verbal nouns
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2021 ◽  
Vol 101 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-252
Stephan Guth

Abstract This article reviews some key concepts of the Arab(ic) Nahḍah with the aim of highlighting the usefulness of a more genuinely linguistic, i.e., grammar- and etymology-oriented approach for a deeper understanding of some basic features of the foundational period of Arab modernity. My contention and starting-point is that the Nahḍah was, among other things, an era in which the Arab subject came to sense its own agency. This is reflected not only in the many phenomena we are used to associate with the Nahḍah — the emergence of the intellectual, of critical journalism, of historicism, sentimentalism, new literary genres, etc. — but also in the morpho-semantics of key Nahḍah terminology. I argue (a) that the self-referential t-morpheme that features in many words signifying important Nahḍah concepts, such as taraqqī, taqaddum, or tamaddun, can and should be seen in the same light, i.e., as an indicator of a new emphasis on the self. Moreover, I argue that both the grammatical form of the new vocabulary (e.g., the -iyyah suffix for abstracts, verbal nouns, the causative patterns of form II and IV) and its “original”, “basic” (root) meanings underline (b) secularisation and the concomitant centrality of the human being, as well as (c) proactivity, energetic verve, and creativity, i.e., the subject’s being a cause of change in time (hence history). Thus, each new conceptual term is a little ‘Nahḍah in a nutshell,’ containing the very essence of Nahḍawi thought and the actual experience of feeling “modern”.

2021 ◽  
pp. 79-86
Nataliya Shcherbij

The article deals with different approaches to identify the notions of verbal nouns. The main attention is given to the terms for the nomination of the verbal nouns and their classification. Verbal nouns are a clear example of hybridity as they combine categories typical for different classes of words. The verb nature of these formation is proved by the grammatical categories of aspect and number. Thus, two types of verb nouns are distinguished: predicate nouns, which are used only in the singular and imitate aspectual semantics, and subject nouns, which accordingly lose their aspect and can be used in the plural, they are divided into several semantic subtypes: terms, mode of action, condition, etc. The results of this comparison with examples from the modern Ukrainian and Polish literature are presented in the article, in particular regarding new formed examples, which are used in the Internet space.

2021 ◽  
Vol X (3) ◽  
pp. 74-80
Naira Bepievi ◽  

In diverse classes, that is, in classes in which multilingual students study, the difficulties that accompany the teaching of a second language (foreign language) should be taken into account. In schools where the Ossetian language is taught, Georgians learn this language together with Ossetian children. It is known that the Ossetian language belongs to the group of Indo-European languages and, naturally, differs from the Caucasian languages, although there are some similarities between them. This difference concerns both phonetics, morphology and syntax. In this work, we will touch upon some morphological and syntactic peculiarities, which should be known and taken into account when studying/teaching this language in diverse classes. In order to better guide the teaching/learning process, this work will analyze the ways and methods of overcoming grammatical difficulties. It should be taken into account the circumstance that in most Indo-European languages there is no category of behavior and contact. Comparative methods explain some of the characteristics of verbs, verbal nouns, prepositions, and other categories. In addition to theoretical material, the work will take into account practical exercises that will be of interest to both teachers and students.

SAGE Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 215824402110475
Abdulwahid Qasem Al Zumor

Self-translation of academic texts has received little attention thus far in literature, particularly in terms of how cross-linguistic features are rendered into target language. This study undertakes to examine the various linguistic strategies of rendering English passive structures by Arab academics when they translate their research articles’ abstracts (RAAs) into Arabic. Fifty-one English abstracts with their Arabic translations were collected from Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences journals published in different Arab universities. To analyze the collected data, #LancsBox 4.5 Lancaster University corpus tool was used to identify the English passive structures (208 instances) and to analyze some of their Arabic translations. The most interesting finding is that the Arabic linguistic alternatives diverge from the English passive structures and they include the use of Arabic active verbs, Arabic periphrastic constructions, Arabic passive verbs, and Arabic verbal nouns. The results cast a new light on the use of periphrastic structures. While the literature usually refers to the occurrence of this structure in journalistic Arabic, this study provides evidence of its occurrence in academic texts in almost 22% of the corpus. The increasing use of this strategy is a feature of Modern Standard Arabic as discovered in some corpora. The study supported the argument that Arabic does not avoid passive verb forms in academic discourse but expresses them by using stylistically different strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 75-81
N. A. Petrova

