brown forest soil
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V. J. Vojnich ◽  
Á. Ferencz

Purpose. Regarding the area of maize in Hungary, we can state that it is one of the largest crops grown in the area. Maize was grown on 1,048,070 hectares in Hungary in 2019. The purchase price depends, among other things, on the size of the sown area and the yields, but many other things can also have an impact in either a positive or negative direction. In recent years, the purchase price of maize has been around HUF 50,000/tonne. Maize is one of the heat-demanding plants that needs 500 mm of rainfall during its growing season to develop smoothly. The expected yield is significantly influenced by the type of soil grown. Meadow chernozem and brown forest soil are the most favorable for maize. Methods. The maize was sown on April 17, 2020. In the experimental area were selected 5 squares. A square has a floor area of 4 m2. In the research area were conducted three weed surveys. The dates were: May 18, June 22, and July 29, 2020. The following herbicides were released on 15th May: Sulcotrek (sulcotrione and terbuthylazine); Tegoplant (trisiloxane); Trend (adjuvant). Results. The area was harvested on 21 September by a combine harvester equipped with a corn tube breaker adapter. From an area of one hectare, 9.4 tons of crops were harvested with a moisture content of 14%. Conclusions. In the case of chemical weed control, it is recommended to use an agent or combination which is specifically aimed at reducing unwanted, in this case pine sorghum.

Lyudmila V. Sudina ◽  
Sergey I. Kolesnikov ◽  
Tatiana V. Minnikova ◽  
Tigran A. Ter-Misakyants ◽  
Еlena N. Nevedomaya ◽  

The results of studies of changes in the activity of catalase in ordinary chernozem, brown forest soil and sierosands under pollution with different of the bismuth chemical compounds: bismuth oxide, carbonate and nitrate are presented. It has been established that bismuth contamination of different types of soils reduces catalase activity, regardless of the chemical compounds. The toxicity of bismuth increases with an increase in the dose applied to the soil. Based on the chemical bismuth compounds, the average toxicity series for soils by catalase activity is as follows: bismuth nitrate (86)> bismuth carbonate (90) ≥ bismuth oxide (93). The greatest ecotoxicity is shown by bismuth nitrate due to its good solubility and greater mobility in the soil solution of Bi3+. The bismuth oxide showed slightly less negative effects. The series of soil sensitivity to bismuth pollution has the following sequence: ordinary chernozem (95) > sierosands (89) ≥ brown forest soil (86). The most resistant to contamination with bismuth soil is ordinary chernozem, and the most sensitive soil is brown forest soil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-64
Kocsis Mihály ◽  
Menyhárt László ◽  
Benő András És ◽  
hermann Tamás

