creative insight
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Anatoliy Bychkov

Pedagogical expertise is considered as a system-forming scientific technology in education, which has a significant impact on the practice of teaching and the formation of a creative personality, actually becoming a method of scientific cognition in the context of improving the quality of education. It is advisable to design all programs of higher pedagogical education according to the deductive principle-from the general content component presented in the structure of technologies of pedagogical expertise of educational projects and programs, to private methodological practice-oriented recommendations proposed by experts as an indicative basis for teacher actions. The role of an expert and his personal qualities are of particular importance in the composition of pedagogical expertise. Based on the professional analysis of the expert's activity, his personal portrait is formed. In pedagogical expertise, the ratio of the objective (various normative documents regulating the activities of an expert) and the subjective is crucial, when the quality of the examination depends on the competence, experience of an expert specialist, his wisdom, intuition and creative insight. The analytical review of the mistakes of pedagogical experts should be used as the basis of the methodology for training teachers and expert specialists in the field of education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Marika Guggisberg ◽  
Simone Bottino ◽  
Christopher M. Doran

Sexual violence is a concerning public health and criminal justice problem. Even though extensive literature has linked sexual victimization to a multitude of mental and physical problems, some victim/survivors recover and are able to lead lives without notable negative impacts. Little is known about women who experienced posttraumatic growth following sexual victimization. This review brings together knowledge accumulated in the academic literature in the past decade. It was informed by the PRISMA-P guidelines. Databases were searched using a combination of keywords to locate original peer-reviewed research articles published between January 2010 and October 2020 focusing on posttraumatic growth following sexual victimization. The initial search identified 6,187 articles with 265 articles being read in full, identifying 41 articles that were included in the analysis. The results suggest that recovery from sexual victimization is possible with the healing process being idiosyncratic. Victim/survivors employed various strategies resulting in higher degrees of functioning, which were termed growth. Following a synthesis of themes that emerged from the thematic analysis, a higher order abstraction, using creative insight through reflexivity, discussions among the research team and consistent interpretation and re-interpretation of the identified themes as a second stage analysis, resulted in the identification of two superordinate topics “relationship to self” and “relationship to others.” Findings indicated that women engaged in deliberate introspection to connect with themselves and utilized altruistic actions and activism in an attempt to prevent further sexual victimization Helping victim/survivors deal with the sexual violence facilitated growth as a collective. We concluded that helping others may be a therapeutic vehicle for PTG. Given research in this area remains in its infancy, further investigation is urgently needed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 72-79
Thomas E. Schindler

This chapter describes how Esther Lederberg, in daring to re-purpose her compact makeup pad as a kind of ink stamp, developed the new Replica Plating Technique but later her husband Joshua seemed to claim sole credit for this discovery. The Lederbergs demonstrated the effectiveness of the new plating technique in their study of spontaneous bacterial mutations, using the technique to resolve a longstanding question of bacterial mutations: Did mutations occur spontaneously or was some other process of adaptation involved? While at first, Joshua defended Esther’s co-equal contribution to the invention of replica plating, in later publications, he seemed to claim sole credit, by ignoring her contributions. This is a classic example of the Matilda Effect, when a male colleague is given sole credit for an invention by unfairly ignoring the female colleague’s contribution. Some of the Lederbergs’ colleagues recognize Esther as the primary inventor of replica plating, since she had the reputation of an experimental genius; others assumed that the creative insight was Joshua’s.

ZDM ◽  
2020 ◽  
John Mason

Abstract Aspects of noticing which are often overlooked are brought to the surface and illustrated by accounting-for three accounts-of specific phenomena, two of which readers are invited to experience for themselves. These are used as a springboard for both illustrating the Discipline of Noticing as a method of sensitising oneself to notice possibilities for action, and reporting insights achieved through its use. This includes augmenting the discourse of Dual Systems Theory to include S1.5 (emotion) and S3 (creative insight) and linking it to a six-fold structure of the human psyche (enaction, affect, cognition, attention, will and witness). The aim is to enrich the discourse in which to account-for incidents as experienced by teachers themselves, and incidents observed by teachers and other researchers. The paper ends by distinguishing between measurement-based research validation, and phenomenologically-based validation which is part of the discipline of noticing.

