scholarly journals Visual Records and Urban Development

2013 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 57-62 ◽  
Jim Burant

This article describes the history and the holdings of the Picture Division of the Public Archives of Canada, with especial reference to their use as documents in the history of Canada. Visual records are often the most abused and misunderstood of all archival documents because researchers do not attempt to learn more about the context of their creation or their creators. Various examples are cited to buttress this contention, and attention is paid to some books where visual records form an integral part of the subject posited. A brief listing of useful resource publications in the study of Canadian visual records are given, as well as an explanation of how to gain access to the Picture Division's collections.

2011 ◽  
Vol 70 (3) ◽  
pp. 276-289
Luc Vandeweyer

Het wordt in de historiografie van de Vlaamse beweging aanvaard dat Hendrik Conscience door de Brusselse progressieve vereniging ‘De Veldbloem’ in 1872 werd gevraagd om te kandideren voor de parlementaire verkiezingen. Conscience zou dat geweigerd hebben. Dit is uiteraard geen onbetekenend feit in de biografie van de man die ‘zijn volk leerde lezen’.Dit gegeven is terug te voeren op de geschriften van Antoon Jacob (°1889) van na de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Jacob werd beschouwd als een autoriteit inzake Conscience. Maar waar is het bewijs? Hij verwees daarbij naar “uitvoerige correspondentie” maar die is niet te vinden. Het ADVN slaagde erin om de archivalische nalatenschap van de in 1947 gestorven Jacob te verwerven. Daarin bleken heel wat brieven van en aan Conscience te zitten. De briefwisseling met ‘De Veldbloem’ was onderwerp van deze bijdrage. Daarin is geen spoor te vinden van de poging om Conscience op het politieke strijdtoneel te brengen in Brussel. Daarbij moet de vraag gesteld worden hoe Jacob deze archiefstukken verzamelde en wat ermee is gebeurd tijdens zijn turbulente leven en talrijke omzwervingen. Het is best mogelijk dat er een en ander is verloren gegaan. Toch is deze nalatenschap een belangrijke aanwinst voor de studie van de geschiedenis van de Vlaamse beweging en die van Conscience in het bijzonder. ________ The Brussels association ‘De Veldbloem’ seeks contact with Hendrik Conscience. Two recently discovered letters It is an accepted fact in the historiography of the Flemish Movement that the Brussels progressive Association ‘De Veldbloem’ [=the Wildflower] asked Hendrik Conscience in 1872 to be their candidate for the parliamentary elections. It is said that Hendrik Conscience refused the request. This is of course a very significant fact in the biography of the man ‘who taught his people to read.’ This information may be inferred from the writings of Antoon Jacob (°1889) from the period after the First World War. Jacob was regarded as an authority on Conscience. But where is the evidence of this? In his claim, he referred to ‘extensive correspondence’, but that correspondence is not extant. The ADVN managed to acquire the archival legacy of Jacob who died in 1947. It turned out that it included quite a number of letters to and from Conscience. The exchange of letters with ‘De Veldbloem’ was the subject of this contribution. It contains no trace of the attempt to bring Conscience into the political arena in Brussels. It raises the question how Jacob collected these archival documents and what happened to them during his turbulent life and his many peregrinations.  It is certainly possible that some documents have been lost. However, this legacy is still an important acquisition for the study of the history of the Flemish Movement and of Conscience in particular.

1996 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-264
J.H. Baker

“FOR who shall interest us in contingent remainders,” wrote the young Mr. Maitland in 1879, “… while Chinese metaphysics remain unexplored.” It would indeed be a daunting challenge to kindle even a bare possibility of historical interest in the nooks and crannies of Fearne's elaborate learning. Yet so much progress has been made with Chinese metaphysics since 1879 that perhaps the time has come to riska brief excursion into the history of the contingent remainder. The occasion is a chance discovery in the Public Record Office which unlocks the strange story behind one of the first leading cases on the subject.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 607-621
Arne Lorenz Gellrich ◽  
Erik Koenen ◽  
Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz

PurposeThe article discusses findings from a research project on the communication history of the League of Nations. It departs from the League's normative goal of “open diplomacy”, which, from an analytical standpoint, can be framed as an “epistemic project” in the sense of a non-linear and ambivalent negotiation by communication of what “open diplomacy” should and could be. The notion of the “epistemic project” serves as an analytical concept to understand this negotiation of open diplomacy across co-evolving actors' constellations from journalism, PR and diplomacy.Design/methodology/approachThe study employs a mixed-method approach, including hermeneutic document analysis of UN archival sources and collective biography/prosopography of 799 individual journalists and information officers.FindingsIt finds that the League's conceptualisations of the public sphere and open diplomacy were fluent and ambivalent. They developed in the interplay of diverse actors' collectives in Geneva. The involved roles of information officers, journalists and diplomats were permeable, heterogenous and – not least from a normative perspective – conflictive.Originality/valueThe subject remains under-researched, especially from the perspective of communication studies. The study is the first to approach it with the described research framework.

