scholarly journals Effect of Cutoff Grade and Stripping Ratio on the Net Present Value for Hamama Gold Project, Eastern Desert, Egypt

Helal H. Hamd_Allh ◽  
M. R. Moharram ◽  
Mohamed A. Yssin ◽  
M. A. Gouda ◽  
A. Kh. Embaby

This paper represents an attempt to examine the effects of Cutoff Grade (COG) and Stripping Ratio (SR) on the Net Present Value (NPV) for the proposed gold mine in  Hamama area, hence to attain best operating condition corresponding to the optimum COG and SR in the proposed gold mine. Discount Cash Flow (DCF) model has been established to calculate NPV by taking the change in the COG and SR into account.  This detects the effects of COG and SR on the NPV of this project. The actual production and cost data of Sukari Gold Mine (SGM) of Egypt have been taken as an indicator in creating DCF for the proposed gold mine where maximum NPV results proved the optimum COG and SR.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 1935-1940

This study aims to the examination of the economic potential for the Abu Marawat Gold Project (AGP) in the Eastern Desert of Egypt and prediction the decision about go/not-to-go to invest in the deposit location. Discount Cash Flow (DCF) model used to calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) for the proposed gold mine project. NPV calculated by taking the risk and uncertainty produced from geological and technical factors into account. The actual production and cost data for Sukari Gold Mine (SGM) of Egypt used a benchmark for the theoretical calculation for production and cost data of AGP. From the valuation processes for AGP the NPV for the project predominantly positive, so, the project is acceptable to investment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Halkadri Fitra ◽  
Salma Taqwa ◽  
Charoline Cheisviyanny ◽  
Abel Tasman ◽  
Nurzi Sebrina

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kelayakan aspek keuangan usaha grosir sembako Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Nagari) Kamang Hilia Sejahtera di Kenagarian Kamang Hilia Kecamatan Kamang Magek Kabupaten Agam Provinsi Sumatera Barat yang dilakukan pada tahun 2018. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode cash flow analysis, payback period, net present value, profitability index, internal rate of return, dan average rate of return. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai net cash flow Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Nagari) Kamang Hilia Sejahtera adalah positif yaitu Rp.21.774.000, nilai payback period adalah 1,15 tahun, nilai net present value positif sebesar Rp.10.680.034,47, nilai profitability index adalah positif 1,37, sedangkan nilai internal rate of return adalah 46,7% dan nilai average rate of return adalah 57,23%. Berdasarkan standar penilaian maka semua metode yang digunakan memberikan kesimpulan bahwa usaha grosir sembako milik Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Nagari) Kamang Hilia Sejahtera dalam kategori layak untuk dilaksanakan.

1982 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-110 ◽  
Thomas W. Jones ◽  
David Smith

Net present value and equivalent annual cost are two discounted cash flow criteria for comparing investment proposals. Why have accountants taken to net present value? Why do engineers readily use equivalent annual cost? This paper investigates the historical development of these principles to provide an explanation of why this is so.

Ulrike La¨uferts ◽  
Charlotte Halbe ◽  
Aliki van Heek

To measure the value of a technology investment under uncertainty with standard techniques like net present value (NPV) or return on investment (ROI) will often uncover the difficulty to present convincing business case. Projected cash flows are inefficient or the discount rate chosen to compensate for the risk is so high, that it is disagreeable to the investor’s requirements. Decision making and feasibility studies have to look beyond traditional analysis to reveal the strategic value of a technology investment. Here, a Real Option Analysis (ROA) offers a powerful alternative to standard discounted cash-flow (DCF) methodology by risk-adjusting the cash flow along the decision path rather than risk adjusting the discount rate. Within the GEN IV initiative attention is brought not only towards better sustainability, but also to broader industrial application and improved financing. Especially the HTR design is full of strategic optionalities: The high temperature output facilitates penetration into other non-electricity energy markets like industrial process heat applications and the hydrogen market. The flexibility to switch output in markets with multi-source uncertainties reduces downside risk and creates an additional value of over 50% with regard to the Net Present Value without flexibility. The supplement value of deploying a modular (V)HTR design adds over 100% to the project value using real option evaluation tools. Focus of this paper was to quantify the strategic value that comes along a) with the modular design; a design that offers managerial flexibility adapting a step-by-step investment strategy to the actual market demand and b) with the option to switch between two modes of operation, namely electricity and hydrogen production. We will demonstrate that the effect of uncertain electricity prices can be dampened down with a modular HTR design. By using a real option approach, we view the project as a series of compound options — each option depending on the exercise of those that preceded it. At each end of the design phase, the viability will be reviewed conditional on the operating spread at each time step. We quantify the value of being able to wait with the investment into a next block until market conditions are favourable and to be able to abandon one block if market conditions are disapproving. To derive the intrinsic value of this multi block HTR design, it will be compared with a reference investment of a full commitment light water reactor without any managerial flexibility. In another case, we raise the question to what extent product output diversification is a suitable strategy to cope with long term market uncertainty in electricity price. What is the value of a multi-potent technology that is able to produce output for energy markets others than the electricity market? To investigate this, we concentrate on The Netherlands, a country with an intense industrial demand in electricity and hydrogen.