This article examines dynamic morphological processes – the transformation of the parts of speech (namely, attributive verbal forms and verbal nouns), as well as the syncretic cases of zero derivation on the example of young people’s speech. The author has employed the traditional complex method of analyzing the language material, which in turn has used the system of instrumental operations (synonymous rephrasing, downsizing, and opposition method; the latter allows examining the system connections of a word and their influence on the semantics of a word form), oriented towards developing the categorial value; the logico-syntactic and syntagmatic methods aided in determining the grammatical signs of language units. Using as an example the youth jargon, represented in the Dictionary of Colloquial Speech of the City of Arkhangelsk, this article shows the mechanism for transpositioning different word groups into interjections, where several lexem subgroups of the syncretic type function; in addition, the author identifies the basic directions for the different parts of speech transitioning turning into the evaluative vocabulary.

Shcherbii N.O.

The purpose of the article is to perform the comparative analysis of case government (rekcja) of Polish and Ukrainian verbal nouns. The fulfilment of this purpose requires describing the status of verbal nouns in linguistics, clarifying the terminological apparatus, proving the verbal nature of these formations, comparing case government in Polish and Ukrainian, in particular, due to the existence of categories of transitivity and valence as well as establishing common and distinctive features.Methods. The application of the comparative and typological method allows to compare the semantic and syntactic features of verbal nouns of two related languages. Methods of deduction and induction were used to systematize, describe and generalize the identified features and differences.Results. Verb nouns ending with -nie, -cie // -ння, ття possess a pronounced verbal nature, as evidenced by the preservation of the case government, namely: the form of the governed noun dependent on the verbal noun denotes the object to express certain syntactic relations like the one dependent on the verb. The case government of verb nouns ending with -nie, -cie // -ння, ття is expressed by the categories of transitivity and valence. At the level of syntagmatics, the semantics of transitive / intransitive action of verbal nouns affects their compatibility and becomes a defining feature for distinguishing components of the semantic paradigm of a polysemous verbal noun. VNs generally have the same valence as the root verb (with or without a preposition), but there are a number of differences, particularly in prepositional government. In contrast to Ukrainian, a number of Polish verbs can be used with an object in the form of a verbal noun due to the fact that Poles perceive the world more ‘object-based’, and Ukrainians have an organic ability to see life in dynamics, movement and convey it using verbs.Conclusions. Hybrid parts of language are a little-studied and relevant aspect in modern linguistic research, in particular in the context of structural and semantic differences against the background of Slavic languages. Verbal nouns are a clear example of hybridity as they combine categories typical for different classes of words, such as verbal grammatical categories of aspect, voice, mood, and transitivity / intransitivity as opposed to noun categories of gender and case.Key words: valence, transitivity / intransitivity, case government, semantics. Метою статті є зіставний аналіз сполучуваності (рекції) польських та українських дієслівних іменників. Реалізація поставленої мети передбачає опис статусу дієслівних іменників у мовознавстві, вияснення термінологічного апарату, дове-дення дієслівного характеру цих утворень, порівняння дієслівної рекції у польській та українській мові, зокрема завдяки наявності категорій перехідності та валентності, встановленню спільних та відмінних ознак.Методи. Застосування зіставно-типологічного методу дало змогу порівняти семантико-синтаксичні особливості дієслів-них іменників двох споріднених мов. З метою систематизації, опису та узагальнення виявлених особливостей та відмінностей використовувалися методи дедукції та індукції.Результати. Дієслівні іменники на -nie, -cie // -ння, ття мають виражений дієслівний характер, про що свідчить зокрема і збереження дієслівної рекції, а саме: залежна від дієслівного іменника форма керованого іменника позначає об’єкт, як і при дієслові для вираження певних синтаксичних відношень. Рекція дієслівних іменників на -nie, -cie // -ння, ття виражається за допомогою категорії перехідності та валентності. Семантика перехідності / неперехідності дії віддієслівних іменників на рівні синтагматики впливає на їх сполучуваність і стає диференційною ознакою розрізнення компонентів семантичної парадигми багатозначного віддієслівного іменника. ДІ здебільшого мають таку саму валентність, як і твірне дієслово (з прийменником чи без), проте є ряд відмінностей, зокрема в прийменниковому керуванні. Низка польських дієслів може вживатися з додатком у формі дієслівного іменника, на відміну від української мови, що пов’язане з тим, що поляки сприймають світ більш ‘опред-мечено’, а українці мають органічну здатність бачити життя в динаміці, русі й передавати це дієсловом.Висновки. Малодослідженим та актуальним аспектом у сучасних мовознавчих дослідженнях є гібридні частини мови, зокрема в контексті структурно-семантичних відмінностей на тлі слов'янських мов. Дієслівні іменники є яскравим прикладом гібридності, оскільки поєднують у собі категорії, характерні різним класам слів, як наприклад, дієслівні граматичні категорії виду, стану та способу протиставляються іменниковим категоріям роду та відмінка.Ключові слова: валентність, перехідність / неперехідність, дієслівне керування, семантика.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-22
Evgenia Avenirovna Aibabina