Populism ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-171
Emre Balıkçı

AbstractThe aim of this article is to reveal the institutional dimensions of populism, which tend to be ignored because of the hegemony of economic analysis of the subject. Whereas many researchers assume that populism is a result of the negative economic effects of neoliberal policies on the middle class, I argue that populism is also a corollary of neoliberal institutions’ effect on the political power of so-called ordinary people. To illustrate this, I focus on the rhetoric of Turkish populists concerning two important economic institutions in Turkey: the Public Procurement Authority and the Central Bank. This examination shows that Turkish populists view the independent institutions of neoliberalism as a barrier against the people’s political will and define themselves as fighters for democracy.

1878 ◽  
Vol 23 (104) ◽  
pp. 611-612

On Friday, 2nd November, a deputation of asylum superintendents, members of district boards, and managers of Royal Asylums, waited on the Lord Advocate at his chambers, Edinburgh, with the view of bringing under the notice of his Lordship an omission in the Scotch lunacy law, there being no provisions at present for granting pensions to old and deserving officers in the Scotch district and parochial asylums, as in England and Ireland. The deputation consisted of Professor Balfour, Professor Maclagan, Dr. Fraser, ex-Bailie Miller, Mr. D. Scott Moncrieff, W.S., Mr. Cowan, of Beeslack, Dr. Cameron, Lochgilphead; Dr. Jamieson, Aberdeen; Dr. Anderson, Rosewell; Dr. Grierson, Melrose; Dr. Wallace, Greenock; Dr. Makintosh, Murthly; Dr. Rutherford, Lenzie; Dr. Ireland, Larbert; Dr. Clouston, Morningside; Dr. Rorie, Dundee; Dr. Howden, Montrose, &c. The deputation were introduced by Professor Maclagan, who strongly supported the views of the deputation. Dr. Mackintosh, addressing his Lordship, said—The reasons which have caused the medical and other officers of the public asylums of Scotland to come before you are, I think, fairly set forth in the petition which was placed in your Lordship's hands some months ago. I need not, therefore, refer to them in detail, but would only draw your attention to the anomalous (and at the same time, disadvantageous) conditions in which such officials are placed when contrasted with their brethren in England and Ireland. Most of us had hoped that the matter would, ere this, have been taken up by the General Board of Lunacy for Scotland, but the Board (who received a deputation last February in the most courteous manner) has no intention of moving in this or any other legislation at present. Moreover, the Commissioners thought that the best course was that now adopted—via., to bring the subject before you ourselves. The service which we have the honour to represent is as much a public service as the army and navy, or as the civil and parochial services, and perhaps it is not exceeded by any of them in the increasing attention which is necessary, or by the harassing nature of the duties. It therefore seems the more reasonable (besides being a simple act of justice) to place the service on a footing in regard to superannuation allowances similar to that occupied by the public asylums of England and Ireland. In urging upon your Lordship the great need for as speedy a solution of the question as possible, we do so in the knowledge that several special amendments of a similar nature have been made. Moreover, we are satisfied that the insertion of such a clause as that indicated in the petition as an amendment into the Act, will be an important day in the history of such institutions, both as regards the efficiency and stability of the staff, and the comfort of the inmates. Mr. Cowan, of Beeslack, as a member of a district lunacy board, also urged the injustice and impolicy of the present law. The Lord Advocate said that he would give the subject his most favourable consideration. It seemed a very proper matter to have been brought before him, the only question being when he could get an opportunity of introducing a clause to remedy the present defect.

2015 ◽  
Vol 143 (15) ◽  
pp. 3182-3195 ◽  

SUMMARYDespite many years of state-sponsored efforts to eradicate the disease from cattle through testing and slaughter, bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is still regarded as the most important and complex of animal health challenges facing the British livestock agricultural industry. This paper provides a historical analysis of the ongoing bTB statutory eradication programme in one part of the UK – Northern Ireland (NI) – which began in 1949 as a voluntary scheme, but between 1959 and 1960 became compulsory for all cattle herd-owners. Tracing bTB back through time sets the eradication efforts of the present day within a deeper context, and provides signposts for what developed in subsequent decades. The findings are based primarily on empirical research using historical published reports of the Ministry of Agriculture and state documents held in the public archives in NI, and they emphasize the need to consider the economic, social and political contexts of disease eradication efforts and their influences on both the past and the present.