2020 ◽  
Estelle Michinov ◽  
Nicolas Michinov

With the COVID-19 outbreak, the population was suddenly forced to “stay at home”. Although research suggests that social isolation affects health and wellbeing, reactions may vary depending on individuals, and their preference for solitude. This study aimed to identify personality profiles, and examine whether these profiles were associated with affective and cognitive outcomes. French respondents (N = 430) filled in an online questionnaire during the lockdown in Spring 2020. The questionnaire comprised information on lockdown conditions, measures of psychological adjustment and performance on a series of creative tasks. Based on measures of individuals’ preference for solitude, extraversion, emotional stability and openness, the cluster analysis revealed three profiles: “Affiliation”, “Emotionally Stable Lonely” and “Emotionally Unstable Lonely”. Results showed that individuals with “Affiliation” and “Emotionally Unstable Lonely” profile expressed higher stress and anxiety, and the latter performed better on a divergent creative thinking task. By contrast, those with an “Emotionally Stable Lonely” profile expressed a lower level of loneliness, and performed better on a creative insight task. These findings reveal the importance of personality profiles in psychological reactions during lockdowns. With this knowledge, health professionals could develop appropriate interventions to accompany high-risk individuals in situations of social isolation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1321103X1989916
Georgia Volioti ◽  
Aaron Williamon

How we listen to music and respond to its media and contexts has changed significantly since the invention of sound recording. Today’s musicians have countless opportunities to listen to others’ interpretations given the vast availability of past and contemporary repertories through the global reach of recordings. This study investigated the extent to which the growing archive of recordings provides a valuable resource for performers’ creativity. Although musical performance is a particularly porous domain for influence through either deliberate or spontaneous assimilation of expressive variation from other aural sources, little empirical research exists on influence in performance and specifically on the influence of recordings. Qualitative data were obtained via an online questionnaire to identify how and in what ways the use and influence of recordings have changed over the course of classical performers’ training or professional careers. Respondents’ ( N = 130) comments were analysed using a thematic inductive approach. The emerging themes reveal an overall increased level of use of recordings now relative to the past, a largely positive contribution of recordings in shaping musical development, including the role of recordings in self-regulated learning, a largely positive attitude to the influence of others’ interpretations, a means of developing expressions of self-identity in relation to others and a route to acquiring a more critical and discerning mode of listening to recordings. Implications for music education are discussed in terms of how listening to recordings, in both formal and informal learning contexts, could support advanced musicians’ learning through trial and error, enhance creative insight, strengthen self-efficacy, foster metacognitive skills and nurture individuality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-93
Jinghuan Zhang ◽  
Shun Zhang


A rhombicosidodecahedron (an Archimedean solid with 30 square, 20 triangles, and 12 pentagon faces) was redeemed from 60 pieces by modular origami. This study used a qualitative research case study as it asked about how participants experienced this construction process of rhombicosidodecahedron. Preservice primary mathematics teachers from a mathematics and art course were participants of the study.  Additionally, one student; the first student who came out with the totally symmetric and no damaged object was interviewed for the assembly process. Mathematical thinking throughout the process was noted. Student brought her/his previous experiences as much as specific aptıtudes. Student took this project as a creative writing piece so that the process gone through similar phases as intro, progress, and artifact. Deformations and sinking occurred but student investigated the specifics of the real mathematical object did it without a fault. To deal with problems occurred in the phases; students used a creative insight as using paperclips to attach modules and assembly of half spheres. Two main processes; organizational and structural took place in the creative model formation and assembly. Suggestions and future studies are also discussed.  

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