Vizsgálatunk célja az volt, hogy egy Somogyban elhelyezkedő, dombvidéki mintaterület szántóin elemezzük a mért talaj-vezetőképesség (EC) értékek és lehatárolt termőhelyi (művelési) zónák talajtulajdonságai közötti összefüggéseket. A vizsgált szántóterületek löszön kialakult, típusos Ramann-féle barna erdőtalajon és karbonátos csernozjom barna erdőtalajon helyezkednek el. Feltalajuk döntően vályog és agyagos vályog fizikai féleségű. A talaj vezetőképességét 50 és 100 cm-es talajmélységben mértük.A mintaterület talajadatait térinformatikai állományba foglaltuk, az adatok rendezését és azok összekapcsolását az ESRI ArcGIS 10.0 programmal végeztük el. A táblák heterogenitását mutató laboratóriumi talajvizsgálatok eredményeit a mért EC értékekkel összevetettük, amelyhez az IBM SPSS Statistics 20 szoftver segítségével stepwise-típusú lineáris regressziót alkalmaztunk. A regressziókat a talajvizsgálatok csoportosításával megegyezően: alap („a” eset), bővített („b” eset) és teljeskörű („c”eset) alapján futtattuk le. A számításoknál az „a” eset a talajtulajdonságokat meghatározó fontosabb talajparaméterek (kötöttség, humusz- és mésztartalom, kémhatás), a „b” eset az alap talajparamétereket és a makro tápanyagok (NPK ellátottságot), valamint a „c” eset az előző kettőt és mikro tápanyagok (Mg2+, Na+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, SO42–, Fe2+ + Fe3+) körét jelenti.A különböző csoportosításban elvégzett elemzések során arra voltunk kíváncsiak, hogy a vizsgálati talajparaméterek körének változtatásával szorosabb kapcsolatokat találunk-e a mért átlagos EC értékek és a talajtulajdonságok között. Az eredményeink által kaphatunk-e olyan kellő pontosságú és megbízhatóságú becslőmodellt, amely a talajok térbeli heterogenitását megmutatja az EC értékek alapján, így a módszer nagyban meggyorsíthatja és leegyszerűsítheti a „hagyományos” talajvizsgálatokhoz képest a termőhelyi zónák elkülönítését.A vizsgálati eredményeink alapján elmondható, hogy mindhárom regressziós csoportosítás esetén a tengerszint feletti magasság csökkenésével arányosan nő a talaj-vezetőképesség, illetve az EC értékek növekedésével nő a talajok kötöttsége, amellyel együtt növekszik az agyagtartalom is. Ez a folyamat 100 cm-es talajmélységben a nagyobb víztartalom miatt erőteljesebben jelentkezik, mint az 50 cm-es talajmélységben. A termőhelyi zónák termékenységi viszonyait az elsődleges talajtulajdonságokon, illetve a makro és a mikro tápanyag-ellátottságokon kívül a domborzati viszonyok is módosíthatják. A talajellenállás mérése bárki számára elérhető, gyors és egyszerű módszer. A laboratóriumi talajvizsgálatokat kiegészítve alkalmas arra, hogy a precíziós növénytermesztésben segítséget nyújtson a termőhelyi zónák lehatárolásában.Our aim was to analyse the relationships between the measured soil electrical conductivity (EC) and the soil properties of different delimited production (tillage) zones in a hillside sample area situated in Somogy county. The examined arable lands are situated in typical Ramann-type brown forest soil and chernozem-brown forest soil mostly with loam and clay loam formed on loess. For the investigations, two soil resistance values (measured at 50 cm and 100 cm depth) were used.Soil data of the sample area were incorporated into a GIS file, the ordering and connection of the data was performed by ESRI ArcGIS 10.0 program. The results of the soil laboratory tests (which show soil heterogeneity) were correlated to the measured EC-values with stepwise linear regression using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software. The regression were run in line with the alignment of soil investigations: basic (case „a”), extended (case „b”) and completed (case „c”). By the calculations, case „a” means the group of the most important soil parameters which are determinative soil characteristics (upper limit of plasticity or KA, humus-, lime content, pH), case „b” means the previous one plus the group of macronutrients (NPK-content), while case „c” means case „b” plus the group of micronutrients (Mg2+, Na+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, SO42–, Fe2+ + Fe3+).With the analyses made in different alignments our aim was to determine whether with the changing of examined soil parameters there will be tighter relationships between the measured EC-values and soil properties. Further aim was to examine whether it is possible to make a properly accurate and reliable estimation model, which can show the real soil circumstances (spatial heterogeneity of soils) based on EC-values, since this method can accelerate and simplify the separation of productivity zones compared to the conventional soil examinations.Based on the results it can be concluded that in case of all the three regression groups the electrical conductivity increases proportionally with the decreasing of elevation. Besides, with the increasing of EC-values the KA – and with it, the clay content also – increases. This process develops in a more significant way in the depth of 100 cm than in 50 cm because of the higher water content. Besides the primary soil characteristics and the amount of macro- and micronutrients, the fertility conditions of the production zones can be affected by the geographical circumstances as well. The measurement of soil resistance is a fast, easy and generally available method, which is suitable – with the completion of laboratory examinations – for giving assistance to delineate the production zones in the precision crop production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 265 ◽  
pp. 05007
Lyudmila Sudina ◽  
Sergey Kolesnikov ◽  
Tatiana Minnikova ◽  
Tigran Ter-Misakyants ◽  
Helena Nevedomaya ◽  

The results of the study of the ecotoxicity of bismuth on ordinary chernozem, brown forest soils and sierosands along the length of radish roots are presented. Small doses of 1.5-3 mg/kg of bismuth stimulated the growth of radish roots on ordinary chernozem. The maximum toxicity of bismuth carbonate and nitrate at a dose of 300 mg / kg was established on sierosands (reduction in the length of radish roots by 43% of the control). Bismuth carbonate 300 mg/kg showed the greatest toxicity when applied to ordinary chernozem and brown forest soil and reduced the length of radish roots by 31 and 44% of control, respectively. The series of toxicity ((on radish’s root length) of chemical forms of bismuth for soils forms the following sequence: bismuth carbonate (84) ≥ bismuth nitrate (86) > bismuth oxide (90). The toxic effect of bismuth depends on the form and concentration of bismuth in the soil,the particle-size composition, the reaction of the soil environment and the content of organic matter in the soil.

