temperature gradients
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Atmosphere ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 125
Ewa Bożena Łupikasza ◽  
Tadeusz Niedźwiedź

This paper studies surface air temperature inversions and their impact on air pollution under the background of meteorological conditions in southern Poland. The relationship of temperature gradients and air quality classes with weather conditions in the most urbanized and polluted part of Poland as represented by the Upper Silesia region (USR) within the administrative boundaries of the Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolis (GZM) is presented. Based on probability analysis this study hierarchized the role of the selected weather elements in the development of surface-based temperature inversion (SBI) and air quality (AQ). The thresholds of weather elements for a rapid increase in the probability of oppressive air pollution episodes were distinguished. Although most SBI occurred in summer winter SBIs were of great importance. In that season a bad air quality occurred during >70% of strong inversions and >50% of moderate inversions. Air temperature more strongly triggered AQ than SBI development. Wind speed was critical for SBI and significant for AQ development. A low cloudiness favored SBI occurrence altered air quality in winter and spring during SBI and favored very bad AQ5 (>180 µg/m3) occurrence. The probability of high air pollution enhanced by SBI rapidly increased in winter when the air temperature dropped below −6 °C the wind speed decreased below 1.5 m/s and the sky was cloudless. Changes in the relative humidity did not induce rapid changes in the occurrence of bad AQ events during SBI

Gerrit Lohmann ◽  
Gregor Knorr ◽  
Akil Hossain ◽  
Christian Stepanek

2022 ◽  
pp. 60-74
Yuri Ezhkov ◽  
Rahmon Rahimov ◽  
Anvar Holiyorov ◽  
Ubaydullo Toshmetov

The Koshmansai ore field is located in the southern part of the granitoid Chatkal batholith, in its apical ledge and exocontact zones, in the Koshmansai river basin. The host environment of the granitoids is Lower Carboniferous carbonate rocks, which were primarily affected by intensive skarnification. Sedimentary-metamorphic and volcanics rocks and granitoids constitute the geological structure of the skarn rare-metal-polymetallic Koshmansai deposit. In the distribution of ore-forming and associated elе- ments in the mineral phases of skarn orebodies, their morphogenetic type plays a certain role. Thus, in bimetasomatic skarns, minerals accumulate more Cu, Zn, Ni, Te, Tl, Ge. In infiltration skarns, these are Ag, Pb, Bi, Cd, Sb, Co. Sulfide polymetallic mineralization in skarns is associated with quartz and calcite. The Koshmansai ore field has a distinct geochemical zoning, which can be subdivided into the Koshmansai rare- metal-polymetallic deposit at the upper levels of the ore field and the Nizhnekoshmansai rare-metal-copper ore occurrence at its lower levels. Nevertheless, orebodies formation proceeded in a similar thermodynamic environment, in the conditions of upper shielding at low temperature gradients, which makes it possible to consider the ore field as a single geochemical anomaly. The vertical geochemical zoning of ore-forming element halos determined by their concentration at the lower section levels of the Koshmansai deposit skarn orebodies suggests the expansion of its prospects in depth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 119 (1) ◽  
pp. 103
Tingsong Yang ◽  
Yingwei Wang ◽  
Haijun Wang ◽  
Yang Hai ◽  
Fengshan Du

Roll profile electromagnetic control technology (RPECT) is a new strip flatness control technology that changes roll gap shape by controlling the roll profiles of electromagnetic control rolls (ECRs). To address the randomness of the flatness defect locations, this paper proposes an external adjustment method for RPECT roll profiles based on the segmented cooling principle. Based on the layout of the cooling areas and electromagnetic sticks, an electromagnetic-thermal-structural coupled model is established to analyse roll profile variations. The results show that symmetrically changing the cooling intensities of the different cooling areas can increase or decrease the roll crown of the ECR, while asymmetrically changing the cooling intensities of the different cooling areas can change the position of the maximum bulging point of the ECR. Variations in the component cooling ratio coefficient impact the effects of different cooling strategies, which needs to be considered when selecting the cooling strategy configuration scheme. Compared the maximum bulging values, radial temperature gradients and axial temperature gradients of different electromagnetic stick (ES) structures, the regulation law reverses when the length of the ES is too small, and the variation of the law is very small. Therefore, different ES structures have different segmented cooling regulation characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Benjamin Seelbinder ◽  
Manavi Jain ◽  
Elena Erben ◽  
Sergei Klykov ◽  
Iliya D Stoev ◽  

The nucleus is highly organized to facilitate coordinated gene transcription. Measuring the rheological properties of the nucleus and its sub-compartments will be crucial to understand the principles underlying nuclear organization. Here, we show that strongly localized temperature gradients (approaching 1°C /μm) can lead to substantial intra-nuclear chromatin displacements (>1 μm), while nuclear area and lamina shape remain unaffected. Using particle image velocimetry (PIV), intra-nuclear displacement fields can be calculated and converted into spatio-temporally resolved maps of various strain components. Using this approach, we show that chromatin displacements are highly reversible, indicating that elastic contributions are dominant in maintaining nuclear organization on the time scale of seconds. In genetically inverted nuclei, centrally compacted heterochromatin displays high resistance to deformation, giving a rigid, solid-like appearance. Correlating spatially resolved strain maps with fluorescent reporters in conventional interphase nuclei reveals that various nuclear compartments possess distinct mechanical identities. Surprisingly, both densely and loosely packed chromatin showed high resistance to deformation, compared to medium dense chromatin. Equally, nucleoli display particularly high rigidity and strong local anchoring to heterochromatin. Our results establish how localized temperature gradients can be used to drive nuclear compartments out of mechanical equilibrium to obtain spatial maps of their material responses.

P. R. Burd ◽  
M. Kadler ◽  
K. Mannheim ◽  
A.-K. Back ◽  
J. Ringholz ◽  

I. Dolgov ◽  
Mihail Volovik ◽  
Andrey Mahnovskiy

The present issue focuses on the practice of medical thermal imaging in patients with paranasal sinusitis and pneumonia. The description of thermograms is based on a quantitative analysis of temperature gradients and trends in temperature of different body regions (Projection «head front» for paranasal sinusitis, «breast front» and «back», in a defined layout formed in «cloud» thermograms analysis program "Tvision" of «Dignosis», Russia) with values of thermographic markers that demonstrated their differentiating capabilities when compared with reference methods. Thus, the thermographic conclusion is formed not simply by thermal phenomenon «hot-cold», but on the basis of numerical values of markers, which indicate hypothetical nosological diagnosis and significantly simplifies the algorithm for those physicians who use this method as an additional. The publication is intended for doctors of any speciality who, in their daily clinical practice, treat the patients with suspicions disease of respiratory system

I. Dolgov ◽  
Mihail Volovik ◽  
Sergey Kolesov

This issue is devoted to the medical thermography theory and practice in patients with dorsopathies. Thermography signs of clinical manifestation, such as scoliosis, muscular-tonic syndrome, intervertebral disc and disco-radicular conflicts, lumbo-sacral joints involvment and referred pain are described, based on specific exercise tests and temperature gradients. This book may be useful for all physicians who treat patients with “back pain

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