i) coincides with pomset bisimulation equivalence, (ii) is real-time consistent, and (iii) has step trees as concrete representatives of its equivalence classes. Moreover, we show that none of these results holds for the language ℒ+ Finally, step trace equivalence is proved not to coincide with step bisimulation equivalence on ℒ.

2019 ◽  
Anthony D. Umpierre ◽  
Lauren L. Bystrom ◽  
Yanlu Ying ◽  
Yong U. Liu ◽  
Long-Jun Wu

ABSTRACTMicroglial calcium signaling underlies a number of key physiological processes in situ, but has not been studied in vivo in an awake animal where neuronal function is preserved. Using multiple GCaMP6 variants targeted to microglia, we assessed how microglial calcium signaling responds to alterations in neuronal activity across a wide physiological range. We find that only a small subset of microglial somata and processes exhibited spontaneous calcium transients. However, hyperactive and hypoactive shifts in neuronal activity trigger increased microglial process calcium signaling, often concomitant with process extension. On the other hand, changes in somatic calcium activity are only observed days after severe seizures. Our work reveals that microglia have highly distinct microdomain signaling, and that processes specifically respond to bi-directional shifts in neuronal activity through calcium signaling.

2004 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Luca Aceto ◽  
Willem Jan Fokkink ◽  
Anna Ingólfsdóttir ◽  
Bas Luttik

This note shows that split-2 bisimulation equivalence (also known as timed equivalence) affords a finite equational axiomatization over the process algebra obtained by adding an auxiliary operation proposed by Hennessy in 1981 to the recursion free fragment of Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems. Thus the addition of a single binary operation, viz. Hennessy's merge, is sufficient for the finite equational axiomatization of parallel composition modulo this non-interleaving equivalence. This result is in sharp contrast to a theorem previously obtained by the same authors to the effect that the same language is not finitely based modulo bisimulation equivalence.

2001 ◽  
Vol 8 (37) ◽  
Ronald Cramer ◽  
Victor Shoup

We present several new and fairly practical public-key encryption schemes and prove them secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack. One scheme is based on Paillier's Decision Composite Residuosity (DCR) assumption, while another is based in the classical Quadratic Residuosity (QR) assumption. The analysis is in the standard cryptographic model, i.e., the security of our schemes does not rely on the Random Oracle model.<br /> <br />We also introduce the notion of a universal hash proof system. Essentially, this is a special kind of non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system for an NP language. We do not show that universal hash proof systems exist for all NP languages, but we do show how to construct very efficient universal hash proof systems for a general class of group-theoretic language membership problems.<br /> <br />Given an efficient universal hash proof system for a language with certain natural cryptographic indistinguishability properties, we show how to construct an efficient public-key encryption schemes secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack in the standard model. Our construction only uses the universal hash proof system as a primitive: no other primitives are required, although even more efficient encryption schemes can be obtained by using hash functions with appropriate collision-resistance properties. We show how to construct efficient universal hash proof systems for languages related to the DCR and QR assumptions. From these we get corresponding public-key encryption schemes that are secure under these assumptions. We also show that the Cramer-Shoup encryption scheme (which up until now was the only practical encryption scheme that could be proved secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack under a reasonable assumption, namely, the Decision Diffie-Hellman assumption) is also a special case of our general theory.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 339
Fuad Riyadi ◽  
Sri Puji Lestari

Mudharabah is a special kind of partnership between two parties, where one partner providers the capital executed (shahibul mal) and the other supplying the labor and skill as agent or manager (mudharib), for investing in a pre-determined activity, which grants each party a share of the earnings as determined at the time of the investment. On this Implementation while the risk in financing mudharabah, especially on this the financing application, high relatively, among other side streaming, negligence and misconduct willful, concealment of profits by customers when customers are not honest. The amount of financing risk is shown in the ratio of non-performing finance. The high of non-performing finance indicates the large number of borrowers who can’t repay their finance in accordance with the initial agreement that has been agreed between the bank and the customer, so financing becomes problematic. Funding problems can be caused by the bank itself, the customers or external parties. KSPPS BMT Bina Ummat Sejahtera Mijen Kudus has been anticipating the event of a dispute banking, especially in the provision of financing problems. On this theory of completion financing problems, be done with several measures including the rescue action by intensive bill, rescheduling, re-requirements and realignment. Rescue actions made by bank on this condition that the customer is still considered to have good faith to settle the payment.

Florin Leonte

This chapter argues that, despite the differences of form, the seven orations included in this collection constituted a unitary collection and, for this reason, one should consider their interrelations as well as their distinctive features. Furthermore, the seven orations establish a tight connection with the preceding work, the Foundations, with which they share several themes. Admittedly, far from being a text focused on kingship, the Orations are rather geared towards the presentation of an individual’s acquisition of moral values. The correlation between ethics, the rulers’ virtues and rhetorical skills is framed in a tradition that originated in the writings of the rhetoricians of Hellenistic and Graeco-Roman times. Yet in Manuel’s case, through the development of the idea of a special kind of imperial behaviour, the presentation of moral virtues reflects, on the one hand, such a tradition and, on the other hand, an insight that could only have come with practical experience. Drawing on multiple philosophical sources, this formulation of imperial behaviour was based on the ideal of tolerance, with strong bonds of friendship and values such as education and moderate enjoyment of life.

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