1939 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-175 ◽  
F. L. Ganshof

A Number of important studies have been published in recent years on the subject of benefice and vassalage during the early Middle Ages, and it may consequently be worth while to re-examine some of the problems raised by the origin and early development of these two institutions. I have dealt elsewhere with, the circumstances which tended towards their union early in the eighth, century, under the early Carolingians, In this article I hope to indicate at least the principal features of the history of benefice and vassalage during the reign of Charlemagne. The Influence which Charles exercised on the public and private institutions of the Frankish state was so definite and far-reaching as fully to justify the limitation of the subject-matter of my inquiry to the space of a single reign. Unfortunately the lack of adequate sources, though less serious than for the preceding period, renders the task of tracing their history a somewhat difficult one. Although the capitularies contain a relatively large number of provisions that deal specifically with these institutions, we have very little information as to how they worked in practice. The narrative sources, with the exception of two or three texts, tell us little or nothing. We have to fall back on the evidence of charters, though even these only rarely, when dealing with a dispute or legal proceeding, throw some light on the subject. This is what we might in any case expect, for the essential feature of the entry of a person into vassalage or of the gift of a benefice was the oral act, and not any embodiment of it in writing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 236-253
I. G. Devyatyarova

The subject of this article arose in connection with the study of the cultural history of Siberia during the Civil War (1918–1922). An appeal to archival documents and L. N. Martynov’s memoirs made it possible to reveal many interesting facts from the life of the White capital and recall one of its significant episodes – the meeting of the schoolboy Leonid Martynov with the Petrograd poet Georgy Maslov in the summer of 1919. They met at the book collection office creating hospital libraries in August 1919. The meeting with the first real poet made a strong impression on Leonid. Young people met often, came to each other’s homes. It is not difficult to imagine how fascinating and informatively rich were he stories of the participant in the Pushkin seminary and the university’s “Circle of Poets” for the Omsk schoolboy. Maslov introduced the schoolboy and his friends N. Kalmykov and V. Shebalin to all the “stray” writers. Maslov wrote a lot and published poetry in local periodicals, and Martynov was probably one of the first to read them. Maslov firmly adhered to the anti-Bolshevik position, and in poetry on contemporary themes he expressed his high patriotic feelings, calling on his compatriots to enlightenment. These moods influenced the young Omsk citizen. In line with the influence of Maslov on the worldview of young Martynov – a positive attitude towards the personality of A. V. Kolchak. In the spring in Soviet Omsk, Leonid left the gymnasium, which, under the new government, has now become the United Labor School. This decision, formed, of course, under the influence of Maslov, was an expression of protest and a demonstration of Martynov’s attitude to the new government. At the end of May 1920, fifteen-year-old Martynov went to Krasnoyarsk, where he met with E. Ivanov, who told him about the long, painful retreat to the east, the death of Maslov, showed him the poems he had written on the way. Returning to Omsk, Martynov meets with Maslov’s friend Tanya Solovyova, with whom they remember the poet and read his poems. At this time, Martynov conceived the idea of a poem dedicated to the memory of a friend – “Harlequinade”. In May 1922, Martynov is in Moscow, where he meets with the participants of the Omsk literary meetings and participates in an evening in memory of Maslov. The short friendship between the “Pushkinist and the Futurist” was fruitful for the young Martynov. It played a decisive role in his professional development, the forming of his literary tastes, social guidelines. The name of Georgy Maslov remained dear to Leonid Martynov until the end of his life.

1969 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 3-27
Sandro Landi

Despite its status as archival source, the public correspondence of Machiavelli has rarely been studied by historians. This essay offers an analysis of this source from the viewpoint of the history of political communication. Usually focussing on the means of transmission, studies on political communication generally fail to address the question of the ontological status of public opinion and its relationship to truth: it is precisely this point that concerns us first of all. We then propose to study communication practices in a defined historical and historiographical context, namely, the construction of the state in modern Italy, understood as both territorial control and conflict management. Machiavelli’s correspondence captures the practical dimension of doxa in a twofold context: that of diplomatic mission, which requires the construction and transmission of truth, and the government of the territory, which requires constant attention both to current rumours and the changing moods of the subject populations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 93-102
Pavel Metelsky ◽  
Nadezhda Verchenko

Introduction. The publication is devoted to the corpus delicti, provided for by Art. 305 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which, being, in fact, a special type of official abuse, stands out as the direct object of a criminal assault and a special subject, since it can be committed exclusively by professional judges. The main features of the objective and subjective parties, qualifying signs of the offense are revealed, some problems that arise when applying this criminal law are outlined. Purpose. The goal is to analyze the design features of the crime and issues that arise when applying this rule. Methodology. The method of a formal legal analysis of the norms of the criminal law and theoretical provisions on problems directly related to the application of this rule was used. Results. The public danger of a criminal act that undermines the very foundations of justice is obvious, in connection with which it stands out as an independent crime by all the Russian Criminal Codes, starting in 1922, the history of criminal responsibility for its commission can be traced in our country in general since the 16th century. The current criminal law prohibition is characterized by considerable complexity, due to both the blanket nature of the disposition of the norm itself and the presence of discrepancies in the understanding of the signs embodied in it. Conclusion. The implementation of criminal liability for this crime involves the establishment of not only circumstances directly related to the corpus delicti that lie in the criminal law field. The subject of an infringement, a judicial act, must be subjected to procedural review without fail, after which, subject to the consent of the Higher Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Russian Federation, in fact, and the mechanism of criminal prosecution is “launched”. That is, a truly “multi-way” combination of actions is necessary, carried out in several stages, and the problem itself to some extent becomes interdisciplinary, going beyond only criminal law.

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