The article analyzes the popular names of smallpox and chicken pox, recorded in the “Dictionary of the Komi language dialects” (2012-2014). The semantics and the formal structure of the names are explored. The lexical units referring to smallpox include separate lexemes, which are verbal nouns formed by suffixation ( kokas' ), and compound names with two elements. The latter mostly implements the following model: "noun (in the nominative) + noun meaning ‘smallpox’, ‘disease’. The attributive component indicates the disease, its cause or the mode of transmission ( pis't'i vis'an, jen kokas', ru kokač' ). In the names of chicken pox, which, in accordance with the common notion, is a lighter variety of smallpox, compound constructions indicate the milder nature of the disease ( prestej kokas' ), and its source - the wind ( tev jyv kokač' ). The lexemes denoting smallpox ( kokač'/ kokas', pis't'i/ pis'ki ) are the base words of such phrases as well.

Dmitry Ganenkov ◽  
Timur Maisak

The chapter is a survey of the Nakh-Daghestanian family (also known as East Caucasian), one of the indigenous language families spoken in the Caucasus. The family comprises more than 30 languages, some of which are spoken by only a few hundred people and remain unwritten and/or underdescribed. The chapter provides general information about the sociolinguistic status of Nakh-Daghestanian languages and the history of their research as well as their phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicon. The languages of the family have rich consonant systems and are morphologically ergative, head-final, with rich case systems, complex verbal paradigms, and pervasive gender-number agreement. Alongside the major transitive and intransitive lexical verb classes, verbs of perception and cognition with the dative experiencer subject usually comprise one or more minor valency classes with non-canonically marked subjects. Among valency-increasing derivations, the causative is the most prominent. The most typical subordination strategies are non-finite, making use of participles, converbs, infinitives and verbal nouns.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-131
Mohanraj T

In Tamil Grammar, both the verbal participles and verbal nouns play different roles though both of them are derived from verbal roots. Verbal participles make verb phrases by adjoining with the following verbs whereas the verbal nouns act like any other nouns of Tamil language thereby become Subject in a sentence as well as take case markers. However, a close study in the syntactic functions of verbal participles and verbal nouns with case markers helps us to identify that there are instances in Tamil sentences or phrases that the verbal participles can be replaced with the verbal nouns with case markers. This article analyses the occurrences of such interchangeable phrase structures/sentences in Sangam Literature along with the commentaries as substantial evidences. Since these similarities can be found in Sangam Literature itself, this article considers the Verbal participles listed in Tolkappiyam for analysis. This article also gives valid syntactical evidences for not to consider ‘ceyaRku’ as one of the verbal participles listed in Tolkappiyam.

Anna A. Belyaeva ◽  
Kseniya S. Kardanova-Biryukova ◽  

The research is carried out within the framework of one of the fastest growing avenues of linguistic research and focuses on the pressing problems of Russian-to-English interpreting. Growing international contacts as well as the ever-increasing need for better interpretation skills determine the relevance of the research undertaken, with the ultimate goal to examine the specifics of verbal nouns in their attributive function such идея создания, вопросы возобновления, to analyze the most common compression strategies and tactics used by interpreters to convey them into English and draft guidelines for conference interpreting.

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