Distribution of Heavy Metal Lead (Pb) in Water and Plankton on Floating Net Cage Area with Different Density at Cirata Reservoir, West Java

Dhandy Alfhian Prabangasta ◽  
Zahidah Hasan ◽  
Izza Mahdiana Apriliani ◽  
Herman Hamdani

Cirata Reservoir mostly functions as a Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) and the location of fish farming with the floating cage system (KJA). Utilization of reservoirs for fish culture in Cirata Reservoir has exceeded the capacity determined by the government. This causes changes in water quality in the waters of the Cirata Reservoir and affects the concentration of heavy metal lead in the waters. The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of heavy metal lead (Pb) that exist in the KJA with different densities in the Cirata Reservoir. This research was conducted on 3 November-8 December 2019 at Cirata Reservoir with sampling stations in  Jangari, Maleber and Patokbeusi. The method used in this research is purposive sampling. The results of the physical-chemical parameter research show that the water temperature at the three stations ranges from 31.9oC-34.5oC, air temperature 27oC-32oC, transparency 53.5-76 cm, pH 6.87-7.67, CO2 8,4-16.8 mg/L, BOD 1.1-20.5 mg/L and DO 5.83-9.72 mg/L. The results of Pb measurements in water ranges from 0,001 to 0,029 mg/L. Pb measurements in plankton ranges from 0.001 to 0.039 mg/L. Pb bioconcentration factor values ​​range from 1.27 - 2.40. These              results indicate that aquatic organisms in the Cirata Reservoir can accumulate metals in their bodies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-211
Olufemi David Owolabi ◽  
Olufunsho Awodele

Introduction: Heavy metal contamination of aquatic ecosystems has been a serious concern throughout the world for many decades, and has caused devastating effects on aquatic organisms. Objective: To evaluate the levels of Cu, Zn, Fe, Pb and Cd in the kidneys of scaly (T. zillii, M. rume and R. ocellatus) and non-scaly (C. gariepinus, Ch. nigrodigitatus and S. filamentosus) fishes in Epe lagoon, Nigeria to understanding the bioaccumulation potential of the kidney relative to other organs in fish that have previously been reported in literature. Methods: We studied concentrations of copper (Cu), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in the kidneys of 141 scaly fishes (Mo. rume, R. occellatus, T. zillii) and 134 non-scaly fishes (C. gariepinus, S.filamentosus, Ch. nigrodigitatus) and water samples obtained from Epe Lagoon using Standard Atomic Absorption Spectrometry methods. Results: The kidneys of R. ocellatus had the highest levels of Fe (2,92±0,10) and Cd (0,18±0,03), while that of Ch. nigrodigitatus (2,78±0,02) and T. zillii (0,31±0,02) had the lowest concentration of Fe and Cd respectively. T. zillii and M. rume accumulated Cu and Zn in their kidneys respectively more than the others. There was no significant difference (p<0,05) in mean trace metal concentrations among the scaly and non-scaly fishes. The concentrations of metals in fish specimens were below the FEPA and WHO prescribed maximum allowable limits in food fish. Dissolved oxygen (9,0±0,02) and total alkalinity (24,0±0,01) were above FEPA values (dissolved oxygen: 3,0-5,0mg/L and total alkalinity: 3,05-5,3mg/L). The ranking of heavy metals distribution in the water body was Cu (4,70)>Fe (0,72)>Zn (0,13)>Pb (0,007)>Cd (0,006). Bioconcentration factor of Zn was generally high in all species. Conclusion: Close monitoring of these metals in the fishes and the lagoon is important to ensure the safety of fish consumers in the area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 628
Bramantiyo Eko Putro ◽  
Isma Masrofah