Ernesto Heredia-Zavoni ◽  
Sandra Santa-Cruz

Real Options methods are currently used to assess investment projects considering: (1) the decision options that one can have along the development of the project, such as to expand it, or reduce it, or to abandon it, or to differ it, and (2) the uncertainty in some financial variables for the assessment of the economic investment. In these two regards, Real Options methods are superior to the traditional Net Present Value method. The purpose of the present paper is to establish the basis for Real Options modeling for decision making on design, inspection, maintenance, and decommissioning of offshore structures. The use of Real Options theory is sought in order to account for: (1) uncertainties in the financial variables involved in risk assessment based on expected costs, such as the economic consequences due to failure of a system; and (2) uncertainties associated with the resistance and loading of the structure for reliability assessment. An application of Real Options Theory is given in the paper for decision making on maintenance for an offshore structure. Cash flow from oil revenue is modeled as a stochastic process. Preventive and corrective maintenance is analyzed as a critical situation where the decision maker has the option to pay the costs of maintenance in order to obtain a benefit. Expressions are derived for the estimation of the value of the maintenance option; they are based on the derivation of the Black-Scholes equation for the evaluation of financial options. It is shown that the value of such project is equal to the sum of the net cash flow of the project (as with a Net Present Value evaluation) plus the value of the maintenance option. Projects with one and two decision times along the life of the structure are formulated and analyzed. Closed form solutions are obtained for such cases. An example is given in order to illustrate the differences between maintenance decisions using the Net Present Value and the Real Options method.

Jurnal IPTEK ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Kalam Mollah

Yayasan Nur Fadila yang beroperasi di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia seperti di Surabaya, Malang, Kediri dan Semarang selama ini berfokus pada pengembangan pondok pesantren dengan berbasis pada pembelajaran ilmu agama islam dan pengetahuan umum. Namun untuk saat ini Hidayatullah mengembangkan klinik kesehatan bagi masyarakat sekitar pondok pesantren. Sebagai salah satu gedung yang baru beroperasi di lingkungan pondok, maka klinik perlu melakukan analisis ulang tentang tarif yang berlaku pada saat ini. Adapun metode yang dipergunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut adalah metode Break Even Point dan Net Present Value dengan suku bunga sebesar 12%. Dalam penyelesaiannya dengan metode BEP maka akan dimasukkan tarif yang berlaku saat ini. Dari analisa ini diperoleh tarif pada kondisi BEP sebesar Rp 36.919. Dengan cara trial and error pada cash flow melalui pendekatan Net Present Value yaitu dengan menjumlahkan tarif kelas pada kondisi Break even Point dengan asumsi kenaikan x% dari tarif normal pada kondisi BEP sehingga diperoleh Net Present Value yang lebih besar dari nol. Sehingga diperoleh hasil tarif kelas yang dicari pada kondisi NPV adalah sebesar Rp 92.298,-.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 128-133
Yudi Arista Yulanda ◽  
M. Taufik Toha ◽  
Fahrurrozi Syarkowi

Harga batubara acuan pada bulan Januari 2020 adalah 65.93 USD/ton turun jauh dari tahun 2018 dimana harga batubara acuan sempat mencapai 107.83 USD/ton pada bulan Agustus. Dalam upaya menaikkan ratio elektrifikasi dalam RUPTL PLN 2018-2027 PLTU Mulut Tambang mendapatkan porsi 11 persen dengan peningkatan jumlah pembangkit setiap tahun nya. Keberadaan Batubara sebagai sumber daya alam yang terbatas dan tidak dapat diperbaharui menuntut penerapan prinsip konservasi cadangan batubara untuk mengoptimalkan keuntungan dan cadangan dengan memilih Stripping Ratio yang optimum. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menentukan Stripping Ratio Optimum yang akan memberikan keuntungan terbaik menggunakan metode discounted cash flow sehingga batas penambangan optimum (Ultimate Pit Limit) juga dapat ditentukan. Optimasi ini dilakukan dengan men-generate data variasi Stripping Ratio yang menggambarkan pit limit dan cadangan dari masing-masing stripping ratio tersebut kemudian memasukkan konsiderasi ekonomi yang di discount rate untuk mendapat angka Net Present Value (NPV) sehingga bisa dianalisis dalam kurva optimasi. Hasil penelitian adalah Stripping Ratio optimum berdasarkan kurva optimasi dengan metode Konvensional NPV skenario Spot Price adalah 4.5 dengan total cadangan 7.5jt MT dan umur tambang 8 Tahun serta NPV 21,7 juta US$.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Fadjar Purnomo

Semakin meningkatnya penduduk Kota Malang merupakan peluang besar bagi developer untuk mengembangkan usahanya di bidang perumahan. Namun sebelum menanamkan modalnya untuk berinvestasi apalagi dalam jumlah besar seharusnya developer melakukan studi kelayakan apakah investasi tersebut menguntungkan atau tidak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan finansial dalam investasi pengembangan perumahan, serta mengetahui tingkat sensitivitas perubahan suku bunga dan biaya langsung.Data penelitian yang digunakan berupa data sekunder yaitu gambar perencanaan, harga satuan pekerjaan dari developer, biaya pajak, biaya perijinan, UKL/UPL/AMDAL, biaya pengukuran tanah, biaya operasional, biaya promosi, periode investasi, dan lain-lain. Pengolahan data secara deskriptif untuk menentukan cash flow proyek. Berdasarkan cash flow yang didapat selanjutnya dilakukan analisis kelayakan finansial menggunakan parameter PP, NPV, IRR, dan BCR. Dan selanjutnya dilakukan analisis sensitivitas tingkat kelayakan terhadap perubahan suku bunga dan biaya pengeluaran.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa investasi pengembangan suatu perumahan di Malang pada suku bunga 12,79% layak secara finansial karena nilai  parameter pay back periode (PP) terjadi pada tahun ke-7, nilai net present value (NPV) sebesar Rp 34.130.813.565-, nilai benefit cost ratio (BCR) sebesar Rp 1,14, nilai internal rate of return (IRR) sebesar 16,67%. Perubahan suku bunga dan perubahan biaya pengeluaran cukup sensitive terhadap kelayakan finansial dalan investasi ini. Kata-kata kunci: finansial, investasi, kelayakan, pengembanganperumahan

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