verbal noun
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2021 ◽  
pp. 92-105
Леонід Черноватий

The paper deals with the contrastive analysis of the Ukrainian (Ivan Ohiyenko) and English (King James Bible) translations of the Old Testament (Genesis, Chapter 1) with the purpose to establish their comparative lexical and stylistic features. The assessment of the stylistic devices in the Ukrainian (UTT) and English (ETT) target texts proves a high degree of their similarity. There is a considerable parallelism in the use of repetition, paraphrase, aphorisms, generic nouns, stylistically coloured lexemes, rhetorical address and homogenous elements’ structure. The polysyndeton is a distinctive feature of both texts as well as gradation and a systematic use of archaic or unusual words. The dissimilarities of the two texts include alliterative repetition in verse 10, a double-focus repetition and a weakened polysyndeton in verse 29 in ETT, repetition in ETT (verses 14-15) which appeared to be impossible in UTT due to the specifi c structure used there and the strengthened verb repetition in the refrain of each period in UTT. Other distinctions include a systematic use of the state verb (be) in ETT, whereas the UTT utilizes a range of dynamic verbs indicating the transition from one state to another; the use of two monotypic metaphors in ETT, as compared to neutral lexemes in UTT; or, conversely, the ETT counterpart of an elevated style word is stylistically neutral in UTT. Another divergence is the use of parceling in ETT, which shifts the stylistic emphasis to the parceled fragment, while in the UTT the preference is given to the double synonymic structure; the use of archaism, metaphor and synecdoche in ETT whereas they are absent in UTT. Other unilaterally used stylistic devices include personifi cation in ETT versus alliteration and assonance in UTT; the use of an infi nitive stricture in ETT and a verbal noun in UTT to render purpose; greater variability of attributes (prepositional, postpositional, subordinate clauses), as well as lexical stylistic means in UTT; greater phonetic and lexical diversity of generalizing attributes in UTT. Overall, a somewhat greater variety of lexical stylistic means in UTT may be assumed, although it can hardly be regarded as the latter’s advantage because the standards of stylistic acceptability substantially vary in diff erent languages and cultures. The scope of further research is outlined. Key words: English and Ukrainian languages, Bible (Genesis), comparative stylistics, comparative lexicology, confessional style, teaching translation and interpreting, comparative lexical and stylistic analysis, lexical and stylistic features.

Shcherbii N.O.

The purpose of the article is to perform the comparative analysis of case government (rekcja) of Polish and Ukrainian verbal nouns. The fulfilment of this purpose requires describing the status of verbal nouns in linguistics, clarifying the terminological apparatus, proving the verbal nature of these formations, comparing case government in Polish and Ukrainian, in particular, due to the existence of categories of transitivity and valence as well as establishing common and distinctive features.Methods. The application of the comparative and typological method allows to compare the semantic and syntactic features of verbal nouns of two related languages. Methods of deduction and induction were used to systematize, describe and generalize the identified features and differences.Results. Verb nouns ending with -nie, -cie // -ння, ття possess a pronounced verbal nature, as evidenced by the preservation of the case government, namely: the form of the governed noun dependent on the verbal noun denotes the object to express certain syntactic relations like the one dependent on the verb. The case government of verb nouns ending with -nie, -cie // -ння, ття is expressed by the categories of transitivity and valence. At the level of syntagmatics, the semantics of transitive / intransitive action of verbal nouns affects their compatibility and becomes a defining feature for distinguishing components of the semantic paradigm of a polysemous verbal noun. VNs generally have the same valence as the root verb (with or without a preposition), but there are a number of differences, particularly in prepositional government. In contrast to Ukrainian, a number of Polish verbs can be used with an object in the form of a verbal noun due to the fact that Poles perceive the world more ‘object-based’, and Ukrainians have an organic ability to see life in dynamics, movement and convey it using verbs.Conclusions. Hybrid parts of language are a little-studied and relevant aspect in modern linguistic research, in particular in the context of structural and semantic differences against the background of Slavic languages. Verbal nouns are a clear example of hybridity as they combine categories typical for different classes of words, such as verbal grammatical categories of aspect, voice, mood, and transitivity / intransitivity as opposed to noun categories of gender and case.Key words: valence, transitivity / intransitivity, case government, semantics. Метою статті є зіставний аналіз сполучуваності (рекції) польських та українських дієслівних іменників. Реалізація поставленої мети передбачає опис статусу дієслівних іменників у мовознавстві, вияснення термінологічного апарату, дове-дення дієслівного характеру цих утворень, порівняння дієслівної рекції у польській та українській мові, зокрема завдяки наявності категорій перехідності та валентності, встановленню спільних та відмінних ознак.Методи. Застосування зіставно-типологічного методу дало змогу порівняти семантико-синтаксичні особливості дієслів-них іменників двох споріднених мов. З метою систематизації, опису та узагальнення виявлених особливостей та відмінностей використовувалися методи дедукції та індукції.Результати. Дієслівні іменники на -nie, -cie // -ння, ття мають виражений дієслівний характер, про що свідчить зокрема і збереження дієслівної рекції, а саме: залежна від дієслівного іменника форма керованого іменника позначає об’єкт, як і при дієслові для вираження певних синтаксичних відношень. Рекція дієслівних іменників на -nie, -cie // -ння, ття виражається за допомогою категорії перехідності та валентності. Семантика перехідності / неперехідності дії віддієслівних іменників на рівні синтагматики впливає на їх сполучуваність і стає диференційною ознакою розрізнення компонентів семантичної парадигми багатозначного віддієслівного іменника. ДІ здебільшого мають таку саму валентність, як і твірне дієслово (з прийменником чи без), проте є ряд відмінностей, зокрема в прийменниковому керуванні. Низка польських дієслів може вживатися з додатком у формі дієслівного іменника, на відміну від української мови, що пов’язане з тим, що поляки сприймають світ більш ‘опред-мечено’, а українці мають органічну здатність бачити життя в динаміці, русі й передавати це дієсловом.Висновки. Малодослідженим та актуальним аспектом у сучасних мовознавчих дослідженнях є гібридні частини мови, зокрема в контексті структурно-семантичних відмінностей на тлі слов'янських мов. Дієслівні іменники є яскравим прикладом гібридності, оскільки поєднують у собі категорії, характерні різним класам слів, як наприклад, дієслівні граматичні категорії виду, стану та способу протиставляються іменниковим категоріям роду та відмінка.Ключові слова: валентність, перехідність / неперехідність, дієслівне керування, семантика.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rok Sim ◽  
Stanley Dubinsky

