relevant aspect
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Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Kah-Yin Lee ◽  
Hui-Xin Loh ◽  
Andrew C. A. Wan

In light of pressing issues, such as sustainability and climate change, future protein sources will increasingly turn from livestock to cell-based production and manufacturing activities. In the case of cell-based or cultured meat a relevant aspect would be the differentiation of muscle cells into mature muscle tissue, as well as how the microsystems that have been developed to date can be developed for larger-scale cultures. To delve into this aspect we review previous research that has been carried out on skeletal muscle tissue engineering and how various biological and physicochemical factors, mechanical and electrical stimuli, affect muscle cell differentiation on an experimental scale. Material aspects such as the different biomaterials used and 3D vs. 2D configurations in the context of muscle cell differentiation will also be discussed. Finally, the ability to translate these systems to more scalable bioreactor configurations and eventually bring them to a commercial scale will be touched upon.

Miroslava Sládková

The aspect quality – a translation problem (French-Czech confrontation) This article is a refl ection on the problem of verbal aspect in Czech and in French and on related translation problems. Czech verbs have a binary opposition of perfectivity versus imperfectivity; in French the situation is more complex, where the nature of the verbal action (Aktionsart) usually comes into play. In Slavonic langua ges aspect and temporality features differ; in French the temporal information prevails. The problem arises when the translator must respond to the relevant aspect opposition in Czech. It would be incorrect to try to introduce the cate gories of one language into another, typologically distant, language. Usually, both studied languages behave rather differently in this sphere and the problem of aspect must therefore be resolved at text level.

2021 ◽  
Manuel E. Paredes Arana

This chapter will explain some of the research carried out in the production of poultry meat in natural hypobaric areas, where the development of industrial poultry farming is not traditional. Relevant aspect of the production of chickens, hens and turkeys for meat purposes will be clarified, as well as their benefits, and characteristics and why it must still be carried out in the Peruvian Andes. Physiological aspects of birds, use of unconventional food; as well as the productive evaluation of poultry species not used intensively, are approached with the purpose of generating and stimulating the obtaining of meat as an economic source for the rural sector and small companies.

2021 ◽  
André Alves ◽  
Marcelo Duarte ◽  
Fernando Carvalho

The conceptualization of administrative distance exists for over 20 years. Despite its ubiquity, we found an unsatisfactory theoretical and practical depth when it comes to its operationalization, and studies that narrow onto its development are scarce. We have set, therefore, to improve both the theoretical scope and measurement of administrative distance. We achieved this using an inductive approach, which allowed us to infer from observed results, such observation suggesting the addition of the variables in the Doing Business Report, as they capture a previously omitted and relevant aspect of administrative distance: bureaucratic efficiency. We use a reference model, featuring a panel random-effects regression, as a benchmark for the study of our proposal. We achieve an improved model with a significantly higher explanatory capacity while observing that the new measure is both significant and independent from the existing administrative distance measure, being complementary. This work opens several avenues for future research, having meaningful consequences for the development of better institutional distance models.

2021 ◽  
André Alves ◽  
Marcelo Duarte ◽  
Fernando Carvalho

The conceptualization of administrative distance exists for over 20 years. Despite its ubiquity, we found an unsatisfactory theoretical and practical depth when it comes to its operationalization, and studies that narrow onto its development are scarce. We have set, therefore, to improve both the theoretical scope and measurement of administrative distance. We achieved this using an inductive approach, which allowed us to infer from observed results, such observation suggesting the addition of the variables in the Doing Business Report, as they capture a previously omitted and relevant aspect of administrative distance: bureaucratic efficiency. We use a reference model, featuring a panel random-effects regression, as a benchmark for the study of our proposal. We achieve an improved model with a significantly higher explanatory capacity while observing that the new measure is both significant and independent from the existing administrative distance measure, being complementary. This work opens several avenues for future research, having meaningful consequences for the development of better institutional distance models.

Paulo H. Bianchi ◽  
William F. Perez ◽  
Colin Harte ◽  
Dermot Barnes-Holmes

  Rule-following is affected by multiple variables. A relevant aspect of rules regards whether they “make sense”, that is, the extent to which the instruction coheres with previously reinforced patterns of relational responding. The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of relational coherence upon rule-following. After mastering a particular set of conditional relations (e.g., A1B1, A2B2), the participants were exposed to two speakers, one of which would “state” relations that cohered (e.g., A1B1, A2B2) with the participant’s previous relational training and the other that would present relations that were incoherent (e.g., A1B2, A2B1). Then, rule-following was measured in a preference test in which the participant would have to choose which of the two speakers would provide instructions in each test trial. Results show that the participants preferred the coherent speaker to provide instructions and followed the rules presented by that speaker throughout the test. Coherence is discussed as a critical aspect of rule following and preference for particular narratives.

Shcherbii N.O.