Pollution prevention must be carried out in the upstream, middle and downstream parts. One of the Citarum watersheds located in the middle part is the Cirata reservoir. Pollution in the Cirata reservoir does not only originate from the reservoir environment, but also from rivers that flow into the Cirata reservoir. Cirata Reservoir besides being a Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) unit, this reservoir is also used by the community for fish farming in the Floating Net Pool (KJA) technique. This study aims to determine the most dominant pollutants contaminating the Cirata reservoir. Test of river and reservoir water quality is carried out with the help of lab tests by Labkesda. The research data was obtained by obtaining clean water quality test data from several 3 estuary points of the river flow to the Cirata reservoir and 4 centers of Cirata reservoir number of 40 samples. Data processing techniques are carried out using data mining, namely Exploratory Data Analysis. The lab parameter test results, which are compared with the Permenkes No. 32 Year 2017 standard, show that the majority of the physical and chemical quality parameters of the Citarum River which empties into the Cirata Reservoir are still within the required threshold. Most river and reservoir water samples have water quality that qualifies as clean water. Five samples (12.5%) in turbidity parameters and 1 sample (2.5%) in color samples did not qualify as clean water. This is possible because the sampling is too close to the mainland. Temperature parameters of 20 samples (50%) do not qualify as clean water is possible because of the lag time of sampling. The results of the analysis showed that the distance of pollutant sources, the amount of pollutant sources, and environmental conditions around the sampling significantly with temperature, TDS, turbidity, color, pH, nitrogen, iron, hardness, manganese, fluoride, and cyanide.

Pham Trong Luong

<p>While human resources are considered as key factors, social resources are breakthroughs for sustainable poverty reduction and famine elimination. For the M'nong in the area of Buon Tua Srah hydropower plant, Lak district, the establishment of a social network is very important, from which they have the opportunities and benefits to stick together in pursuit of developing sustainable livelihoods and improving the quality of life. Although there are significant signs of the motivating factors such as the good family relationships and clans; the limitation of out-of-date traditional customs; the good relationship between the people and the government, M'nong people are facing the obstacles such as the lack of knowledge and working skills; the unclear and ineffective activities of social organizations; the low training courses, etc.</p>This study identifies stimulants and obstacles regarding social resources in the livelihood development for M'nong people in resettlement and affected area at Buon Tua Srah hydropower plant.

2020 ◽  
Vol 192 ◽  
pp. 04019
Tatiana Kozhevnikova ◽  
Lyubov Kondratyeva ◽  
Evgeniya Golubeva ◽  
Ilya Manzhula

The article provides information on statistical approaches to identify the dominant factors that influenced the water quality in the Bureyskoye reservoir after a large landslide in December 2018 blocked access to a hydroelectric power plant. To restore the hydrological regime, blasting operations were carried out using trinitrotoluene and hexogen. The main indicators of water quality were volatile organic matters and elemental composition that varied along different banks above and below the landslide body and under the influence of explosives. In water samples from the artificial canal after the restoration of the reservoir flow, the content of Fe, Mn, Al, Cu and Zn remained at a low level and did not reach the initial values established prior to the blasting operations. However, an increase in the content of Pb by 7 times and Hg by 80 times was noted. The presence of methanol and methylated benzene derivatives in water could stimulate the formation of more toxic methylmercury, posing a risk to aquatic organisms. Correlation analysis was used to process the obtained data which made it possible to differentiate the contributions of natural (landslide, river tsunami) and anthropogenic factors (blasting) to the change in the chemical composition of water in the reservoir.

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 16 ◽  
Endang Supriyantini ◽  
Ria Azizah Tri Nuraini ◽  
Cintya Pramesthi Dewi