Despite similar argument structure, the syntax of English need and Korean philyo contrasts, illuminating differences in lexical derivation and insertion of argument-taking elements. Verbs need, require, deserve, want, and bear take gerundive complements that are "understood passively" (Jesperson 1927/1954:112[9.23]) and called concealed passive constructions (CPCs) (Huddleston and Pullum 2002:1429). In this paper, we argue that in English, the gerund CPC object of need is a lexically passivized V that takes a nominalizing derivational -ing affix, whereas in Korean, the CPC object of philyo is a verbal noun, directly inserted as a complement of the verb without derivation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 5-31
Natalja A. Aksarina ◽  
Larisa V. Basova ◽  

This article analyzes the system of meanings of the preposition putyom in modern discourse, describes the features of the semantic composition in each meaning, traces semantic links of the selected meanings with the productive name and provides their lexicographic description. The analyzed material included 609 documents of the main corpus of the Russian National Corpus for 2009–2019. The search was performed on a user subcorpus of 6,555 documents which amounted to 13,596,479 words. The complex study of 330 usage samples of the preposition putyom by means of contextual and component analyses has revealed that 167 of them were substantive, 13 adverbial and 150 prepositional ones. The lexicographic identifiers used were as follows: 1) recurrent links with the context, determining the lexico-semantic valence of the preposition putyom; 2) grammatical valence, implemented in specific syntactic links; 3) the possibility of lexical and grammatical replacement of constructions with the preposition putyom by an adverbial participle and a noun in the instrumental case; 4) possible partial synonymy relations; 5) data from lexicographic sources. The range of partial synonyms was established in accordance with the definitions in explanatory dictionaries. The analysis has shown seven meanings of the preposition putyom,grammarticalized in varying degrees, with differentiable semantic and compatibility features. Characteristic valences as well as semantic functions have been determined for each meaning and a dictionary entry proposed. It has been established that the “left” component of the preposition putyom in any implementation is a verb form or a verbal noun with procedural or productive semantics, while the “right” one is a verbal noun with procedural or effective semantics. The polysemy of the preposition putyom is predetermined by a change in hierarchy when contextual conditions change. All the meanings of the preposition putyom have a common motivating base, i.e. the 6th meaning of the noun put’ (way). The polysemy of the preposition putyom is caused by the initial semantic potential of the motivating meaning. The preposition putyom is motivated by both explicit and implicit semes of the meaning-generating noun put’ and in implication inherits the semes of its primary meaning. In all the meanings it retains this “mode of action” inherited from the motivating meaning of the noun put’. In six of seven meanings, it enters into a partial synonymy only with derivative prepositions of the genitive and dative cases and is semantically identified in these relations. The partial nature of synonymy indicates the insufficiency of a synonymous definition and requires a descriptive component inclusion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 59 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 145-160
Giovanbattista Galdi