N.I. Tsepina ◽  
T.V. Minnikova ◽  
S.I. Kolesnikov ◽  
K.Sh. Kazeev

The effect of silver pollution on the phytotoxicity of soils of varying degrees of resistance: chernozems, sierosands and brown forest soils was investigated. A direct relationship was observed between the concentration of the element in the soil and the length of the radish roots. At a silver concentration of 10 mg/kg, the highest toxicity was established on sulphurous sand and brown forest soil. A dose of 100 mg/kg had the greatest inhibitory effect on the length of the roots of radishes grown on ordinary chernozem, sierosands, and brown forest soil at 17, 24, and 29 % of the control, respectively. According to the degree of resistance to silver pollution, according to the radish root length indicator, the studied soils form the following series: ordinary chernozem (90) ≥ sierosands (88) > brown forest soil (81). The toxic effect of silver depends on the concentration of the element in the soil, the particle size distribution, the reaction of the soil environment and the content of organic matter in the soil. The greatest resistance of common chernozem to silver contamination is due to the particle size distribution, high humus content (3.7 %) and neutral alkaline-acid conditions (pH = 7.8). The light particle size distribution of the sierosands does not provide a sufficient absorption capacity for fixing silver in the soil. Brown forest soil is most sensitive to silver, as it has an acidic soil reaction (pH = 5.8), in which this element is mobile and has a toxic effect on the radish root system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-81
Klára Czakó-Vér ◽  
Dávid Somfai ◽  
Erzsébet Suhajda ◽  
Márk Strasszer ◽  
Gyula Árvay ◽  

As organic manure is becoming less available, using different materials as soil fertilizers and the application of the inorganic fertilizers raises many questions. Therefore, it is increasingly important to use compost and biogas digestate to improve soil quality. The activity of the microbial communities ensures the fertility of the soil. One of the most important enzymes is dehydrogenase. This enzyme group catalyses the hydrogen transfer in the process of biological oxidation. Our aim was to examine the effect of biogas digestate on dehydrogenase enzyme activity (DHA) in 3 different types of soil. Hungarian standard method was used to evaluate DHA. The applied biogas digestate was obtained from the Kaposvár Sugar Factory of Hungarian Sugar Ltd. The dose is equal to 16,7 m3ha-1 and 533 kg organic matterha-1. The treatment was performed in three different groups of soil: brown forest soil, calcareous chernozem and carbonate meadow soil. The results showed an increase in DHA in all types of soil. DHA values were the highest in case of the carbonate meadow soil, specifically 0.337 mg formazan/1 g soil/24 h immediately after the treatment and 0.410 after 28 days. A critical aspect to consider during the construction of biogas plants is the soil protection agency’s ban on using soil fertilizers during the winter months. Analysis carried out according to the protocol of sewage sludge examination revealed that biofermentate produced during biogas generation does not contain any environmentally harmful components. After the elaboration of a soil protection plan, the recommended way to apply biogas digestate to arable land is via injectors.  

Pedosphere ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 810-818 ◽  
Lulu GAO ◽  
Xicun ZHU ◽  
Zhaoying HAN ◽  
Ling WANG ◽  
Gengxing ZHAO ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (6) ◽  
pp. 550-556 ◽  
Yasuo Iimura ◽  
Masaaki Natsuhara ◽  
Toshiyuki Ohtsuka ◽  
Mitsutoshi Tomotsune ◽  
Shinpei Yoshitake ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 657-660
Tapas Kumar Pandit ◽  
Saikat Mookherjee ◽  
Tapas Kumar Hembram ◽  
Jyotirmay Karforma

An on-farm trial was conducted in the farmers’ field during 2013-14 and 2014-15 to assess the technology of application of sulphur on Toria (Brassica campestrisvar. toria)along with soil test based nutrient management practice under rain-fed condition at brown forest soil of the Himalayan range of West Bengal. The experiment was conducted at the seven villages namely Bong Busty, Charkhol, Sangsey, Bungkulung, Sakyong, Pudung, Didabling of Kalimpong district at an altitude ranged between 1210 m to 1300m . Significantly higher values of no. of primary branches (9.78); no. of siliquaplant-1 (82.12); no. of seeds siliqua-1 (35.51) as well as seed yield (1023 kg ha-1) were recorded with soil test based nutrient management practice along with soil application of sulphur (80%) @ 20kg ha-1as basal compared to the farmers’ practice. The soil application of sulphur and soil test based nutrient management practice also fetched higher return per rupee invested (1.61) compared to the other treatments. No remarkable change was observed in soil fertility status after two years of experimentation. As it was an adoptive trial with the participation of farmers, the necessity of soil test based nutrient management practice and application of sulphur have been well realized by the participating farmers.

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