Human activities in the Mangrove Park waters, Pekalongan area can  be increasing the present of heavy metal in acuatiq environmental and aquatic organisms. The purpose of this research is (1) to know the heavy metal content of Pb in water, sediment, root and mangrove leaves Rhizophora sp; (2) to know the level of Pb heavy metal pollution in Mangrove Park area; (3) Bioconcentration factor (BCF) on root and Rhizophora sp.This research was conducted in November 2015 and January 2016. The materials used in this study are water samples, sediments, roots, and leaves Rhizophora sp. The method of determining the location of research stations based on Purposive Sampling Method. Analyze heavy metal Pb using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) at the Laboratory of Center for Industrial Pollution Prevention Technology (BBTPPI). The results showed that in Mangrove Park waters, Pekalongan has not polluted Pb metal since it has not exceeded the determined threshold limit. The content of Pb in sediment is still below the specified quality standard of 12.06-14.77 mg / kg (November 2015) and 10.65-13.26 mg / kg (January 2016). The content of Pb at the root is 0.25-0.32 mg / kg (November 2015) and 0.15-0.47 mg / kg (January 2016). The content of Pb metal on leaves is 0.17-0.22 mg / kg (November 2015) and 0.17-0.59 mg / kg (January 2016). Based on the bioconcentration factor, the ability of Rhizophora sp. In accumulating Pb metals is low. Keywords : Heavy metals Pb, Water, Sediment, AAS, Rhizophora sp.  Kegiatan manusia di kawasan Perairan Mangrove Park, Pekalongan dapat meningkatkan kehadiran logam berat di lingkungan perairan dan organisme air. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui kandungan logam berat Pb dalam air, sedimen, akar dan daun mangrove Rhizophora sp. di kawasan Mangrove Park Pekalongan;(2) mengetahui tingkat pencemaran logam berat Pb di kawasan Mangrove Park Pekalongan; (3) Mengetahui Biokonsentrasi Faktor (BCF) pada akar dan daun Rhizophora sp. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan November 2015 dan Januari 2016. Materi yang digunakan untuk penelitian adalah sampel air, sedimen, akar, dan daun Rhizophora sp. Metode penentuan lokasi penelitian berdasarkan Purposive Sampling Method. Analisis logam berat Pb menggunakan AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) di Laboratorium Balai Besar Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri (BBTPPI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan di perairan Mangrove Park, Pekalongan belum tercemar logam Pb karena belum melebihi batas ambang yang ditentukan. Kandungan Pb dalam sedimen masih dibawah baku mutu yang ditentukan yaitu 12.06-14.77 mg/kg (November 2015) dan 10.65-13.26 mg/kg (Januari 2016). Kandungan Pb pada akar sebesar 0.25-0.32 mg/kg (November 2015) dan 0.15-0.47 mg/kg (Januari 2016). Kandungan logam Pb pada daun 0.17-0.22 mg/kg (November 2015) dan 0.17-0.59 mg/kg (Januari 2016). Berdasarkan factor biokonsentrasi, kemampuan Rhizophora sp. dalam mengakumulasi logam Pb tergolong rendah. Kata Kunci  :  Logam berat Pb, Air, Sedimen, AAS, Rhizophora sp.

Nativa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 660
Welinton Camargo Ferreira ◽  
Nardel Luiz Soares da Silva ◽  
Sandra Maria Coltre ◽  
Tércio Vieira de Araújo ◽  
Valdir Serafim Júnior

Este estudo analisou quais são as estruturas públicas e necessidades voltadas ao desenvolvimento rural sustentável nos municípios lindeiros ao lago da Usina Hidroelétrica de Itaipu, seus problemas ambientais e suas necessidades. Trata-se de um trabalho de cunho descritivo de abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário com 66 questões aplicados aos doze gestores das secretarias de agricultura e meio ambiente dos doze municípios lindeiros ao lago da usina. Os dados foram apresentados em porcentagem e analisados de maneira descritiva. Os resultados da pesquisa revelam que os municípios lindeiros pesquisados evidenciam como principais problemas ambientais a contaminação da água, do solo e o descarte irregular de lixo rural, com relação as suas necessidades para o desempenho das funções 92% dos gestores das secretarias revelam que seriam necessários aportes de recursos financeiros, para sanar estes problemas.Palavras-chave: municípios lindeiros, sustentabilidade, políticas públicas, problemas ambientais. ANALYSIS OF THE PUBLIC STRUCTURES RETURNED TO SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MUNICIPALITIES LINDEIROS TO THE LAKE OF THE ITAIPU HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT ABSTRACT: This study analyzed public structures aimed at sustainable rural development in the municipalities bordering the lake of the Itaipu hydroelectric power plant, their environmental problems and their needs. This is a descriptive work with a qualitative approach. The primary source data were collected through a structured interview applied to the managers of the agriculture and environmental departments of the twelve municipalities bordering the lake of the Itaipu plant. The data were treated in percentage and analyzed in a descriptive way. The results of the research show that the surveyed municipalities show that the main environmental problems are contamination of water, soil and the irregular disposal of rural waste, in relation to their needs for the performance of the functions. 92% of the managers of the secretariats show that they would be necessary Resources to address these problems.Keywords: sustainable rural development, lindeiros municipalities, public policy, environmental problems.

2002 ◽  
Vol 122 (6) ◽  
pp. 989-994
Shinichiro Endo ◽  
Masami Konishi ◽  
Hirosuke Imabayashi ◽  
Hayami Sugiyama

Michal Kuchar ◽  
Adam Peichl ◽  
Milan Kucera ◽  
Jaromir Fiser ◽  
Pavel Kulik ◽  

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