SummarySupport verb constructions are documented throughout the history of Latin. These syntagms are characterized by the presence of a support verb with a more or less reduced semantic force, and a predicative (abstract or verbal) noun that often constitutes its direct object. The present contribution deals, specifically, with the use of facio as a support verb (as in bellum facere, iter facere, insidias facere etc.), focussing on the post-classical and late period. Two main questions shall be discussed: (a) whether, and if so, how facio becomes more productive in later centuries in both non-Christian and Christian sources; (b) what type of semantic evolution the verb undergoes in later Latin and whether, in this respect, continuity or rupture should be assumed with regard to the earlier period. This last point will enable us to suggest a more convincing explanation of an often-quoted passage of Cicero (Phil. 3. 22), in which the expression contumeliam facere is found.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-150
Edit Doron

Abstract The paper proposes that the same functional categories which determine the inflection of the Biblical Hebrew finite verb also determine the feature specification of the Biblical Hebrew infinitive. This proposal depends both on demonstrating that the infinitive is a verb, rather than a noun (or a verbal noun), as traditionally assumed, and on showing that the functional categories that embed the infinitive are clausal rather than nominal. The article starts by examining the traditional distinction between the Infinitive Absolute and Infinitive Construct, and makes an argument for a single infinitive, with two allomorphs. The former is a verb marked as [+Mood], while the latter is marked as [–Mood], and both are also specified for two other clausal functional categories: T and Asp/Mod. These two latter categories determine a 4-way classification of finite/infinitival verbs: [+T+Asp/Mod], [+T–Asp/Mod], [–T+Asp/Mod], [–T–Asp/Mod]. This classification determines a concomitant 4-way alternation of attachment options of subject and/or object clitics to the verb: [], [–], [–], [––], and moreover accounts for the distribution of the different verb forms.

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (- 2) ◽  
pp. 245-266
Dr. Aliya Akram

 In Arabic language the source from which all nouns and verbs are derived is called  (المصدر). Verbal noun (Al-Masdar:  (المصدر  is a very important derivative in Arabic. It is a noun derived from the verb to refer to the action or activity implied in the verb, e. g.  ((كتابة   “writing” as a process- derived from the verb (كتب) to  “write”. A verbal noun represents a change in the form of a verb which allows it to be used as a noun in a sentence. Verbal noun is a type of noun which can bear the article (ال) or tanwin   (تنوين ) and can be declined according to the sentence i.e. nominative, accusative and genitive case. This article deals with the verbal nouns in the Holy Quran that appeared once in the nominative case and in other Qiraat it was read as accusative case. For e.g. (Al-Hamd) is read as nominative and accusative form. الرفع على قراءة حفص: ( الحمدُ لله رب العالمين ) و فى قراءة أخرى : ( الحمدَ لله رب العالمين ) Likewise other examples are: (سورةٌ أنزلناها )- (سورةً أنزلناها) (سلامٌ عليك)- (سلامًا عليك) Similarly : النصب على قراءة حفص: ( و بالوالدين إحسانًا) و فى قراءة أخرى : ( و بالوالدين إحسانٌ) Thus, the article highlights the semantic treasures embedded in the Qiraat of the Holy-Quran.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 168-189
Bair Z. Nanzatov ◽  
Vladimir V. Tishin ◽  

In academic and unspecialized literature related to the ethnogenesis and ethnic history of the Buryats, the two ethnonyms Bayïrqu ~ Bayarqu, known in the Old Turkic period, and Barγu ~ Barqu, first recorded in the early 13th century, have been commonly regarded as corresponding forms, phonetically or, at least, semantically. This position fit well into the ideas about the ethnic continuity in the history of the population of the Baikal region at different stages. Once hypothetically suggested, this point of view established itself in historiography. But although accepted by many authors, this position has never been subjected to verification or philological criticism. The article aims to reconsider and dispel this misconception. The authors give philological evidence to prove that treating the ethnonyms Bayïrqu ~ Bayarqu and Barγu ~ Barqu as phonetic forms of one word at different historical stages is completely ungrounded. Specifically, the study shows that there are no phonetic rules, known at least for Altaic languages, to argue the transformation of forms Bayïrqu and Bayarqu, attested in written sources of the 8th–10th centuries, to Barγu known since the 13th century. The authors also consider different versions of the etymology of each of these ethnonyms, based on the materials of the Turkic and Mongolic languages. The name Bayïrqu ~ Bayarqu must be derived from the stem bay+u- ~ bay+ï- ‘to be or become rich’ and is likely a verbal noun with the meaning ‘enrich (Acc.)’. Contrary, the ethnonym barγu is attested among Mongolic peoples and displays parallels in the ethnonymy of the Turkic peoples in the forms of Barγï, Barqï. It can be either a Turkic borrowing or an original Mongolic formation, in both cases representing a verbal noun from the stem bar-.

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