The purpose of the article is to perform the comparative analysis of case government (rekcja) of Polish and Ukrainian verbal nouns. The fulfilment of this purpose requires describing the status of verbal nouns in linguistics, clarifying the terminological apparatus, proving the verbal nature of these formations, comparing case government in Polish and Ukrainian, in particular, due to the existence of categories of transitivity and valence as well as establishing common and distinctive features.Methods. The application of the comparative and typological method allows to compare the semantic and syntactic features of verbal nouns of two related languages. Methods of deduction and induction were used to systematize, describe and generalize the identified features and differences.Results. Verb nouns ending with -nie, -cie // -ння, ття possess a pronounced verbal nature, as evidenced by the preservation of the case government, namely: the form of the governed noun dependent on the verbal noun denotes the object to express certain syntactic relations like the one dependent on the verb. The case government of verb nouns ending with -nie, -cie // -ння, ття is expressed by the categories of transitivity and valence. At the level of syntagmatics, the semantics of transitive / intransitive action of verbal nouns affects their compatibility and becomes a defining feature for distinguishing components of the semantic paradigm of a polysemous verbal noun. VNs generally have the same valence as the root verb (with or without a preposition), but there are a number of differences, particularly in prepositional government. In contrast to Ukrainian, a number of Polish verbs can be used with an object in the form of a verbal noun due to the fact that Poles perceive the world more ‘object-based’, and Ukrainians have an organic ability to see life in dynamics, movement and convey it using verbs.Conclusions. Hybrid parts of language are a little-studied and relevant aspect in modern linguistic research, in particular in the context of structural and semantic differences against the background of Slavic languages. Verbal nouns are a clear example of hybridity as they combine categories typical for different classes of words, such as verbal grammatical categories of aspect, voice, mood, and transitivity / intransitivity as opposed to noun categories of gender and case.Key words: valence, transitivity / intransitivity, case government, semantics. Метою статті є зіставний аналіз сполучуваності (рекції) польських та українських дієслівних іменників. Реалізація поставленої мети передбачає опис статусу дієслівних іменників у мовознавстві, вияснення термінологічного апарату, дове-дення дієслівного характеру цих утворень, порівняння дієслівної рекції у польській та українській мові, зокрема завдяки наявності категорій перехідності та валентності, встановленню спільних та відмінних ознак.Методи. Застосування зіставно-типологічного методу дало змогу порівняти семантико-синтаксичні особливості дієслів-них іменників двох споріднених мов. З метою систематизації, опису та узагальнення виявлених особливостей та відмінностей використовувалися методи дедукції та індукції.Результати. Дієслівні іменники на -nie, -cie // -ння, ття мають виражений дієслівний характер, про що свідчить зокрема і збереження дієслівної рекції, а саме: залежна від дієслівного іменника форма керованого іменника позначає об’єкт, як і при дієслові для вираження певних синтаксичних відношень. Рекція дієслівних іменників на -nie, -cie // -ння, ття виражається за допомогою категорії перехідності та валентності. Семантика перехідності / неперехідності дії віддієслівних іменників на рівні синтагматики впливає на їх сполучуваність і стає диференційною ознакою розрізнення компонентів семантичної парадигми багатозначного віддієслівного іменника. ДІ здебільшого мають таку саму валентність, як і твірне дієслово (з прийменником чи без), проте є ряд відмінностей, зокрема в прийменниковому керуванні. Низка польських дієслів може вживатися з додатком у формі дієслівного іменника, на відміну від української мови, що пов’язане з тим, що поляки сприймають світ більш ‘опред-мечено’, а українці мають органічну здатність бачити життя в динаміці, русі й передавати це дієсловом.Висновки. Малодослідженим та актуальним аспектом у сучасних мовознавчих дослідженнях є гібридні частини мови, зокрема в контексті структурно-семантичних відмінностей на тлі слов'янських мов. Дієслівні іменники є яскравим прикладом гібридності, оскільки поєднують у собі категорії, характерні різним класам слів, як наприклад, дієслівні граматичні категорії виду, стану та способу протиставляються іменниковим категоріям роду та відмінка.Ключові слова: валентність, перехідність / неперехідність, дієслівне керування, семантика.

Chiara Bassetti ◽  
Kenneth Liberman

Conversations among Italians often entail many-at-a-time rather than one-at-a-time speaking. This “talking together” is a deliberate aim of parties and a relevant aspect of their social life. It is a variant system for organizing ordinary talk. We describe how simultaneity is organized, how participants collaborate to maintain the orderliness of their interaction, and how, to do so, they listen to each other and continuously monitor talk for its content and its form. Following Simmel, we see this as a classic example of sociability, a play-form of sociation.

Werner Schenkel ◽  
Achim Gathmann

Abstract Technologies based on RNA interference (RNAi) may be used in plant production in different contexts. With respect to applicable regulations, a major distinction is to be made between plants producing small RNA molecules due to modifications of the genome and topically applied plant protection products (PPPs) based on double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). The first group may be further divided into those using RNAi technology to achieve changes in the plant's metabolism and those where plant-produced RNA molecules are intended to impact other organisms that interact with the plant. For PPPs, relevant aspects are whether the product contains living organisms or only purified molecules. The intended use of the product is another relevant aspect with respect to regulation. It is expected that PPPs will be among the first products utilizing the RNAi mechanism in the European Union. This chapter discusses the regulation of modified RNAi plants and the regulation of PPPs utilizing RNAi mechanisms.

M Dolores Méndez-Aparicio ◽  
María Pilar Martínez-Ruiz ◽  
Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta ◽  
Ana Isabel Jiménez-Zarco

Data science has established itself as a discipline of study in the new technological paradigm of the 21st century. Customer data and metadata are not only unique opportunities for companies that are interested in collecting, processing, and elaborating useful information for customer-centric business management. They are also starting to feed other disciplines, such as industry and computer engineering, which are developing new ways of organising information and intelligent response, where significant technological advances in facial, sensory, text, voice, and image recognition are constantly emerging, with response capabilities ever closer to human thinking. From this continuous interaction emerges a new asset for companies: knowledge. Thus, science applied to data is consolidating as an opportunity for companies in customer loyalty and retention by being able to include a relevant aspect in human relations such as warmth and empathy, basis of marketing 5.0, oriented once again towards human relations, from a virtual existence and total digitalisation.

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